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Charlie’s Crabby Day

Charlie’s Crabby Day is a delightful tale that highlights the values of friendship and hard work. Joan Enockson introduces us to Charlie, a crab who feels self-conscious living next to Chuck, a bigger, stronger crab with many more friends. As a sand sculpture contest approaches, Charlie decides to prove himself by gathering the best materials to win. He discovers a large shell that he plans to use as the centerpiece of his project, keeping it a secret from others. However, new rules require the sculptures to be made in teams, forcing Charlie to collaborate with Chuck, leading to an unexpected journey of learning and growth.

Charlie is a wonderfully crafted character who evolves throughout the story. He learns from his mistakes, realizes that his assumptions about others are not always correct, and shows great resilience by setting aside his prejudices. Charlie becomes more honest and communicative, gradually making new friends without even realizing it. This character development is why I found his story so compelling.

Joan Enockson’s writing is natural and fluent, imparting valuable life lessons to young readers, such as the importance of listening, sharing ideas, and understanding that teamwork, while challenging, can lead to achieving great goals. The detailed descriptions in this children’s book make it easy to visualize the scenes, emphasizing emotions, allowing readers to connect with Charlie on multiple levels. The illustrations are artistic and of high quality, adding charm to the story.

Charlie navigates various situations as he dares to try new things, faces his fears, and overcomes each challenge. Charlie’s Crabby Day is a fun and engaging chapter book that teaches children the importance of letting go of pride and shyness and encouraging them to embrace every opportunity for play and learning.

Pages: 94 | ISBN :  978-1958023433

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Daddy’s Favorite Sundae

Daddy’s Favorite Sundae, a charming children’s book by Dawn Grantham, follows the journey of a little girl named Sundae who learns to ride a bike without training wheels with the help of her supportive dad. Set against a colorful urban backdrop, Sundae faces challenges and teasing from peers but ultimately overcomes her fears, gaining confidence and new friendships along the way. This heartwarming tale is beautifully illustrated by Demont Pinder, bringing the story’s emotions and lessons to life.

One of the book’s strengths lies in its relatable and encouraging narrative. Grantham captures the feelings of frustration and determination that children often experience when learning new skills. Sundae’s journey is filled with ups and downs, perfectly exemplified in the scene where she falls into the trash but gets back up to try again. This moment is particularly poignant, as it teaches children that failure is part of the learning process and resilience is key to overcoming obstacles.

The dialogue and interactions in the book are realistic. When Sundae’s friends, Junior and Journey, initially tease her for using training wheels, it reflects a common childhood scenario. However, the story’s resolution, where these same friends cheer her on once she succeeds, underscores the themes of personal growth and peer support. This shift is both heartwarming and instructive, demonstrating the impact of perseverance and the value of supportive friendships.

The vibrant and expressive artwork captures the attention of young readers but also enhances their emotional connection to the characters. For instance, the depiction of Sundae’s proud moment riding without training wheels visually reinforces the triumph of the narrative. Every other page is filled with colorful imagery that makes the story accessible and delightful.

Daddy’s Favorite Sundae is an excellent picture book for children who are navigating the challenges of learning new skills and seeking encouragement. Its positive messages about resilience, the importance of family support, and the value of friendship make it a perfect choice for parents and educators alike.

Pages: 58 | ASIN : B0CV51TX9K

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Twins Mac & Madi’s Big Sister

In Twins Mac & Madi’s Big Sister, author Linda Herron, with illustrator Marie Delon, explores the emotional landscape of Molly, a child who often feels overshadowed by her younger twin sisters, Mac and Madi. The story delves into themes of sibling dynamics, individuality, and the importance of feeling seen and valued within a family.

Herron skillfully captures the essence of sibling rivalry while also presenting parents and children with poignant examples of unconditional love and the distinct connections shared among siblings. The narrative offers a realistic portrayal of the complexities and joys of family life, effectively resonating with both young readers and adults.

Marie Delon’s vibrant illustrations are a standout feature of this book. Her artwork vividly portrays Molly’s range of emotions – from frustration and jealousy to joy and acceptance. These illustrations complement the story’s text, which is crafted in rhyming verse. This stylistic choice ensures a smooth and engaging reading experience, particularly suited for lower elementary-level readers. The book is more than just a story; it’s a tool for families to explore and discuss the nuances of sibling relationships and personal identity. It serves as an excellent resource for parents seeking a meaningful shared-reading experience with their children, as well as for those interested in narratives that reinforce family bonds.

Twins Mac & Madi’s Big Sister is a well-rounded children’s book that combines a heartfelt storyline with dynamic illustrations, making it a valuable addition to any family’s reading collection.

Pages: 33 | ISBN : 978-1959140115

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May I Come to Your Party?

Grace A. Wolf’s May I Come to Your Party? is a poignant and thoughtful exploration of the challenges faced by children on the autism spectrum, as seen through the experiences of the protagonist, Jimmy. Wolf portrays Jimmy as a compassionate and endearing character, grappling with the complexities of social interaction and inclusion. His journey underscores the often-overlooked emotional impact of feeling excluded due to being perceived as different.

The narrative unfolds with Jimmy’s realization that he has not been invited to his classmate Clara’s birthday party. This moment serves as a pivotal point in the story, highlighting the nuances of social dynamics among children. Clara’s response to Jimmy’s query about the party, masked by a lie, is a critical moment that Wolf handles with sensitivity and insight. Alice, another classmate, emerges as a key figure in the story. Her response to the situation reflects a deep sense of empathy and understanding. Wolf uses Alice’s character effectively to convey a powerful message about the importance of inclusivity and kindness toward those who may seem different. Wolf’s depiction of Jimmy’s autism is done with care and respect, emphasizing his sensitivities to sensory stimuli and communication challenges. The narrative strongly advocates for seeing beyond these differences, affirming that every child, including those with autism, deserves acceptance and inclusion.

May I Come to Your Party? is a significant contribution to children’s literature, addressing vital themes of empathy, understanding, and the value of including everyone, regardless of their differences. Wolf’s narrative is a testament to the transformative power of embracing physical and intellectual diversity, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among children.

Pages: 40 | ASIN : B0CLKZ25C6

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Promote Empathy and Inclusion

Grace A. Wolf Author Interview

May I Sit at Your Table? follows a second-grade girl who is deaf and experiences a transformative moment when her teacher introduces American Sign Language, sparking her goal to connect with her peers. Why was this an important book for you to write?

At one of my brother’s neurodiverse basketball games, I experienced a pivotal moment. While signing “hello” and “good job” to a Deaf teammate on my brother’s team, his father, moved to tears, approached me and shared how meaningful it was to see someone communicate with his son. This encounter inspired me to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) and the culture. I’ve always been concerned about bullying and exclusion, and my research disclosed that Deaf children are often victims. I wanted a book that would promote empathy and inclusion of this ostracized community.

The art in the book is fantastic. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Samuel Gross?

Thank you for your kind comment! It was truly a work of love. Sam is my brother. He is 14 years older than me, and he suffers from autism. I worked with him in creating the sketches for the book by reading the book to him over and over and then explaining the specific storyline on each page. He then would interpret those events and draw the scene in pencil. It’s fascinating to watch him draw because he holds the pencil in his fist and never picks the pencil off the page when drawing. It’s also amazing to see the world through his eyes. I then traced the drawings in pen and added color and shading.

Doing the illustrations was one of the highlights of Sam’s life. It has bolstered his self-esteem and brought him great happiness. It has also brought us closer together.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

My book is more than a children’s book; it’s a social story about how to accept people who are different. Here, a young Deaf girl is ostracized by her peers because she is seen as “different.” It’s my belief that these actions are simply a result of a lack of knowledge. I wanted to show that educating grade school children about diverse communication styles fosters empathy and teaches inclusiveness.

Another key theme is that exclusion often occurs in less supervised settings like school lunchrooms.

Finally, I wanted to explore the often-private nature of the pain caused by exclusion. Children, like the character Abby in my book, may feel reluctant to express their hurt and only confide in their families. Abby’s experience highlights the importance of attentive and caring teachers who can recognize and address such issues, offering support where it’s needed most.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

My next book has already been published. It is titled, May I Come to Your Party? and is about a young boy who suffers from autism and is never invited to parties, and he invites everyone to his birthday parties, but no one ever comes. Here is an Amazon link: May I Come to Your Party? I also have a website with more information: Grace Wolf Books

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

May I Sit at Your Table? takes us into the world of Abby, a Deaf second grader who uses American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate. Despite her elementary school being a hub of joy and laughter, Abby often finds herself lonely due to her peers’ lack of understanding about her unique way of communication. Inspired by her parents’ words of encouragement, Abby tries to engage with her classmates, only to be met with confusion and dismissal. When her plight is noticed by Ms. Baker, a caring teacher, she takes it upon herself to teach the class about ASL, gradually guiding the children to understand and empathize with Abby’s world.

The story beautifully captures the transformation that comes with understanding and acceptance, underscoring the importance of empathy, inclusivity, and embracing our unique attributes. May I Sit at Your Table? leaves readers with the important message that everyone, no matter how they communicate, deserves to be heard, seen, and accepted.

Try To Give It Your Best

Radhika Nair Author Interview

The Pink Crayon is the story of a little girl who learns the value of sharing, even when it comes to her most prized possession. Where did the idea for this book come from?

I distinctly remember a peaceful day in my backyard, enjoying the sunshine on a beautiful afternoon. Seated beside me, my daughter was immersed in coloring, going through a phase where everything had to be in shades of pink, from her clothes to her favorite spoon at daycare.

Just for fun, I asked if I could use her beloved pink crayon. What unfolded next was unexpectedly touching, revealing the pure innocence and creativity inherent in children.

This moment became the focal point of my story. I also sought to incorporate educational concepts suitable for the 2-5 age group. My writing inspiration stems from daily interactions with kids, and I strongly believe that a picture book has the potential to empower and educate them more effectively than parental rules alone.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

In today’s world, where everything is so fast-paced, there is an ever-increasing need for empathy, collaboration, kindness, and generosity. The need of the hour is to work with people, make choices—possibly difficult ones—each day, and try to give it your best. Sharing does not always mean giving up things; it also means showing empathy, respecting, helping, and taking people along with you as you embark on any adventure. These skills not only help build grit and character but also help us stay grounded and always learn from others. The Pink Crayon has a true entrepreneurial spirit, not just in creating something but also in helping others make their dreams a success.

The artwork in your book is fantastic. Can you tell us a little about your collaboration with illustrator Noor Alshalabi?

I feel truly fortunate to have discovered Noor Alshalabi for my book. What initially drew me in was her impressive portfolio. Noor’s natural artistic style embodies transparency, rich textures, and a serene atmosphere—qualities that were crucial for capturing the essence of my book. To my delight, Noor generously provided a free sample page based on the text I supplied.

Our collaboration began approximately 6-7 months ago. In our initial phone call, I shared the vision and details about the character. The first phase involved character design, where Noor showcased exceptional attention to detail, patiently incorporated my feedback, and underwent multiple revisions.

As we progressed to the book pages, Noor presented initial sketches outlining the entire narrative. We engaged in several revisions, and Noor was accommodating enough to add extra pages to enhance the story’s flow. While the sketching phase demanded time, the transition to colored illustrations was seamless.

Noor’s professionalism shines through in her work. She adopts a modular approach, creating designs with multiple layers, allowing for swift additions or revisions. Her punctuality in updates was commendable, maintaining weekly email conversations throughout the project.

Upon completion of the book, Noor provided all necessary files for uploading to various POD platforms. She remained available for any queries and even made adjustments for specific platforms after the contract concluded. I couldn’t have asked for a more professional and delightful illustrator. Working with Noor was a pure joy.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

This kicks off the series of five books. I’m honing in on the social aspects of early learning for this character—tackling anxiety, being assertive, and building grit. These ideas are on my mind, and I’ll likely start working on them, possibly late next year.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

On a sun-kissed day, Mimi ventures into her backyard with her coloring page and a bundle of colorful crayons. But wait! Curious visitors eye her vibrant tools. As Mimi navigates through colorful choices, can she balance her creativity and make new friends, especially when it comes to her favorite crayon?

The Pink Crayon tells a captivating story that subtly imparts valuable lessons in early learning like empathy, critical thinking and independent decision making. This book encourages young readers to explore the exciting world of numbers, counting and colors, turning learning into a delightful adventure.

The pages are adorned with vibrant illustrations that bring the story to life, ending with a heartwarming and colorful conclusion. But the fun doesn’t stop there! After the story, readers can enjoy hands-on activities like puzzles and quizzes, extending the joy of learning beyond the book.
A must-have for every bookshelf, “The Pink Crayon” seamlessly combines learning with joy. It’s perfect for parents, teachers, and makes for a thoughtful gift for any occasion. Grab your copy today!!

The Pink Crayon

The Pink Crayon, by Radhika Nair, narrates the delightful tale of Little Mimi, a young girl with a passion for art who faces the unexpected challenge of sharing her cherished art supplies. Set against a backdrop of vibrant outdoor scenes, the story unfolds as Mimi grapples with the arrival of visitors who take an interest in her favorite pink crayon. This narrative elegantly explores the complexities of sharing, especially when it involves items that hold significant personal value.

Nair’s storytelling is both engaging and thought-provoking, as it doesn’t offer a straightforward solution to Mimi’s dilemma. Instead, it subtly nudges readers to engage in creative problem-solving, encouraging them to think of various ways Mimi could resolve her predicament. This approach is particularly effective in fostering critical thinking in young readers, as they are drawn into Mimi’s world and her quest to find a solution that benefits everyone. Complementing the story’s charm is Noor Alshalabi’s artwork, which is nothing short of exceptional. Alshalabi’s illustrations are a kaleidoscope of vivid colors and warm expressions, adding depth and vibrancy to Mimi’s journey. The depiction of the pigeons, in particular, is a delightful touch, enhancing the story’s appeal. While the narrative adeptly addresses themes of critical thinking and problem-solving in stressful situations, it also excels in showcasing the importance of compromise and empathy. These themes are woven seamlessly into the story, making this book not only an entertaining read but also an educational one.

The Pink Crayon is an excellent resource for introducing young readers to the fundamentals of critical thinking and problem-solving. Its suitability for a wide age range makes it an ideal choice for both independent reading and shared experiences in family or classroom settings. For those seeking a children’s book that combines a compelling story with valuable life lessons, The Pink Crayon stands out as a heartwarming and insightful choice.

Pages: 32 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CMPML4KW

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The Magic of Christmas

Michele Monaco Author Interview

In Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals, when Santa’s reindeer search for pen pals, they find three young girls with whom they form lasting friendships. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The inspiration for my first Christmas book has been my 3 beautiful daughters, Corryn, Kylie, and McKenna. I have always loved the magic of Christmas, and I wanted to amplify that with my girls. I wanted them to feel the magical power and imagination that brings Christmas to life. My kids were always inquisitive. We had woods in our backyard, and deer would calmly walk around late at night and early morning. That inspired me to the concept of Santa’s reindeer doing check-ins for Santa and engaging with my kids by becoming their pen pals. My kids dove into letter writing, drawing check-ins, and asking such fascinating questions to Dasher, Prancer, and Vixen. I so enjoyed writing back to them, and I saw their magical creativity blossom into this beautiful Christmas tradition.

The art in this book is fantastic it reminded me of my own childhood and eagerly watching the old classic animated Christmas stories. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Prabir Sarkar?

For the artwork, I had a vision of the creative works for the story. Prabir was able to take my descriptors and bring them to animated life. He listened to what I wanted the see and feel and was able to translate it magically onto the page. We enjoyed working together and sharing our passion for storytelling and Christmas. We had so much fun making this story translate through the artwork.

What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

I so admire the innocent, vulnerable creativity children have.

Having a pen pal can be a great way for young kids to develop their creativity, as well as other skills and values. I wanted the kids to always tap into their creativity, imagination, writing, and drawing. You are never too young or old to ask questions and create dialogue.

I see a portion of the sales from this book is being donated to Kids in Crisis. Can you tell readers more about this organization and why it is an important group for you to support?

Kids are amazing human beings that have the right to be safe and thrive. Unfortunately, so many kids are facing adversity, and when kids are homeless they lack the physical, mental, medical, and educational support they need. Kids in Crisis is there 24 hours a day to help kids in any form of crisis. This can range from homelessness and domestic and emotional abuse to hunger. I want kids to have housing, medical and therapeutic support, to be kids, to live, dream, explore, learn, build positive relationships, and live in a safe world. I want to be part of the solution to making their lives better.

Author Links: GoodReads | Instagram | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Right after Thanksgiving is the busiest time of year for Santa and his crew of eight famous reindeer! Every year, the Famous Eight sleigh team from the North Pole eagerly helps Santa by going on a quest to find kids who believe in Christmas magic. In Santa’s Magical Reindeer: Becoming Pen Pals, Prancer, Vixen, and Dasher go on an adventure in search of eager pen pals. On their journey, they find three rambunctious girls who eagerly exchange letters with them and become lifelong friends.

Facebook: Sleigh Bell City

Instagram: sleighbellcity

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to Kids in Crisis.