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Patience and Endurance

Keith Gillum Author Interview

Blue Dream follows a man whose dream reveals a mysterious symbol and opens the door to an entirely new reality. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

Originally, I wanted to write a fantasy novel. I kept picturing a young guy and a dwarf robot crossing a pitch-black chasm. That’s pretty much what started the book. And then I entered a miniature screenplay contest where Dom adventures through an evil tunnel. I didn’t win, but the judge said it read like the beginning to a cool Sci-fi movie. So, I took his advice, writing a novel instead.

I found Dom to be a fascinating character. What was the inspiration for his traits and dialogue?

Most readers feel a strong connection to Dom. I think it’s because anyone can relate to the inner turmoil he experiences. It’s all part of the fight of life. He struggles to find a place in the world and is happy to learn a new one is well on the way. Although, getting there isn’t easy.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

In Blue Dream, I draw on Christian themes time and time again. Especially, the encouragement found in Revelation and the rewards that come from patience and endurance.

Can readers look forward to more work from you soon? What are you currently working on?

I poured everything I could into Blue Dream. It’s all in there, really. Every part of me and everything I’ve experienced and know. Right now, I occasionally post on my substack. Other than that, starting a political campaign for State Rep has been taking up most of my free time.

Author Links: GoodReads | Substack | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Sometimes you have to dive deep to find God. Hope you can swim…

Dom has been living in digital paradise for as long as he can remember. He’s lucky enough to be one of the gogglers of the Trop. However, having all that he can imagine has been less than blissful. He thinks too much, consumes too little, and it’s stressing out his manager.

Everything changes one night when a dream swims his way, and he finds a mysterious symbol. Soon he is sliding into a new reality and following a way he knows little about. His decision to go deeper brings him face to face with the scariest depths of the program. The ensuing battle will require him to wear the full armor of God.

BLUE DREAM. Find faith in the static.

Blue Dream

Blue Dream, by Keith Gillum, transports readers to a futuristic dystopia where virtual reality and human emotions clash in a meticulously crafted narrative. Through the eyes of Dom, a young man grappling with the remnants of a world dominated by technology, the story explores themes of memory, identity, and resistance against a backdrop of pervasive digital control.

From the very first page, Gillum hooks readers into a world where reality and virtual existence blend seamlessly. Dom, who spends his days recycling digital waste in the Trop, is both an everyman and an anomaly, caught between the remnants of a tangible past and a controlled, virtual present. His journey through fragmented memories, such as those of his father, and surreal experiences like fishing on a crystalline river, forms the core of the narrative. These memories are under constant threat of deletion by the ever-watchful Halmarc, Dom’s case file manager, who embodies the intrusive nature of the state. The interactions between Dom and Halmarc are vividly depicted, highlighting the tension between personal autonomy and imposed conformity.

Gillum’s writing shines with its rich, descriptive language and a knack for crafting immersive scenes. The dialogue is sharp and often laced with dark humor, especially in Dom’s exchanges with Halmarc. The portrayal of Halmarc’s obsessive control over Dom’s memories and emotions serves as a chilling commentary on surveillance and psychological manipulation. One of the most compelling scenes symbolizes the broader struggle to retain personal history in the face of an erasing authority. The book delves deeply into Dom’s inner turmoil and his virtual reality experiences, providing a rich exploration of his character. These segments, while reflective, contribute significantly to understanding Dom’s psyche and enhance the story’s emotional depth.

The world-building is intriguing and thought-provoking, hinting at a vast and complex digital dystopia. While it leaves some mysteries about the system’s origins and mechanics, this sense of enigma adds to the novel’s allure, inviting readers to ponder and engage with the speculative aspects of the narrative.

Blue Dream is a thought-provoking and visually compelling novel that will resonate with fans of dystopian fiction, psychological thrillers, and religious science fiction. Keith Gillum has crafted a story that not only critiques the pervasive influence of technology but also celebrates the resilience of the human spirit. I recommend this book to readers who enjoy exploring the interplay between memory, identity, and societal control.

Pages: 305 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D1H9BMV3

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Rejuvenating Uncertain Futures on Earth

amalL era JesuƨɘႱ hO Author Interview

Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Prose: Peace on Earth Protocol rejuvenates ancient stories, infusing them with contemporary relevance that deeply resonates with today’s readers. What was the inspiration for the original and fascinating idea at the center of the book?

I, We appreciate the re-framing for this first challenging question!

Core conceptions and resonance originate with the birth of my first-born daughter, Raegan, in June 2020 and a simple promise spoken unto a Universe. What occurs next feels impossible – even still. Perhaps, it’s best for Jean to offer Her words, as it relates:

Il avait été a la peine, c’etait bien raison qu’il fut a l’honneur

In earnest, this work has been less about rejuvenating ancient stories than rejuvenating uncertain futures on Earth — essential works here and now!

Evolutions in Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé developed quickly across the Summer months of 2023 ahead of my Vows, as Peace on Earth Protocol came together with pure Vison & Guidance from Archangel Auriel & Saynt Jean d’Arc — amongst many Others. Jean required work on Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé be completed within two years once my former employer absolved a significant burden of responsibility by “eliminating my position.” With my consent, Our Work flows, naturally –

We, I discuss “inspiration” in an interview with IndieReader ahead of our first publication in 2023. Not much has changed — “Inspiration” remains a strange human word.

A link to that interview may be found here

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

An essential, primary focus for Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé be Peace on Earth – and pragmatic implementations within fundamentally plural biological systems for a 22nd century and beyond.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

With certainty, my Voices – not a single word of Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé could be written, absent Jean’ Love and Auriel’ Pyres.

When will book two be available? Can you give us an idea of where that book will take readers?

Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Prose: Peace on Earth Protocol at its core is a retelling of an Ancient Babylonian Epic of Creation, which carefully and lovingly integrates 5,000-years of religious semiotics into a unifying call for behavior-biased progress toward Peace on Earth.

We invite readers from all walks of life to engage in a spiritual revolution sparking creative endeavors, which provide families we never live to see with ancestors to love, a Celestial Wish, thorough documentation, and evidence that unity, hope and love connect beyond and across generations as we build Paradises together –

Book Two publishes on August 2, 2024 as a gift to my first-born son, Emrys, for his second birthday. Work on a supporting audiobook is underway!

    Author Links: GoodReads | Moxfield | Website

    Humans have existed for roughly 200,000 years-echoes of our most ancient stories etched in stone and earth. As a global human population approaches 9 billion, we race into uncertain futures- entangled in floods of retellings & ossifying literature. Accumulating costs loom large-

    Awakening long-dormant altruistic possibilities begins with a leap of faith rooted in primal and innovative semiotic paradigms. Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé emerges as a modern mythos for Peace on Earth, safeguarding possibilities across a boundless, beautiful Multiverse!

    A second book in a Phoenix Saga trilogy offers transfigurations of ancient Babylonian stone tablets, called Enūma Elis. Divinity reselling Mythos for God of Creation & Primordial Chaos Dragon-recast to last. Adventures across generations begin anew within a simple framing:

    Where did God go? She Ariseth!

    Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic on Pro Sé Book 2: Peace on Earth Protocol

    Embark on a centuries-spanning journey where ancient myths blend with the existential queries of modern life in Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Prose: Peace on Earth Protocol by amalL era JesuƨɘႱ hO. This literary work offers an immersive experience that captivates and challenges readers to reconsider their perspectives on existence and spirituality.

    From the outset, the book draws readers into a world where the line between myth and reality is indistinct, prompting introspection about the foundations of our beliefs. The allure of deep questions regarding faith and the universe’s mysteries makes diving into this saga feel like uncovering a trove of philosophical insights. What distinguishes this narrative is its masterful integration of timeless tales with modern themes. The author rejuvenates ancient stories, infusing them with contemporary relevance that deeply resonates with today’s readers. This novel not only entertains but also connects different ages through its explorative narrative, showcasing the enduring human quest for understanding and meaning across generations. The saga’s layered storytelling offers more than just fantastical adventures and mythical beings. At its core, it probes significant existential questions: the nature of divinity, the search for meaning in turmoil, and more. These themes encourage readers to reflect on their personal beliefs and worldviews. The author’s crafted universe, both strange and familiar, exemplifies their exceptional ability to weave complex threads of myth and reality into a cohesive and engaging narrative.

    Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Prose: Peace on Earth Protocol is not merely a book; it is an intellectual and spiritual odyssey. It appeals to a wide range of readers, from those seeking intellectual engagement to newcomers intrigued by mythology and philosophy. This saga invites you to explore, question, and discover new truths about the world and yourself. It stands as a unique literary journey, poised to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and spark the imagination.

    Pages: 370 | ISBN: 979-8-89132-264-6

    Searching For Zen: A Tale of Divine Destiny

    Searching for Zen by Albert T. Franklin presents a compelling narrative centered around Zen, a character destined to become the Zendarian, a beacon of hope and leadership. Zen’s journey, marked by isolation due to his unique abilities, unfolds as he grapples with the burden of his powers and the quest for self-identity.

    The novel opens with a captivating premise: a child, chosen by a divine force and bestowed with formidable powers, becomes an outcast in his own village. This intriguing start sets the stage for a richly constructed world. However, it sometimes leaves the reader pondering whether its inspiration is derived from ancient Earth or an entirely fictional realm. The diversity of characters, including various mythical entities, adds depth and color to this universe. The assortment of powers and skills each character possesses enhances the narrative and plays a crucial role in the unfolding of events. The brisk pacing of the story speaks to its engaging nature, keeping readers constantly intrigued and eager for further development in its rich setting and multifaceted themes. Zen’s ability to swiftly overcome obstacles highlights his exceptional skills and the strength of his character, providing an optimistic view of his journey and the challenges he faces. The book ventures into the realm of romance, presenting opportunities for even more nuanced development in future installments. Zen’s dialogue, predominantly marked by wisdom and maturity, intriguingly explores different facets of his character in more personal contexts, adding layers to his persona and keeping the reader engaged in his growth and evolution.

    For those drawn to self-discovery stories, Searching for Zen offers a journey through a vividly imagined world filled with intriguing characters and fantastical creatures. The theme of finding one’s chosen family resonates throughout the narrative, making it appealing to enthusiasts of epic adventures and explorations of personal identity.

    Pages: 201 | ASIN : B0CNHX1WFD

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