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The Conflagration (The War Against Infinity Book 4) 

Milo Sapphire has ascended to remarkable heights. As the CEO of Interstellar Products and Chosen of the Most High, among other impressive titles, he enjoys a life of privilege and prestige. However, this exalted position comes with its own set of dramas and responsibilities. Milo faces the daunting task of saving the universe from the Adversary, a challenge as formidable as it sounds. The path forward is unclear, compounded by a series of pressing issues: the malfunctioning STM network, the mysterious disappearance of the Emperor of the Mercantile Empire, and the relentless frustrations of dealing with the Privy Council. Milo must draw on all his resources to navigate this complex web of problems.

The Conflagration, the fourth book in Rob Bartlett’s The War Against Infinity series, is a compelling science fiction novel enriched with elements of humor reminiscent of Discworld and the farcical charm found in Futurama. Bartlett’s narrative is accessible, making it easy for new readers to dive into the story even if they haven’t read the previous books. The universe Bartlett crafts is vast and intricately detailed, yet his relaxed writing style effectively balances the grandeur of the unfolding events. Milo Sapphire emerges as a delightful protagonist. He finds himself simultaneously over his head and astonishingly resourceful, surprising even his most formidable foes. His attempts to extricate himself from a variety of predicaments are among the novel’s most engaging aspects. Despite the high stakes, including the looming threat of the Adversary, the tone remains light and humorous, ensuring the story never becomes overly grim. This blend of epic stakes and comedic relief makes this book a refreshing space opera with a lighter touch, perfect for those seeking an entertaining and adventurous read.

The Conflagration stands out as an engaging addition to Rob Bartlett’s The War Against Infinity series. With its well-balanced mix of high-stakes drama and lighthearted humor, it captivates both new readers and series veterans alike. Milo Sapphire’s resourcefulness and wit in the face of cosmic challenges make for a compelling and enjoyable journey through a vividly imagined universe.

Pages: 591 | ASIN : B0D36F9QDZ

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Various Conflicting Layers

Terrence Hart Author Interview

The Reentrant follows the experiences of a dying biochemist who is the first to try a technology that will upload her consciousness to the digital realm. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

From the very first word, the heart of this story was the bond between mother and child, so it made sense to start there. Then it was about peeling away all the various conflicting layers that make us the complex creatures that we are, about venturing beyond humanity, about the ultimate sacrifice. Aurelia has everything taken from her; her body, her soul, her sanity. But as long as her motherhood is intact, she doesn’t lose herself.

The science inserted in the fiction, I felt, was well-balanced. How did you manage to keep it grounded while still providing the fantastic edge science fiction stories usually provide?

That’s really encouraging to hear. It was definitely a fine line to tread, to only reveal the tip of the iceberg. Behind the scenes, there’s everything from orbital physics to astrobiology to Lorenz transformations, but that’s just to build a realistic world. A story is how the characters interact with that world, and I had to remind myself of that constantly. That being said, there are plenty of nuggets in there that are deserving of a deep dive if they happen to spark your interest.

Do you have a favorite scene in your story? One that was particularly enjoyable to write?

I had a lot of fun constructing the planet Oclaris. I wanted to create an intellectual puzzle for the characters in order to showcase their strengths and weaknesses. It’s a savage place, entirely alien, and not a landscape I’ve seen in either cinema or literature. I find a lot of science fiction has Earth-like biomes on other worlds. But where’s the fun in that? So I opted for something new. The real challenge was figuring out the mechanics and making it plausible. I could talk for days about the quirks of that world!

What is the next book you are working, on and when will it be available?

I have a few projects on the go in various genres, but my next release will be a historical novel called, My Blade is Me. It’s set in 12th-century Persia, centered around the Nizari Isma’ili sect, a fascinating chapter in Middle Eastern history. A bit of a curve ball from what preceded it, I guess. But you’ve got to go where the wind takes you! It will be available early next year.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

The universe is vast, unfathomable, endless. Yet it’s within bounds that we define ourselves, and without we are nothing at all.

Aurelia is a loving mother and a celebrated biochemist. Aurelia is also dying. To provide support for her autistic son, she offers herself as the first test subject in a technology called Reentrancy, a process that aspires to digitize a consciousness. But nothing at the forefront of science is ever so simple. When Aurelia awakens, she finds herself adrift in deep space, lost and far from home. She will stop at nothing to find what became of her child.

The Reentrant

The Reentrant, by Terrence Hart, is an engaging sci-fi novel that delves into futuristic themes such as biological evolution, the origin of life, and the future of technology and space travel. The novel’s central character, Aurelia, undergoes a transformative journey starting on contemporary Earth. She becomes the first to test Reentrancy technology, which allows her consciousness to be uploaded to the digital realm. This groundbreaking event enables her to transcend biological death. After a lengthy period of stasis, Aurelia awakens in a distant future as a digital entity, capable of transferring her consciousness into bio-shells, specialized biological organisms designed for foreign planets. The novel follows her as she navigates this new future, where time is perceived differently and interstellar travel is possible thanks to Reentrancy technology.

The novel is exceptionally well-written, with compelling characters and convincing premises. Hart effectively grounds the reader in Aurelia’s familiar world before launching her into a vast journey through the cosmos. The descriptions of space travel and the technology that enables it are detailed and immersive, creating a richly imagined future. The plot is strong and captivating, filled with vivid imagery of a galaxy brimming with life, new technology, and the potential for indefinite survival in digital form. The characters are engaging, particularly Aurelia, whose survival journey is easy to root for. Her bond with her new space companion, Nimishi, adds depth to the story as he helps her adjust to her new life among the stars. The book offers an enjoyable and intriguing read, with Hart’s writing style effectively addressing relevant themes.

The Reentrant, by Terrence Hart, stands out as a compelling exploration of futuristic themes, blending intriguing characters, imaginative technology, and a captivating plot. Terrance Hart’s storytelling weaves an immersive journey through time and space, leaving readers with much to ponder about humanity’s future.

Pages: 330 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CW1GM2K5

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Vermilion Flames: Midnight War Book 1

Vermilion Flames, Book 1 in the Midnight War series by Adam Fernandez, is a riveting science fiction novel that combines space opera elements with political intrigue. Set in the year 4103 U.E.T., it explores a tumultuous solar system where humanity, now spread across various planets and moons, grapples with new societal and political challenges. The story primarily revolves around Kaya Vardan, a young Mercury-born noblewoman with a thirst for adventure and rebellion, and Silas Beckett, a high-ranking officer in the Pandora Fleet entangled in the conflict with the Vermilion Coalition. Fernandez weaves a complex tapestry of interstellar politics, power struggles, and personal discovery, delivering a future where humanity’s expansion into space is as fraught with conflict as it is with opportunity.

Fernandez’s writing is both vivid and detailed, successfully painting a universe rich with futuristic technology and diverse cultures. While I appreciated the author’s talent in crafting a believable and intricate world, I found the narrative’s pace somewhat heavy with technical details. Fans of meticulously constructed settings will find much to admire in this book.

The novel shines in its character development, particularly with Kaya, whose journey from a restless noble to a pivotal figure in the solar system’s politics is compelling and nuanced. Silas Beckett’s character arc, marked by moral dilemmas and leadership challenges, provides a fascinating counterpoint, offering insight into the complexities of power and duty.

I enjoyed the thematic exploration of rebellion, authority, and the ethics of leadership. Fernandez doesn’t shy away from presenting the darker aspects of human nature and governance, encapsulating the struggle for power in a vast universe. The subplot involving the remnants of the Solar Empire and the forsaken populations adds depth, highlighting the societal disparities that often accompany technological and territorial expansion. I find the novel’s themes thought-provoking, and the philosophical underpinnings add depth to its unique charm and intellectual appeal.

Vermilion Flames is a testament to Fernandez’s ability to craft a world that is as expansive as it is intricate. The novel is an excellent pick for readers who enjoy science fiction that combines space exploration with political intrigue. Its detailed world-building and complex characters will particularly appeal to fans of space operas and those who appreciate a narrative that delves into the ethical dilemmas of leadership and power.

Vermilion Flames is an ambitious and engaging read, ideal for sci-fi fans who revel in richly constructed universes and complex character arcs. Its examination of power, rebellion, and the human condition set against the backdrop of a futuristic solar system makes it a noteworthy addition to the genre.

Pages: 415 | ASIN : B0CTYWBX2P

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The World Settlers 

In The World Settlers by Callan J. Mulligan, readers are taken on a futuristic journey aboard the starship Astraeus, embarking on a 200-year quest to the Milky Way’s center. This science fiction narrative, divided into several parts, intricately explores the lives and challenges of its characters in an ambitious world settlement mission. Central figures like Jim Atley, a lottery winner adapting to ship life, and Lizabeth, who carries a potentially mission-altering secret, offer personal insights into the novel’s themes. These include the formation of new societies in space, the psychological impacts on settlers, and innovative technologies like the Tyson Particle enabling deep-space exploration. As the voyage encounters unexplained tremors, the tension among the settlers escalates, intertwining personal tales with broader societal and space travel challenges.

Mulligan masterfully crafts a narrative where intrigue, friendship, and despair are intertwined in a world brimming with imaginative settings and lore. The characters, from Cassian to Lisabeth and Carron, are rendered with remarkable realism, drawing the reader into their personal journeys of struggle and success. The author’s narrative prowess shines throughout the book as each character steps into the limelight, showcasing a commendable balance in character development. The intricate world-building complements the characters’ stories, making the reader increasingly engaged with the universe Mulligan has woven. The resolution of the characters’ complex challenges in an unexpected manner may leave readers with mixed feelings.

Callan J. Mulligan’s The World Settlers is a captivating science-fiction novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through space. This imaginative space opera delves into the possibility of colonizing space and what that means for humanity’s future. The novel will keep fans of the genre engrossed from beginning to end.

Pages: 318 | ASIN : B0CTX3TCXZ

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Inter-Galactic Warfare

Bert-Oliver Boehmer Author Interview

In Dark Cascade, Kel Chaada and his crew are headed directly into a civilization inhabited by a horrifying extraterrestrial race hellbent on destruction. What was the inspiration that created the fantastic journey these characters go on?

I wanted to raise the stakes of the conflict to inter-galactic warfare in the second book. The main characters had already proven their mettle during the interstellar conflict in the previous novel, but my vision was to keep on expanding the threat and the challenges they had to face.

How do you see character development for Kel Chaada changing through the series?

Kel’s rise to wielding galaxy-wide influence and using it for good came at a price, and did not leave him morally unblemished. Many of his heroic actions root deeply in his need for redemption.

What were the morals you were trying to capture while creating your characters?

Underlying the action and adventure is an examination of loyalty, its forms, and its many challenges. The Dark AI leader, for example, sees itself as a machine prophet, having a cult following, while the protagonist is a master of creating alliances of necessity. Allegiances frequently shift during the story, except for the few genuine friendships which endure.

Can you give us some insight into the next book in the series, and when will it be available?

Book 3, Galacticide, will be the final chapter of the trilogy, increasing the stakes once more to inter-universal conflict, pushing characters and their reality to the limit. It will be available in December 2023.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Kel Chaada had united humans, machines and silicate aliens, but the hyper-tech invaders push the shaky coalition of former enemies to its breaking point. Kel has to work against his friends, ally with his sworn enemies, and strike where no one could foresee: The raider’s home galaxy.

The desperate plan is bold, but cruel. Kel realizes he will become what he is fighting against: a destroyer of civilizations.

He rushes across the inter-galactic void on a stolen enemy ship, riding a derelict warp bubble, piloted by zealous AIs with their own agenda. Can Kel’s small crew succeed where all space fleets failed?

Dark Cascade is the second book in the Galacticide universe, blending distant future space opera, military sci-fi and high concept fiction. The story follows the events from the award-winning novel Three Immortals.

Dark Cascade

Journey with Kel Chaada as he navigates a galaxy teeming with diverse alien races, each with its unique motives and aspirations. A particularly menacing extraterrestrial race with advanced weaponry and a hunger for planetary resources threatens to destabilize the balance. In a bold move, Kel and his select crew venture directly to this menacing civilization’s galaxy, intending to halt the impending doom at its origin. Amidst this high-stakes mission, Kel grapples with the dilemma of potentially becoming what he’s trying to resist.

Dark Cascade, the enthralling second installment in Bert-Oliver Boehmer’s Galacticide series, effortlessly immerses readers into its cosmos—even those unfamiliar with the inaugural book. While it’s evident that Boehmer is influenced by sci-fi titans such as Asimov and Philip K. Dick, his narrative carves its distinctive mark.

The allure of Dark Cascade stems not only from its expansive cosmic view but also from Boehmer’s nuanced exploration of interstellar politics and morality. As the story unfolds, one is compelled to question: In the quest for species survival, where do we draw the line? Kel Chaada stands as a beacon of humanity’s perseverance, yet the narrative gracefully introduces moments where alien races and AI beings demonstrate equally commendable motives.

Boehmer blurs moral boundaries, suggesting that even the most drastic measures, including genocide, might find justification depending on perspective. This intricate dance between ethical dilemmas and intergalactic politics sets Dark Cascade apart, positioning it in a league distinct from its sci-fi contemporaries.

Pages: 323 | ASIN : B0BMFWXQDJ

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