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Your Multimillion-Dollar Exit: The Entrepreneur’s Business Success(ion) Planner: A Blueprint for Wealth Guide

Your Multimillion-Dollar Exit, by Wayne M. Zell, is an invaluable resource for anyone contemplating a successful business exit. Zell addresses critical questions such as: Who will run your business if health issues or a tragic accident prevent you from doing so? How will you replace the income lost from the business when you are no longer in charge? If these concerns resonate with you, this book provides the answers you need.

Zell underscores the importance of beginning exit planning at the inception of your business rather than postponing it until later stages. Regardless of where you currently stand, the book offers insights on structuring an ideal business succession plan, selecting the right exit strategy, and preparing for the years following your exit. Packed with practical exercises and introspective questions, this book allows readers to personalize and apply the knowledge they gain.

Zell’s thorough and meticulous approach offers clear, actionable advice. For instance, he emphasizes the importance of implementing “ironclad NDAs to prevent potential buyers from stealing your secrets, employees, and customers.” Additionally, readers benefit from QR codes that link to interviews, chapter summaries, a comprehensive glossary of key terms, and concise charts. A notable mention is Chris Long, a former NFL and University of Virginia football star, who founded a charity that funds well-building projects in East African communities.

Zell’s Your Multimillion-Dollar Exit is essential reading for all business owners. It serves not only as a guide for planning a business exit but also as a strategic manual for avoiding common business pitfalls and ensuring a positive legacy for your loved ones. This no-nonsense, high-value book is a must-read for any entrepreneur. Each time you delve into its resourceful pages, you will uncover something beneficial for your business.

Pages: 367 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C2F2R753

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Efficient and Effective Service Management

Naza Semenoff Author Interview

Fit for Service: Navigating the Crossroads of FitSM and ITSM for Seamless Implementation provides readers with an explanation of complex service management methodologies as well as case studies to give readers a better understanding of the information. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Writing Fit for Service was a significant undertaking for me because I wanted to demystify the complexities of service management methodologies. FitSM and ITSM are critical frameworks in the IT service management landscape, and yet they often seem inaccessible due to their complexity. By providing clear explanations and practical case studies, I aimed to make these methodologies more understandable and applicable for professionals in the field. I believe that by bridging this knowledge gap, I can help organizations implement these frameworks more seamlessly, leading to more efficient and effective service management.

The use of case studies to explain the methodologies you present is a great asset to this book. How did you go about collecting them, and what were the criteria you used to select the ones you did use?

The case studies in Fit for Service were collected through a combination of personal experiences, industry research, and collaboration with professionals who have successfully implemented FitSM and ITSM frameworks. The criteria for selecting these case studies were based on their relevance, the diversity of challenges they addressed, and the practical insights they offered. I wanted to include examples from various industries and organizational sizes to ensure that the book provided a broad perspective and was useful to a wide audience.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

Several key ideas were important for me to convey in this book. Firstly, the importance of understanding the principles behind service management methodologies and not just the processes. Secondly, the value of adaptability and flexibility in implementing these frameworks in different organizational contexts. Lastly, I wanted to highlight the significance of continuous improvement and the role of feedback in refining service management practices. These ideas are crucial for anyone looking to implement FitSM and ITSM effectively.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from Fit for Service?

If there is one key takeaway I hope readers get from Fit for Service, it is the understanding that implementing service management methodologies like FitSM and ITSM is not just about following a set of rules, but about fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability. I want readers to feel empowered to tailor these frameworks to their unique organizational needs and to see them as tools for enhancing service quality and efficiency rather than as rigid prescriptions.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Fit for Service: Navigating the Crossroads of FitSM and ITSM for Seamless Implementation is an essential resource for IT professionals and organizational leaders aiming to elevate their service management practices. In this insightful book, readers are guided through the essential principles and practical implementation strategies of FitSM and ITSM methodologies, curated to optimize organizational efficiency and service quality.

Designed to be accessible and informative, the book targets a wide audience, offering valuable insights for IT managers, consultants, and decision-makers spearheading service management transformations. It thoroughly navigates critical areas such as framework selection, overcoming implementation challenges, and navigating organizational change, enriched with real-world case studies and expert insights.

Embark on a transformative journey with this guide, crafted to arm professionals with fundamental knowledge and tools for achieving service management excellence in our ever-evolving technological and business landscape.

Navigating the Ins and Outs

Nicola Ward Author Interview

Rise Above: Overcoming the challenges of small business is an insightful exploration of the challenges faced in entrepreneurship, skillfully intertwining your personal experiences with broader business wisdom. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I am passionate about assisting small business owners in navigating the ins and outs of the maze of the small business world. Providing them with guidance and advice to help them on their journey.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

Having my clients give their own accounts of some of their challenges was very important as this can help new business owners feel that they are not alone and are not the only ones experiencing these issues.

What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you were starting out your business?

Don’t compare yourself to others. Just do you.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your book?

Running a business is not easy but you are not alone, there is lots of help out there.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

Are you thinking about starting a new business but don’t know where to begin? Are you already running a business but want to make it a better-oiled machine?Then get ready to navigate the trials of running a small business with this easy-to-read, practical book as your guide.Whether considering the leap into a new business venture, or already running an established business, Rise Above is your ‘go to’ guide, jam-packed full of frank and invaluable advice. Learn tips from your business guide, Nicola, through her candid and relatable experiences in business. Rise Above focuses on the crucial areas that take most business owners years to master: business planning, small business compliance, hiring staff, mastering your money, and taking care of yourself, to name a few. With Rise Above as your road map, you will be able to: – Clearly identify your purpose, values and vision.- Create your own plan for business success.- Avoid the trap of doing everything yourself.- Gain a clear understanding of your insurance needs and legal requirements.- Obtain insights on how to navigate your ATO registrations.- Understand how to effectively handle and control your finances.- Learn strategies for overcoming unexpected challenges. Grab this down-to-earth small business guide and get started on turning your dream into a reality. Gain practical wisdom, avoid common pitfalls, and get authentic, real-life advice from other business owners who have navigated the ups and downs of the business world.

We Can’t Avoid Change

Margit Takacs Author Interview

CHANGE MATTERS: Stories About Taming the Corporate Jungle and Leading Transformation shares with readers your experience working as a Global Management Change Director and the lessons you learned. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Over the years, many of my clients and former colleagues have told me that those real-life stories, and examples were the best illustrations to demonstrate what my “teachings” are about. It is not just about the theory but about the practical application that catches my stakeholders’ mind and heart. Taking the time to gather those stories, learnings, and shaping them into a book was a truly insightful experience and journey, and I am glad that through this book, I can continue spreading the word for what I believe about why Change Matters in new ways!

What is a common misconception you feel people have about change management?

  • That it is common sense (which it is)… yet it is not common practice. We need to simplify and relate!
  • Resistance is negative: at first, it might be seen that way, indeed, but we can harness it positively and build on those insights very well.
  • One size fits all. While I have managed and consulted on dozens of change and transformation initiatives, there are lots of nuances, and there is no one roadmap to success. It is a collaborative approach.
  • Change management is about communication: yes and no. So many leaders think about communications, beautiful posters in the offices and warehouses. It is just one element. Capability building or training is another. However, intentional stakeholder management is the basis for good change management. The three come together.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

  • We live in a constantly changing world; we can’t avoid change.
  • To survive, we need to adapt, and it does not have to be difficult. Acknowledge the challenges and the learnings, and manage the change for yourself first so that you can then support others through the emotional cycle of change, too!
  • Without a strong, visible, and active executive change leadership, one would lose the essential compass to success.
  • There are many change tools out there but what matters is to rely on our inner wisdom and intuition and then use the tools to make them more tangible.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your book?

They have everything it takes to succeed in leading the change, they need to listen to their inner wisdom and rely on good practices.

Author Links: Website | LinkedIn

Change Matters is an insightful look into the career and learnings of Margit Takacs, a Global Change Director (now in private practice) who uses storytelling as a way to share her knowledge of change management principles. Refreshingly honest in its approach, this book uses the authors’ real-life experiences to help readers understand the “common sense, but not commonly practised” principles of change management in the modern era. Packed with helpful change learnings, readers are given a candid glimpse behind the scenes as Margit Takacs shares her change experience built up from her career spanning twenty-two countries. Readers will find actionable advice on managing and driving cross-cultural change built on actual experience and fit for purpose in the modern era.

CHANGE MATTERS: Stories About Taming the Corporate Jungle and Leading Transformation

Change is an inevitable and often complex facet of life, impacting every corner from personal growth to corporate dynamics. In CHANGE MATTERS: Stories About Taming the Corporate Jungle and Leading Transformation, Margit Takacs offers a unique exploration of this universal phenomenon, guiding readers through the intricacies of organizational change with a blend of personal insight and professional expertise.

Takacs’s approach is both enlightening and accessible, breaking down complex corporate concepts into understandable terms. She adopts a personal tone, weaving her own experiences with broader human-centered narratives to illustrate key lessons on change management. This book isn’t just a collection of theories; it’s a window into Takacs’s professional journey, sharing her triumphs, setbacks, and the invaluable lessons gleaned from both. Her candidness in discussing personal vulnerabilities is particularly commendable, adding a layer of authenticity and connection for the reader.

Each chapter of the book is a reservoir of wisdom for professionals across the spectrum – from those in the corporate world to budding entrepreneurs. Particularly impactful are discussions on preemptive problem-solving and strategic decision-making. These sections don’t just advise but challenge readers to engage in critical thinking and consider the long-term implications of their actions. Takacs’s writing is not only thought-provoking but resonates deeply, encouraging a reflective and foresighted approach to leadership. Beyond the confines of professional development, Takacs extends her guidance to personal growth and fostering positive change. Her holistic view of leadership encompasses not only the skills to lead others but also the introspection and adaptability required to grow continuously. She pushes readers to look beyond the immediate, to consider the broader horizon of the future and its possibilities.

The essence of Takacs’s message is perhaps best encapsulated by the John F. Kennedy quote she references: “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.” CHANGE MATTERS is a mentor in print, urging its readers to embrace change, to learn and lead with an open mind, and to envision a future shaped by informed, intentional decisions. It’s an essential read for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of change in any aspect of life.

Pages: 185 | ASIN : B0CBCV8WP7

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Learn How to Learn

Scott Wozniak Author Interview

In Make Your Brand Legendary, you share your expertise in creating and taking businesses from functional to brands recognized across the globe for their customer service. Why was this an important book for you to write?

For the last decade, I’ve been helping companies go to the next level with the insights in this book. From the start, demand outpaced my capacity. I hired consultants and trained them. Each year we help more companies than the previous year. But there is still a limit on how many companies we can reach in person. So, I wrote this book to get the tools in the hands of more people than I can do on my own.

What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you were beginning your business career?

Learn how to learn. This is the skill that drives all the other skills. Find ways to get a steady stream of great ideas flowing to you. Connect with a partner or coach on a regular basis to help you apply those ideas. Run lots of experiments. And measure, measure, measure. Don’t just get inspired, get in motion. Learn how to learn.

What is a common misconception you feel people have about creating successful brands?

The temptation most people have to watch out for (including me) is getting “good enough” at the basics and then trying to create raving fans with a special feature and/or an epic experience. But none of the fancy stuff matters if you don’t first show up with Operational Excellence. See, the first question your customers are asking is, “Can I trust you?” If they don’t trust you to deliver consistent excellence in the fundamentals, it doesn’t matter how smart or creative or unique you are.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

I am working on unpacking fully the five systems of the Customer Experience Engine included in this book, this time a book for each system. The first in the series is planned to be Customer Insight and is currently slated to release in 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

In Make Your Brand Legendary, Scott Wozniak provides the tools every company needs to create a legendary brand with raving fans.

Apple. Harley-Davidson. Chick-fil-A. Disney. When you see or hear these names, something in us lights up. Sure, we know their product and service offerings, but a huge number of consumers have a much deeper, more profound, and even emotional connection to these businesses. These aren’t just brands; they’re legendary brands. And they don’t just have satisfied customers; they create raving fans—true believers who will buy every product, who serve as brand evangelists, who even tattoo corporate logos on their bodies, and who will fight to defend the honor and reputation of these multibillion-dollar corporations.

Why? What turns otherwise reserved people into raving fans of a computer company or chicken sandwich chain? It’s not magic. It’s not a lucky product. And it’s not something reserved for consumer brands with luxury products. For twenty years, Scott and his team have been working with leaders in a wide variety of industries, from manufacturing to professional service to enterprise software. No matter the industry, some companies have gone beyond delivering a good product to delivering a great customer experience.

In Make Your Brand Legendary, Scott Wozniak leverages his decades of brand-building experience within some of America’s most-loved companies to show you how to create world-class customer experience. After years of battle-tested work, Scott realized that there was a set of systems that all the great brands used to create raving fans. He captured these practices in an engine diagram, a simple tool to help leaders become legends. If you use this approach, you can build a Customer Experience Engine that will create those same kinds of raving fans that always seem to dominate dinner-party conversations and water-cooler chats. Only this time, they’ll be talking about your business.

Principles of Good Management

Dr. Dominic McLoughlin Author Interview

With so many books out on the market dealing with leadership and team building, your book stands out as a down-to-earth and simplified method that can work for all levels of management. What was the idea, or spark, that first set off the need to write Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day?

I wrote this book because I wanted to create a practical and accessible guide to management, especially for first-time managers and those with limited experience. I have seen firsthand the challenges that new managers face, so I wanted to write a book that would provide them with the tools and strategies they need to succeed.

I was also motivated by the fact that many of the books on the market about management are some combination of narrowly focused, long and complex, making many of them difficult to read and apply. I wanted to write a book that was concise and easy to read, while still providing readers with the essential information they need to be effective managers.

Finally, I wanted to write a book that was relevant to all levels of management, from first-time supervisors to experienced executives. There is often pressure on managers to ‘be perfect’ which none of us are. However, I do think that the principles of good management are universal and that everyone can continue to improve.

What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

I wanted to write a book that managers could use to improve their skills and performance, regardless of their experience level. I also wanted to write a book that was easy to read and understand, even for those who were not familiar with management theories.

I know that managers are busy people, so I wanted to write a book that they could read and implement quickly and steadily. I also wanted to avoid jargon and technical language and focus on providing readers with the essential information they need to be effective managers.

Finally, I set out to write a book that would be inspiring and motivating to readers. I wanted to help managers to develop their leadership skills and build high-performing teams.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

I am somewhat unusual in that I have years of practical experience as well as a PhD in this area. The combination of university work (teaching MBA and Human Resources students) as well as my consulting has given me a unique perspective on management.

I have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of managers and executives at all levels, and I have seen firsthand what it takes to be successful. This experience has informed my writing in several ways. First, it has helped me to identify the most common challenges that managers face. Second, it has given me a deep understanding of the best practices for managing people.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day?

That the biggest difference we can make is to work on ourselves and our own character. This is something that is always within our control and able to be improved. Therefore, no matter what is going on around us, there are opportunities for continual improvement.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Become the best boss anyone ever had, despite lack of experience!

Effortlessly advance from hands-on work to team-building.
Communicate in the best way with your team every time.
Avoid the pitfalls plaguing other first-time managers.
The winner of 2023 PenCraft Award in the Nonfiction Self-Help genre!
Australian Human Resources Institute Fellow Dr. Dominic McLoughlin has the real-world understanding needed to turn wide-eyed novices into tomorrow’s highly sought-after leaders.

He undertook his doctoral research into workplace integrity and has over two decades teaching MBA students under his belt.

Now he’s here to share practical techniques to come out from behind the desk and inspire others to brilliant levels of productivity.

Be a Better Manager is a no-fluff actionable guide to transition into a supervisory role and become someone others clamor to follow.

In Be a Better Manager in 5 Minutes a Day, you’ll find:
10 methods for developing people to catapult the department from good to great
5 ways to grow communication that promotes consistency and provides honesty-driven wins
Examples and stories backed by analysis; each chapter focuses on concrete skills to set beginning bosses on the path to success.
Inspiring systems for keeping goals at the forefront to drive healthy motivation
10 strategies to help make the move from worker to a facilitator of an energized staff
Approaches to overcoming inevitable difficulties, delegating responsibilities, and much, much more!
Be a Better Manager is a down-to-earth manual for anyone stepping into the shoes of management. You will embark on a journey of self-fulfillment, unparalleled professional growth, and dynamic leadership.

Buy Be a Better Manager to rise to the challenge today.

Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day: Create Trust in Your Team

Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day by Dr. Dominic McLoughlin is an invaluable guide meticulously crafted to empower novice managers with the essential skills and knowledge required for success in their roles. Drawing upon his substantial experience as an Australian Human Resources Institute Fellow and his comprehensive research on workplace integrity during his doctoral studies, Dr. McLoughlin offers readers a treasure trove of actionable insights and strategies aimed at facilitating the seamless transition from hands-on work to proficient team leadership.

The book is thoughtfully organized into nine well-structured chapters, each of which delves into specific aspects of effective management. These chapters cover a wide array of topics, from distinguishing between the traits of exemplary and inadequate managers to the art of cultivating high-performing teams and fostering unwavering trust through adept communication. This meticulous organization enables readers to easily navigate to relevant chapters and revisit them as needed, enhancing the book’s practicality.

Dr. McLoughlin has written a self-help manual that not only equips readers with valuable managerial skills but also caters to those aspiring to become better team players. Even project managers can glean valuable insights from this book, as it offers a plethora of practical advice on delegating tasks, maintaining open channels of communication, and motivating teams. The author supplements his guidance with real-world examples in every chapter, making it simpler for readers to translate theory into practice. The book’s brevity is a significant asset, ensuring a quick and productive read packed with actionable tips. Dr. McLoughlin’s candid sharing of his own workplace experiences, both positive and challenging, establishes a relatable and authentic connection with readers.

Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day is a must-read for those aspiring to assume managerial roles or those eager to enhance their existing managerial skills. Dr. McLoughlin’s guidance is pragmatic, grounded in reality, and exceptionally beneficial. This book serves as a beacon of realistic and constructive information for anyone seeking to excel as a manager. I highly recommend this invaluable resource for personal and professional growth.

Pages: 137 | ASIN : B0BHBW589B

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