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Personal Path to Recovery

Georgia Riedel
Georgia Reidel Author Interview

What is a common misconception you feel people have about agoraphobia?

The misconception is that agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces, however most agoraphobics are not afraid of open spaces, but of public spaces and situations, because they are afraid of having a panic attack and will not be able to receive help.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your book?

I hope readers take away from my book inspiration and courage to follow their personal path to recovery.

Do you plan to write future books on this topic?

I have no plans at this time for a future book.

Author Link: Amazon

This guidebook is intended to help and aid those who suffer from anxiety, fear, and panic attacks.

Beyond Agoraphobia details my story from being diagnosed and hospitalized to successfully recovering from the debilitating effects of agoraphobia and panic attacks. Inside you will find an effective and proven recovery method including specific skills and techniques to help you conquer stress, anxiety, fear, and panic attacks.

​As someone who suffered from the devastating symptoms of agoraphobia for more then thirty years before a complete and full recovery, I know how difficult and challenging it can be to turn your life around. However, I not only believe its possible I know its possible, and so do the clients who made the decision to embrace.. the positive and proven recovery program included in this book that helped them and will help you recover from the terrifying symptoms of agoraphobia. Start living the life you desire!

Beyond Agoraphobia

Beyond Agoraphobia by Georgia Riedel is a guidebook based on the experiences of the author for those who suffer from fear, anxiety and panic attacks. Georgia Reidel started experiencing symptoms of anxiety at the age of fourteen and this affected her ability to cope in school and to maintain jobs in the future. She spent many years in therapy before she could manage to carry out these regular daily functions without fear. She shares her experience working with different clients and getting them to the point of recovery where they are able to go anywhere and do anything free of their symptoms. She covers the various triggers of anxiety, fear and panic, persons more likely to be affected by panic attacks and the ingredients for recovery. She also outlines how positive thinking can help and the different steps to becoming a positive thinker and developing useful stress management techniques.

At 61 pages Georgia Riedel has written a quick self-help book that will assist readers in getting a concise and whole picture of what actions they can take. It gives pointers on triggers and approaches to avoid if one experiences any unique challenges. The reader can choose to use it as a practical guide to decide on a way forward. The author herself is an example of someone who has used the given strategies to recover so the written material becomes more of a testimony and adds some reassurance that the methods suggested actually work. This is a self-help short read that I highly recommend if you suffer from any of the stated disorders.

Pages: 61 | ASIN: B08FKBZW8K

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