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Self In-Power-Ment

Angelica Stevenson Author Interview

Enough Is Enough: An Addict’s Guide to Self In-Power-Ment is a compelling memoir detailing your journey of healing from addiction. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Enough Is Enough was an important book for me to write because one, God has called me to help people remember their connection with Him along with the powers within themselves to overcome any situation including addiction. And today, there’s more to be addicted to and the side effects of it even greater.

The second reason why Enough Is Enough was important for me to write because I am The Connecting Angel and one of the gifts God has given me is to be able to connect anything and everything. With that being said, I knew, that my journey, my lessons and teachings will help any addict. Including people who aren’t addicts, and those who don’t think they’re an addict or have an addiction.

The last reason why Enough is Enough was important for me to write because battling addiction has been part of my life for a long time. My goal is to help addicts and people not give so much time, energy, money and ultimately space in their lives on addiction, like I did.

I appreciated the candid nature with which you told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

There wasn’t anything hard about writing my story. However there were two emotionally high moments that brought cleansing and healing tears as I answered this.

The first moment was when I broke my vow and used my gift of writing for the addiction I had in my twenties and I experienced an internal death because of it.

The second most emotional moment in my book was sharing how addiction affected my parenting and my babies.

In your memoir you say, “Any words you say after ‘I’ correlate to you and your life with the consequence of manifesting and becoming real in your life.” This statement stood out and really gives readers something to think about. What is something you want readers to understand about the importance of positive affirmations?

Great question. I love sharing and teaching about this in my program.

I want my readers to know that it’s not about positive or negative, or even good or bad. It’s about receiving your desired outcome vs receiving their non-desired result.

It’s a simple as changing your wording from I can’t to I can. I won’t to I will.

Example: “I keep forgetting,” to “I am remembering.”

My readers will learn that what they speak after “I” will change their perspective of how their mind is set on something or someone as well, which in turn will change their feelings and their actions as well. Because “A changed mindset will produce a change in behavior.” – Angelica Stevenson

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your story?

The one truth that I request my readers to keep with them after reading my story is their powerful connection and relationship they have with God, the creator of all. And as a creation of The Creator, my readers will remember their supernatural powers, connections and freedom to overcome and be victorious over any addiction that might move them away from God’s purpose for their life and their path.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website

Enough Is Enough: An Addict’s Guide to Self In-Power-Ment

Book Review

Angelica Stevenson’s Enough Is Enough is a compelling memoir detailing her journey of healing from addiction to crack and cigarettes. The book vividly portrays the author’s internal struggles and the tools she utilized to overcome her addictions. Central to Angelica’s recovery was her deep connection with God, which she shares through personal testimonies, Bible passages, and uplifting messages aimed at supporting others in their battles with addiction.

In this brilliant memoir, readers will discover the profound power of words and the transformative effects of accountability and self-awareness. Angelica explores the nature of addiction, identifying twelve critical areas of life it impacts, and delves into the importance of spiritual awareness. Her story is both intensely enlightening and concisely presented, making for an engaging read.

Enough Is Enough serves as a valuable resource for those grappling with addiction or striving to be more accountable in their lives. Despite its straightforward language and concise format, Angelica’s insights are profound, reflecting her decades-long struggle with addiction. One particularly impactful lesson is the power of positive affirmations: “Any words you say after ‘I’ correlate to you and your life with the consequence of manifesting and becoming real in your life.” This powerful insight has encouraged me to be more mindful of my words, a sentiment likely to resonate with many readers. The book is filled with wisdom worth bookmarking and revisiting regularly. The narrative is both enlightening and captivating, enriched with educational insights about addiction. For instance, Angelica explains the difficulty of quitting smoking due to nicotine’s impact on the brain. The book also introduces memorable characters, such as a “smoking buddy” who brings his young daughter along, highlighting the far-reaching effects of addiction.

Angelica’s journey is inspiring, illustrating the consequences of neglecting spiritual and personal growth. This memoir is ideal for readers with personal experiences of addiction and those seeking to take control of their life’s direction. The blend of affirmative messages, biblical references, introspective questions, and practical guidelines makes Enough Is Enough a must-read. I highly recommend it!

Pages: 118

God Gave Me This Story

Author Interview
Angelica Stevenson Author Interview

Judgement Day follows a woman who is at the heart of the eternal struggle between good and evil, with the supernatural power to change the course of humanity. What inspired your Epic Poem?

I was inspired by God to write this Epic Poem, the majority of this story was written in a trance state so it is a literal trance-script.

Years later, I had the desire to finish the story but was unsure and doubted my capabilities, because one, I didn’t want to let God down. 

Then two, I didn’t believe at the time that I had it in me to finish it with the same initial power, divine guidance and creativity that began the story. 

In the end I chose to take a leap of faith and use self motivation to complete the story by trusting my natural gift.

I knew God gave me this story for a reason and that its purpose will be fulfilled no matter what. 

A lot of time was spent crafting the character traits in this novel. What was the most important factor for you to get right in your characters?

There were three vital factor for me to get right in my characters:

The first factor was capturing the essence of good and evil.

The second factor was providing opportunities for each character to either do good or do evil.

Which leads to the third factor which was making the distinction that being good or being evil wasn’t based on the characters, who they are.  

But the choices the characters made and the consequences of their choices afterwards. 

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this Epic Poem?

The first theme that was vital to include was the Power To Judge as in the power to decide what to do with your life and what you allow into your life. 

We all wield the Power To Judge to choose, and shape our life experiences as we grow and learn how to use it correctly everyday.

Hence the true meaning of “Judgement Day,” based on the etymology of judgment and the characters using their Power To Judge daily in their lives. 

The secondary theme was the understanding or perspective that light doesn’t necessarily mean good, and darkness doesn’t necessarily mean evil.

For example, the night sky is dark, but that doesn’t mean it’s evil. 

The third theme that was important is that anyone can be saved, can change and has the choice to make good decisions or bad decisions to get the consequences, aka results, that they want in life and from life too.

And the last theme that is important is purpose, knowing you are here on this earth, alive, for a reason. To remember it as you go through life and have various encounters and experiences.

I find a problem with well-written stories: I always want there to be another book to keep the story going. Is there a second book planned?

Angel’s story opens the door for her grandchildren to fight the good fight in a new way, with new powers, new allies and new enemies. 

So yes there will be a second book that continues the journey and battle through Selene and her children. 

Author Links: GoodReads | Website

An epic poem with a spin on the centuries-old war between God and the Devil, where a new divine decree leaves the salvation and destruction of humanity in the hands of three beings.

Chosen in the womb by both Light and Darkness, Angel has the foresight that every decision she makes means either life or death for humanity.

As she faces opposition from each side, Angel must prove she’s worthy to reign from whence she came.

By using the Power To Judge and wielding One Of Three to save her loved ones and defeat her enemies.

Judgement Day

Judgement Day, by Angelica Stevenson, is an intriguing epic poem infused with supernatural themes, moral complexities, and striking depictions of conflict in a realm dominated by angels and demons. At the heart of this poem is Angel, a character who exemplifies the strength of a warrior and the insight of a leader, navigating a universe filled with conflict and upheaval.

Angelica Stevenson skillfully depicts scenes of grand battles and supernatural abilities, presenting them not merely as displays but as profound reflections on the eternal struggle between good and evil. This concept of conflict goes beyond mere physical confrontations, engaging with ideological battles, thereby imbuing the narrative with both thrill and depth.

Stevenson’s poem thoughtfully explores themes of forgiveness and redemption, offering a nuanced portrayal of these concepts as transformative forces that can change the course of events. These themes introduce a relatable human aspect to the otherworldly setting as characters confront their errors and strive for atonement. Angel’s character journey, evolving from a revenge-driven warrior to a compassionate leader, mirrors the book’s shift from darkness towards light. This transformation is both credible and uplifting, presenting a character arc that resonates with readers and elicits support. The conclusion adeptly ties together various storylines, providing resolution to ongoing conflicts while also hinting at future possibilities. This balance of finality and open-endedness is skillfully executed, leaving readers satisfied yet intrigued about what lies ahead for this universe.

For readers fond of fantasy and supernatural themes, Judgement Day offers a richly crafted world, multifaceted characters, and a plot that balances dynamic action with thoughtful reflection. It presents a tale of endurance and the significance of forgiveness, marking a distinctive contribution to the genre.

Pages: 99 | ASIN : B00AQ2RTPG

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