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In Digger by Arjay Lewis, readers meet Joshua Bennet, a young reporter grappling with his father’s mysterious and sudden death. Raised on his father’s stories of nocturnal horrors and having witnessed inexplicable events himself, Joshua doubts the official explanation of his father’s demise. Determined to uncover the truth, he sets out to find his father’s old ally, known only as Digger. Armed with nothing but an alias, Joshua’s journalistic skills are put to the test in a quest that proves more daunting than expected.

Throughout the novel, Joshua relies on childhood notes about his father’s escapades as a demon hunter, using his journalism career not only as a means to investigate but also as a disguise to deflect suspicion in the small, tight-knit communities he explores. These settings are vividly portrayed, with residents’ wariness adding a layer of authenticity to each encounter. Joshua’s pretense of researching articles lends him just enough credibility to continue his inquiries, gradually peeling back layers of mystery with each reluctant source he persuades.

Fans of supernatural dramas like “Supernatural” or “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” will find Digger a novel take on the demon hunter narrative. Lewis refreshes a familiar genre by shifting the perspective to an outsider, adding a layer of intrigue and novelty. Without revealing too much, the narrative excels in drawing readers into Joshua’s relentless pursuit of the enigmatic Digger. The pacing of the book is deliberate, with early chapters setting a measured tempo that crescendos into a gripping, sleep-defying conclusion.

For those drawn to supernatural thrillers and horror, Digger promises a compelling blend of suspense and the unexplained.

Pages: 412 | ASIN : B0C5TKXXJS

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Most Unique of Settings

Swinn Daniels Author Interview

In Mouth of the Muse, a photographer and his assistant set out on parallel journeys to face the ghosts of their pasts while trying to prevail against supernatural forces. What was your inspiration for the wild journey you take readers on in this novel?

I have been to Burning Man many times, and I thought it would be a great setting for some of the book’s action. As to the other places, they come purely from imagination.

Was there a reason why you chose this location as the backdrop for your story?

I wanted to bring something fresh to the party, as it were. It was also a lot of fun to have the characters’ different personalities interact with this most unique of settings.

Did any of the characters’ development occur organically throughout the story?

Most of my writing is organic. There is only the vaguest sense of who ends up where. If I try to push that more, the characters get crusty and clam up. So I kind of let them do what they want. And it all seems to work out in the end.

Will there be a fourth installment in The Dark Photography Folio series? If so, where will Saxon and Juliette find themselves next?

Yes, there will be a fourth and final book in the series. It will be called HEART OF THE WARRIOR. And it will be dark. VERY dark.

Author Links: Goodreads | Amazon

With the greatest shoot of his career in ruins, cut short by a past he had hoped to keep buried, Saxon Payne must race to retrieve the stolen nano-viewfinder if he hopes to save himself and all he holds dear. But he must do this without Juliette, his attraction to the mysterious Persephone now between them. Meanwhile Juliette discovers who her real father is and unbeknownst to Saxon, begins her own perilous journey to finally solve the mystery of what happened to her. From supernatural places that border this world to the Carnival at the End of Time that is Burning Man, Saxon and Juliette must both confront the past and the dark forces arrayed against them.

A Murderous Rampage

Paul J Jackson Author Interview

Retribution follows a detective investigating several connected murders who suspects the killer may not be human but a supernatural being. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Retribution started out as a short story. I knew it was unusual and a little disturbing, but it wasn’t until I’d finished it that I realised the potential for a longer story. The original short story is featured in the book. It helps explain the origin of the killer.

When you first sat down to write this story, did you know where you were going, or did the twists come as you were writing?

After finishing the last few paragraphs of the short story, I had a good idea of where I wanted to go with it, but, as I progressed, a lot of the scenarios came as I wrote. It is the same with all my stories, they evolve during writing.

What was the hardest part about writing a mystery story; were you constantly having to give just enough to keep the mystery alive until the big reveal?

Yes. In Retribution, the killer is described fairly early on and then the real mystery becomes – What It is, where It came from, and why It’s on a murderous rampage, giving more detail as the story unfolds.

What is the next book you are writing, and when will that be published?

I am working on two books. One is a sequel to my short horror stories collection Down a Dark Path, and the other is a book of flash fiction containing dark, macabre, and unusual tales. The flash fiction book will be out first. I’m working on a cover for it and have a little editing to do before publishing. I’m hoping to get it done before the end of the year.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

A spate of gruesome murders of several young men has DI Lockwood and his team baffled until an anonymous letter arrives that reveals the location of a girl who has been missing for over eighteen months. The two cases are connected and the lads are being punished for something they have done. As the body count rises, Lockwood races to save them, but he soon realises that he’s not looking for a man or a woman but something else, something sinister.