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Cora’s Christmas Challenge

For some children, making friends and collaborating with others can be challenging. However, with encouragement, they can have truly enjoyable experiences. Sally Kashner beautifully illustrates this in Cora’s Christmas Challenge. The story centers around Cora, a little girl who loves adventures more than anything else. Her mom suggests a Christmas adventure challenge, where Cora must share kindness, make a new friend, and spread the joy of Christmas. Excited about her new adventure, Cora sets off and heads to the big hill in the park to play with her friends. Suddenly, they encounter a family of bunnies feeling cold. The children help the animals, and in the process, Cora successfully completes her challenge.

Cora’s Christmas Challenge stands out for its original and fun way of teaching children about teamwork and generosity. Sally Kashner shares an adventure that reflects good cheer, a positive mindset, and the magic of Christmas. The concept of the adventure being like a challenge is particularly appealing, as it mirrors how some children perceive these activities. Cora’s vibrant personality and determination are both endearing and inspiring. The illustrations are wonderful, perfectly blending cold moments with cozy ones. The home scenes are warm and comforting, while the outdoor scenes highlight natural elements like animals and plants in a cold but fun environment. Another detail I appreciated is the inclusion of fun facts about squirrels at the end of the story, which are featured in most of the illustrations. The discussion topics section also provides several questions to encourage comprehension while reading.

Cora’s Christmas Challenge is a delightful book. This story not only teaches children the joy of helping others and taking pride in their accomplishments but also emphasizes that the best adventures are those that help us grow as individuals.

Pages: 36 | ASIN : B0D4FSH74R

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The Courage to Change

Michele L. Sayre Author Interview

I Can Do Bad All by Myzelf follows a disgruntled elf who was not hired by Santa, so he decides to get revenge by sabotaging Santa’s workshop. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

It was the month after Christmas in January 2023, and I was trying to generate some children’s book ideas. I was thinking about what the perfect job would be, and working for Santa came to mind. But Santa can’t hire everyone, right? So, even though this book was the fourth one published in the Holiday Tails series, it was the idea for this book that led to the development of all the other books, and, believe me, there will be many. Four are complete, and two more are slotted for this year.

The art in this book is unique and modern, really drawing in the older elementary-level children. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Christina Cartwright?

I always give Christina an idea of what I’d like to see on the page, but I leave it up to her imagination as well. There have been a couple of times that Christina misinterpreted what I was wanting (or more like I wasn’t as clear as I could have been), and I ended up going with what she gave me because I could see it was a better idea. For example, she proposed that we make the other elves’ skin colors be nontraditional human tones, and I thought it was a fantastic idea, so we ran with it.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The main themes I focused upon were:

Disappointment in life. Sometimes we can’t seem to make our dreams come true, no matter how hard we wish for it.

Finding the courage to change. Bad things happen – are we going to let them define us or are we going to listen to our hearts when they warn us we are on the wrong path? Can we find the courage to change?

Unconditional love. No matter what we do, everyone deserves a chance to be loved and do the right thing.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

The next book I’m working on is a follow-up to last year’s bunny book. Yakov is a wild and funny character, so it’s great to revisit his crazy antics. It should hopefully be done by summer and available to read and enjoy by all.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Amazon

The greatest job in the world is working for Santa, making toys for children, and bringing joy to every innocent heart. It’s the top job to which every mythical creature aspires, but none wish for this job more than elves.

But what if Santa won’t hire you? He can’t hire everyone. The greatest job in the world will only go to a select few. What do the rest of the rejected applicants do?

Well, if your Myz the elf, you get revenge on Santa. You make him rue the day he ever turned you away from the one thing you’ve ever wished for – working for the big man himself, Santa Claus.

Myz does everything he can think of to make the big guy’s life miserable and when he finally succeeds in attaining his naughty goal? Myz sees a side of Christmas that isn’t very beautiful or joyful.

Will his heart change in time to save Christmas? Sometimes we don’t know the true meaning of things until we almost lose them.

I Can Do Bad All by Myzelf (Happy Tails)

I Can Do Bad All by Myzelf presents an imaginative twist on a classic holiday theme. The story follows Myz, an elf who feels slighted for not being chosen as one of Santa Claus’s helpers. He and his penguin friend Nogol embark on a mischievous adventure in Santa’s toy distribution center. Their antics include mislabeling gifts, tampering with the naughty and nice lists, and even inadvertently causing conflict between the Lord’s angels and humanity. Myz’s journey of chaos culminates in a moment of reflection and remorse, leading him to strive to rectify his actions.

In this engaging young adult novel, readers are invited into a world that blends the enchantment of the holiday season with meaningful life lessons. Suitable for avid young readers who are comfortable with chapter books, this story delves into the dynamics of behavior and its ripple effects on others. It thoughtfully illustrates how positive and negative actions influence how people interact with each other. A notable aspect of the book is its portrayal of Santa, who recognizes the potential for positive change in Myz, a character initially driven by negative behaviors.

This narrative arc is a powerful reminder that seeking attention through adverse actions often leads to unintended consequences, a lesson that resonates well with the intended audience. The book’s illustrations are a standout feature, boasting a modern, video-game-like aesthetic that is likely to appeal to young readers. These contemporary visuals complement the story and enhance its appeal, making the book a captivating read for the young adult demographic. Michele L. Sayre’s use of rhyming infuses her writing style with a delightful charm, creating a rhythmic and engaging reading experience.

I Can Do Bad All By Myzelf is a compelling blend of holiday magic and insightful life lessons, making it a valuable addition to any young reader’s collection. The story’s exploration of behavior and its impact, combined with its visually striking illustrations, ensures it is an enjoyable read and an important tool for understanding the nuances of human interactions. This book is an excellent choice for young adults looking to immerse themselves in a story that is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining.

Pages: 75 | ASIN : B0CQQTVZM7

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Beautiful Holidays

Lisa Jacovsky Author Interview

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays follows a group of young friends curious about one another’s holiday traditions who find a way to celebrate their differences together. What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in your book?

Some educational aspects that were important to me to ensure to include were holidays other than Christmas that occur during the same time. As beautiful a holiday as Christmas is, I feel like it is focused on too much. There are some beautiful holidays that occur during the Christmas season, and I wanted to showcase them. It was also important to me to focus on sensory processing disorder as best I could. It is touched on enough in the book and focused on a great deal more in the sixth book that will come out in a few years.

The art in your book is beautifully presented. Can you tell us a little about the collaboration process with your illustrator? 

Thank you! The illustrator did an incredible job! I was a bit worried about this book because the holidays showcased are so vibrant, and I wanted them to come off so beautiful. I feel so lucky that Blueberry Illustrations really did such an incredible job. For the process, I write up summaries, and for this book, I actually did research and put in specific pictures for each illustration. I wanted things to look a certain way, and the illustrator is amazing! They took my notes and really did a wonderful and beautiful job.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

The next book I am working on is book 2 in the Cat Brothers series, Mischievous Cat Brothers. It will be available in 2024–just not sure of a drop date yet. I will be publishing multiple books, including book 3 in that series. Have to stay tuned for more information!

Author Links: Goodreads | Facebook | Instagram | Amazon

Young readers embark on an enlightening journey alongside three inseparable best friends: Harper, Emma, and Jerry. In this heartfelt children’s book, they discover the joy of celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, and Diwali together, each festival introducing its unique traditions and historical significance.
However, this is not just a celebration of holiday customs; it is also a journey of understanding and acceptance. Emma lives with autism, and her friends take this opportunity to learn about her sensory processing disorder. Along with Harper and Jerry, young readers will learn what it means to support a friend with sensory sensitivity and explore how to be empathetic and considerate of differences. Lets talk! Celebrating the Holidays offers not only a diverse cultural immersion but also an opportunity for readers to appreciate the spectrum of human neurodiversity.

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays, by Lisa Jacovsky, is an engaging narrative that thoughtfully highlights the value of embracing cultural diversity through festive traditions. The book centers around Harper, who celebrates Christmas, and her friends Emma and Jerry, who observe Diwali and Hanukkah respectively. Their curiosity about each other’s traditions leads to a collaborative effort to learn and celebrate together, culminating in a party that integrates elements from all three festivals.

Jacovsky skillfully portrays the characters’ diverse backgrounds and personalities, weaving them into the fabric of the story. The author underscores the theme of inclusivity with the addition of Emma, an autistic character, who communicates using special cards. The characters’ interactions embody mutual learning, emphasizing the significance of understanding and valuing different cultures. This is particularly evident as the children work together to blend their traditions into a harmonious celebration.

The narrative, while straightforward and without a central conflict, succeeds in being both educational and enjoyable. It effectively imparts universal values such as empathy and friendship, alongside fostering creativity in problem-solving and event planning. Jacovsky’s writing style is clear and accessible, making the book suitable for young readers. The story’s vibrant illustrations further enrich the experience, vividly portraying moments of joy and cultural sharing.

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays emerges as an effective resource for initiating conversations about inclusivity, tradition, and respect among children. It not only entertains but also educates, making it a valuable addition to any young reader’s collection. Jacovsky’s balanced representation of the three holidays reinforces the book’s message of equality and mutual appreciation among different cultures.


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The Seed of Faith: A Christmas Miracle

Daniel Petronelli’s The Seed of Faith: A Christmas Miracle is a Christmas story of faith and hope. A drought has plagued the little town of Shiloh. There is no water, and there are no Christmas trees, and the villagers don’t know which one is worse. A spirited group of boys takes it upon themselves to sneak over the mountain to the town on the other side. They plan to take home a Christmas tree, but a terrible blizzard interrupts up their plan. Stuck in the blizzard, the boys find themselves panicking. A mysterious figure soon appears and gives them a helping hand. His help becomes significant for the whole village in ways they never expected.

The book is well-written with fun page borders and pleasing illustrations that add depth to the storytelling. It’s a heartwarming story–exactly the kind you’d want to read with children around the Christmas season. It speaks about God and about how faith can be found in even the most trying moments. Its wholesome content makes this a must-read for families.

The Seed of Faith: A Christmas Miracle is a high-quality children’s book with a narrative that embodies the essence of Christmas. It’s a story that reminds us of the importance of faith, hope, and kindness during the holiday season. Its combination of well-crafted storytelling, engaging illustrations, and a meaningful message makes it special. This children’s book is a delightful addition to any Christmas reading list. The Seed of Faith: A Christmas Miracle is a wonderful gift for children and adults alike, spreading the joy and magic of Christmas throughout its pages.

Pages: 74 | ISBN : 978-1737485513

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The Magic of Christmas

Michele Monaco Author Interview

In Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals, when Santa’s reindeer search for pen pals, they find three young girls with whom they form lasting friendships. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The inspiration for my first Christmas book has been my 3 beautiful daughters, Corryn, Kylie, and McKenna. I have always loved the magic of Christmas, and I wanted to amplify that with my girls. I wanted them to feel the magical power and imagination that brings Christmas to life. My kids were always inquisitive. We had woods in our backyard, and deer would calmly walk around late at night and early morning. That inspired me to the concept of Santa’s reindeer doing check-ins for Santa and engaging with my kids by becoming their pen pals. My kids dove into letter writing, drawing check-ins, and asking such fascinating questions to Dasher, Prancer, and Vixen. I so enjoyed writing back to them, and I saw their magical creativity blossom into this beautiful Christmas tradition.

The art in this book is fantastic it reminded me of my own childhood and eagerly watching the old classic animated Christmas stories. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Prabir Sarkar?

For the artwork, I had a vision of the creative works for the story. Prabir was able to take my descriptors and bring them to animated life. He listened to what I wanted the see and feel and was able to translate it magically onto the page. We enjoyed working together and sharing our passion for storytelling and Christmas. We had so much fun making this story translate through the artwork.

What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

I so admire the innocent, vulnerable creativity children have.

Having a pen pal can be a great way for young kids to develop their creativity, as well as other skills and values. I wanted the kids to always tap into their creativity, imagination, writing, and drawing. You are never too young or old to ask questions and create dialogue.

I see a portion of the sales from this book is being donated to Kids in Crisis. Can you tell readers more about this organization and why it is an important group for you to support?

Kids are amazing human beings that have the right to be safe and thrive. Unfortunately, so many kids are facing adversity, and when kids are homeless they lack the physical, mental, medical, and educational support they need. Kids in Crisis is there 24 hours a day to help kids in any form of crisis. This can range from homelessness and domestic and emotional abuse to hunger. I want kids to have housing, medical and therapeutic support, to be kids, to live, dream, explore, learn, build positive relationships, and live in a safe world. I want to be part of the solution to making their lives better.

Author Links: GoodReads | Instagram | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Right after Thanksgiving is the busiest time of year for Santa and his crew of eight famous reindeer! Every year, the Famous Eight sleigh team from the North Pole eagerly helps Santa by going on a quest to find kids who believe in Christmas magic. In Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals, Prancer, Vixen, and Dasher go on an adventure in search of eager pen pals. On their journey, they find three rambunctious girls who eagerly exchange letters with them and become lifelong friends.

Facebook: Sleigh Bell City

Instagram: sleighbellcity

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to Kids in Crisis.

There Is Always Room For Hope

Victoria Winifred Author Interview

Abbie’s Angel: A Christmas Puzzle follows the story of a young girl who loses her festive mood upon accidentally overhearing a puzzling conversation. Abbie and her friends in the Cozy Chess Club embark on a quest to unravel the mystery and restore her joy for the holiday season. What was the inspiration for your story?

This story draws from a multitude of sources that have deeply touched my life and shaped who I am today. First and foremost, it blossomed from the cherished moments I spent with my elementary students, who never failed to amaze me with their innocent hearts, boundless curiosity, and imagination. Their bravery and care for each other inspired me to capture that magic in the pages of this book.

The holiday season, with its emphasis on love and forgiveness, also played a significant role in shaping this tale. I wanted to remind readers of the hopeful and transformative nature of the Christmas spirit, infusing the narrative with elements of Scrooge’s revelations and the power of embracing positive thoughts.

Furthermore, my studies in cognitive behavioral therapy, teaching, life coaching, mentoring, and chess (all of which I hold certificates in) influenced the deeper, underlying themes of this book. Abbie, the protagonist, is encouraged to explore the power of shifting perspectives. She is reminded that, as in chess, she has options and can choose how to view her circumstances and move forward. Also, the plot underscores the importance of parents/guardians providing their young charges with honest and age-appropriate information about family circumstances (otherwise children tend to fill in missing information with negative guesses that are harsher than the truth itself.) In this case, surprising secrets are revealed at the end of the story, bringing about a truly satisfying resolution for Abbie, her friends, and family just in time for Christmas.

It is my sincerest wish that this tale brings a smile to your face, ignites your imagination, and inspires you to embrace the holiday spirit. Remember, there is always room for hope, resilience, and growth, even in the face of uncertainty.

The spirit of Christmas and the holiday season is different for everyone and is realized in many ways. What brings out your holiday spirit the most?

For me, what brings out my holiday spirit most is being a part of my church choir and its Christmas concerts. This has been a cherished activity I’ve participated in for decades. It fills my heart with joy to express my faith through music and share the true meaning of Christmas with others. Additionally, I respect the celebrations of Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, as they bring joy to countless individuals including many of my students past and present, and those holidays are included in this book as well.

What themes were important for you to explore in this book? Is there anything else you want to mention?

Themes include the power of the holiday spirit, perspective and positive thinking, the importance of clear communication with children, chess as a metaphor for choices, and the value of community and connections.

And of course, a winter holiday-themed chess activity is also included in this book for my readers to enjoy!

What will the next books in this series be about, and when will they be published?

I have two additional Cozy Chess Club Mysteries coming up in 2024! One will revolve around Cinco de Mayo, while the other will delve into the Lunar New Year and the legendary dozen animals that are a part of its history.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Abbie’s holiday spirit vanishes when she overhears a troubling conversation. But her friends are certain she must have misunderstood. The Cozy Chess Club brainstorms theories, but clues are hard to find. When all hope fades, a mysterious angel appears and takes them on an extraordinary adventure where important truths from the past, present, and future are revealed. Can Abbie’s friends help her regain her Christmas spirit before the day ends and the long holiday break begins?