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The Revenge Paradox

In The Revenge Paradox, Buttner surpasses expectations, delivering a thriller that is both captivating and meticulously crafted. Her innovative approach and superb writing elevate the book, making it a standout in the genre. The plot is a remarkable blend of family drama, suspense, and mystery, demonstrating Buttner’s skill in crafting a compelling narrative. Her ability to weave intricate details into the fabric of the story not only captivates but also lends authenticity to this fictional tale. 

Pages: 268 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D5WXX7WP

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Emotional Connections

Alretha Thomas Author Interview

The Daughter Between Them follows a successful reporter who aspires to be the editor of the newspaper where she works. Her daughters are the target of a hit-and-run leading her to believe an enemy from her past has returned. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Last year, I fell in love with the idea of writing a novel from alternating points of view in the past and present, wherein the narrators are mysteriously connected. I used this structure for my novel, The Girl in the Blue Blazer and it was well received. With that in mind, I decided to use the same structure for The Daughter Between Them. While thinking about the characters and the storyline, the idea of two mothers came to me. There would be a mother in the past and a mother in the present and the two women would be mysteriously connected. The connection would eventually be revealed.

Your characters are well-developed and draw readers in building an emotional connection. What character did you enjoy writing for? Was there one that was more challenging to write for?

I enjoyed writing the Barbara Morris character more than any other character because of her mental challenges. I also liked the challenge of making her multi-dimensional. I didn’t want her to be one-note. I wanted the readers to see that Barbara had some redeeming qualities and I believe in spite of Barbara’s antics, readers will empathize with her. While I enjoyed writing Barbara, she was also the most challenging because as previously stated, I wanted to make sure she was multidimensional. I had to make the readers understand how Barbara justified her actions and why. I believe writing in first-person present tense helped me build the emotional connections that are in the book. Writing in first-person present tense, really helps me get in the mind, heart, and soul of a character. As a result, when writing, I am that character. I am feeling and thinking as that character and thus the words on the page are based in truth.

What was the hardest part about writing a mystery story; where you constantly have to give just enough to keep the mystery alive until the big reveal?

The biggest challenge was making sure I did not have any plotholes. There are so many twists and turns in the book, I had to make sure I kept up with events and occurrences from previous chapters when writing new chapters.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I will begin working on another then-and-now structured suspense novel at the end of 2024. It will most likely debut toward the end of 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Two mothers. One missing daughter. One life-changing secret.

In 2019, Leslie Graham is within arm’s reach of her goal to become the news editor at the Dancing Hills Times. At thirty-five, she has it all—a promising career and a close relationship with her two teenage girls, Rhonda and Jillian. But when an old enemy from her past resurfaces, threatening to reveal life-changing information about one of her daughters, Leslie does everything in her power to keep her world from crashing down.

A decade earlier, in 2009, Barbara Morris’s seven-year-old daughter, Nancy, goes missing in Queens, New York. Barbara and her husband frantically search for her. But all is not as it seems in the disappearance of Nancy Morris, and Barbara may not be the innocent victim she’s painted herself to be. After ten years of her life spiraling out of control and Nancy still missing, Barbara decides to head to Dancing Hills, believing she’ll find the answers she’s looking for. Barbara and Leslie’s worlds will collide there, and the secrets of the past will finally be revealed.

The Daughter Between Them

Leslie Graham, an accomplished news editor, leads a fulfilling life in California with her two daughters, Jillian and Rhonda. Despite her contentment, the shadows of her past still loom over her. As Leslie pursues a promotion and her daughters gain independence, their lives are suddenly jeopardized when the girls are involved in a hit-and-run incident. Leslie starts to believe that their past is not entirely behind them and is prepared to do whatever it takes to protect her daughters, even if it means confronting old ghosts.

The Daughter Between Them by Alretha Thomas is a fast-paced crime thriller that captivates from the first page to the last. Spanning just over 300 pages, the novel reads quickly, thanks to Thomas’s skillful establishment of the central mystery and the escalating drama that leads to an exhilarating reveal and a satisfying conclusion. From the outset, Leslie is portrayed as a driven and capable mother and professional, yet she harbors a palpable fear rooted in her past. Her anxieties are validated when Jillian and Rhonda are targeted in a hit-and-run.

As Leslie grapples with the enigma of their attacker, readers are introduced to Barbara’s narrative from ten years earlier. Barbara, who initially appears to be a protective mother to her daughter Nancy, gradually reveals herself to be less sympathetic than she seems. The stories of Leslie and Barbara intertwine and eventually converge seamlessly. The dual perspectives and timelines are handled adeptly, enhancing the narrative’s depth and engagement. While mostly clear, the settings add an element of surprise and discovery. For example, a late excursion to a theme park starts with the intrigue of a mountain campground before the appearance of rides, and the eventual naming of the park clarifies the scene.

The Daughter Between Them is a compelling thriller that maintains its intrigue and excitement throughout. Thomas has crafted a convincing and consistently enjoyable read that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

Pages: 312 | ASIN : B0D1JR9N8W

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Underlying Historical Aspects

M.D. Nuth Author Interview

In My Brother’s Keeper, two brothers are among the survivors of a plane crash in the Dutch Indies facing personal challenges as they fight for survival. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

My goal was to provide a significant psychological thriller that would keep the readers’ interest and emotional engagement peaked throughout. The challenge was to provide a compelling story backdrop that was both believable and focused enough to enable the narrative to develop quickly and naturally. In this case, the underlying historical aspects are correct.

Why the WW2 setting? It is fraught with violent conflict, not unlike the life and death struggle between the two protagonists in this story.

Why confine the majority of story to the island and the resulting survival challenge? It allowed me to keep the complex relation between Anders and Simon tightly focused while allowing the reader to feel what they felt, to experience the stress they experienced. I wanted to pull the reader in.

I am always interested in the origins of characters in fiction novels. Was there anything from your own life that you put into the characters in your novel?

Each of my characters have some aspects that generate from my life experiences. It is one of the benefits having a diverse background. Recently, I had the opportunity to interface with individuals who both treated or personally experienced struggles dealing with both substance abuse and mental illness. In either case the experiences were profound and deeply troublesome.

What was your favorite scene in this story?

There are several scenes that I loved writing. I won’t go into them too much so as not to spoil them for the reader but let me share two with you. The first is early in the book where Anders is coming to grips with being stranded on the island. The tranquility provides a significant contrast to the battle against the storm responsible the previous evening and the life and death struggle to come. The second scene is extremely simple and intentionally subtle and yet provides a significant clue as to the true nature of the relation between Anders and Simon. I won’t go any further so as not to spoil it for the those of you reading the book.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

Thank you for asking. There are several in the queue. Up next is a sequel to Nails, a book you reviewed this past year. It is called The Bent Nail. It is currently in the editing process so, hopefully, it will be available in time to be a great Christmas present for those who love dark stories. It’s a thriller, based on the same troubling characters to whom you were introduced last year. It provides a plot and twist that will intrigue readers. I have no doubt those who loved Nails are going to love The Bent Nail even more.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Award-winning author, M.D. Nuth, brings us another thrilling page turner with his My Brother’s Keeper, a story of violence, struggle, and psychological misdirection. World war provides a catalyst and backdrop for the conflict between two brothers vying for power, leadership, recognition, and a woman’s affection. On the surface the story provides us a raw look at the impulsive, self-absorbed Anders Cartwright, charged with the care of his socially withdrawn brother, Simon. His devotion to his brother is challenged when they flee Singapore prior to the Japanese Imperial Army invasion at the beginning of World War II.

Anders Cartwright makes a fateful decision to rescue his lover, Shelley Samuels (Ess), along with his brother, Simon, by escaping to Australia aboard a Douglas DC-3 fitted out more for cargo than passengers. The fateful flight ends when it crashes in the Dutch Indies. Anders, Simon, and Ess find themselves stranded along with three other survivors and a valuable, but dangerous cargo load.

Marooned on a previously uninhabited, tiny island in the Java Sea, the struggle for survival forces the brothers into a life and death struggle leading to personal challenge and discovery as it becomes less clear who might be the “keeper” and the true relation between Anders and Simon. The story engages the reader in a war of wills as Simon vies for the leadership of this group, pitting him against his brother in a moral dilemma and with a surprising and significant and dark story twist.

My Brother’s Keeper

My Brother’s Keeper, by M.D. Nuth, thrusts readers into a vividly portrayed plane crash, experienced through the eyes of the protagonist, Anders, known as Andy. This intense opening to the novel sets the stage for a tale that is both a survival story and a deep dive into complex familial relationships against the backdrop of the Japanese invasion during World War II.

The narrative introduces us to a cast of characters whose personalities and backstories are intricately woven into the fabric of the story. Andy’s strained relationship with his analytical and seemingly cold-hearted brother, Simon, forms a central thread. The tension between the brothers is further complicated by the presence of Shelly, or Ess, who is unaware of Andy’s romantic feelings toward her. These personal dynamics unfold alongside the larger survival drama as the characters must navigate not only their interpersonal issues but also the immediate threats to their safety.

The author skillfully uses detailed descriptions and dialogue-driven storytelling to enhance the emotional depth of the novel. Readers are given a front-row seat to the survivors’ challenges in finding water and dealing with the harsh realities of their environment. The character of Toothless Joe, with his practical survival skills and emerging leadership, brings a crucial element of hope and direction to the group’s dire situation. Nuth’s writing excels in its exploration of human psychology under duress. It delves into the theme of brotherhood not just as a familial bond but as a complex, sometimes contentious dynamic that impacts each character’s decisions and survival strategies. The historical context of the story not only adds depth but also raises the stakes, making the narrative even more compelling.

My Brother’s Keeper is the perfect read for fans of historical dramas and survival narratives. M.D. Nuth offers a dramatic and engaging experience and promises an intense exploration of its characters’ psyches, driven by a plot that expertly balances personal conflict with historical events. The novel is a testament to the human capacity for resilience and adaptability, even in the most extreme conditions.

Pages: 293 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CXJF1V35

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Trauma, Resilience, and Humanity

Cortney Donelson Author Interview

Baby Girl Jones follows a dedicated woman detective who is investigating the mysterious death of a woman found with a note about an abandoned baby girl from years ago. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

In Book One, The Billionaire’s List, I introduced a couple of these characters. When I started to write the sequel, which the readers were expecting, I realized I had to go back in time to answer, “How did they get here” before I could move forward with the story. Much like Star Wars, I wrote a Book Two PREquel. I wanted to know these characters better too. The set-up was to show how lives can become intertwined.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I wanted to explore the themes of identity, psychology, trauma, resilience, and humanity. As you stated in your review, the world is complex, and so is this story. But fiction is sometimes the gentlest way we can approach and reflect on some of that complexity.

Will there be a follow-up novel to this story that takes place after The Billionaire’s List? If so, what aspects of the story will the next book cover?

Yes! I plan to write Book Three, which will be the sequel to The Billionaire’s List, and close the story completely. Baby Girl Jones is dark. But you need darkness to understand the light.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Book Two: The Prequel to The Billionaire’s List

A baby is born.
Years later, a woman dies.

When a drug-addicted, middle-aged woman is found deceased next to a scrawled note mentioning an abandoned baby girl from decades earlier, Detective Claire Miller must figure out how and why the woman died. Was it a guilty conscience? Or murder? And who was this baby?

The investigation takes Claire through the red tape of the state foster care system. As her journey uncovers more leads, will she determine the cause of death and find the missing infant—now an adult?

A chilling tale comprising three female voices: two harboring traumatic childhoods and a third searching for truth.

Baby Girl Jones

Baby Girl Jones delves into the intricate lives of three women, each shadowed by traumatic pasts linked to their adoptions. Claire, a detective, unravels the mysterious overdose of a woman; Mallory, emerging from the instability of dangerous foster homes, finds solace with her adoptive parents; and Greta, adopted early into a home marred by aloofness and abuse, harbors destructive desires that threaten to entangle all their lives.

The narrative masterfully interweaves the distinct paths of Claire, Mallory, and Greta, offering a rich exploration of their backgrounds and how they shape their present. The mystery of Baby Girl Jones’s origin is both compelling and unsettling, driving the plot forward through the perspectives of these three characters. Each narrative voice is fully developed, with Mallory displaying significant growth. Greta and Mallory serve as intriguing foils to one another, while Claire’s investigative thread propels the storyline. As a prequel, the novel skillfully sets the stage for future events, hinting at pivotal decisions and brewing conflicts that promise to escalate in subsequent installments. Particularly notable is the exploration of themes such as adoption, foster care, and the enduring impact of abuse—handled with sensitivity and depth. This balance of thrilling elements with poignant social commentary positions Baby Girl Jones as a compelling read within the thriller genre, offering both suspense and insightful reflections on complex issues.

Baby Girl Jones adeptly mixes suspense with deep social insights, making it a standout thriller that captivates and resonates emotionally with its readers. Through its well-crafted characters and their interlinked stories, the book invites readers to reflect on the profound effects of family dynamics and personal history. The unfolding mystery, combined with the promise of future revelations, ensures that the anticipation for the next book in the series is palpable and exciting.

Pages: 328 | ASIN : B0CW1H387R

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Cold Trace

In Cold Trace, book two of the Nick Servers Mysteries and sequel to the award-winning Severed Echoes, author D.V. Chernov delivers an engrossing crime novel that intricately weaves past and present mysteries. The story follows Detective Nick Severs as he investigates the shocking appearance of a body initially believed to be a victim of a recent blizzard. However, the discovery soon reveals potential links to a cold case involving a missing child from nearly two decades ago. As Severs delves into the investigation, he simultaneously navigates another old missing child case and supports his partner, Claire, through a personal crisis.

Chernov masterfully portrays Nick Severs in a manner that resonates with traditional images of a detective—meticulous even to the point of questioning his breakfast cheese. Yet, Chernov adds complexity to Severs’ character, allowing readers to connect with him on a deeper, more personal level. This depth extends to other characters in the novel, enriching the narrative and enhancing the suspense. The novel’s language is notably refined, with skillful use of metaphors that vividly paint the settings and heighten the emotional stakes. Chernov also addresses themes as varied as the COVID pandemic, historical elements from the Soviet Union era, and sensitive issues like human trafficking with tact and insight. Cold Trace is a layered exploration of unresolved histories and human resilience. Chernov’s storytelling is compelling and sure to captivate fans of the genre, making it a recommended read for those drawn to intricate crime narratives.

Readers will have the best experience if they start with the first book in the series so as to have a strong foundation of the characters involved in Cold Trace. This story stands out as a multifaceted detective novel that skillfully intertwines elements of history, suspense, and deep character studies. D.V. Chernov crafts a narrative that is not only compelling but also thought-provoking, handling complex themes with sensitivity and depth. This book is a testament to Chernov’s ability to engage and challenge readers, making it a rewarding pick for anyone looking for a crime story that resonates on multiple levels.

Pages: 353 | ASIN : B0CVYD3TRD

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