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Seeing Is Believing

Jim Melvin Author Interview

Do You Believe in Monsters? follows a thirteen-year-old boy who discovers a magical world hidden in the forest, where he transforms into a powerful wizard, leading him to question what world he belongs in. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The series is titled Dark Circles for a variety of reasons, some obvious and some more subtle. One of the obvious reasons is that in the fantasy world, it is dangerous for Charlie (the 13-year-old mentioned in your question) and his friends to succumb to sleep because the evil being who haunts the fantasy world attacks them in their dreams. Therefore, they are marked with dark circles under their eyes from going several days without sleep.

Charlie starts out as a timid boy, often bullied, who starts to gain some confidence after discovering his magical abilities. What trials did you feel were important to highlight the character’s development?

This question cuts to the core of Dark Circles. In the “real” world, Charlie is skinny and relatively weak and therefore has to rely on a healthy dose of pragmatism to survive. In the “fantasy” world, Charlie has been gifted extraordinary powers and therefore has to temper his pragmatism in order to truly believe that his new powers are real. Only then can he unleash their full potential. Seeing is believing.

In fantasy novels, it’s easy to get carried away with the magical powers characters have. How did you balance the use of supernatural powers?

Fantasy novelists balance this in several different ways: 1) The main characters’ powers emerge slowly, often taking half the series or more to master them. 2) The MCs’ powers emerge quickly, but the characters don’t trust them or understand how to wield them until deep into the series. 3) The MCs quickly master their powers but discover they are dwarfed by the powers wielded by the evil beings they are destined to encounter.

Many readers might disagree with me on this, but I’m not a big fan of number 1. As a reader, I find it frustrating. Therefore, my series is a combination of numbers 2 and 3.

Can you tell us more about what’s in store for Charlie Magus and the direction of the third book?

The quick answer is that you can find out for yourself because book 3 (Do You Believe in Miracles?) debuted April 21, 2024. 😀 But here is a breakdown of how the series unfolds:

Book 1 (Do You Believe in Magic?) focuses heavily on the real world, enhancing character development but also drawing a stark contrast between the real and fantasy worlds. This contrast is what motivates the characters and drives the narrative.
Book 2 (Do You Believe in Monsters?) is more action-packed and war-driven, especially in the last few chapters. As a reader, you will fly through the last 50 pages for sure.
Book 3 (Do You Believe in Miracles?) is the most introspective of the three and focuses on a long and arduous quest through plains, forests, and towering mountains. This sets up an epic climax filled with thrills and chills.

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When Charlie Magus enters a fantastical world hidden deep in the forest, his life is turned upside down. The timid 13-year-old transforms into a powerful wizard wielding formidable magic. In the real world, life goes on as usual. But in the fantasy world, a war is brewing that will dwarf all others. Charlie’s newfound powers stand between victory and defeat. But in which world does he truly belong? Dark Circles is an adventure of epic scope. Only those with a hero’s heart will dare to stand at Charlie’s side as he battles an army of monsters led by an evil being of immense power.

Shadow Runner

Set in the captivating world of Victorian England, K.J. Fieler’s debut novel, Shadow Runner, introduces readers to the steampunk realm inhabited by Ada, a young girl born into wealth yet yearns for adventure. With a fear of ending up confined to a marriage like her mother, Ada’s thirst for excitement is both challenged and fulfilled when she is abducted by the Shadows, a mysterious group that tears her from her comfortable existence.

Thrown into a dark criminal realm, Ada must face incredible challenges and hurdles. It’s a world entirely alien to her, yet she navigates it with a courage that keeps readers engrossed. Fieler has woven a rich narrative, blending elements of fantasy and a coming-of-age story that consistently engages the reader.

Fieler’s prose is well-crafted, and the intrigue begins from the very first page. Ada’s strength as a protagonist sets the tone of the novel, and as readers delve into her years within the Shadows, her unyielding adherence to her morals – even when put to the test – is both impressive and refreshing. The character development is executed to perfection; Ada’s internal conflicts and confusions are artfully revealed to the reader, even as they remain concealed from the protagonist herself. This narrative device adds layers of complexity, making the unfolding dark tale even more compelling.

The writing is simple yet gripping, turning even the most intricate parts of the plot into seamless elements of the story. I feel some of the events toward the conclusion appeared somewhat rushed, but this is clearly the stage-setting for what promises to be an exciting series. Even those unfamiliar with the steampunk genre will find Shadow Runner an absolute page-turner.

What truly sets Shadow Runner apart is K.J. Fieler’s skillful manipulation of language and ability to weave emotionally resonant scenes throughout the plot. This is a thrilling exploration of courage at its lowest and highest points and a story that hints at more down the road. Shadow Runner is a commendable entry into the genre, a tale rich in detail and character that promises to linger long in the reader’s imagination.

Pages: 277 | ASIN ‏ : ‎  B0BXQ7337M

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