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Powerhouse Radio: Rough Roads, Radiance, and Rebirth

Powerhouse Radio offers a captivating exploration of radio culture, particularly since the 1970s, through the experiences of Kingsley Smith. Smith, a passionate African American radio enthusiast, provides readers with a unique window into the evolving world of radio broadcasting. This book effectively juxtaposes the mainstream radio landscape with ‘Black Radio,’ delving into their practical and historical distinctions in a manner that is as informative as it is intriguing.

Smith’s love for radio is palpable throughout the book. His narrative style is both professional and engaging, effortlessly guiding the reader through the complexities of radio’s technical and professional aspects. This approach is particularly enlightening for those like myself who were introduced to the world of broadcasting in the era of satellite and streaming. The book is not just an educational journey; it’s a personal one, filled with rich anecdotes and insights that make the reader feel as though they are part of a conversation with Smith himself. The penultimate chapter, “New Horizons and Radio Today,” is a highlight. Smith skillfully blends a sense of nostalgia with a forward-looking perspective, discussing the impact of smartphones, satellite radio, and the emerging role of AI and automation in the media landscape. His message is one of encouragement, asserting that despite the shifts in the industry, opportunities still abound for those with a passion for broadcasting.

Powerhouse Radio is more than just a well-written account; it’s a tribute to the bygone era of radio, offering both a reflective look at the past and an insightful perspective on the future. Ideal for creatives, historians, and radio enthusiasts, this book is not just a noteworthy contribution to the literature on broadcasting; it’s a reminder of the enduring power and evolution of radio in our ever-changing media landscape.

Pages: 180 | ASIN : B0CDMBDKVP

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Feel and Hear the Music

Anna Kuk Author Interview

See Listen Play: How to play your life music by playing it together presents to readers a path to rediscover passion and purpose in working together. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I was never a musician who enjoyed playing solo. My goal was to play music together. The time has come when I want to share my experience, observations, and notes that I made on the music margins during rehearsals with the greatest conductors and orchestras. I feel a strong need to reactivate our natural abilities to cooperate, listen, and be involved. In this post-pandemic time, we have a lot of frustration in this area. When writing my book, my main goal was to make each of us want to change from a passive follower to an active participant. Both in the context of life and the work environment. Not only by accepting this thought on an intellectual level but also on an emotional level, when you start to feel and hear the music flowing within you.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

The chapters in which I talk about overcoming established stereotypes or paradoxes are very important to me. I like to change the reader’s perspective. The very fact that our actions and values create a certain type of music and looking at teamwork or leadership in this context is mind-changing. Also in the context of creating a brand image. Which melodies do we play as a team and do we treat our audience as an extension of our music?

Another very important message for me is to show that in the goal-oriented world, we underrate the stage of “rehearsals,” when we start to see and listen to each other by exploring our roles and impact rather than pure tasks. What kind of music do we want to create together? I want to show that everyone needs to feel visible, regardless of the exposure of their tasks, because you have an impact on the shape of the “concert.”

Music has long been known to evoke emotional responses. What led to the idea of using music to enhance teamwork and leadership?

I have always seen a very strong analogy between music and life. I have notebooks full of notes from rehearsals and music workshops, and at almost each of them, I wrote down something that related to my self-development as a person, not only in the context of music. This attitude clarified the idea and life motto in my head: everyone plays music without knowing it. Then I met several people in my life who showed that drawing inspiration from other areas of life, especially from music (which combines the structural with the abstract), is possible and necessary. Years of experience playing in various orchestras, from different parts of the world, have assured me that regardless of the cultural canon or language, the dynamics that make us play together not only notes but music, function in every corner and also in non-musical contexts.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

My main literary base is poetry, which is where I started and where I continue my work. I honed my skills under the supervision of the best poet from my region, I started winning competitions, and thanks to that I gained more courage. Now, I no longer have to look for confirmation of the value of my writing capacity in competitions. I’m sure that the creative freedom that poetry unleashes is what gave me wings for years to come.

Author Links: Goodreads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

SEE LISTEN PLAY, by Anna Kuk, is a transformative guide that orchestrates a new way of viewing teamwork and leadership. Drawing from the compelling dynamics of an orchestra, Anna Kuk offers a unique perspective for those feeling disconnected in their professional and personal collectives. This book isn’t just about finding harmony in teamwork; it’s a deeper journey into self-awareness and the poetic rhythm of life. For leaders, team members, musicians, and anyone who has lost their spark, SEE LISTEN PLAY presents a path to rediscover passion and purpose in working together.
Through the lens of orchestral wisdom and rich metaphors, Kuk reveals how the change we seek in society begins within us and echoes through our interactions with others. Immerse yourself in this melody of insights and reignite the symphony of your life and work.

Meet People Where They Are

Author Interview
Lisa Toth Author Interview

The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce explores the impact of those with developmental disabilities and differently-abled people in the workforce and why inclusion and diversity are essential. Why was this an important book for you to write?

It is my hope that this book inspires and educates the general public about the amazing opportunities to connect with their neighbors who live with different abilities.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

It was important to share all of the information, the good, bad, shocking, beautiful, and inspiring.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

From my first experience with discrimination of people with different abilities, I felt the desire to work to change negative feelings into acceptance.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your book?

Everyone has abilities; we need to take the time to meet people where they are, not where we want them to be. The most important thing is readers know people who have different abilities are important to the workforce.

Author Link: Website

In The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce, Lisa Toth tells readers her story of falling in love with a population of people often overlooked and under valued. Toth not only saw value in the differently-abled, but also their potential to bring something society needed to the table. Always one to root for the underdog, she saw a way she could help by identifying the right jobs and find onramps for them to join the workforce. Toth created a staffing agency to do just this – help this gifted group of people find work that they can be proud of and find fufilling.
The book is written in a memoir style, full of stories and lessons learned. Be prepared to be inspired as you learn about the good, the bad and the ugly. Toth shares it all with refreshing honesty, while making a compelling case for embracing diversity and inclusivity for this often underemployed population.

The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce

The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce by Lisa Toth emerges as a compelling exploration into the world of people with developmental disabilities, offering educational and inspiring insights. Toth’s narrative style is refreshingly approachable, inviting readers to journey alongside her as she delves into the realm of working with various groups, particularly emphasizing individuals with special needs. Her storytelling, rooted in personal experience and a deep understanding of her subject, makes the book an engaging read. Toth’s focus on the often-overlooked talents of differently-abled individuals is a critical aspect of the book. The book challenges and shifts perceptions, aiming to alter how readers view people with disabilities. This journey further evolves into the creation of Rise Staffing, a venture that assists in not only living day-to-day lives but also in securing suitable employment.

This memoir-like book stands out for its positivity and the palpable impact of Toth’s work. Readers are likely to feel a sense of involvement and connection as if walking alongside the author and those positively affected by her efforts. The narrative is infused with a sense of hope and transformation, reflective of the author’s experiences and achievements. Key takeaways from Toth’s book include the importance of embracing diversity, maintaining an open mind, and the art of graceful leadership. These lessons are presented through a lens of inclusivity and understanding, offering practical advice on becoming a more empathetic and effective leader. Throughout the narrative, the stories of individuals like Violet, grappling with Pica, and Chuck Baldridge, overcoming the challenges of Down syndrome, add depth and personal touch. These stories engage the reader and highlight the diverse experiences and triumphs within the differently-abled community.

The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce is a thought-provoking read that leaves a lasting impression of positivity and inspiration. It serves as a reminder of the untapped potential in every individual and the importance of recognizing and nurturing this potential for a more inclusive society.

Pages: 140 | ISBN: 978-1-960810-40-3

My Personal History of Philosophy to it’s External Things

Kenneth Guimond’s memoir, My Personal History of Philosophy to its External Things, offers a poignant and reflective journey through the life of a Native American man. Guimond recounts his experiences as he navigates various challenges, from familial turmoil and financial hardships to personal health issues. His narrative interweaves the themes of love, loss, and confronting societal biases while finding solace in ancestral spirituality and the significance of numerology.

The book delves deeply into the intricacies of fatherhood, particularly through Guimond’s candid recounting of his son’s severe burn accident. This incident, which left his son with significant injuries, showcases Guimond’s vulnerability and the universal struggle of parental helplessness, resonating with readers who have faced similar situations.

Interestingly, Guimond’s engagement with symbols and numbers provides a unique lens through which he views his life, sparking curiosity in these topics for the reader. His personal story related to the number 27 and his experiences with spiritual entities in his home is particularly intriguing and thought-provoking. Spanning from his high school years to his role as a grandfather and the loss of a grandchild, Guimond’s memoir touches on various stages of his life.

While the narrative moves at a lively pace, transitioning swiftly between topics, this approach adds a dynamic rhythm to the memoir, although it may leave some readers wishing for further exploration of certain aspects. Guimond’s biography is an invitation to explore his journey, filled with trials and triumphs, and gain insight from his spiritual and philosophical perspectives. It serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding towards others, as we often remain unaware of the hidden struggles behind outward appearances.

My Personal History of Philosophy to its External Things is a compelling read, particularly for parents and those who have navigated the complex dynamics of family relationships.

Pages: 53 | ASIN : B0CB7ZGDPD

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The Power of Peers: How the Company You Keep Drives Leadership, Growth & Success

Power of Peers: How the Company You Keep Drives Leadership, Growth, and Success by Leon Shapiro and Leo Bottary offers an incisive exploration of the intrinsic value of peer relationships in the echelons of executive leadership. The oft-quoted sentiment, “It’s lonely at the top,” is the reality for many leaders and corporate executives. Shapiro and Bottary’s work presents a compelling argument for the formation of supportive peer communities, emphasizing the significance of interpersonal connections even at the highest levels of leadership.

In this work, they delve into a seldom discussed but critical topic, igniting an insightful discourse on how peer interactions shape the trajectory of executive decision-making and overall leadership dynamics. They eloquently dispel the perception that corporate leaders are insulated from the need for social interaction and peer support, offering a more nuanced perspective on leadership’s human side.

Power of Peers is neatly partitioned into three sections, each focusing on the facets of peer influence, the conditions for peer advantage, and leading with peer advantage. Each chapter unveils a valuable life lesson, applicable beyond the realms of corporate boardrooms and echoing into our daily personal interactions. Shapiro and Bottary’s methodical and well-researched approach lends credibility and depth to their arguments. They skillfully incorporate real-world examples to demonstrate the tangible impact of peer relationships on leadership outcomes, thus making their content accessible and engaging for a broad spectrum of readers.

The core message of Power of Peers centers on the transformative potential of peer influence and strategies for nurturing it. Shapiro and Bottary persuasively articulate that peer influence is not confined to the leadership sphere; everyone can derive immense benefit from it. Their insights are woven together meticulously, emanating from in-depth research, individual and group experiences, astute observations, and a wealth of accumulated knowledge.

Throughout the book, the authors employ visual aids like diagrams and tables to elucidate even the most complex subjects, reinforcing their knack for reader engagement and knowledge dissemination. Readers are likely to appreciate Shapiro and Bottary for their versatility, knowledge, and adeptness at connecting with diverse audiences through their writing.

Power of Peers stands out for its factual accuracy and enlightening lessons on the nuances of networking. Its chapters abound with quotable wisdom and inspirational nuggets that are sure to resonate with readers. If you seek to understand the essence of peer power and how to harness it, this book is a must-read. From problem-solving, business management, personal growth, and achieving success to connecting with your humanity as a leader, Shapiro and Bottary cover a wide array of peer-related themes comprehensively.

Pages: 208 | ASIN : B01M8IH691

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Gender-Focused Investing Is The Future

Ruth Shaber
Author Interview
Patience Marime-Ball Author Interview

The XX Edge: Unlocking Higher Returns and Lower Risk focus on the financial impact of gender-focused investing and why women need to have a greater role. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Our collective and extensive experiences in the financial sector, as well as in the field of women’s health, has shown us time and again that women have a transformative impact on the world when they are financial decision-makers.

As investors, we’ve seen firsthand the impact of integrating a gender analysis in financial decision-making. Patience has spearheaded the development of multi-billion-dollar financial platforms and the structuring of large global funds centered around women. On the other hand, Ruth’s experience as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist and founder of Tara Health Foundation gave her insights into the pressing need for innovative programs promoting the health and well-being of women and girls.

However, the mainstream financial sector, which could greatly benefit from more gender-focused investing, is largely not aware of the significant advantages it presents. This lack of awareness inspired us to share our insights in a more accessible and impactful way.

The XX Edge is our answer. We make a compelling data-driven case for investing with a gender and broader diversity focus. Specifically, across all asset classes, when women are central to financial decisions and apply their skills, the results are higher returns for investors leading to significant economic growth.

The book is an invitation to embrace a new paradigm of gender-focused investing where women are not just beneficiaries but also key decision-makers and agents of change. We emphasize this role of women in the economy, as it holds the potential for a more inclusive and profitable future. This isn’t just a theoretical concept but an achievable reality, one that benefits everyone.

Writing The XX Edge has given us a platform to amplify this reality and, we hope, to inspire more individuals and institutions to harness the transformative power of gender-focused investing.

How much research did you undertake for this book, and how much time did it take to put it all together?

The research process for The XX Edge: Unlocking Higher Returns and Lower Risk was both extensive and rewarding. Given the depth of the financial analysis we were presenting and the critical nature of the social issues we were addressing, we knew it was essential to be thorough and meticulous in our research.

We combined our decades of professional experiences with a wide range of external resources. We analyzed the latest financial data, explored studies on gender-focused investing, and took a deep dive into economic and social impact research. We also held numerous discussions with experts in the field to ensure that we had a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape and potential future developments.

The research process took approximately 6 months. It was an exciting opportunity to consolidate the compelling data and insights that reinforced our message. The writing process went relatively well once we had a clear understanding of the data and could articulate the financial case for gender-focused investing.

We both cherished our partnership during this journey. We brought to the table our unique insights and experiences, and this collaboration enriched the book immeasurably.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

First, there is an irrefutable financial case for gender-focused investing. Our research shows that when women are at the table for business decisions and investments, enterprises are stronger and financial returns are higher. This is an underutilized strategy that can benefit individual investors and the global economy at large.

Second, we highlight the importance of women as economic agents. Too often, conversations about gender and finance focus solely on how women can benefit from financial resources. But women are more than just recipients; they are innovators, decision-makers, and leaders. When women apply their skills and insights across capital markets, we’ve seen firsthand that they drive significant economic growth. This means recognizing the potential of women to effect change in all areas, including economic, environmental, and social spheres.

Lastly, we wanted to present a vision for a new paradigm in investing – one where gender-focused investing is not seen as a niche strategy but is mainstream and central to financial decision-making. We envision a future where financial institutions and individual investors alike understand and capitalize on the benefits of gender-focused investing.

These ideas have the potential to transform how people think about finance and investment, and we hope that The XX Edge will inspire readers to explore these possibilities further.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from The XX Edge?

If there’s one takeaway we hope readers will glean from our book, it is the understanding that gender-focused investing isn’t just a social or ethical choice, but a sound financial strategy that brings differentiated analysis to decision-making leading to higher returns and lower risk.

Readers will come to appreciate the transformative potential that lies in elevating women as key decision-makers in finance. When women apply their skills and insights across capital markets, it leads to more than just equitable representation; it catalyzes greater economic growth and fosters a more sustainable and inclusive financial ecosystem.

We envision a future where gender-focused investing is mainstream, and we hope that our readers will become ambassadors of this change, understanding its potential and carrying this knowledge into their own lives and communities. Whether they are seasoned investors, financial advisors, or individuals hoping to increase the balance in their retirement accounts, we hope they recognize that investing with a gender and diversity lens is essential for our collective future.

In The XX Edge, Patience Marime-Ball and Ruth Shaber envision a new paradigm of gender-focused investing where more women are placed in decision-making roles and able to optimize their skills across all capital markets—leading to higher returns for individual investors and greater economic growth.

There’s a simple but often overlooked investment strategy to earning higher returns—include women as financial decision-makers within your organization or team. That’s The XX Edge. 

Seasoned executives and investors Patience Marime-Ball and Ruth Shaber demonstrate the new paradigm where women are at the center of investing as agents and actors—not just as beneficiaries.

If you manage investments—either your own or others’—you’ll want to understand the data and discover the financial power of The XX Edge:
Gender-inclusive teams are 21% more likely to see outperformance in profitability relative to peers 
Female CFOs deliver a 6% increase in profits and an 8% stock performance bump compared to overall performance under male predecessors
New companies with a female founder performed 63% better than those with all-male teams over an observed ten-year period 
Women-run hedge funds outperformed the average of larger hedge funds by a margin of 6% over a six-and-a-half-year period


You’ll discover the inherent gender differences between women and men and why these differences make women excellent financial decision makers and investment collaborators. Patience and Ruth unpack the evidence that proves this point across all asset classes.

The XX Edge shows that when women make financial decisions and apply their skills across all capital markets, it leads to higher returns for individual investors and greater economic growth—a true win-win for all.

The XX Edge: Unlocking Higher Returns and Lower Risk

Patience Marime-Ball and Ruth Shaber’s The XX Edge: Unlocking Higher Returns and Lower Risk is a powerful book that provides a comprehensive guide to investment, financial balance, and money management. The authors’ extensive experience in running an investment and non-profit organization is evident throughout the book, and they use facts, scientific data, and personal experience to break down their content into distinct chapters that are both elaborate and eye-opening.

Although the book is relevant for all audiences, the authors primarily target male investors. They focus on the financial impact of gender-focused investing. The book is an easy read, and the authors use layman’s terms to explain multifaceted financial subjects and give relatable examples for readers’ understanding. The authors make the case for how gender diverse decision-making generates the best returns possible when managing investments. Their passion for gender-focused investing and how different men and women are in financial decision-making is intriguing.

What’s remarkable about The XX Edge is that it provides a unique perspective on socio-economic development from the perspective of investors, corporations, business executives, leaders, and economists. The arguments made in the book are level-headed, and the advice given is solid. If you want to get into investment, entrepreneurship, or expand your finances, this book will be helpful to you. It’s a comprehensive guide that covers everything from financial management to running companies.

What I love about this book is that, while the authors share ideas and facts, they also give their individual stories. For example, Ruth shares her journey in healthcare, while Patience’s journey is that of a Zimbabwean-born girl who grew up to become a powerful and knowledgeable woman in finance. The stories of the two women and their partnership are phenomenal and motivational.

In conclusion, The XX Edge: Unlocking Higher Returns and Lower Risk is a must-read book for anyone seeking to ascend economically and financially. The authors went above and beyond with their content, and the book is a valuable reference for anyone looking to make socio-economic changes in their sphere of influence.

Pages: 287 | ASIN : B09SGLQV8V

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