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Believe In Yourself

Rachel Bate Author Interview

Hatch Chile Willie follows a chile farmer from New Mexico who discovers in his greenhouse a Hatch Chile who has come to life and plays a guitar. What was the inspiration for your story?

I was driving to Las Cruces for a book signing in southern New Mexico with my husband and our German Shepherd, Bliss. We were about thirty minutes away from our destination, when I looked out the window noticing a breathtaking green landscape next to the Rio Grande. I exclaimed to my husband, “Oh Guy, can we please stop here?!” It was a charming little town called Hatch, New Mexico, “The Chile Capital of the World”! After our enchanting road trip, I researched all about the tiny town of Hatch, NM, along with the world known distinct delicious Hatch Chile… my imagination prevailed, creating Hatch Chile Willie.

Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become a writer?

One author who truly inspired me on my journey as a writer was Shel Silverstein. His books are pure genius, engaging, thought provoking, and imaginative. I am always amazed at his wonderful talent of using words, poetry, illustrations, etc., to capture and engage the reader. I especially remember reading and rereading his wonderful children’s picture book, “The Giving Tree” as a child and later in life as a teacher.

What advice would you give to a new writer working on their first children’s book?

My advice to a new writer working on their first children’s book is to allow yourself a quiet time and space to gather and create your thoughts over time. For example, ideas and thoughts may come in the middle of the night, have a journal next to your bed to write down what comes to mind to reflect on later. Lastly, believe in yourself and your abilities as a writer…persevere in your dream of creating a masterpiece.

What is the next book that you are working on and when can your fans expect it to be out?

I always feel consummated and at peace after a book has been published. My next book is a lingering mystery within me, as I ponder upon sequels to books that I have written, or something totally unprecedented.

Author Links: Amazon | Facebook

Farmer Pablo closes his eyes to rest in his rocking chair after working all day in his special Hatch Chile Greenhouse.
Suddenly, he is startled by beautiful Spanish music and a reddish-green light! What will happen next?

Hatch Chile Willie

In Hatch Chile Willie, author Rachel Bate transports readers to a warm summer night in New Mexico, where Farmer Pablo, nestled in his greenhouse among his specialty New Mexico Chiles, encounters an extraordinary phenomenon. As he dozes off in his rocking chair, he is startled awake by the enchanting sounds of Spanish music. To his amazement, the source of this music is none other than a half-red, half-green chile strumming a guitar. This whimsical character introduces himself as Hatch Chile Willie, a chile pepper with a passion for music and dance.

The narrative unfolds as Farmer Pablo, initially convinced he’s dreaming, realizes that Hatch Chile Willie is indeed a real presence in his greenhouse. The story delicately explores the surreal yet charming bond that forms between Farmer Pablo and his musical chili companion, leaving readers to ponder the significance of Hatch Chile Willie’s appearance and his mysterious plan. What makes this tale particularly delightful is its uniqueness. The idea of a singing, guitar-playing chile pepper is both imaginative and endearing. Bate’s storytelling is captivating, drawing the reader into the magical world she creates. The bond between Farmer Pablo and Hatch Chile Willie is portrayed with warmth and humor, offering a narrative that is both fun and heartwarming. Complementing Bate’s storytelling are Rebecca Jacob’s illustrations, which are playful and visually engaging. These illustrations are likely to capture the hearts of young readers, fostering a sense of connection with Hatch Chile Willie, much like the bond he forms with Farmer Pablo.

With its blend of whimsy and warmth, this book is an excellent choice for parents seeking a unique and entertaining story to share with their children. Its charm lies not only in the imaginative storyline but also in the subtle messages of friendship and surprise. Hatch Chile Willie is a delightful read for children and adults alike, offering a journey into a world where magic and reality intertwine in the most unexpected ways.

Pages: 38 | ASIN : B0CV9HMS8K

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Kindness And Caring For Others

Rachel Bate Author Interview

Turquoise Tail is the story of a young coyote born with a unique tail that makes her the target of ridicule and bullying from the other desert animals. Why was this an important book for you to share with young readers?

As a retired Special and Regular Ed. Teacher of 37 years, I have dealt with the issue of bullying in many facets both inside and outside of the educational environment. Many children, as well as adults, experience bullying, especially individuals with special needs, who long to feel included by society. I have always felt an extreme responsibility to teach the “Golden Rule” and model it for all students to practice…treat others as you would like to be treated. By instilling this philosophy at a very young age, how wonderful the world would be, if kindness and caring for others was spontaneous, without any thought, lasting through a life span.

Is there anything from your own life you put into the characters in little Cielo’s tale?

Cielo, a Spanish word that means “sky” or ‘heaven”, inspired me as the name for my main character in Turquoise Tail. Cielo is a little girl coyote, who is born looking and feeling very different, based on what other critters see. I have worked with children who feel so isolated and hurt based on how they are treated by others. Teaching students to see how much they have to offer; their uniqueness and hidden talents are true gifts from heaven. Bliss, the spiritual white coyote, enters Cielo’s life to reassure her that her beauty inside and outside shall not go unnoticed. He inspires her to realize that with her unique turquoise tail that others make fun of is really a blessing from heaven. She paints the sky turquoise blue with her beautiful tail based on the spiritual guidance from Bliss, for the enchanting New Mexico balloon Festival!

The illustrations in your book are fantastic. Can you tell us a little about your collaboration with Rebecca Jacob?

My older sister, Rebecca Jacob, has numerous stellar qualities as an artist, sister, and friend. She frequently visits New Mexico in the summer where we share many outdoor adventures, collaborate on critters, scenes, settings, etc. for our next story. I create the story first and then share it with Rebecca. I asked what she thought about doing a children’s book together with her as the illustrator with our first book, Desert Bliss, and she excitedly exclaimed, “Sure!” Since our first book, it has been a very spiritual and transformational journey with each new book that we create as a team. Overall, I feel very fortunate to have such a wonderful relationship with my sister Rebecca Jacob.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

I have just finished my fifth Children’s Book, Hatch Chile Willie, which will be available for preorder purchase in March 2024, and released in June 2024. I am very thrilled with the characters in Hatch Chile Willie. Hatch Chile Willie is a silly magical chili pepper, and Farmer Pablo, is a very lonely farmer. The setting takes place in the beautiful town of Hatch, a unique small town located in southern New Mexico. The book also includes a Spanish/English Glossary with given vocabulary words used throughout the text, celebrating the Spanish culture and influence in NM history with the celebrated Hatch Chile and Hatch Chile Festival every Labor Day weekend in Hatch, NM.

Author Links: Instagram | Facebook | Amazon Author Page

Turquoise Tail

Turquoise Tail, authored by Rachel Bate and illustrated by Rebecca Jacob, presents a engaging narrative set in the animal kingdom. The protagonist, a coyote pup named Cielo, is born with an unusual turquoise tail, setting her apart from her peers. This difference becomes a central theme as Cielo encounters various challenges, including ridicule from Leroy, a lizard, and others in her community. The story thoughtfully explores themes of discrimination and bullying, resonating with societal issues that extend beyond the confines of its pages.

The book is a testament to the enduring appeal of children’s literature, which often captures complex topics through accessible storytelling. Bate’s narrative is straightforward yet effective, allowing readers of all ages to engage with Cielo’s emotional journey. The simplicity of the language is a notable strength, making the story relatable. Rebecca Jacob’s illustrations complement the narrative beautifully, enhancing the storytelling with vivid imagery. The choice of colors and artistic style add depth to the characters and settings, creating charming images that help convey the story’s emotional nuances.

Turquoise Tail is not just a story about overcoming adversity; it’s a reminder of the importance of embracing individuality and fostering inclusivity. While primarily aimed at young readers, its themes and presentation make it a delightful read for adults as well. The book serves as a wonderful tool for connecting with children, offering both entertainment and valuable life lessons.

Rachel Bate’s creation, paired with Rebecca Jacob’s artistic contributions, makes Turquoise Tail a meaningful addition to any child’s library. It’s a book that promises not just a captivating reading experience but also an opportunity for young minds to learn and grow. Turquoise Tail is an invitation to engage in conversations about diversity, acceptance, and the beauty of being unique.

Page: 38 | ISBN : 978-1684019885

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Seeking A Dream Of Unbounding Comfort

Rachel Bate Author Interview

Desert Bliss follows an abandoned calico kitten on a journey through the desert to find a better life. What was the inspiration for your story?

Many times, throughout my teaching career, I have worked with children who have had extremely hard lives and very difficult situations to handle. I was inspired to write this story by especially appealing to children who are struggling spiritually/emotionally/physically to persevere, have faith, follow their dreams, and most importantly, to believe in themselves. Also, I wanted to engage peers and adults to be kind and especially attentive of children or creatures needing special love.

What were the morals you were trying to capture while creating your characters?

Bliss, the white coyote in the story, represents a heavenly creature who inspires and gives tremendous love to a lonely little kitten, Calico. Calico is a character who has an extremely hard life, seeking a dream of unbounding comfort, by his brave spirit, on a dangerous journey of the unknown. He perseveres on his mission with the compassionate guidance of his new spiritual friend Bliss. The moral I was trying to capture throughout the story is to always believe in your inner strength, have faith, confidence, and seek positive influences in your life. In the end, by having faith, your goal(s) can be accomplished.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

At times, taking a risk to achieve a dream, will be the perfect choice for inward success.

Sometimes, one person may have the incredible ability to make such a difference in someone’s life by simply exhibiting kindness, listening, and showing unconditional love. In otherwards, “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one come to you without leaving happier.” St. Teresa

What story are you currently in the middle of writing?

I am in the middle of writing a story creating memorable critter characters of the New Mexico region. I really enjoy hiking and getting ideas/themes/characters/plot(s)/etc. by observing nature in the solitude of the outdoors. The beautiful blue sky, desert, and mountain landscapes inspire my soul and mind.

Author Link: Amazon

Meet a calico kitten who decides to go on a very dangerous journey. Suddenly, a mysterious white coyote appears in the middle of the New Mexican desert… what could he want?

Santa Fe Tom

Tom is a desert box turtle who is shy and quiet. But the thing is, Tom has an amazing singing voice that he has never shared with his friends. He dreams of being able to sing and share his talent with others, but he is just too afraid. One day while practicing a surprise birthday song for their friend, all the animals hear his amazing voice and tell him how talented he is. With the help of his friends, Tom tries out for the opera and learns about self-confidence and working through his fears. Can he make his dreams of singing for all the animals come true?

Santa Fe Tom, written by Rachel Bate and illustrated by Rebecca McGuire Jacob, is a heartwarming story written in verse about overcoming fears and learning to have self-confidence. This is also a story about friendship, supporting friends, and encouraging one another to be their best possible selves.

In addition to this wonderful story, there are reference facts about the desert box turtle that teachers and families can talk to children about. The artwork is magnificent and inspirational for children. Rebecca really captured Tom’s emotions in the illustrations, and children will be able to relate to his feelings.

Santa Fe Tom is a captivating picture book that children will enjoy reading and looking through. The important message about believing in yourself and supporting your friends shines through each page and makes for wonderful discussion openers with younger kids. Readers will want to keep this children’s book on their shelves to share for generations.

Pages: 38 | ISBN: 1645432696

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Desert Bliss

Calico, a kitten, has been abandoned with his siblings in the desert. Calico knows there is a better life out there. Afraid of the unknown, he embarks on a journey through the desert with the help of a white coyote. Is the coyote really there to help Calico or does he have other motives?

Desert Bliss is a beautifully illustrated story that teaches young readers to listen to their inner voice. Calico doesn’t let his fear of the unknown stop him from finding his happiness. This is the perfect lesson for young readers to show them that it is okay to explore the unknown and to not let fear stop them from trying something new.

The exquisite images are colorful and look like pieces that can be in an art collection. They are captivating and there is much to look at. Each illustration matches the soothing tone of the book. I felt comforted by the authors calming writing style and images as I was reading. I loved this story and I really wanted to know what happened to Calico’s siblings and if they found happiness. Bliss, the white coyote is a beautiful and mysterious character, and I enjoyed reading about him as I felt he offered and alluring quality to the book.

Desert Bliss by Rachel Bate is a reassuring picture book that is a perfect nighttime story for children. This wonderful children’s book is filled with lessons that will inspire kids to trust their instincts, try something new, and know that there are good people out there who will help them.

Pages: 38 | ISBN: 1631779583

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Keeping Our Earth Clean

Rachel Bate Author Interview

Tierra Day follows a woman who, with the help of her animal friends, organizes a clean-up day for the human and animal community. What was the inspiration for your story?

I was inspired to write “Tierra Day” (Earth Day), contemplating all the litter I have noticed in my neighborhood, local and interstate highways, and bringing this awareness through writing a book for children. I also thought about various animal habitats and how litter may affect their livelihoods. Children are our future leaders, and as I have a quote by Rachel Carson as a dedication page: “In nature nothing exists alone.” Keeping our Earth clean is a community effort with everyone graciously doing their part.

What educational aspects were important for you to include in this children’s book?

As a retired teacher, I felt the overall message of Earth Day being a community effort, was very important. Also, including a glossary, vocabulary, and fun facts about Earth Day may be used as opportunities for collaboration in an educational setting of the classroom for teachers, outdoor education, or within family outings at State and National Parks.

The art in this book is beautiful. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Rebecca Jacob?

Rebecca is my older sister of whom I admire her artistic talent immensely and we work very well as a creative team. I usually write my stories and then she reads them, beginning her wonderful illustration process. We correspond frequently through phone calls, text messages, and emails. She works out of her art studio in Pennsylvania and visits me in New Mexico during the summer for inspiration of the New Mexico landscape and critters on our outdoor hikes, road trips, rafting, and scenic adventures.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

I have been thinking about another book soon for children that would continue to include New Mexico critters, humor, rhyme, juicy vocabulary, and lesson(s) to contemplate.

Author Links: Facebook | Instagram | Website

Litter is everywhere! What can Tierra and her critter friends do to help solve this problem? Find out what glorious solution Eli Eagle shares with his friends about all the pollution!