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Animal Court

Animal Court by Pablo Omar Zaragoza and Susan Giffin is a modern fable set in an African jungle where animals reign supreme. They convene a trial for humans, focusing on a man whose group has caused extensive environmental damage. The wildlife—including insects, marine life, and plants—serve as witnesses and jury, deliberating over the appropriate justice for humanity’s transgressions against nature. The story delves into themes of environmental protection, justice, and compassion, culminating in a surprising yet thoughtful sentence that underscores a nuanced approach to punishment.

This compelling and imaginative tale masterfully combines entertainment with a potent environmental message. The portrayal of animals adds depth and relatability, allowing readers to empathize with their plight. The author’s skill in weaving contemporary environmental issues into the narrative is commendable, effectively raising awareness in an engaging manner. One of the book’s notable strengths is its unique premise—animals holding humans accountable for ecological destruction. This inventive approach prompts readers to reflect on humanity’s impact on the natural world.

The courtroom drama is exceptionally well-crafted, with testimonies from various creatures that are both touching and thought-provoking. However, the book does have its drawbacks. At times, the animals’ governance feels somewhat contrived, and the narrative can occasionally seem moralistic. Some readers might find the message overly direct, preferring a subtler delivery.

Animal Court is a heartwarming and enlightening story that encourages readers to think critically about the importance of environmental stewardship. Its appeal spans both young and adult audiences, making it an excellent choice for family reading. This modern fable not only entertains but also inspires a deeper appreciation for the natural world and our responsibility to protect it.

Pages: 160 | ASIN : B07Z45Z223

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Star-Crossed Lovers

Author Interview
Pablo Omar Zaragoza Author Interview

Brazzaville—A Sequel to Casablanca follows four friends who, at the end of Casablanca, fly off to Portugal and tell the story of what happens after that. I think this original idea is intriguing. How did you come up with it and develop it into a story?

At the end of the classic film, Casablanca, Louis tells Rick they can go to the Free French garrison at Brazzaville. That prompted Rick to say … “Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” But the war hadn’t ended. And Brazzaville is in the Congo. I have always wondered what happened after these two friends walked into the fog at the end of the film (and I know I’m not alone in this regard). Resistance to fascism was growing, and America was about to enter the war. Rick had fought for the underdog in Ethiopia and in Spain; it was natural for him to join the fight in North Africa. Ilsa Lund and Victor Laszlo found their way to Portugal. During the war, Lisbon was a free city where British agents and SS agents roamed its streets freely. When the British meet Ilsa and Victor at the airport, we think that their struggle is over, but it is just beginning for Ilsa.

What scene in the book did you have the most fun writing?

Rick’s reunion with Ilsa. In the book, they each experience loss during the war. The Nazis in Lisbon shot and killed Victor, leaving Ilsa alone. Rick, still carrying a torch for Ilsa, becomes involved in the resistance movement and eventually marries Yvonne, who fought alongside him. The Nazis kill Yvonne, compounding Rick’s losses. The struggles of these star-crossed lovers – Rick and Ilsa – and their reunion was for me a joy to write. Throughout all their troubles and perils, they still loved each other, but how could they reunite? The means of that reunion became clear as I started to write the pages.

As an accomplished writer with books in multiple genres, what advice would you give to a writer working on their first book?

Write about something that makes you want to get up in the morning and work on the plot. Outlines and storyboards are great tools if they help you, but they are no substitutes for having a clear inner picture of where the plot is going and how the characters are going to develop. If you are writing a historical novel, be sure to do your research carefully. Dialogue is also important; make sure you accurately use each character’s unique voice to enhance the believability of the story. If you’re writing fiction, make sure your characters are believable and your plot development engaging for the reader.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

We are finishing Sunrise Over Casablanca which deals with our band of friends during the end of WWII and the turmoil that Europe and North Africa faces. Europe was devasted by the collapse of her economy with the bombing of her industry and infrastructure, and North Africa was under the boot of European colonialism. The story deals with pre-Marshall Plan efforts to stop the communist takeover of Western Europe, the Greek Civil War, and the liberation of Morocco and Algeria. Also, we have just published a historical novel about Pope Joan, the first female pope (which might get me excommunicated) and a few other books are on my editor’s desk. I am currently starting a project on the Reconquista, about a family involved in the struggle between Spaniards and Muslims.

Author Links: Goodreads | Amazon

What happened to Rick Blaine, Ilsa Lund, Louis Renault, and Sam after the plane for Portugal took off, leaving moviegoers with those now famous lines that Rick uttered as he and Louis walk into the fog, “Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”? The authors have pieced together the history of our brave band of players in a world gone mad in the throes of World War II.Brazzaville is the code name of Pierre Renault’s group of French Resistance fighters based in Morocco. They join the foursome on the first of many missions to rescue their friends being detained by Vichy and to form the nucleus of a group fighting the Nazis. The British secret service protects Ilsa and Victor in Portugal, but the Nazis take Isla and transport her to Spain where she becomes a pawn of Franco’s government. Rick, not knowing what has happened to Ilsa, marries Yvonne, his old girlfriend, and they fight the Germans in Morocco until fate intervenes. We see how Rick and his friends help in the invasion of North Africa and beyond.Our troop rides with Patton to Algiers, and the Allies drop Rick, Louis, and Sam into France to help unify the French Resistance and provide the Allies with information to make D-Day a success. This historical novel looks at a world at war and the friendships and loves found and lost. It answers the 75-year-old question: What happened to these people?

Armageddon: An Apache Story

Armageddon: An Apache Story, an enthralling novel written by the dynamic duo Pablo Omar Zaragoza and Susan Giffin, delves into the cataclysmic and bone-chilling clash between an infernal prince and God’s earthbound warriors. The narrative is centered around Prince Bal’am, a sinister associate of Satan, who embarks on a mission to redeem his fallen angels and seize control of heaven. His audacious plan entails finding a mortal vessel for his own essence and begetting a child who would serve as the medium for his redemptive journey back to the celestial realms.

Luis, innocently involved with the Apache Medicine Society through his lover Cecilia, falls prey to Bal’am’s possession. Bal’am proceeds to craft a formidable army of demons, enlisting members of the Mexican Mafia and masquerading as a televangelist; he subtly enables demonic possession of his unsuspecting followers. The narrative leaves us on edge: will the demonic forces overpower the alliance of Christians and Apache spiritualists?

Armageddon: An Apache Story is a decidedly adult novel, graphically exploring themes of death, sexuality, and torment. Despite its dark contents, I found myself captivated, propelled to the end by an absorbing tale of good versus evil. The atmosphere reminded me of other spellbinding horror narratives such as Bird Box and Ash vs Evil Dead.

The novel’s storyline is a labyrinth of shocking twists and revelations that keep you on edge, eager to decipher the fates of its characters. The book intricately weaves in elements of culture and religion, enhancing its plot’s thematic richness. The narrative subtly promotes the ideology that “all religions lead to Him,” extending its spiritual scope beyond a single religious perspective. Consequently, one can find excerpts from the Christian Bible, as well as profound insights from Apache’s spiritual principles. The experience has left me with profound curiosity, questioning if the animals I encounter might be spirit guides in physical form.

I invite you to plunge into the unnerving yet exhilarating world of Armageddon: An Apache Story. Reading it at night, I was completely engrossed, left feeling jumpy at the slightest noise. Such is the power of its hauntingly evocative prose. If your literary tastes lean toward horror novels with electrifying twists, this book is a must-read. I extend my gratitude to Pablo and Susan for crafting a pulse-pounding, captivating, and culturally rich reading experience.

Pages: 502 | ASIN : B07Z42FL9Y

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An Infectious Game

Z, also known as Zoe, is an enigmatic genius who has transitioned from a tortured soul to a distinguished scientist and medical doctor, unveiling her profound inclination towards the realm of microbiology from an early age. Harnessing her extraordinary gift, she delves into the realm of manipulating and crafting a myriad of lethal bacteria. Intriguingly, upon realizing her own biological complexities as a pseudohermaphrodite, she intriguingly perceives her utilization of these deadly microorganisms as a form of artistic expression, positioning herself as the orchestrator of swift retribution against those she deems deserving.

Teaming up with the brilliant Emil Solas, Z successfully scales up her creation of microorganisms, unleashing repercussions of global significance. As her fortunes grow, she finds solace in the embrace of her newfound family. However, this idyllic existence is abruptly shattered as a single misstep threatens to unravel her meticulously constructed empire. As the authorities begin to unearth the truth behind her true identity and the chilling reality of her creations, Z must navigate the treacherous waters of protecting her loved ones while relentlessly striving to create what she envisions as her magnum opus.

An Infectious Game, crafted by the talented duo of Pablo Omar Zaragoza and co-author Susan Giffin, is an exhilarating literary endeavor that ventures far beyond the realm of the ordinary. This gripping narrative unfolds through a riveting collection of case files, accompanied by captivating video recordings, all woven together with multiple perspectives, granting the reader an immersive experience reminiscent of a captivating crime novel. Indeed, one becomes intimately acquainted with the intricacies of the killer’s mind, the machinations of her accomplices, and the relentless pursuit of justice by the astute detectives, forging a web of diverse characters with genuine relationships and layered narratives.

While the authors admirably integrate an abundance of medical language into the fabric of the story, allowing readers to comprehend the intricate scientific aspects, it must be noted that this meticulous attention to detail may prove overwhelming to some. Nevertheless, Zaragoza and Giffin adeptly strike a balance, ensuring that the technical terminology remains accessible to a broader audience. The authors exhibit an unwavering commitment to delivering a richly immersive experience by meticulously crafting a tapestry of minutiae. From the precise specifications of a character’s breakfast order to the utilization of medical jargon, the authors leave no stone unturned. It is important to note that An Infectious Game delves into highly sensitive subject matter, such as sexual abuse of a minor, rape, body horror, and instances of animal torture and death. Readers must exercise caution and be prepared for the unsettling nature of these themes. While the premise and methodologies employed by the central antagonist, as well as the captivating supporting characters, prove undeniably intriguing, certain scenes prioritize shock value over substantive content, detracting from the overall experience.

An Infectious Game is a thought-provoking journey into the mind of a complex and formidable protagonist, leaving an indelible mark on those brave enough to delve into its pages. This thriller novel keeps readers hooked from the opening pages through till the end.

Pages: 482 | ASIN : B07Z457YSM

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