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ImmiGRIT: How Immigrant Leadership Drives Business Success

In ImmiGRIT, Ukeme Awakessien Jeter expertly explores the intertwined themes of immigration and leadership, crafting an insightful narrative on the unique advantages that immigrant leaders bring to the table. Unlike many works that treat these subjects separately, Jeter merges them, revealing how the immigrant experience can significantly enhance leadership qualities. This book serves not only as a tribute to immigrant resilience and innovation but also as a practical guide for business leaders aiming to harness the full potential of immigrant talent. The book opens with a historical perspective on immigration, highlighting its profound impact on societal and economic development. From the British settler John Rolfe in the 1600s to modern tech giants like Sergey Brin of Google and Eric Yuan of Zoom, Jeter illustrates how immigrants have been pivotal in shaping industries and driving innovation. These narratives are not merely historical footnotes but powerful reminders of the ongoing contributions of immigrants to the global economy. “Powerful” aptly describes this book.

Jeter also offers a personal perspective from her time as an international student, providing a timeline of her immigrant experience up to her becoming a lawyer and beyond. Her story is a poignant exploration of resilience, adaptability, and determination—qualities that many immigrants embody and that are critical attributes of effective leadership. This personal journey culminates in a compelling argument for the indispensable role of immigrant leaders in today’s globalized society.

Human resource professionals, talent developers, and diversity, equity, and inclusion advocates will find ImmiGRIT to be a treasure trove of insights. Jeter outlines practical tips and real-life examples to create a roadmap for maximizing the benefits of a diverse workforce. Her work is a call to action, inspiring efforts to support immigrant talent, address biases, and facilitate inclusivity in the workplace. One of the most notable aspects of this book is the author’s bravery. Jeter courageously challenges existing leadership paradigms and advocates for a new approach that recognizes and nurtures the unique strengths of immigrant leaders. Her no-holds-barred approach aims to transform how we perceive and cultivate leadership in the modern workplace.

Ukeme Awakessien Jeter’s eloquent and groundbreaking discussion of the immense value of immigrant leadership is a must-read. Her analysis is well-informed, enriched with storytelling, and highly persuasive. This book is both essential and inspiring.

Pages: 196 | ASIN : B0D3M18RHD

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Feel and Hear the Music

Anna Kuk Author Interview

See Listen Play: How to play your life music by playing it together presents to readers a path to rediscover passion and purpose in working together. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I was never a musician who enjoyed playing solo. My goal was to play music together. The time has come when I want to share my experience, observations, and notes that I made on the music margins during rehearsals with the greatest conductors and orchestras. I feel a strong need to reactivate our natural abilities to cooperate, listen, and be involved. In this post-pandemic time, we have a lot of frustration in this area. When writing my book, my main goal was to make each of us want to change from a passive follower to an active participant. Both in the context of life and the work environment. Not only by accepting this thought on an intellectual level but also on an emotional level, when you start to feel and hear the music flowing within you.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

The chapters in which I talk about overcoming established stereotypes or paradoxes are very important to me. I like to change the reader’s perspective. The very fact that our actions and values create a certain type of music and looking at teamwork or leadership in this context is mind-changing. Also in the context of creating a brand image. Which melodies do we play as a team and do we treat our audience as an extension of our music?

Another very important message for me is to show that in the goal-oriented world, we underrate the stage of “rehearsals,” when we start to see and listen to each other by exploring our roles and impact rather than pure tasks. What kind of music do we want to create together? I want to show that everyone needs to feel visible, regardless of the exposure of their tasks, because you have an impact on the shape of the “concert.”

Music has long been known to evoke emotional responses. What led to the idea of using music to enhance teamwork and leadership?

I have always seen a very strong analogy between music and life. I have notebooks full of notes from rehearsals and music workshops, and at almost each of them, I wrote down something that related to my self-development as a person, not only in the context of music. This attitude clarified the idea and life motto in my head: everyone plays music without knowing it. Then I met several people in my life who showed that drawing inspiration from other areas of life, especially from music (which combines the structural with the abstract), is possible and necessary. Years of experience playing in various orchestras, from different parts of the world, have assured me that regardless of the cultural canon or language, the dynamics that make us play together not only notes but music, function in every corner and also in non-musical contexts.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

My main literary base is poetry, which is where I started and where I continue my work. I honed my skills under the supervision of the best poet from my region, I started winning competitions, and thanks to that I gained more courage. Now, I no longer have to look for confirmation of the value of my writing capacity in competitions. I’m sure that the creative freedom that poetry unleashes is what gave me wings for years to come.

Author Links: Goodreads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

SEE LISTEN PLAY, by Anna Kuk, is a transformative guide that orchestrates a new way of viewing teamwork and leadership. Drawing from the compelling dynamics of an orchestra, Anna Kuk offers a unique perspective for those feeling disconnected in their professional and personal collectives. This book isn’t just about finding harmony in teamwork; it’s a deeper journey into self-awareness and the poetic rhythm of life. For leaders, team members, musicians, and anyone who has lost their spark, SEE LISTEN PLAY presents a path to rediscover passion and purpose in working together.
Through the lens of orchestral wisdom and rich metaphors, Kuk reveals how the change we seek in society begins within us and echoes through our interactions with others. Immerse yourself in this melody of insights and reignite the symphony of your life and work.

Principles of Good Management

Dr. Dominic McLoughlin Author Interview

With so many books out on the market dealing with leadership and team building, your book stands out as a down-to-earth and simplified method that can work for all levels of management. What was the idea, or spark, that first set off the need to write Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day?

I wrote this book because I wanted to create a practical and accessible guide to management, especially for first-time managers and those with limited experience. I have seen firsthand the challenges that new managers face, so I wanted to write a book that would provide them with the tools and strategies they need to succeed.

I was also motivated by the fact that many of the books on the market about management are some combination of narrowly focused, long and complex, making many of them difficult to read and apply. I wanted to write a book that was concise and easy to read, while still providing readers with the essential information they need to be effective managers.

Finally, I wanted to write a book that was relevant to all levels of management, from first-time supervisors to experienced executives. There is often pressure on managers to ‘be perfect’ which none of us are. However, I do think that the principles of good management are universal and that everyone can continue to improve.

What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

I wanted to write a book that managers could use to improve their skills and performance, regardless of their experience level. I also wanted to write a book that was easy to read and understand, even for those who were not familiar with management theories.

I know that managers are busy people, so I wanted to write a book that they could read and implement quickly and steadily. I also wanted to avoid jargon and technical language and focus on providing readers with the essential information they need to be effective managers.

Finally, I set out to write a book that would be inspiring and motivating to readers. I wanted to help managers to develop their leadership skills and build high-performing teams.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

I am somewhat unusual in that I have years of practical experience as well as a PhD in this area. The combination of university work (teaching MBA and Human Resources students) as well as my consulting has given me a unique perspective on management.

I have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of managers and executives at all levels, and I have seen firsthand what it takes to be successful. This experience has informed my writing in several ways. First, it has helped me to identify the most common challenges that managers face. Second, it has given me a deep understanding of the best practices for managing people.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day?

That the biggest difference we can make is to work on ourselves and our own character. This is something that is always within our control and able to be improved. Therefore, no matter what is going on around us, there are opportunities for continual improvement.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Become the best boss anyone ever had, despite lack of experience!

Effortlessly advance from hands-on work to team-building.
Communicate in the best way with your team every time.
Avoid the pitfalls plaguing other first-time managers.
The winner of 2023 PenCraft Award in the Nonfiction Self-Help genre!
Australian Human Resources Institute Fellow Dr. Dominic McLoughlin has the real-world understanding needed to turn wide-eyed novices into tomorrow’s highly sought-after leaders.

He undertook his doctoral research into workplace integrity and has over two decades teaching MBA students under his belt.

Now he’s here to share practical techniques to come out from behind the desk and inspire others to brilliant levels of productivity.

Be a Better Manager is a no-fluff actionable guide to transition into a supervisory role and become someone others clamor to follow.

In Be a Better Manager in 5 Minutes a Day, you’ll find:
10 methods for developing people to catapult the department from good to great
5 ways to grow communication that promotes consistency and provides honesty-driven wins
Examples and stories backed by analysis; each chapter focuses on concrete skills to set beginning bosses on the path to success.
Inspiring systems for keeping goals at the forefront to drive healthy motivation
10 strategies to help make the move from worker to a facilitator of an energized staff
Approaches to overcoming inevitable difficulties, delegating responsibilities, and much, much more!
Be a Better Manager is a down-to-earth manual for anyone stepping into the shoes of management. You will embark on a journey of self-fulfillment, unparalleled professional growth, and dynamic leadership.

Buy Be a Better Manager to rise to the challenge today.