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FARMERVILLE EPISODE 1: Till Those Cows Come Home

Set against the backdrop of Halloween’s festive yet eerie atmosphere, Farmerville Episode 1: Till Those Cows Come Home by Marty Martin is a unique blend of absurdity and suspense. The story unfolds in a seemingly tranquil rural town, where Deputy Ron Farmer’s routine duty takes a horrifying turn. He intends to rescue a family from two convicts, only to uncover the true menace: the family itself. The Holcombs, with their sinister torture barn and a penchant for murder, thrust Ron into a vortex of unexpected challenges.

Martin skillfully shifts the narrative from the initial portrayal of an idyllic town to revealing the murky underbelly of Farmerville and its inhabitants. The novel’s brisk pace aligns with its shorter length, swiftly unveiling surprising antagonists and the grisly pastimes of the Holcomb family. Despite the grim subject matter, the portrayal of the Holcombs’ unhinged nature injects a peculiar lightness into the narrative. Sensitive themes are tactfully prefaced with a disclaimer, addressing the array of potentially triggering content within. The plot escalates as the convicts stumble upon the wrong targets, intertwining their fate with Ron’s, who harbors his own hidden history. Laura, Ron’s daughter, emerges as an unexpectedly strong character, though less entangled in the town’s mysteries than her father. The novel crescendos into an intense culmination of violence and suspense, befitting a cinematic Halloween thriller, leaving an open-ended suggestion of further mysteries and conflicts. The ending leaves readers pondering Ron’s ominous future.

Martin’s narrative is engaging and enjoyable, capturing the reader’s imagination with the promise of more secrets to uncover in Farmerville. The concept of each series installment focusing on different town elements is intriguing, promising an expansive and detailed exploration of Farmerville’s enigmatic character. Martin’s storytelling assures that future episodes will be equally compelling, making Farmerville Episode 1: Till Those Cows Come Home a captivating start to what promises to be an absorbing series.

Pages: 86 | ASIN : B0CFD39DQ8

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Dream Me Home: A Story of Betrayal, Infidelity and Love

Laurie Elizabeth Murphy’s novel Dream Me Home: A Story of Betrayal, Infidelity, and Love embarks on its narrative journey as a gripping murder mystery. The story opens with Peggy, the protagonist, grappling with her own demise and reflecting on the disintegration of her once-idyllic life and marriage. Set against the backdrop of Florida’s glitz, the plot thickens as Peggy’s husband, a prominent plastic surgeon, finds himself at the center of a high-profile investigation into her mysterious death.

The initial chapters promise an absorbing tale, with elements of betrayal and intrigue skillfully woven into the narrative. As the story unfolds, it embraces a dynamic narrative style. The author employs shifting perspectives and timelines, introducing a layer of complexity to the storyline. This approach offers a multifaceted view of the characters, notably seen in the portrayal of Rob, Peggy’s husband. His character is intriguingly depicted with varying traits, ranging from a spouse preoccupied with his public image to a dedicated partner. This nuanced portrayal adds depth, inviting readers to engage deeply as they uncover the characters’ true nature. Peggy, designed as a character to evoke empathy, reveals herself as multifaceted and intriguing. Her interactions with a diverse cast of characters, each uniquely portrayed, add layers to the narrative and enrich our understanding of her experiences. The introduction of new plot elements, such as the unforeseen effects of Peggy’s sleeping pills, heightens the story’s complexity, allowing readers to engage more deeply with the evolving storyline.

Dream Me Home boldly traverses multiple genres, blending murder mystery with supernatural romance and revenge elements. This creative amalgamation adds a unique flavor to the narrative. The character development, intriguing in its subtlety, invites readers to explore the characters’ motivations more deeply. While the resolution of Peggy’s death brings a measure of closure, the story leaves some questions and plot threads open, encouraging readers to ponder and imagine beyond the pages, adding to the novel’s lingering intrigue.

Murphy’s novel starts with a captivating premise, drawing the reader into its world. Throughout the book, the complexity and evolution of its characters and an adventurous blend of genres keep the reader’s curiosity piqued. Dream Me Home offers a journey that, while challenging in its narrative, provides a thought-provoking and multifaceted experience, inviting readers to explore its depths and nuances.

Pages: 290 | ASIN : B0CBQJVZX1

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Guilt and Remorse

Lisa Towles Author Interview

Codex follows a former FBI agent living off the grid after his wife’s death who becomes the suspect in two separate murders after being gifted three million dollars. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

As a writer and a reader, I’m always inspired by human stories of people who are at rock bottom and life circumstances force them to look within and rebuild themselves from the bottom up. This is Angus Mariner at the beginning of the story – off-grid after his wife’s death, blaming himself for the accident that killed her, separated from everything and everyone. And it is here, in this rich moment of loss and desperation, that his heart and soul are most impressionable to the events that begin to unfold.

The fast-paced action in this novel makes it feel like there is a new twist in every chapter, adding depth to the story and keeping readers in suspense. How do you balance story development with shocking plot twists? Or can they be the same thing?

I think it’s just that – there needs to be a balance so that readers have time to figure out the story on their own a bit. Readers want to feel smart, but I also think they like to be surprised.

Angus discovers his wife’s death was no accident; this changes everything in his life and the course of his future. Do you think there’s a single moment in everyone’s life, maybe not as traumatic, that is life-changing?

It’s always shocking to discover that things are not what they appeared to be. For almost two years, Angus has pulled farther away from everything and everyone he knew because he was racked with guilt and remorse. Once he discovers that they were targeted, this causes some old part of his heart to wake up with a new imperative of finding out who did this and why.

What is the next book you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

A new Young Adult Thriller, called Specimen, will be published by Indies United on December 3, 2024.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

Refusal to Bow Down

Jo Boyle Author Interview

Cicatrice: New Eyes and Brave follows a woman with a mysterious past who is on the run from a vindictive and sadistic arms dealer set on revenge. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The inspiration for the story came from a mysterious character I discovered on television; a secondary character whose enigmatic past was never fully explored nor explained. Strong, sassy, independent, and distant, but with the potential for great loyalty to those she deemed worthy. I was intrigued, and I found myself imagining a past for her. Why is this woman so afraid of connection? What drives her apart from those who would love her? She’s clearly been hurt so badly. How? Why? I knew what she needed to heal, even if she didn’t. And I knew it would take someone very special to heal her.

Mel is a woman with strength and a strong dedication to Jamie. What do you think makes her a valuable and worthy heroine?

For me, what makes Mel worthy as a heroine, is that although she has suffered immensely, and although it has made her not only incredibly fearful of human connection but also far less trusting, she never loses her empathy. She has been terribly hurt – both physically and emotionally – but she has no desire to hurt others because of it. What makes her valuable is her willingness to act, her inability of inaction in the face of injustice, and her refusal to bow down to the unscrupulous wielding of power.

How did you balance the action scenes with the story elements and still keep a fast pace in the story?

It’s important to the narrative, and to the understanding of Mel’s character, that even when there is no immediate danger, Mel is still terribly conflicted. Everything in the story pertains to these inner and outer conflicts and hopefully gives it the sense of urgency that typifies (and plagues) Mel’s existence.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

I’m currently working on a novella, which I hope to publish along with an anthology of short stories, pencilled for a mid-2024 release.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

What would you sacrifice for the person you love, for the one person who could never know how deeply you care? A gritty, action-packed thriller of family tragedy, unquenchable vengeance and unwavering loyalty.

Jamie Stevens and Mel Lal were best friends at Melbourne’s Parkville University. More than that, they were family. But in October of 2008, something changed. Mel became anxious, secretive and distant. And then Jamie’s life was turned upside down when Mel disappeared.

Five years later, Mel resurfaces. She’s been subjected to a nightmare that Jamie could not imagine, and Mel’s only wish upon stumbling into Jamie again, is to protect the gentle writer from the hell that is Mel’s existence: a relentless pursuit by a vindictive and sadistic arms dealer, hell bent on holding Mel accountable for a debt she can never repay.

Mel’s feelings for Jamie have not faded with time, but Mel cannot reveal the truth of them. To do so would put a target on the woman’s back. The chance reunion, however, sets in motion a series of events that spiral out of Mel’s control, and it seems that after five years of running, the nightmare is only just beginning. If Mel can’t stop Amir Hashim, all of her sacrifice to keep Jamie from a vicious, twisted madman… will have been for naught.

Trigger warnings: Graphic violence, sexual assault, profanity.

Third Wheel

In Richard R. Becker’s captivating novel, Third Wheel, readers are introduced to Brady Wilks, a teenager who, after relocating to Las Vegas at a tender age, grapples with the challenges of fitting in. As he navigates the complexities of adolescence, Brady finds himself entangled with Mick, an influential older teen, leading him into a world of rebellion and recklessness during his high school years.

As the story unfolds, we witness Brady’s transition from living with his caring grandparents, which brought about its own set of social questions, to reuniting with his mother. This return home presents its own set of emotional and relational challenges, intensified by the family dynamics and the expectations set upon him.

Becker’s storytelling skill shines as he deftly delves into issues facing many teenagers, such as drug use, alcohol consumption, and the pressures of conforming to peer groups. What sets Third Wheel apart is its authentic portrayal of the so-called “troubled youth.” Instead of just painting them through the prejudiced lens of adulthood, the book gives a voice to these young individuals, letting readers understand their internal conflicts and motivations.

I was particularly drawn to Brady’s character development. Becker crafts him as a multi-dimensional protagonist with whom readers can both relate and empathize. The backdrop of Las Vegas, commonly associated with its dazzling urban landscape, is rendered with a fresh perspective in this novel. Becker beautifully captures the oft-overlooked suburban life, juxtaposed against the vast desert expanses.

Third Wheel is a compelling read, especially for high school students. Not only does it offer rich character development ripe for analysis, but it also provides invaluable insights into the grey areas of morality and the power of choices. Becker’s narrative style and skillful setting construction further enhance the reading experience, making this novel a must-read for those seeking both entertainment and enlightenment.

Pages: 327 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C2MZ737L

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mark, by Adam Darby, takes readers on an immersive journey into an unexplored jungle, where the protagonist finds himself entangled with an isolated tribe. Through the captivating narrative, we witness Mark’s three-year struggle for survival, after which he finally breaks free with his young son and daughter. As he returns to the world he once knew, Mark must navigate the complexities of reintegration.

Darby’s writing style is a highlight of the book, skillfully illustrating the unforgiving jungle environment and Mark’s relentless quest to find his way home. The vivid descriptions immerse readers in the setting, making them feel intimately connected to the protagonist’s plight. An additional strength of Darby’s work lies in the author’s masterful use of various narrative techniques, including traditional POV chapters, compelling interviews, and captivating bedtime stories.

Darby’s writing prowess and immersive setting elevate the reading experience. I would like to have seen some characters, like the native woman, more fully developed as individuals within the plot. Nevertheless, the strength of Darby’s descriptive language propels readers forward through some occasional lulls in the plot. The atmospheric depth and engaging storytelling are where the author truly shines.

mark, by Adam Darby, contains evocative writing that transports readers to an uncharted jungle and vividly depicts Mark’s odyssey. The novel’s immersive qualities make it a worthwhile read for those seeking a visceral experience alongside the protagonist.

Pages: 252 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C2YCG212

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