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Seeing Is Believing

Jim Melvin Author Interview

Do You Believe in Monsters? follows a thirteen-year-old boy who discovers a magical world hidden in the forest, where he transforms into a powerful wizard, leading him to question what world he belongs in. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The series is titled Dark Circles for a variety of reasons, some obvious and some more subtle. One of the obvious reasons is that in the fantasy world, it is dangerous for Charlie (the 13-year-old mentioned in your question) and his friends to succumb to sleep because the evil being who haunts the fantasy world attacks them in their dreams. Therefore, they are marked with dark circles under their eyes from going several days without sleep.

Charlie starts out as a timid boy, often bullied, who starts to gain some confidence after discovering his magical abilities. What trials did you feel were important to highlight the character’s development?

This question cuts to the core of Dark Circles. In the “real” world, Charlie is skinny and relatively weak and therefore has to rely on a healthy dose of pragmatism to survive. In the “fantasy” world, Charlie has been gifted extraordinary powers and therefore has to temper his pragmatism in order to truly believe that his new powers are real. Only then can he unleash their full potential. Seeing is believing.

In fantasy novels, it’s easy to get carried away with the magical powers characters have. How did you balance the use of supernatural powers?

Fantasy novelists balance this in several different ways: 1) The main characters’ powers emerge slowly, often taking half the series or more to master them. 2) The MCs’ powers emerge quickly, but the characters don’t trust them or understand how to wield them until deep into the series. 3) The MCs quickly master their powers but discover they are dwarfed by the powers wielded by the evil beings they are destined to encounter.

Many readers might disagree with me on this, but I’m not a big fan of number 1. As a reader, I find it frustrating. Therefore, my series is a combination of numbers 2 and 3.

Can you tell us more about what’s in store for Charlie Magus and the direction of the third book?

The quick answer is that you can find out for yourself because book 3 (Do You Believe in Miracles?) debuted April 21, 2024. 😀 But here is a breakdown of how the series unfolds:

Book 1 (Do You Believe in Magic?) focuses heavily on the real world, enhancing character development but also drawing a stark contrast between the real and fantasy worlds. This contrast is what motivates the characters and drives the narrative.
Book 2 (Do You Believe in Monsters?) is more action-packed and war-driven, especially in the last few chapters. As a reader, you will fly through the last 50 pages for sure.
Book 3 (Do You Believe in Miracles?) is the most introspective of the three and focuses on a long and arduous quest through plains, forests, and towering mountains. This sets up an epic climax filled with thrills and chills.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Substack | Amazon

When Charlie Magus enters a fantastical world hidden deep in the forest, his life is turned upside down. The timid 13-year-old transforms into a powerful wizard wielding formidable magic. In the real world, life goes on as usual. But in the fantasy world, a war is brewing that will dwarf all others. Charlie’s newfound powers stand between victory and defeat. But in which world does he truly belong? Dark Circles is an adventure of epic scope. Only those with a hero’s heart will dare to stand at Charlie’s side as he battles an army of monsters led by an evil being of immense power.

The Belt of Chaos: A Teen’s Quest to Free a Kingdom Held by Time

In The Belt of Chaos, Shan Shan Nie transports readers the familiar streets of modern-day Boston to a fantastical realm where time stands still. This young adult fantasy centers around Sasha Ears, a teenage photography enthusiast faced with a pivotal moment in her life. Distraught over her parents’ impending decision, a simple phone call unexpectedly whisks Sasha away to an alternate dimension brimming with magic.

In this new world, Sasha allies with Bulkee and Sye, two enchanting creatures. Their mission is to locate the prince of AmaReegon, whose destiny is mysteriously linked to Sasha’s. The narrative weaves adventure, mystery, and a subtle romance through its pages, presenting Sasha not just as a protagonist but as a loving daughter and sister, which marks a notable shift from the archetypal fantasy hero.

The novel excels in its vivid storytelling, capturing the essence of a journey marked by self-discovery and the resilience required to save not only her family but also an entire realm. Amid a backdrop where time is irrelevant, Sasha’s urgent quest against it to safeguard her loved ones adds a layer of irony and tension. The landscapes are challenging, the creatures whimsical, and the romantic nuances with the prince enhance the tale’s charm. The ambitious scope of the plot in The Belt of Chaos introduces a broad tapestry of themes, which occasionally leaves some areas lightly touched upon. This breadth invites readers to eagerly anticipate further exploration and richer development in these fascinating aspects of the narrative.

The Belt of Chaos offers a delightful escape, rich with imaginative details and a heartfelt journey, inviting readers to traverse magical realms alongside Sasha and her extraordinary companions. I recommend this tale to anyone seeking a unique blend of adventure and mystery.

Pages: 360 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CWH784F2

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Magical Fantasy Was Born

Jim Melvin Author Interview

Do You Believe in Magic? follows a bullied 13-year-old boy who discovers a magical waterfall and embarks on an epic adventure as a wizard. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I grew up on the shores of western Florida and spent much of my childhood swimming in shark-infested waters long before the movie Jaws put a scare into everyone. At the time, I was too skinny to attract a shark’s attention. About ten other boys my age lived on my same street, and we hung out morning, noon, and night playing the usual sports that young boys love — football, baseball, “kill the carrier,” etc. — but as a group, we also played fantastical games that contained magic, monsters, and superheroes. It was in this setting that my imagination as a writer of magical fantasy was born and nurtured.

I moved from Florida to Upstate South Carolina about twenty years ago and drove from Tampa-St. Pete to the Clemson area on Interstate 75 many times. It’s about a 10-hour drive, which is quite wearisome. And the traffic around Atlanta can be horrendous. I’ve always found the rest stops to be a bit spooky, especially at night. My MC Charlie Magus also found them to be spooky. If you read Do You Believe in Magic?, you’ll get the picture.

The world you created in this novel is brimming with possibilities. Where did the inspiration for the setting come from, and how did it change as you wrote?

My first home in SC was on forty wooded acres that included a creek that wound through a forest to a waterfall. It wasn’t as magnificent as described in the book 😀, but it did serve as the inspiration for the story.

Plus, I am the author of The Death Wizard Chronicles, a six-book epic fantasy for mature audiences. I did a ton of hands-on research and world-building for that series, which came in handy for this one.

Finally, I am at home in the mountains. It’s where I now live, and I do long hikes at least three days per week. Characters in fantasy novels tend to wander around a lot in the wilderness, so I feel comfortable writing about natural surroundings.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I have written Dark Circles with young teens in mind. I tell potential readers that it is appropriate for 13 and older, though readers as young as 10 and as old as 80 have enjoyed it. When I say appropriate, I mean that there are no sex scenes and only very limited profanity. But like most epic fantasies, the series has its violent moments — sort of like the later Harry Potter books.

But just because a series is appropriate for young teens doesn’t mean that it has to be sophomoric. To the contrary, Dark Circles is a sophisticated work with a lot going on between the lines in terms of themes, allegorical elements, symbolism, foreshadowing, literary tropes, etc. My newsletter (Jim Melvin’s Realms of Fantasy) goes into extensive depth about this.

Some of the themes in my series are obvious: bullying, good vs. evil, coming of age, heroism. But in the end, the most important theme of all is the idea that only the best among us are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good — the literary equivalent of a soldier throwing himself on a hand grenade.

All this said, if you only read books for pure pleasure and don’t really care about the literary stuff, my series still fits the bill. It’s a lot of fun!

When will book two be available? Can you give us an idea of where that book will take readers?

Book Two (Do You Believe in Monsters?) debuted in late October 2023. Your excellent review of Book One mentioned that the early portions of Do You Believe in Magic? contain some deliberately slow pacing, and that was well said. In contrast, the pacing of Book Two is deliberately faster. To describe the second book as action-packed would be accurate, IMO.

The third book of the trilogy (Do You Believe in Miracles?) will debut on April 22, 2024. This concludes the series.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Author Newsletter | Amazon

From the author of The Death Wizard Chronicles comes a new adventure suitable for teens and adults. Do You Believe in Magic? is book 1 of Dark Circles, a teen adventure fantasy trilogy for readers 13 and older. This is a fascinating coming of age series for fans of J.K. Rowling, Neil Gaiman, and Brandon Sanderson.

Book 1: Do You Believe in Magic? (May 25, 2023)
Book 2Do You Believe in Monsters? (Oct. 30, 2023)
Book 3Do You Believe in Miracles? (April 2024)

Book 1 synopsis: After discovering a magical waterfall deep in the forest, a boy and his dog embark on an epic adventure in a fantastical world filled with monsters and magic. In the real world, Charlie is a 13-year-old nerd picked on by bullies. But in the fantasy world, he becomes a wizard wielding formidable powers. Standing in his way is a vile monster bent on destruction. Only those with a hero’s heart will have the courage to stand at Charlie’s side when the war begins.