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Guilt and Remorse

Lisa Towles Author Interview

Codex follows a former FBI agent living off the grid after his wife’s death who becomes the suspect in two separate murders after being gifted three million dollars. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

As a writer and a reader, I’m always inspired by human stories of people who are at rock bottom and life circumstances force them to look within and rebuild themselves from the bottom up. This is Angus Mariner at the beginning of the story – off-grid after his wife’s death, blaming himself for the accident that killed her, separated from everything and everyone. And it is here, in this rich moment of loss and desperation, that his heart and soul are most impressionable to the events that begin to unfold.

The fast-paced action in this novel makes it feel like there is a new twist in every chapter, adding depth to the story and keeping readers in suspense. How do you balance story development with shocking plot twists? Or can they be the same thing?

I think it’s just that – there needs to be a balance so that readers have time to figure out the story on their own a bit. Readers want to feel smart, but I also think they like to be surprised.

Angus discovers his wife’s death was no accident; this changes everything in his life and the course of his future. Do you think there’s a single moment in everyone’s life, maybe not as traumatic, that is life-changing?

It’s always shocking to discover that things are not what they appeared to be. For almost two years, Angus has pulled farther away from everything and everyone he knew because he was racked with guilt and remorse. Once he discovers that they were targeted, this causes some old part of his heart to wake up with a new imperative of finding out who did this and why.

What is the next book you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

A new Young Adult Thriller, called Specimen, will be published by Indies United on December 3, 2024.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website


In Codex, Lisa Towles crafts a compelling narrative that intricately weaves the themes of espionage and personal struggle. The protagonist, Angus Mariner, embarks on a quest fueled by revenge and a search for truth following the death of his wife. Believing Wendell Peters to be implicated in this tragedy, Angus’s journey leads him into a labyrinth of conspiracy that extends beyond a mere wealthy adversary.

Towles’s narrative prowess shines as the plot unfolds with unexpected twists, masterfully subverting the reader’s expectations. Initially framed as a quest for retribution against a suspected murderer, the story evolves into a complex tapestry involving characters wielding significant influence and wealth. The emotional depth of Angus grappling with his wife’s loss resonates throughout the novel, adding a layer of poignancy to his quest. Elaine, Angus’s sister, emerges as a memorable character, enhancing the story with her dynamic interactions with Angus.

Towles’s use of vivid descriptions effectively immerses readers, bringing to life the characters’ emotions and actions in a way that is both visual and visceral. Incorporating a keen attention to detail, Codex is a novel that rewards attentive readers. Throughout the narrative, Towles deftly plants subtle clues that could easily be overlooked, yet they are integral to fully appreciating the intricacies of the plot. This aspect of the novel enhances the reading experience, inviting readers to engage deeply with the story and its unfolding mysteries. While the novel concludes on a note that leaves readers anticipating more, it does so in a satisfying and intriguing manner. This anticipation sets the stage for the sequel, making Codex a memorable addition to psychological thrillers.

Codex is a finely crafted story that skillfully blends espionage elements with deep emotional undercurrents. The journey of Angus Mariner is not just a pursuit of vengeance but also an exploration of personal loss and resilience. Towles’s ability to surprise the reader with plot twists and her skill in creating vivid, emotionally resonant characters make this a standout book.

Pages: 373