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Western Lights

Western Lights, by C.P. Schaefer, is a thrilling journey through a near-future world grappling with sudden and violent environmental upheavals. The story kicks off with Ethan Sites, a young NOAA scientist, witnessing bizarre and deadly changes in the Northern Lights. These disturbances set off a chain reaction of events, including strange magnetic anomalies and catastrophic flash fires in Alaska. As Ethan and his team scramble to understand the phenomena, their efforts intersect with various global forces, from government agencies to local Alaskans, all trying to survive and decode the terrifying environmental shifts.

Schaefer’s writing is vivid and fast-paced, pulling you into the chaotic world he envisions with little room to catch your breath. I found his descriptions of the Alaskan tundra particularly immersive. The author’s impressive skill in blending technical details with a compelling narrative makes complex scientific concepts accessible without slowing down the action.

The core idea of a shifting magnetic pole causing such dramatic effects is intriguing and terrifying. Schaefer successfully taps into current concerns about climate change and amplifies them into a plausible and gripping disaster scenario. I appreciated how the novel doesn’t just focus on the spectacle of the environmental catastrophe but also delves into the human responses to it. Characters like Ethan, struggling to make sense of the science, and Sara, a whale rescuer who’s thrown into the chaos, add depth and a personal touch to the narrative. One of my favorite parts is when Ethan and Sara debate the causes and implications of the phenomena while trying to save stranded whales. This scene exemplifies how Schaefer weaves scientific discourse into the plot naturally.

Western Lights is a must-read for fans of eco-thrillers and science fiction. Schaefer combines scientific intrigue with heart-pounding action, making it an engaging and thought-provoking read. The book’s exploration of humanity’s fragility in the face of nature’s unpredictability will resonate with anyone interested in climate change or disaster stories. While I feel the breakneck pace might overwhelm some, it’s perfect for readers who enjoy being thrown into the deep end from page one.

Pages: 434 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CW18MGZK

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Stories With Respect and Admiration

Eleanor Tremayne Author Interview

Saint Augustine Sisterhood follows a time traveler on a dual mission to preserve the spirit of St. Augustine as she continues the search for her husband whom she lost two centuries ago at Stonehenge. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

After being introduced to the Pirate and Gypsy community in Saint Augustine I started following their activities. These are groups of people that enjoy the historical and artistic social events that they are members of. They are not the traditional gypsies that often connote negative images. I wanted to tell their stories with respect and admiration for the love and happiness that they generate. It took me nearly two years to achieve my goals.

Did you plan the tone and direction of the novel before writing, or did it come out organically as you were writing?

Whenever I start writing a new novel I always begin with a title, a cover, and a conclusion. In this case, the tone was set by the Gypsy Dancers that I followed allowing me to also add the idea of time travelers which is a perfect fit in the ancient city of Saint Augustine with all of its ghost stories and mysterious tales.

Are there any emotions or memories from your own life that you put into your characters’ lives?

In all seven novels that I have written, there is always a personal connection to people I have known, places that I visit, and experiences that I have had. In Sisterhood there are also layers of fantasy, historical fiction, and spirituality. I also paid tribute to my beloved fifteen-year-old Weimaraner, Enya, who unfortunately passed away during the writing of this novel. Lancelot, who was also another Weimaraner that I owned, was my way of honoring Enya’s lifetime of friendship.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

Currently, I am working on a stage play that is adapting Sisterhood into a musical interpretation, including the traveling Gypsies who find themselves in the St. Augustine Enchanted Grove. Also, I am writing a sequel to Sisterhood titled Saint Augustine Sisterhood in the Garden of Good and Evil. This will take the time-traveling gypsies to New Orleans, and Savannah where they will be confronted by a group of evil counterparts. I am hoping to have that novel released early next year.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

Emerald is determined to find five strong women that are dedicated to preserving her vision of the Saint Augustine Gypsy Sisterhood while she continues to search for Liam, her lover and husband for over two hundred years. Yes, Emerald is a time traveler who has adjusted to this lifestyle fairly well until recently she is separated from Liam at Stonehenge. Saint Augustine, the oldest city in America was to be their home-base. But now an unforeseen complication known as Mandana Morrison is complicating everything.

When Mandana arrives to settle the estate of her estranged Aunt Caroline, she has no intention in remaining in Florida. That is until the Sisterhood of Gypsy dancers captivates her imagination, an Irish artist enchants her with his mysterious charm, and a Weimaraner named Lancelot becomes her knight in shining armor.

Mandana soon discovers that this ancient city known for harboring ghostly spirits is also a haven for time travelers that seek refuge at the Extended Life Institute. What she doesn’t understand is her role in this mysterious story that is layered with supernatural intrigue.

Saint Augustine Sisterhood

Saint Augustine Sisterhood, written by Eleanor Tremayne, is a masterful blend of history, fiction, and the supernatural. The novel follows Emerald, a time traveler who becomes separated from her husband Liam at Stonehenge during their trip to America’s oldest city, Saint Augustine. As Emerald searches for Liam, she also seeks out five strong-willed women destined to preserve the spirit of Saint Augustine’s gypsy sisterhood.

The story takes an intriguing turn with the introduction of Mandana Morrison, an unexpected character who complicates the narrative. Despite her initial plans to leave the city, Mandana finds herself drawn to the idea of the sisterhood and captivated by the charm of an Irish artist. Her curiosity leads her to uncover the secrets of the time travelers, though she remains unaware of her own crucial role in this supernatural saga.

Tremayne’s Saint Augustine Sisterhood is a paragon of the supernatural genre. She deftly intertwines historical and fictional elements, crafting a captivating tale that highlights the significance of gypsy and pirate groups while delving into their historical roots. Her descriptive prose draws readers into a vividly imagined world, showcasing her exceptional storytelling skills. The novel features a dynamic and engaging cast of characters, with both Emerald and Mandana playing pivotal roles. Their character development is particularly noteworthy, adding depth and dimension to the narrative. The plot is rich with unexpected twists and turns, maintaining suspense and keeping readers hooked from beginning to end. The infusion of supernatural elements and subtle humor further enhances the novel’s appeal.

Saint Augustine Sisterhood is a perfect blend of suspense, fiction, and history. With its rich characters and enthralling storyline, this epic read is sure to astonish and inspire readers. Tremayne has crafted a compelling narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, making this book a must-read for fans of the genre.

Pages: 312 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CW1N27PQ

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Unintended Consequences

James Flanagan Author Interview

GENEFIRE follows a PhD student studying the DNA of a young girl who discovers a warning from the future about Earth’s destruction. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Having been through a PhD myself, I know how hard it can be. It really can feel like the world will end if you don’t finish your PhD. As an academic over the last 15 years, I have also supervised many successful PhD students, and have also seen the whole range of experiences. Many of my former students were the inspiration for Milton, trying to capture that PhD experience in fiction. The journey that Milton goes through is a bit of a metaphor for that experience when you feel like nothing is going right in your PhD, then suddenly you find something amazing, but then your supervisor pours cold water on the idea. You try like crazy to replicate the results (“it’s not a real result unless you validate it”) and end up heading to your PhD viva filled with imposter syndrome and feeling as though you’re on trial.

The other inspiration for this story is the idea of writing in DNA. I have always been fascinated by the idea that we could write messages in DNA, and I wondered how far could we take it?

The science inserted in the fiction was well-balanced. How did you manage to keep it grounded while still providing the fantastic edge science fiction stories usually provide?

As a scientist, it was important to me that the science presented in GENEFIRE was either possible with today’s technology, or easily plausible and likely to come true. Genetic engineering in humans is on the cusp at the moment. Only a few days ago, there was an announcement of regulatory approval in the UK for curing sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia with CRISPR gene editing technologies. It starts with noble disease-curing goals, but where does it end? That is what this novel sets out to explore. We are already far behind the technology in our understanding of the ethics and potential consequences of editing genes. The main theme of the novel is the idea of unintended consequences and the ethics of tinkering with the human genome. There are some harder sci-fi elements but balanced out with fast-paced action and suspense as the characters make their choices and follow their destinies. I hope that most readers will be willing to come along for the ride.

What was one scene in the novel that you felt captured the morals and message you were trying to deliver to readers?

There is a scene on the international space station where all hell breaks loose. The dangerous chemical that Gessica discovered has arrived with the refugees from Earth and has contaminated the ISS. Everyone is in danger, except Tammy, who is immune to the danger due to his genetic makeup. He has to watch all of his friends die a horrible death. That is the culmination of everything going wrong from one terrible mistake.

“Sweet mercy! What a mistake.” – Gessica Kelly.

Will this novel be the start of a series, or are you working on a different story?

Yes, I am hoping this is part one of a trilogy. Being the serious “planner” that I am, I have the next two books plotted out (no spoilers), ready to be written, if only I could find… Now where did I put that time? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

GENEFIRE: near-future SciFi novel crossing space and time. In a future where genetic engineering is becoming the norm, even the simplest mistakes could be devastating.

Sometimes it feels as though the world will end if you don’t finish your PhD. For Larry Milton, it’s true.

Larry has discovered a dire warning from the future about Earth’s destruction — written in the DNA of a young girl.

With the destruction of the planet at stake, and no one believing him, he goes to extraordinary lengths to help the messenger from the future save the world… and try to finish his PhD at the same time.