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Anxiety Produced by Sounds

Tuula Pere Author Interview

Noise All Over follows a little boy with sensitive ears who runs away from loud sounds because they hurt him. What was the inspiration for your story?

I have noticed that, surprisingly, many people—children and adults—suffer from loud noises. After all, “primitively” thought, loud noises are often warnings or alarms about dangers threatening people, from which it is necessary to flee or wise to protect oneself.

This over-activation and exaggeration also apply to our other senses, but I decided to focus on hearing in this book. The change in the sound environment in modern times has been swift. In part, this is because technology has brought sounds everywhere. Different sound stimuli compete with each other for people’s attention in entertainment and marketing.

The loudest and most annoying sound – downright noise – often wins this competition for people’s attention. Its effect may actually harm its target but generate money in its creator’s wallet.

I’m a sensitive person who strongly feels the stimuli in the environment. On the other hand, I’m very social and eager to meet people, experience various situations, and go to different places. I have to find a suitable balance between these opposites for myself. A sound environment that suits you can be good, even if it is loud and intense. When the sounds of nature roar around or an orchestra plays my favorite music at full power, I’m in the same tune, even if the sounds are loud.

Adults have a special responsibility to observe sounds around children. We must protect them from noise that is harmful to them.

How did you decide on the title of this novel?

The title of this book—Noise All Over—is a natural consequence of how I personally experience disturbing noise. I thought about the environment around the exceptional, sensitive child in the story and the feeling of alarming elements around him. They attacked from all directions, and the boy felt helpless and threatened.

With the book’s title, I wanted to emphasize the comprehensiveness of the disturbance and anxiety produced by sounds. The oppressive feeling grows if we can’t escape the noise and can’t decide for ourselves what happens in our environment in terms of sounds.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book? 

Noise is an individual experience. It is one form of stimuli that can become overwhelming for an individual. So we are talking about a real problem, especially for sensitive people.

Various forms of disturbing noise exist—some more obvious and others more hidden. It can be a single loud, frightening, or even painful sound element or a sum of many smaller and weaker stimulants, which become an overwhelming experience when combined or followed without a reasonable break. One must be able to protect oneself from noise in a way that is characteristic and suitable for the individual.

The role of adults as guides and helpers of the child’s burdening experience is essential. The constant awareness of noise can be a secret burden in the child’s life. It can be difficult for a child to explain what bothers or scares him in different sound environments. This hidden experience can restrict or depress the entire life. The child can be reluctant to confess the problem as it might not be pleasant to differ from the others in this respect.

However, I want to show with my book that there are cures for this difficulty. It is essential to realize that no one has to be alone with problems caused by excessive sensitivity, and there is always someone who understands.

Of course, at the end of the story, I can’t resist mentioning nature and its power to level and “understand” human experiences. Nature is always a place where I can at least seek balance in various challenging situations.

Do you write novels for adults or only children’s books? 

I must admit that I am also one of those writers with several adult novels under development and unfinished. I haven’t given them up yet, but writing for children has taken up most of my time – so far, I’ve published more than 60 books in English and even more in Finnish.

I have also written for adults—both nonfiction and fantasy. On the nonfiction side, I have written texts related to my legal scholar background and an extensive nonfiction book that deals with the life work and production of the most famous Finnish storyteller, Zacharias Topelius (1818–1898), from a legal perspective. Including a vast amount of law and justice in fairy tales and reflections on morality and justice, in general, is possible. This topic is close to my heart on all levels of writing.

I have also participated in a peace-themed writing competition, and my essay was included in an anthology of the prize-winners. That was very encouraging as I have written many children’s books about the themes of war and peace, too – in a delicate way.

I’m also constantly writing short stories for adults, and I’ve already published one book where I give a voice to people who don’t usually get one. My motto is that for ordinary people, shockingly big and unusual things often happen in their ordinary lives, even if others don’t always notice them. There seem to be enough stories ready for another book now, so maybe I will publish something for adults again shortly.

There should also be a way to get adults to read more instead of excessive, passive entertainment. There is a lot of talk about children’s reading, but the role of adults as role models is often overlooked. It would be a dream if I could find a way to write about topics touching many people and raising everyday problems to a level where you can see through them more clearly. I don’t mean any self-help books, but stories that make their readers notice new life nuances and possibilities. This became a big wish, but a writer must have such!

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

“Little Fears” is a book series about the various concerns that children can have. Sometimes, minor harms may grow into big worries if they are ignored. Fortunately, there are fun ways and gentle tools to handle such situations, often through play.

The Dinosaur Rock Band concert for children should be the highlight of the summer. Liam is going with his aunt and cousins.
However, there is an unpleasant surprise in store for Liam. The loud music is painful to his sensitive ears. The only solution is to escape!

Routine Dental Visits

Latia Smith RDH Author Interview

Peter’s Trip to the Dentist follows a six-year-old boy who visits the dentist for the first time and learns all about dental hygiene in a fun and engaging environment. What was the inspiration for your story?

The inspiration for Peter’s Trip to the Dentist was having had the opportunity to work in a pediatric dental setting, which provides a kid-friendly environment suited to meet the dental needs of children. The children were always so happy to come in for the routine check-up and cleaning with the two real-life dental characters featured in my book. The dentist and staff are trained to work with children, fostering a foundation for dental health with early detection, oral care lessons, and nutritional counseling. I wanted to share a positive experience with young readers, alleviate any anxiety, and help prepare children for their dental visits.

What educational aspects were important for you to include in this children’s book?

The important educational aspects of this book include a step-by-step guide dictating to children what they should expect for their routine dental visits. It was also important to encourage healthy eating and drinking habits, as well as caring for one’s teeth with brushing and flossing.

What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

My goal was to make this children’s dental book a fun read and to reach many young readers in an exciting way by introducing the world of dentistry to them.

I hope the series continues in other books. If so, where will the story take readers?

Readers can continue to read more fun books about pediatric dentistry, such as Charlotte Gets Braces, and Mimi Gets a Tooth Filling, both of which share a unique story and step-by-step guide for both procedures, with colorful illustrations and characters that bring the story to life through each of their journeys.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Amazon

Join six-year-old Peter as he journeys across town with his family to visit the dentist.

An elaborate office, embellished in a Zoo-like theme, gives a warm, welcoming feeling to all of its pediatric patients. The office’s dental hygienist, Ms. Stacy, guides Peter step-by-step throughout the entire procedure of his dental cleaning as she introduces all the fancy tools and equipment that she uses during the treatment. Yummy flavors are always an incentive for getting your teeth polished, as the choices are endless. Removing sugar bugs off of the teeth produces a sparking smile, while radiographs help to ensure there is no tooth decay, which may be underlying. Peter learns about taking X-ray pictures and gets a lesson on home care instructions to maintain a healthy dentition. Goody bags and treasure prizes are such a treat, making Peter’s trip to the dentist complete.

A pleasant time with the hygienist and dentist makes Peter look forward to his next dental visit!

Hello, Are You New?

Hello, Are You New?, by Carmen Cassar, offers a delightful exploration into the familiar anxieties and excitement surrounding a child’s first day at school, all through the eyes of a relatable possum character. This engaging narrative guides young readers through the possum’s morning preparations for school, effectively mirroring the flurry of thoughts and questions children often have about this significant milestone.

Cassar skillfully addresses common curiosities and concerns—ranging from the nature of the teacher to the classroom environment and peer interactions. This approach not only resonates with young minds but also provides a gentle reassurance about the new experiences awaiting them. The illustrations in the book are particularly noteworthy, featuring a charming, cartoon-like quality that enriches the story. They invite readers into a visually stimulating world, offering plenty of elements to observe and discuss.

A key aspect of Hello, Are You New? is its message about the value of education and the beginning of life’s adventures in school. This theme is woven seamlessly into the story, leaving young readers with an understanding of the myriad opportunities for learning and growth that school offers. Cassar’s book stands out as an insightful and heartwarming tool for parents and educators to help children navigate the transition into school life.


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Belle and Chloe: Reflections in the Mirror

Belle and Chloe: Reflections in the Mirror, by Isabela Sardas, Ph.D., is a poignant and beautifully crafted children’s book that explores the deep bond between twin sisters, Belle and Chloe, as they navigate a world transformed by tragedy. The story adeptly balances the innocence of childhood with the complexities of coping with unforeseen challenges. Sardas’s narrative artfully depicts how Belle, grappling with trauma and pain, and Chloe, wrestling with loneliness and heartache, each experience their shared ordeal in profoundly personal ways. Their journey through these emotional landscapes is portrayed with sensitivity, making their struggles feel authentic and relatable.

The book’s illustrations are a notable complement to the narrative, adding a layer of charm and depth to the sisters’ story. Each page of artwork enriches the evolving tale, enhancing the emotional resonance of the twins’ experiences. The portrayal of Belle and Chloe’s individual reactions to their shared adversity is particularly impactful, vividly bringing to life their distinct paths toward healing and resilience. This story gently guides readers through themes of suffering, resilience, and the importance of support in overcoming life’s challenges. It subtly underscores the notion that while adversity can leave both visible and invisible scars, the journey toward healing is facilitated through mutual support and self-acceptance. The narrative serves as a mirror, reflecting not only the characters’ experiences but also encouraging readers to find pieces of their own stories within its pages. Although the book thoughtfully addresses delicate subjects such as hospitals and burns, its approach is inclusive and resonates with a wide range of readers, ensuring its relevance and accessibility.

Belle and Chloe: Reflections in the Mirror is more than just a children’s story; it is a narrative that offers insights on coping with adversity, making it a valuable read for those seeking understanding and solace in times of hardship. Its message of hope and restoration is conveyed with grace, making it a notable addition to the genre and a compelling read for anyone seeking inspiration in the face of life’s trials.

Pages: 58 | ISBN :  978-1665741545

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Finding Mummy’s Glow

It can be incredibly difficult to find the words to help young children understand serious illnesses like cancer. Even more challenging is finding a way to help them process the many feelings and side effects associated with the cancer treatments their family members may be experiencing. With her book, Finding Mummy’s Glow, Mandy Woolf has gifted families a way to handle little ones’ questions in a loving way they will find easy to understand. I can’t think of a better gift for parents who are undergoing chemotherapy than to have a children’s book that answers the difficult questions for them.

In Finding Mummy’s Glow, Noah learns that his mother has cancer, and he tries every way possible to give her back the glow the disease has stolen from her. Mr. Snuggles, Noah’s teddy bear companion, joins him on his mission to make his mother feel better and help their home feel normal once again. Readers experience all the emotions alongside Noah as he becomes increasingly determined to make everything right in his mother’s world. Woolf’s book is touching and covers this topic with care in a way that comforts without creating worry.

I found the way that Woolf deals with Noah’s stress to be the most effective aspect of the narrative. When Noah worries that he might have caused his mother to be sick and that he might be able to catch the same disease his mother has, he is reassured by his mother with confidence and explanations that children will easily comprehend.

As a mother who has undergone treatment for skin cancer, I appreciate the approach Woolf has taken with this delicate topic. She does not shy away from having her main character express very real emotions. This realistic approach combined with the overarching sense of hope throughout the story and the fantasy elements surrounding Mr. Snuggles makes this a must-have book for families searching for ways to talk openly and honestly about cancer with their children. 

Pages: 32 | ISBN : 978-1923020238

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Life After Death: Surviving Suicide

Imagine, at just 7 years old, grappling with the abrupt and traumatic loss of a parent. In Life After Death: Surviving Suicide, Richard Brockman provides heart-wrenching insight into a life-altering event he endured as a young boy: the suicide of his mother. Through the pages, readers journey alongside Richard, gaining an intimate view of his mother Ruth’s emotional turmoil and the aftermath her family had to navigate.

What makes this narrative compelling is Richard’s perspective as a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University. Not only does he offer a deeply personal recounting, but he weaves in a nuanced understanding of the neurological processes that underpin such profound experiences. This isn’t just a raw recounting; it’s a masterful blend of personal pain and professional expertise that sets it apart as a potentially influential academic resource.

Grief, healing, and the complexity of the human psyche are themes explored with depth and sensitivity. As Richard paints a vivid picture of his mother’s battles – from her mental health struggles to her intimate feelings of unworthiness – readers are reminded of the very real and often silenced dimensions of mental health.

Richard goes beyond a linear tale, circling back to his own birth, shedding light on the powerful bond between mother and child, and the ripple effects that pivotal events can have on such a relationship. This book isn’t just Richard’s story; it’s a testament to resilience, the complexities of the human mind, and the indomitable spirit of those affected by such tragedies.

This is a tribute to a boy’s journey to heal the wounds of his past. Richard Brockman’s courage to share these deeply personal moments, all while delivering an educational perspective, is commendable. If you’re seeking a touching and enlightening read, especially those in the mental health and medical sectors, Life After Death: Surviving Suicide is an essential addition to your reading list. Trust me, its impact will resonate long after the final page.

Pages: 408 | ISBN : 978-1680998054

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