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The Day the Clouds Went Away

The Day the Clouds Went Away, by Richard Rieman, is a charming and heartwarming tale set in a whimsical kingdom where Princess Claudia, a visually impaired and strong-willed young girl, learns the importance of clouds and the natural balance they bring to her world. With the help of her guide owl, Iris, and the bumbling but well-meaning wizard, Fumbledore, Claudia navigates the challenges brought by the disappearance of clouds, ultimately discovering their vital role in her ecosystem.

What struck me immediately about this book was its enchanting storytelling and vivid illustrations. Rieman masterfully combines a captivating narrative with educational elements, making the story both entertaining and informative. The characters are delightful, each contributing to the plot in meaningful ways. For example, Fumbledore’s clumsy magic and the various clouds like Cyrus McCirrus and Chrissy the Cumulus Cat Cloud add both humor and depth to the story. The author’s ability to personify the clouds makes the science behind them engaging and accessible to young readers.

One of the standout aspects of this book is its underlying message about the environment and the interconnectedness of nature. Claudia’s initial desire to banish the clouds for a sunny birthday party leads to unintended consequences, highlighting the importance of every element in our ecosystem. This theme is gently woven into the story without feeling didactic, making it an excellent conversation starter for parents and educators about environmental stewardship and the natural world. The pacing of the book is well-suited for its intended audience, with enough action to keep young readers engaged while also allowing for moments of reflection and learning. The resolution is satisfying and reinforces the book’s positive messages. The introduction of various types of clouds and their functions, complemented by beautiful illustrations, makes this book not just a story but a learning experience.

The Day the Clouds Went Away is a delightful read that I would highly recommend for children and parents alike. Its blend of charming storytelling, educational content, and beautiful artwork makes it a standout in children’s literature. This book is perfect for young readers who enjoy magical tales and for parents looking for stories with positive messages about the environment and appreciating nature.

Pages: 39 | ISBN : 978-1639390045

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Oh, No, Bunny – You’re Still Not Funny! (Happy Tails)

Stimulating children’s imagination can significantly enhance their social and emotional skills, and this is beautifully exemplified in Oh, No, Bunny – You’re Still Not Funny! by Michele L. Sayre. The story follows non-identical twins Sorcha and Dmitry, who each wish for a different pet. Their father responds by sharing a childhood tale of his imaginary friend, Yakov the bunny. Initially, the children underestimate the importance of the story, but the next day, they are visited by Yakov himself, who encourages them to enjoy a fun-filled day at the neighborhood block party, trying new and exciting things.

I found this book delightful for its easy-to-follow narration and humorous tone. The story is dynamic, with the children engaging in numerous activities in a single day, such as participating in a three-legged race and playing in a bounce house. This lively narrative will inspire young readers to invent their own games and activities. Additionally, the interactions between the characters are heartwarming; the children share a wonderful relationship with their father, marked by honesty and open expression, which serves as an ideal example of family bonding.

Yakov, the hyperactive bunny, adds a layer of excitement and chaos, making for some humorous and loving moments with the kids. The story itself is very creative, teaching children to be themselves while understanding the limits during play. Siblings Sorcha and Dmitry serve as excellent role models, demonstrating positive behavior and strong family bonds. In addition, the interactions between the father and children are relatable, making this book enjoyable for both kids and adults to read together.

Oh, No, Bunny – You’re Still Not Funny! is a captivating and fun story that encourages imagination, creativity, and strong family relationships, making it a wonderful addition to any child’s bookshelf.

Pages: 89 | ASIN : B0D2VQ4HGY

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Strong and Independent

Richard Rieman Author Interview

The Day the Clouds Went Away follows a bold and independent young princess with low vision who commands the clouds to disappear, only to face unintended consequences, leading her to learn an important lesson about the value of clouds and rain. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I founded a Nonprofit, Imagination Storybooks, to make illustrated books more accessible to all children, including those who are blind or low vision. My books include rich descriptions of the pictures in audio and video formats. There are very few books with blind main characters that are not about blindness. I want to create fairy tales where children with a disability can see themselves as a main character.

What were some driving ideals behind Princess Claudia’s character?

Princess Claudia runs her own Princessdom at age 8. She is strong and independent, despite having low vision and losing her parents when her Wizard Fumbledore made a mistake in a spell and sent them through time.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Everyone looks at the clouds, but sometimes, there are shapes in the clouds of animals or characters. My book explores the different kinds of clouds and explains their importance in nature, even on rainy days.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

The Day the Bees Went Away – Tales from the Princessdom, Book Two. It will be available Fall 2024.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

A nearly blind Princess Claudia wants her birthday to be perfect, so when dark storm clouds roll in and threaten her celebration, she orders her trusty but bumbling Wizard Fumbledore to make them disappear. Princess Claudia and her guide owl Iris must figure out how to save her Princessdom from disaster. What happens when there are no clouds? The Day the Clouds Went Away is a beautifully illustrated whimsical tale that shares the importance of clouds in our lives, even on rainy days.

Author Richard Rieman, The Audiobook Wizard, has narrated and produced hundreds of Indie-published audiobooks. He is the author of the award-winning The Author’s Guide to Audiobook Creation. Richard founded Imagination Storybooks, a pioneer Nonprofit making children’s illustrated books accessible to blind and deaf children. With his own vision fading because of glaucoma, Richard decided this main character should also have vision loss.

The Day the Clouds Went Away is perfect for kids ages 3-8, an imaginative story rich with opportunities for teachers and parents to further the conversation about what your child might do if suddenly all the clouds disappeared.

Two Communities Happily Uniting

Scott Sollers Author Interview

A Tall Tale: How the Ostriches Got Their Long Necks and Long Legs follows the residents of two communities living on opposite sides of a ridge who end up competing for resources. What was the inspiration for your story?

This story and another dozen stories I created when my younger daughter Stephanie was 6 or so years old. The idea was to relate bedtime stories that were family-oriented and had a challenge or obstacle to overcome with a successful resolution. The “Ostrich” story has two communities rather than a family involved, but there existed a disparate gap in the quality of life between the two communities and finally, the one community that was disadvantaged decided to do something about it. Rather than further divide the communities, their encounter resulted in the two communities happily uniting. My message was to promote a happy conclusion to an uneven situation.

The art in this book is fantastic. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Alejandro Echavez?

My publisher, Amplify Publishing has a portfolio of artists they initially recommend. They provide a list of 25 artists and we (the publisher and I) review their style of work to see what is compatible. We then select five to provide sketches of several scenes from the story and we narrow the list down to two to provide more in-depth illustrations. Alejandro simply stood out! Throughout the process, Alejandro was very responsive to suggestions and recommendations on the art panels. He is a true professional and very creative!

What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

In all my work I have tried to introduce elements of sharing, hope, communication, sympathy, and successfully addressing challenges or obstacles in a collaborative fashion. I also try to include some mystical or fantasy elements to make to story interesting and entertaining.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

The next book that is now in production is called Lake Omigosh which is a story about a mountain lake in New Hampshire where a large “creature” is occasionally sighted prompting an exclamation “Oh My Gosh” and the name stuck. The story is about two young boy camp attendees who went out on the lake and ignored the three rules of boating: Avoid bad weather, Don’t go out too late, and Always take your life preservers. The boys are capsized, and how they are rescued is the theme of the story. But, they were lucky!

The other book that has been edited and is having the artwork completed is The Dancing Shoes. It is about a young girl who is desperate to be an accomplished ballerina but lacks confidence and underperforms. Her Mother gives her a pair of ballet shoes she said were Mother’s shoes and she was an accomplished ballerina. The little girl puts them on and is immediately performing much better. Then, she loses the shoes on a bus. Her Mother went out and found some used ballerina shoes and scuffed them up to look like the originals and gave them to her daughter. With the “returned” shoes, she excelled and eventually became the principal dancer for the NY Ballet. The daughter thanked her mother for the shoes being the main ingredient for her success and the Mother said, “They were never my Mother’s shoes. You did this all your own!”

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

This is the story of two rival communities living in valleys separated by a ridge. The Have-Alls live in a fertile, beautiful valley with their leader, Chief Somebody, and their prized pets, the Squatz. In the other valley, one more desolate and barren, live the No-Haves and their leader, Chief Nobody.
The No-Haves, always jealous of the Have-Alls’ pets, decide to gather the Squatz for themselves. What results is a fierce tug-of-war that changes the two communities—and the Squatz—forever!

The Adventures of Dori – A Rescue Pup

In The Adventures of Dori: A Rescue Pup, authored by Kathleen Conway and Juanita Ellis, readers are introduced to Dori, a charming Maltese who resides in a quaint seaside cottage. Dori revels in her days along the coast, and it’s during one such day that an exciting adventure unfolds with her close friends, Jillian and Benito, by her side. As the trio plays by the ocean, they encounter a situation that tests their camaraderie and problem-solving skills.

What stands out in this narrative is the depiction of the deep bond shared among the three dogs. The authors effectively capture the essence of friendship, portraying a heartfelt connection that resonates with children, teaching them the significance of close relationships. The story also emphasizes teamwork, as Dori, Jillian, and Benito collaborate to navigate their seaside challenge, illustrating that collective efforts can lead to great achievements.

The book is beautifully illustrated by Tullip Studios, whose artwork enriches every page. These illustrations not only complement the story but also enhance the reader’s engagement, making the seaside adventures of Dori and her friends vivid and delightful for both children and adults. This book carries important messages about environmental stewardship and the virtues of helping others. It’s a narrative that encourages young readers to value and nurture their friendships while being mindful of the world around them. Adding an enriching layer to the story is its basis in reality—Dori is inspired by a real-life Maltese who found a loving home through the efforts of the Southern Comfort Maltese Rescue. Acknowledging this connection, the authors have committed to donating a portion of the book’s profits to assist in the rescue and rehoming of other animals. This philanthropic gesture adds a real-world impact to the book’s message, extending its influence beyond the pages.

The Adventures of Dori: A Rescue Pup marks an impressive debut for Conway and Ellis in children’s literature, offering a story that is as educational as it is enjoyable. Readers of all ages will cherish this tale and may find themselves returning to its pages to relive the joy and lessons nestled within.

Pages: 34 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CPTNQMQF

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Loss and Acceptance

Author Interview
Charles Byrd Author Interview

The Reaper’s Guide on How NOT to Take a Soul! follows a new reaper going out on her first solo assignment who runs into some complications with a soul and now has to figure out how to put him back in his body. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The idea actually stemmed from a dream I had. The day before, I had been brainstorming ideas for a new story but was hitting a creative block. That night, I dreamt of venturing into the underworld, battling ghosts and monsters to find my way back to the land of the living. The excitement I felt upon waking was palpable, prompting me to quickly jot down as much of the dream as I could remember. From there, the story began to take shape almost effortlessly.

One of the highlights of this story is the depth of the characters and readers’ ability to relate to them, young and old. What character did you enjoy writing for? Was there one that was more challenging to write for?

The two main characters, Lyra and Casper, presented both a fun and challenging writing experience.

Casper came more naturally to me because he resembled my own experiences at his age. However, the real challenge with Casper was ensuring he didn’t come across as one-dimensional. While he serves as the typical sidekick archetype and a catalyst for the story, I aimed to give him depth beyond that role.

On the other hand, we have Lyra whose spirited personality and compelling character arc were so much fun to write. Yet, the toughest part was capturing her emotional moments authentically. I understand the struggle of opening up to others, so I empathized with her journey. As the story’s climax approached, I wanted her emotional walls to gradually break down, allowing readers to connect with her on a deeper level and care for her more intensely.

At the start, we’re drawn to Casper, and by the end, we’re cheering for Lyra. That was always my goal with this story.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Exploring the theme of death was a significant aspect I wanted to delve into. It’s a complex topic, especially in children’s media, as it intersects with various cultural beliefs. My aim was to strike a balance between crafting an engaging fantasy adventure while also respecting diverse cultural perspectives on death.

Loss and acceptance are central themes that drive the narrative. The villain’s motivations (without giving away spoilers) are rooted in a profound experience of loss. In contrast, Lyra’s journey towards accepting her past is instrumental in her growth and ability to navigate challenges.

These themes resonate profoundly with both young readers and adults. Loss is a universal human experience that can shape our lives in profound ways, while acceptance is key to resilience and personal development. I believe these themes lie at the core of the story, offering relatable and meaningful insights for readers of all ages.

Will this novel be the start of a series, or are you working on a different story?

At this moment, I’m uncertain whether this book will kick off a new series. On one hand, I’m excited about delving deeper into the world I’ve crafted. However, I’m also content with how it concludes, and I fear that extending it might detract from its impact. If fans clamor for a sequel, though, I’m open to exploring that possibility.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

Best Chapter Book (FINALIST) – Children Book International 2024 (American Writing Awards)
Best Fantasy (FINALIST) – Children Book International 2024 (American Writing Awards)
Best Children’s Literature (FINALIST) – Children Book International 2024 ( American Writing Awards)

Ever since she can remember, Lyra Corvin has dreamed of becoming a Grim Reaper. So, when her mentor presents her with her first solo reaping, the young girl eagerly accepts, determined to prove she has what it takes to join the agency. Until everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Now, she’s stuck with an (understandably) furious Casper William, a young boy whose soul is caught between the realms of life and death. To put Casper back into his body, the unlikely pair must journey into the Underworld to search for answers. But monstrous creatures and sinister secrets lurk within the land of the deceased that could forever alter the lives of our heroes.Will Lyra and Casper have the strength to thwart the looming threat, or will a long-forgotten secret come back to haunt them?

The Reaper’s Guide on How NOT to Take a Soul!

In The Reaper’s Guide on How NOT to Take a Soul! Charles Byrd artfully presents a spirited adventure with a unique twist. The story revolves around the ambitious and spirited Lyra Corvin, who aspires to be a Grim Reaper. Her initial foray into this unusual career takes a tumultuous turn, entangling her with a temperamental ghost, Casper William. This unexpected partnership propels Lyra and Casper into the perilous depths of the Underworld, a journey fraught with monstrous challenges and revelations about the darker and more profound aspects of life and death – themes not commonly explored in children’s literature.

Byrd’s narrative is refreshing in its approach, harmoniously blending light-hearted humor with the trials of growing up. The story’s heart lies in Lyra’s resilience and evolving relationship with Casper, who plays a pivotal role in her journey of self-discovery. Their dynamic interaction drives the story forward and enriches it, offering a nuanced look into the complexities of friendships under extraordinary circumstances. What distinguishes Byrd’s work is his adeptness in engaging a broad audience. While primarily targeted at younger readers, the book also captivates adults, a rare quality in children’s literature. The humor interspersed throughout the narrative is a clever device to contrast and highlight the exploration of mature themes like mortality and loss. This delicate balance allows the story to delve into thought-provoking areas without losing its youthful charm. Including darker themes, handled with a sensitive and optimistic perspective, lends depth to the narrative that resonates on multiple levels. It’s an invitation to readers of all ages to contemplate the intricacies of life, making the book not only a source of entertainment but also a potential catalyst for meaningful discussions between parents and children.

Charles Byrd’s The Reaper’s Guide on How NOT to Take a Soul! stands as an intriguing fusion of humor, supernatural adventures, and insightful themes. It’s a story of growth, friendship, and understanding of the mysteries of life, offering something valuable for both children and adult readers. The journey of Lyra and Casper captures the essence of learning and adapting, making the book a remarkable and enjoyable read.

Pages: 130 | ASIN : B0CXLJVZR5

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I Have Many Layers

Jean Johnson Author Interview

The Adventures of Rynnie Roo and Tater, Too! Yucatan follows a kangaroo and her parakeet friend as they explore the Yucatan jungle and make new friends. What inspired you to write this story?

Thinking about my childhood after the birth of my granddaughter. 

I was raised in the Yucatán jungle. I thought about how different her memories would be from mine.

What educational aspects were important for you to include in this children’s book?

New vocabulary words, because growing our lingual pallet is a huge stepping stone, and confidence builder. Facts about new animals from other places, and of course dinosaurs. 

Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become a writer?

Not really inspired by them but I enjoy reading them. Since I write children’s books and I like crime fiction. We can say I have many layers. 

I collect Sherlock Holmes the old dusty books pre 1900. 

I find enjoyable entertainment in Perry Mason, Mrs. Marple, Murder she wrote, I’m an old soul when it comes to reading a good book. 

Authors: Sir Conan Doyle, Erle Stanley Gardener, Agatha Christie, Jessica Fletcher & Donald Bain. 

Where does the next book in the series take the characters?

We are heading to Alabama! 

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Instagram | Website

Rynnie Roo the Kangaroo is going on another adventure! This time Tater Tot the Parakeet joins her in the fun as they visit the Yucatan jungle, make new friends, and discover new animals and dinosaurs!

In this book, kids will learn about the Mayan Indian language still spoken in this part of Mexico, including how to say “please” and “thank you.” Be sure you check out Rynnie Roo’s Adventures for more locations and learning fun!