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Ringo’s Rainbow Journey: A Memoir of Our Border Collie’s Return to His Soul Family

Ringo’s Rainbow Journey: A Memoir of Our Border Collie’s Return to His Soul Family, by Kathy Bolte, captures the precious bond between a pet and its family, a relationship often as deep as any other familial connection. Bolte’s narrative starts with the adoption of Ringo, tracing their shared experiences from joyous adventures to their eventual, inevitable parting. This book is more than a simple recounting of pet ownership; it’s an engaging, love-filled journey through life with Ringo, marked by vibrant anecdotes and moments of joy.

Bolte does not focus solely on Ringo; she paints a full picture of her life with multiple pets, both cats and dogs, detailing the family dynamics and the different personalities of each animal. Her writing brings us into the fold of her household, enriched with photographs that offer a glimpse into these cherished relationships. The inclusion of characters like Amanda, who possesses the ability to communicate with animals, adds a unique dimension to the narrative, deepening our understanding of the pets’ distinct traits. The prose is rich and evocative, effectively conveying the emotional landscape of living with and loving animals. It emphasizes themes of empathy and family unity. The story is beautifully told, with life lessons woven through the personal reflections and shared moments that will resonate with anyone who has ever loved a pet.

In Ringo’s Rainbow Journey, Kathy Bolte beautifully illustrates the multifaceted relationship between humans and their animal companions, capturing the essence of love, loss, and the indelible mark a pet leaves on a family. Her heartfelt storytelling invites readers into a world where pets are not just animals, but cherished family members with their own stories and personalities. This memoir not only shares the joy and challenges of pet ownership but also celebrates the unbreakable bonds that form along the way, leaving readers with a deeper appreciation for the creatures that enrich our lives.

Pages: 238 | ASIN : B0D3KB31WW

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Strive to Understand and Empathize

Author Interview
Adria Sanders Author Interview

On the Other Side: Memories of a Past Life shares your story of exploring your past life as Ana and the unresolved pain that followed you into this current life. Why was it important to tell your story?

I strongly believe in encouraging people who have gone through experiences like mine to share their stories. The subject of reincarnation is still considered taboo by many, but it’s time to break that barrier. I urge individuals to speak out about their experiences and fears and let go of the fear of being exposed and rejected. It’s essential to embrace the intensity of past life experiences and share them with others who are interested in learning more about them.

What is a common misconception you feel people have about lucid dreams and reincarnations?

It’s crucial to approach others’ experiences with an open mind and heart. Rather than dismissing them outright, we should strive to understand and empathize, even if we don’t necessarily agree. Each person’s experience is unique and meaningful to them and should be acknowledged as such. By embracing this perspective, we can foster greater acceptance, empathy, and connection with one another.

I appreciated the candid nature with which you told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

During the years 2018-2021, I wrote to document the experiences that I went through. Writing helped me establish a boundary between my past self and who I am now. It was a way for me to anchor myself and my thoughts. Deciding to publish the book was a challenging decision for me, but I took the bold step to share my story with the world, despite it being deeply personal. I feel proud and confident in my decision to put myself out there and let my voice be heard.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from On the Other Side: Memories of a Past Life?

This book speaks to two types of readers – those who find joy in the story and those who seek spiritual growth. For those interested in the story, I invite you to read it and experience the emotions within it at your own pace. For those who are on a spiritual journey, I encourage you to have faith in your experiences and to share them with others. Carrying the weight of your experiences alone can be a heavy burden. Through them, you can discover what defines you and how you can move forward into a brighter future.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

Delve into the depths of the human psyche in this captivating exploration of the author’s past life memories and their transformative power in her present life.

When Adria Sanders fell pregnant, spontaneous lucid dreams of Ana began to haunt her. Despite Adria’s initial skepticism, she couldn’t deny the truth – these were traumatic memories of a past life.

Surrendering to the vivid visions of Ana’s life, she’s thrust into a haunting tale of love and loss in early 20th-century Cuba. As Adria would discover, Ana’s tumultuous relationship with mysterious Rico leaves her grappling with cultural clashes, unanswered questions, and unresolved pain.

As Adria delves deeper into these vivid dreams, she discovers an opportunity for healing that spans lifetimes. Will she find closure for Ana?

This captivating narrative explores the depths of the human psyche, intertwining the author’s own emotional journey with Ana and Rico’s tragic entanglement. Delving through themes of identity, the subconscious, and the relentless pursuit of truth, “On the Other Side” offers a dark yet poignant insight into our eternal soul.

On the other side: Memories of a past life 

Adria Sanders’ On the Other Side: Memories of a Past Life presents an engaging exploration of the boundaries between a person’s current life and their past lives. The book delves into Adria’s lucid dreams, exploring reincarnation, and the intricacies of the human mind, offering readers a unique literary experience. Going back in time to early 20th-century Cuba, the narrative follows the life of Ana, affectionately known as Ani, a young girl of mixed heritage. The book begins with an evocative scene of Ani, aged five, on a sunlit porch overlooking a desolate beach, dressed in a striking red and white polka dot dress.

Sanders skilfully transports readers to Ana’s life circa 1919, where she meets a blond Englishman, Officer Richard Gunther, or Rico. The interwoven love story of Ani and Rico mirrors the author’s personal journey, seeking meaning and a profound connection with Rico through the lens of lucid dreams. The book encourages readers to immerse themselves in Sanders’ unconventional exploration, akin to engaging with a gripping film or novel. Sanders recounts transformative experiences, such as navigating new dimensions through lucid dreaming and astral travel from 2018 to 2019, which significantly reshaped her life as a dynamic businesswoman. This exploration of parallel lives between her present and past selves leads to poignant revelations of healing and self-discovery. On the Other Side invites reflection on the nature and implications of lucid dreaming. It raises questions about whether these experiences uncover profound truths or are mere figments of the imagination, stimulating ongoing discussions about human consciousness.

On the Other Side is a captivating book that delves into the world of metaphysical exploration. It offers a mesmerizing and thought-provoking journey into the realms of past life experiences, astral journeys, and regressive hypnosis. The author’s skillful storytelling and descriptive writing style transports the reader to extraordinary places and helps them envision these otherworldly experiences. If you are an open-minded reader seeking an engrossing and enlightening read, On the Other Side is the perfect book for you.

Pages: 287 | ASIN : B0CSB4SBH6

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My Autobiographies: An Introduction to Past Life Exploration for Personal and Spiritual Growth

In the compelling memoir, My Autobiographies: An Introduction to Past Life Exploration for Personal and Spiritual Growth, readers embark on a mesmerizing journey through the myriad past lives of John Koenig, a hypnotist, and coach specializing in past life regression. The narrative vividly captures Koenig’s exploration of his own life transitions, depicting death as a tantalizing cliffhanger – a moment that bridges one existence with the next. His personal experiences, narrated with poignant vulnerability, offer an immersive exploration into the profound existential question of reincarnation.

The book is masterfully structured to explore each of Koenig’s past lives in depth. Each individual’s narrative begins with the basic details – a name (when available), gender, and location. The reader is then guided through the context in which Koenig connected with this personality, unfolding their unique stories, such as Brother Thomas’ pervasive anxieties or Zeke’s reprehensible conduct. Notably, each life story is concluded with a poetic dedication, revealing the deepest, often hidden, thoughts of these individuals.

Despite their significant suffering and adversity, these narratives emanate a profound sense of candor. As Koenig aptly notes, modern perspectives cannot alter past conditions, prompting thoughtful introspection on empathy, healing, and karma. The narrative skillfully weaves these stories with Koenig’s current life experiences and broader contemporary human experiences. One compelling tale details a cattle rancher’s abduction and forced labor, his previous affluent life usurped, ultimately leading to his demise from exhaustion. This tale poignantly underscores the fleeting nature of material security and luxury.

Although the notions of reincarnation and past lives might be unfamiliar terrain for some readers, My Autobiographies is a captivating read that prompts its audience to reconsider life’s mysteries from a refreshingly different viewpoint. By posing challenging questions and offering alternative insights, this book is an enlightening journey through the labyrinth of past, present, and future existence.

Pages: 164 | ASIN : B0B57L7P59

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Inside Your Heaven

For readers searching for a book that hypothesizes the contents of the afterlife, this one is for you. Whether you’ve experienced something paranormal or psychic, or choose to believe in a world beyond the present, then Inside Your Heaven: Inspiring Stories of the Afterlife by April Natale is a must-read.

In a unique storytelling fashion, Natale has an openness that is real and raw about the experiences so many of us come face to face with life. She tells her story in a heart-warming and comforting tone, allowing readers to feel the authenticity of her experience. Furthermore, the inclusion of pop culture quoted from the likes of bands, singers, poets, and beyond personalized Natale’s story and gave credibility to her spiritual awakening.

Across thirty-nine chapters, Natale shares her journey from an abused child to a self-actualized adult. Through intuition that can only be described as ‘gifts,’ her experiences are memorable and astonishing at times. She frequently received messages in her dreams, angel numbers, and emotional surges. Natale provides evidence of her gifts through the anecdotal testimonials of friends, family members, and complete strangers. It’s nothing short of mind-blowing.

Beyond talk of the mystic, this book encompasses the emotional themes of sorrow, loss, trauma, and how the spiritual world doubled as a coping mechanism across various stages of the author’s life. An entire chapter is dedicated to the stages of grief fought after the loss of her beloved step-father. It validates the depths of sadness of the loss of a love that is relatable and the individualism that comes with healing, including the guilt of those who continue to remain on earth.

Pages: 244 | ASIN : B09B1JZDD6

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