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Understanding Extraterrestrials 

Dr. Scott Flagg Author Interview

Xenopsychology: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos blends speculative and theoretical concepts to look into the possible psychology of extraterrestrial beings. What was the idea, or spark, that first set off the need to write this book?

I have had numerous direct experiences seeing UFO’s. As a clinical and counseling psychologist the consideration of alien thought and behavior seemed like a natural consideration, and possible avenue to better understand life broadly but also our place in the cosmos.

What was your research process like for this book, and how long did it take to put it all together?

I wrote and published Xenopsychology and REAL Psychology within a span of six months. There was no research process during the writing. I have spent my adult life seeking direct experience of exceptional phenomena and both of these books are the result of challenging myself to think about the hard questions and answering those questions from internally validated processes. 

Did you find anything in your research of this story that surprised you?

What is surprising to me is the lack of public curiosity about life both on this planet and in a speculative fashion on others. We exist in a universe teeming with life of varied types. The time has come to mature in our approach and learn the skills of coexistence with beings both less and more capable than ourselves.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from Xenopsychology?

Deeply question the nature of the human experience and consider that our goal as living beings is to understand the expression and manifestation of existence. 

Author Links: GoodReads | Website

Xenopsychology, a speculative and theoretical field, delves into the possible psychologies of extraterrestrial beings, contemplating the myriad ways alien minds might perceive, think, feel and behave. Central to xenopsychology is the acknowledgment of the potential diversity in alien cognitive structures and processes, which could be profoundly different from human cognition due to distinct evolutionary pressures, environmental conditions and biological foundations.

Concepts such as alien intelligence and consciousness are explored with an openness to non-anthropocentric perspectives, considering beings that may not possess centralized brains, might inhabit vastly different sensory worlds, or could have fundamentally different forms of awareness and sentience. The field also probes the potential emotional landscapes of extraterrestrials, exploring hypothetical emotional experiences, expressions and their underlying biological and neurological bases, if such bases even exist.

Communication is another pivotal concept, with xenopsychology speculating on the myriad modes and mediums through which aliens might convey information, including possibilities beyond human comprehension, such as multidimensional or quantum communication. Furthermore, the exploration of alien social and cultural structures provides insights into how extraterrestrial civilizations might organize themselves, create meaning and develop moral and ethical frameworks.

Finally, the field grapples with the profound ethical and methodological challenges inherent in studying and interacting with potentially sentient beings whose minds, values and existences could be fundamentally incomprehensible to us, necessitating a paradigm of respect, humility and continual learning in our quest to understand the diverse intelligences of the cosmos.

XENOPSYCHOLOGY: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos

In Xenopsychology: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos, Dr. Scott Flagg takes readers on a groundbreaking journey into the psychologies of extraterrestrial beings. The book explores the vast possibilities of alien minds, delving into how these entities might perceive, think, feel, and interact in ways that are fundamentally different from humans. Utilizing a blend of astrophysics, biology, and psychology, the author pushes the boundaries of conventional thought to explore non-anthropocentric forms of intelligence and consciousness. His exploration is not only about understanding alien life but also a reflective examination of human cognition and the broader existential inquiries it incites.

Dr. Flagg’s writing style is both engaging and accessible, making complex scientific concepts understandable for readers without a background in the hard sciences. His speculative approach enriches the inherently theoretical nature of xenopsychology, making it an exciting read for those who appreciate expansive thinking beyond the confines of concrete data and empirical studies. The vivid descriptions of potential alien senses, emotions, and societal structures are intellectually provocative and creatively rich, inviting readers to expand their understanding of what life can entail across the cosmos.

The book’s real strength lies in its ability to merge scientific rigor with philosophical inquiry. Dr. Flagg challenges readers to consider not only the possible but also the ethical implications of encountering and interacting with alien life. His discussion on the potential emotional and psychological landscapes of extraterrestrials is particularly fascinating, raising questions about universality versus diversity in emotional expression and experience across different life forms.

Xenopsychology: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos is a must-read for those fascinated by the potential of life beyond Earth and the vast complexities of the universe. I highly recommend it to students of astrophysics, psychology, and philosophy, as well as anyone interested in the future of space exploration and the possible encounters with other sentient beings. Dr. Flagg provides a compelling blueprint for a new field of scientific inquiry.

Pages: 290 | ASIN : B0CW1BLTNT

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The Blue Star: First Locality Adventure

Set in a distant future where space travel connects various alien civilizations, The Blue Star: First Locality Adventure, by Justin Caleb, immerses readers in a universe where interstellar colonization is commonplace. Amidst this backdrop of technological marvels, a devastating plague emerges, threatening to decimate life across the galaxy. This narrative follows Torina Jadus of the Tuulan For and her crew on their urgent quest to discover a cure for this malignant contagion.

Caleb’s narrative bears a striking resemblance to classic sci-fi tropes, notably those in the Star Trek series, while also echoing the tense, epidemic-focused narratives of films like Outbreak and Contagion. The novel gains a contemporary resonance in our post-pandemic world, evoking inevitable comparisons to Covid-19, albeit with a more dramatic and horrifying twist as it ravages the personalities and identities of the afflicted, adding a layer of horror to the science fiction setting.

Caleb skillfully intertwines themes of fear and identity, suggesting that the terror induced by the virus is as potent as the disease itself. This element of the narrative not only heightens the tension but also explores the universal fear of losing one’s identity, a theme that resonates across species and civilizations. The novel posits that this shared fear could be the foundation for understanding and connecting with non-human entities in the realm of advanced technology. The Blue Star: First Locality Adventure distinguishes itself by crafting a sense of existential dread, positioning the virus as a formidable antagonist. This emotional depth keeps readers engrossed up to the concluding page, showcasing Caleb’s adept storytelling. The novel’s ability to maintain engagement throughout is a testament to its effectiveness, transcending genre boundaries to deliver a compelling and thought-provoking read.

Justin Caleb’s The Blue Star: First Locality Adventure is a gripping contribution to the science fiction genre. Its exploration of universal themes like fear, identity, and the quest for understanding in the face of an unknown threat offers a fresh perspective on familiar tropes. The novel’s blend of suspense, emotional depth, and a well-crafted plot ensures a captivating reading experience. Caleb’s narrative prowess in combining elements of horror with science fiction serves to engage and provoke thought in readers, making this book a noteworthy and intriguing read for enthusiasts of the genre and beyond.

Pages: 453 | ASIN : B0CLTQ2VV1

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Dark Cascade

Journey with Kel Chaada as he navigates a galaxy teeming with diverse alien races, each with its unique motives and aspirations. A particularly menacing extraterrestrial race with advanced weaponry and a hunger for planetary resources threatens to destabilize the balance. In a bold move, Kel and his select crew venture directly to this menacing civilization’s galaxy, intending to halt the impending doom at its origin. Amidst this high-stakes mission, Kel grapples with the dilemma of potentially becoming what he’s trying to resist.

Dark Cascade, the enthralling second installment in Bert-Oliver Boehmer’s Galacticide series, effortlessly immerses readers into its cosmos—even those unfamiliar with the inaugural book. While it’s evident that Boehmer is influenced by sci-fi titans such as Asimov and Philip K. Dick, his narrative carves its distinctive mark.

The allure of Dark Cascade stems not only from its expansive cosmic view but also from Boehmer’s nuanced exploration of interstellar politics and morality. As the story unfolds, one is compelled to question: In the quest for species survival, where do we draw the line? Kel Chaada stands as a beacon of humanity’s perseverance, yet the narrative gracefully introduces moments where alien races and AI beings demonstrate equally commendable motives.

Boehmer blurs moral boundaries, suggesting that even the most drastic measures, including genocide, might find justification depending on perspective. This intricate dance between ethical dilemmas and intergalactic politics sets Dark Cascade apart, positioning it in a league distinct from its sci-fi contemporaries.

Pages: 323 | ASIN : B0BMFWXQDJ

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Reoccurring Dreams From My Past

Kody Killam Author Interview

Benign Dystopia: Elder’s Vault follows a high priest and warrior who sets out on a mission to unlock the vault in an attempt to save his species from alien invaders. What was the inspiration for your story? 

When I was much younger, I was plagued by reoccurring dreams, and this is where the plot for the tale came from. At that time, I was bouncing between foster homes and felt as if I had little to no value, so these dreams were kind of a saving grace if you will. At first it was a bit unnerving, for they were not ordinary, or usual by any means. I had no idea why they were happening, and to this day, I still don’t. It wasn’t until I was adopted that they gradually subsided and were replaced by the much more mundane of night visions, which as a side note, don’t occur as frequently. In the roughly thirty or so years since their disappearance, they have yet to return, and I don’t have hope of them ever doing so. With that being said, I suppose the strange dreams I had as a youngling are the inspiration behind the overall concept of the story at large, for without them, I fear the tale wouldn’t exist.

I find the world you created in this novel brimming with possibilities. Where did the inspiration for the setting come from and how did it change as you were writing?

The setting of the moon, Niushki, which plays a vital part within the story, in many ways is a reflection of how I felt during my early years. A barren wasteland with little to no order where trust and family are largely nonexistent. As I wrote however, the world quickly developed traits that were much more reminiscent of my twenties as a whole, where friends became adversaries and death was nothing more than a normality of life. But I found, in all of that chaos, somehow, that I had created a unique world of serenity that’s hostile by nature, which although alien, mirrors our own in many ways. It was actually this very concept of peaceful violence which brought about the novel’s title Benign Dystopia. All that said, the setting of the tale was mostly crafted from my very real experience of the one which shaped my own life, for better or for worse. And yes, although it’s unpredictable, dangerous, and chaotic at times; it’s also full of wonder, joy, and brimming with endless possibilities.

Benign Dystopia has some very interesting characters that have their character flaws but are still likable. How do you go about creating characters for your story?

To build character, I mostly observe and listen to the vast array of people around me. I’ve always been intrigued with what makes an individual different from the next, and as such, I do conduct a bit of people watching from time to time. I’m blessed though, for I’m surrounded by a variety of different cultures and age groups, which helps a great deal in the overall depth of the characters in my works. From their names, to the way they speak, think, and carry themselves, I have in a big part, the countless diverse individuals I’ve met throughout my life. I, of course, also put in a great deal of research into every aspect of the writing process, no matter what it may be, so I’m sure this plays heavy into the subject as well. Outside of that, I find myself delving into subjects such as psychology and the theory of personality on a daily basis. The teachings of philosophers such as Plato, Friedrich Nietzsche, Confucius, Carl Jung, and Aristotle are just some of the few I look to when evolving the psyche of any character, especially those of strong importance. Character as well as world-building are what matters most to me as a writer, and to that end, I spend a good bit of effort in making them as relatable as I can. This in tandem with authentic and engaging personalities, is what I believe make even the most flawed and, dare I say, vile characters, one of which readers would not only connect with on a personal level, but also enjoy.

When will book 2 be available? Can you give us an idea of where that book will take readers?

The second book in the Elder’s Vault series, Tellurian Otherworld, is actually split into two parts, of which I call tomes. The first tome is titled: A Fool’s Tragedy, and has already been reviewed by Literary Titan. As to when it will be officially published, I am not entirely sure, but will certainly keep you up to date. The work will take readers to the world of Neldar, which unlike Benign Dystopia, is more of a fantasy than it is a science fiction. The story follows the same characters and picks up where Benign Dystopia ended, though it focuses heavily on the supernatural elements established within Benign Dystopia’s third part, which may upset those hopeful of immersing themselves in the space opera aspect built in the first book, but worry not, there is a method to the madness. But overall, Tellurian Otherworld, both tomes, will feature some fantasy in the form of wizards, dragons, fairies, and mermaids, as well as others; but it will also include otherworldly entities such as ghosts, genies, zombies, and nagas. When all is said and done though, my hope is that I’ve weaved a meaningful and unforgettable tale that’ll survive the test of time that all can enjoy. I’m sure there’s a lesson in there somewhere too, but I digress, thank you and I wish you all a legendary day.

Author links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website

As a devout high priest of the Old Ones, the unwavering Jadecan is determined to unlock the Elder’s Vault at any cost. Its prisoner is needed more now than ever, for only they can save Niushki from its horrors and rid it of the alien invaders.
Mercilessly, Jadecan wanders the moon unrelenting, ill-disposed and alone. Being possibly the last of his kind, there is no room for failure. But as betrayal breeds murder, his life is forever changed. The fate of his species and the universe hangs in the balance.
A thrilling space odyssey that’s like no other. A gripping sci-fi fantasy that’s packed with twists and turns. From its gut-wrenching opening to its shocking end, it’ll have you questioning the true meaning of science fiction.

Moon Crusher

In the early 19th century, Diego Perez y Andres Morales, a resident of California, is unexpectedly abducted by aliens. Plunged into a new world divided into slaves and warriors, Diego must navigate this unfamiliar society, where survival is treacherous for the weak-minded. As he struggles to adapt and stay alive, Diego discovers unforeseen opportunities that lead him to thrive among the stars and traverse both known and unknown universes.

Moon Crusher, by Susan Kite, is a captivating coming-of-age tale that ventures far beyond the boundaries of familiarity. The prologue immediately unveils Diego’s extraordinary circumstances, providing a shocking and exhilarating surprise that ignites the events to come. This bold approach entices readers to stay engaged and witness how Diego’s journey shapes his ultimate destiny. Furthermore, the author’s choice to introduce multiple intense action scenes in the early chapters pays off splendidly. Not only does it heighten reader interest, but it also allows the main character to establish his personality and traits forged by his life experiences. Consequently, readers cannot help but develop a strong attachment to Diego, who remains the central protagonist and the novel’s sole constant presence.

Susan Kite’s writing style enhances the reader’s experience as she employs brevity to streamline the story’s navigation. Science fiction can be daunting due to its technical jargon, but Kite’s use of simple and direct terms makes the book more accessible and enjoyable. Additionally, the author’s meticulous attention to detail in describing action sequences proves invaluable. Diego’s time as a warrior is brought to life through vivid depictions of body movements, enabling readers to vividly follow and immerse themselves in the action.

Susan Kite’s novel blends adventure, science fiction, and a compelling coming-of-age narrative, delivering an enthralling reading experience that transports readers to new frontiers. The combination of engaging storytelling, accessible language, and well-crafted action scenes creates a memorable and immersive journey through Diego’s extraordinary life.

Pages: 226 | ASIN: B0884N9Q24

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Benign Dystopia

Benign Dystopia, written by Kody Killam, is an outstanding novel with an engaging narrative that should captivate the imagination of dark fantasy and cyberpunk science fiction enthusiasts. The tale introduces us to Jadecan, an adept warrior, possibly the last of his race, the Akiko. Propelled into a mission to retrieve an “item” for his companion, Stet, Jadecan quickly reveals a personal agenda. Joining forces with Amelia, a liberated convict, the duo embarks on a quest to locate a vault, with the future of Jadecan’s species hinging on their success. The narrative is densely populated with futuristic and extraterrestrial themes and features a diverse array of races from various planets.

The storyline is exquisitely crafted with a diverse array of characters that enrich the narrative. The overarching concept carries echoes of Star Wars, mirroring its thrilling energy and high stakes. Despite being penned in the third person, the narrative maintains an intimate connection with the protagonist. Readers gain profound insights into Jadecan’s psyche, his motivations, and his approach to challenges from the very outset. An early, surprising act of betrayal from Jadecan towards Stet effectively establishes his character’s traits, conveying his urgent need to save his race and the lengths to which he is prepared to go.

While the book is titled Benign Dystopia, it offers an intriguing narrative steeped in the engaging elements of science fiction. As the start of a series, the story stands as an exceptional novel. This story truly sets itself apart. The pacing is well-balanced, making this dark fantasy novel a riveting read that will offer much to any reader fond of such fiction.

Pages: 394 | ASIN : B09SVXTJBX

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A Father and Son Collaboration

R. J. Schwartz and
Sebastian J. Schwartz
Author Interview

Secrets of the Moon is a story about defending Earth from colonization by an alien species they discover on the moon. I think this original idea is intriguing. How did you come up with this idea and develop it into a story?

Sebastian has functioning autism, but because of it, he has the gift of being an amzing storyteller, thinking about things from a unique perspective, unlike no one else I know. One night in July 2022, told me the story & showed me a digital drawing he’d made of the creature, over a few hours & I was completely blown away by the originality of it. Having already written hundreds of articles and always wanting to write a novel, I proposed we write this book together. We put together a 12 page straw man and found it worked well. After that, it was a true collaboration. Each day we’d get between 8-20 pages done, then read them out loud and discuss/change/edit/delete as necessary to make sure it remained true to his original concept. I would add backstory to give them characters substance and the father-son project grew into a 6 month journey. When we finished the draft, it was 430 pages long, so we started back at the beginning and cut out a few characters/storylines & found we had over explained some things. 

What was your approach to writing the interactions between characters?

We wanted to make the characters all ‘loner types’ due to their individual geniuses, but when the chips were down, they were all dependent on one another, each offering their own unique skill to offer the collective. We wanted to avoid much of the ‘noise’ in the modern news cycle and limited profanity, sex, etc. – if it didn’t contribute to the story, we didn’t put it in. 

Much of the interactions were based on how we thought real people would react in this trying situation – panic, conflict, competition, infighting, loss, and even a little bit of new found love. Human beings are capable of so much and have the capacity to rise to great heights when the chips are down. We tried to show that in our own unique way. 

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Technology was at the front of the line. We did a lot of reading about emerging technologies, and consulted with a Chemistry Professor at a local college on some topics. What we really wanted, was a book that stood up to scrutiny – in our minds, everything we used has the potential to actually work, if only the scientific community could crack the code.

We also wanted to tie the book to some things we are seeing happening now, that’s why its set in the near future. Space X, and other advancements in space exploration, plus the high demand for rare earth minerals for electric cars and electronics seemed to mesh well for our story line & gives the reader a smooth transition into the story – the new space race will be business dominant, not exploration.  

Will this novel be the start of a series or are you working on a different story?

Both are true – we are outlining a sequel (after all, readers will want to know what went on in that secret conversation in Stanley Drummond’s office (that’s the introduction, actually, which sets the stage for a new adventure and more advance technologies developed based on the ‘previously unknown’ mineral found while procerssing the ore brought back from the moon.

Sebastian is currently working on a graphic novella/comic book. I just published ‘Things That Go Bump in the Night, Poetry of Fear and Fright” and I’m currently working on an Inspirational Poetry collection. Lots of irons in the fire, as usual.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Website 2

The year is 2033. Rare-earth mineral demand is driving a new space race. Orbit Mining, powered by the genius of Dr. Elizabeth West, has claimed victory, landing an advanced freighter on the moon. Yet, the celebrations are cut short by a lethal encounter with an advance alien species; one unlike anything anyone has ever considered. A hasty evacuation, and an unplanned passenger, brings chaos, death, and the threat of colonization to earth. Follow the suspenseful action as a secret military unit, advanced technology, and a will to survive, are all that stands between life, and our possible extinction.