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Acceptance Starts With Asking Questions

Lisa Jacovsky Author Interview

In Happy Thoughts: Going to the Aquarium, a young girl with autism overcomes her anxieties with the help of her friends when she visits the aquarium and makes a new friend. Why was this an important story for you to share?

It was important because it’s rare to see anything let alone a book from a child with Autism’s point of view. Also, it was because Emma does not use her mouth to talk; she uses her cards and writing. This is something not seen at all in the literary book world. I thought that should be changed. I wanted to children to see themselves in Emma and families to see their loved ones. There is something so magical in seeing yourself in a book, and I wanted to bring that to children and families.

Is there anything from your own life in the characters in Happy Thoughts?

Yes, I am very passionate about animals and animal conservation. What better way to encourage children to want to learn about animals than to write about a visit to the aquarium? In the book, some of my favorite marine animals are shown, too. There really are no books that show Beluga whales, and that was important to me. They are beautiful, smart, and silly creatures that I thought should be showcased.

What is one thing you hope young readers can take away from Emma’s experience?

There are many different ways to talk. Also, talking differently makes us beautiful. Embrace your friends and family members who may talk differently or have anything that makes them different. Or go up to the little different one and become friends with them. Ask your teachers how and about what Autism is. Acceptance starts with asking questions to learn.

What next book are you working on, and when will it be available?

The next book that will come out is called Mischievous Cat Brothers, and it is book two in the Cat Brothers series. It should come out this summer and will be illustrated by the amazing individuals of Brainstorm Productions. The younger brother will narrate it, Snowball, making it a bit more silly.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Amazon

Emma is so excited to be going on lots of adventures with her best friends Harper and Jerry! She happens to have autism and talks differently than other kids but she has never let that stop her. In their newest adventure the friends are going to the aquarium for the first time. Narrated by Emma, she will take you on a journey of having to learn how to make a new friend even though she is very nervous. Sometimes she has anxiety when new people try to talk to her but with the help of her best friends, she learns how to get past it. Come along on this fun journey to the aquarium and hear it from Emma’s point of view for the first time.

Grab your copy of Award Winning author, Lisa Jacovsky’s Happy Thoughts: Going to the Aquarium today!

Happy Thoughts: Going to the Aquarium

Happy Thoughts: Going to the Aquarium, by Lisa Jacovsky, presents an insightful glimpse into the life of Emma, a young girl with autism who has her own unique way of communication. Unlike her peers, Emma relies on index cards to express herself when she feels comfortable, a distinctive trait that sets her apart in social interactions. This narrative becomes especially poignant when Emma encounters new individuals, such as a boy named Alex at the aquarium, highlighting both the challenges and the triumphs of her communication method.

Jacovsky’s narrative is commendable for its sensitive and innovative portrayal of autism. By choosing index cards as Emma’s medium of expression, the author provides a tangible and relatable tool for young readers to understand and empathize with different communication styles. This technique effectively fosters awareness and acceptance among children, demonstrating that differing abilities should be embraced and respected. The aquarium setting is a masterstroke, offering a serene and engaging backdrop for this enlightening tale. It not only serves as a non-threatening environment for character interactions but also enriches the story with vibrant illustrations of marine life, including seals, dolphins, and beluga whales. John Thorn’s illustrations are noteworthy for their charm and their role in bringing the story to life.

Jacovsky‘s book stands out for its educational value, seamlessly weaving a lesson on acceptance and uniqueness into an enjoyable story. Emma’s journey, marked by her distinctive way of interacting with the world, is a testament to the beauty of diversity and the importance of understanding those who may seem different.

Happy Thoughts: Going to the Aquarium is a meaningful exploration of individuality and communication. Jacovsky’s thoughtful approach makes this book a valuable read for children, illuminating the richness that different perspectives bring to our world.

Pages: 30 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CVHTT9W5

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Beautiful Holidays

Lisa Jacovsky Author Interview

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays follows a group of young friends curious about one another’s holiday traditions who find a way to celebrate their differences together. What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in your book?

Some educational aspects that were important to me to ensure to include were holidays other than Christmas that occur during the same time. As beautiful a holiday as Christmas is, I feel like it is focused on too much. There are some beautiful holidays that occur during the Christmas season, and I wanted to showcase them. It was also important to me to focus on sensory processing disorder as best I could. It is touched on enough in the book and focused on a great deal more in the sixth book that will come out in a few years.

The art in your book is beautifully presented. Can you tell us a little about the collaboration process with your illustrator? 

Thank you! The illustrator did an incredible job! I was a bit worried about this book because the holidays showcased are so vibrant, and I wanted them to come off so beautiful. I feel so lucky that Blueberry Illustrations really did such an incredible job. For the process, I write up summaries, and for this book, I actually did research and put in specific pictures for each illustration. I wanted things to look a certain way, and the illustrator is amazing! They took my notes and really did a wonderful and beautiful job.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

The next book I am working on is book 2 in the Cat Brothers series, Mischievous Cat Brothers. It will be available in 2024–just not sure of a drop date yet. I will be publishing multiple books, including book 3 in that series. Have to stay tuned for more information!

Author Links: Goodreads | Facebook | Instagram | Amazon

Young readers embark on an enlightening journey alongside three inseparable best friends: Harper, Emma, and Jerry. In this heartfelt children’s book, they discover the joy of celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, and Diwali together, each festival introducing its unique traditions and historical significance.
However, this is not just a celebration of holiday customs; it is also a journey of understanding and acceptance. Emma lives with autism, and her friends take this opportunity to learn about her sensory processing disorder. Along with Harper and Jerry, young readers will learn what it means to support a friend with sensory sensitivity and explore how to be empathetic and considerate of differences. Lets talk! Celebrating the Holidays offers not only a diverse cultural immersion but also an opportunity for readers to appreciate the spectrum of human neurodiversity.

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays, by Lisa Jacovsky, is an engaging narrative that thoughtfully highlights the value of embracing cultural diversity through festive traditions. The book centers around Harper, who celebrates Christmas, and her friends Emma and Jerry, who observe Diwali and Hanukkah respectively. Their curiosity about each other’s traditions leads to a collaborative effort to learn and celebrate together, culminating in a party that integrates elements from all three festivals.

Jacovsky skillfully portrays the characters’ diverse backgrounds and personalities, weaving them into the fabric of the story. The author underscores the theme of inclusivity with the addition of Emma, an autistic character, who communicates using special cards. The characters’ interactions embody mutual learning, emphasizing the significance of understanding and valuing different cultures. This is particularly evident as the children work together to blend their traditions into a harmonious celebration.

The narrative, while straightforward and without a central conflict, succeeds in being both educational and enjoyable. It effectively imparts universal values such as empathy and friendship, alongside fostering creativity in problem-solving and event planning. Jacovsky’s writing style is clear and accessible, making the book suitable for young readers. The story’s vibrant illustrations further enrich the experience, vividly portraying moments of joy and cultural sharing.

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays emerges as an effective resource for initiating conversations about inclusivity, tradition, and respect among children. It not only entertains but also educates, making it a valuable addition to any young reader’s collection. Jacovsky’s balanced representation of the three holidays reinforces the book’s message of equality and mutual appreciation among different cultures.


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There is Beauty in Being Different

Lisa Jacovsky Author Interview

Purrrfect As I Am is the heartwarming tale of three kittens, all with special needs, who prove that there is indeed beauty in being different. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Working in the field with children that are special needs has created a view into this beautiful world that most people don’t try to see. Along with this I am very passionate about animals. Having a different view has enabled me to see things in animals too most people don’t see or even know about. I had landed on different foster organizations for cats with special needs. I have been following these amazing organizations for a few years and that is really what the inspiration was. I realized that there are barely any books about animals with special needs. And there are people that when I would show them the pictures would think they are not cute or adorable like I do but once I explained their story they had a totally different view. Following these fosters showed me the beauty in these special animals. I wanted to share that with the world so that maybe someone out there would not give the animal back but would seek out help. Or that someone would be open to adopting one of these amazing animals. Its about showing the world the beauty in being different, not just for humans, but animals too.

What kind of research was required to make sure you portrayed the kittens’ special needs accurately?

I follow three different amazing foster organizations for special needs cats specifically. What I did was go through their pictures and posts again to ensure I had the correct information for the disorders. Also, for the behaviors the cats could be seen engaging in. Then I found online through searching some pictures that I wanted to use for my characters. I also used an amazing company named Brainstorm Productions to do the illustrations. For the style I asked one specific individual if she would do all twelve for me. I used the first book in Cat Brothers series, Rascal Cat Brothers, to decide on a specific style. With characters that need to be specific and wanting them to be cute and adorable, I took my time in deciding on a style. I got very lucky in that she agreed to do the illustrations for the whole book.

What is one thing you hope young readers take away from Purrrfect As I Am?

Even though an animal is different looking, they can still be silly and funny and adorable lap cats if that is what the family Is looking for. Look beyond the differences on the outside and adopt the cat anyways. They can be just as amazing friends and companions as any other. However, if the cost is too much, to please find a suitable foster organization; please do not surrender them to a shelter they cannot help. Be kind to these beautiful creatures.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

The next book I am working on is actually a spin off Purrrfect As I am. The three characters are going to use their specialness to solve cute mysteries. The first book is going to be available sometime in 2024. It will have the same illustrator as well.

Author Links: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Its never a dull day when there are three kittens with special needs in the house! Narrated by an adorable kitten with Hydrocephalus, this is the story of three kittens with special needs that do not slow them down at all. Bones loves to cuddle and chase the little red dot with his friend Bender who has three legs. Bender also loves to play and try to catch the spinning mouse. Then there’s Beau who happens to be blind. This doesn’t stop him from jumping to the highest point on the cat tree or chasing after the crinkle ball though. A fun, sweet story of three friends who show the beauty of being different and the love that a human can bring to special needs to cats.

Siblings Learning Together

Lisa Jacovsky Author Interview

The Rascal Cat Brothers follows a black cat who, up until now, was a solitary cat, and now has a kitten moving into his home and has to adapt. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The story is the true events of adopting my two cats. The black cat, Midnight is actually my first cat I adopted from a shelter. The second cat, Snowball, is actually my silly younger cat, and this is the story of the day I brought him home. Ever since, the two boys have been amazing brothers, and Snowball has been super silly. I was inspired to write their story and their amazingly funny behaviors into a book series. They are my first pets, and I had no idea how silly and funny they could be. I thought their behaviors could be a great book, and what came out also came with a beautiful message.

Getting a new sibling can be challenging and confusing for children, as can bringing a new animal into the home with existing ones. Both situations can be the scene for humorous moments. What was your favorite scene in this story?

My favorite scene in the story is definitely when I find Snowball on the top shelf in my closet. That is a true event, and the illustrations in the books are my actual pictures. I just heard something in the closet one day and walked in to see this tiny 8.5 pound kitten on the top shelf of my closet. Midnight, of course, came to check it, too, but I was surprised and could not stop laughing. I think that is one of my favorite memories of Snowball. A favorite memory of both boys is definitely anytime they are cuddled up with me sleeping. I love when they cuddle with me and together. Snowball is bigger than Midnight in real life, and it is so cute and funny when he lays down on top of his brother rather than next to him.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I really did not set out to explore themes. I wanted to write down the silly and adorable things I have seen my two cats do. I thought starting with how I brought him home and the silly things Snowball did along with the cuddles that Midnight loves would be perfect. I did not know then I would make it into a series. I thought the way I wrote it could be either a series or a stand-alone book. It just morphed into this adorable funny story of siblings learning together and becoming family. I am very lucky to have it unfold that way.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

I am working on the next book in the Lets Talk! series called Lets Talk! Celebrating the Holidays. It is available November 1, 2023. The second book in the cat brothers series is going to come out sometime in 2024. Stay tuned for updates because that one is Snowball’s point of view.

Author Links: Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Amazon

Sometimes we all have to make room for new additions to our family. It can be hard but it also can be fun. That is exactly what happened to Midnight one day when his mommy brought home a new little brother named Snowball to be his best friend. Little did he know how silly and fun this new little brother can be. This story follows the silly shenanigans of two cats who are learning to get along and become family.

The Rascal Cat Brothers

The Rascal Cat Brothers by Lisa Jacovsky expertly delves into the theme of adjusting to the arrival of a new sibling, a common challenge for children. The narrative unfolds through the endearing perspective of Midnight, a solitary black cat closely bonded with his owner, affectionately called Mommy. Midnight initially grapples with discomfort when Mommy introduces Snowball, an exuberant kitten, into their home. However, as their relationship develops, Midnight discovers the joys of companionship.

This book skillfully addresses significant topics such as adapting to new family members and responsible pet care, making it an excellent choice for young children and feline enthusiasts. It also serves as a valuable tool for parents and caregivers to facilitate discussions about family dynamics with children. The story underscores the importance of sharing space and attention at home when a new member joins the family. Through Midnight’s engaging adventures, young readers learn that having a new sibling can be an enjoyable experience. Midnight’s exploration of new toys and shared moments emphasizes the positive aspects of togetherness. Lisa Jacovsky thoughtfully emphasizes that both cats can receive love and attention simultaneously, conveying a heartwarming and reassuring message.

Jacovsky’s narrative employs simple vocabulary tailored for young readers, complementing Midnight’s engaging perspective. This approach enriches the storytelling and effectively conveys a beautiful message of unity and harmony. The book not only offers an exciting and enjoyable reading experience for children but also serves as a valuable resource for parents and caregivers to broach topics related to family, friendship, and adaptability. The charming narrative, complemented by endearing illustrations, renders this book a delightful addition to any child’s book collection.

The Rascal Cat Brothers is a heartwarming and relatable story that celebrates the beauty of embracing change and the joy of welcoming new friends into our lives. Midnight and Snowball’s journey underscores the transformative power of friendship and the enduring bonds that define us as a family. This book has a wonderful message for children and families seeking an engaging, heartwarming, and meaningful story.

Pages: 28 | ASIN : B0BXLV8QMX

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Spooky Oooky Dance Party

Spooky Ooky Dance Party by Lisa Jacovsky is a fun, Halloween-themed book for kids. It’s a beautifully illustrated story about a cat named Moon, who enjoys secret adventures with other animal friends. Moon explains how humans don’t know everything about their pets, and sometimes, they have powers or magical abilities that allow them to explore and enjoy things that are very different from their regular lives. The book focuses specifically on Halloween and how this celebration brings together Moon and friends for an extraordinary experience.

I found the book ideal for school-aged kids and enjoyed reading it to them and their friends. It’s engaging and imaginative by encouraging kids to create interesting stories about their own pets and the unusual but fun journeys they might embark on if they, too, had access to special places and powers. The tale is narrated, in part, from Moon’s perspective, and how easy it is to sneak outside the world of humans and into a different place with magic and new possibilities. During Halloween, these adventures become more special, along with seasonal costumes, decor, and themes.

I found the lively nature of the story and illustrations to be spectacular. The author does a great job of building excitement for the reader in anticipation of what’s next. The animal characters provide a fantastic tale that’s unique in that it shows how they celebrate Halloween in a different yet similar way to humans.

Spooky Ooky Dance Party by Lisa Jacovsky is a whimsical, creative story that’s ideal during Halloween or whenever it’s a good time to inspire young kids. The story features likable characters with colorful adventures and a positive theme throughout. I found the illustrations appealing and the book easy for kids to read and understand. I highly recommend this story to grade school teachers, parents, and daycare staff.

Pages: 28 | ASIN : B0CD861FKD

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