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See the Good/God in Everything

Regina Clifford’s See the Good/God in Everything presents a compelling case for gratitude as the right approach to handling life’s challenges. Through an inspiring and deeply personal account of motherhood, faith, and everything in between, Clifford invites readers to seek divine purpose and goodness in their everyday struggles. Structured as a collection of heartfelt reflections and prayers, each snippet focuses on different aspects of human life.

Clifford punctuates these reflections with Bible verses and prayers that offer comfort and invite readers to reflect on their life experiences. Her simple, accessible, and conversational approach makes the reader feel she understands your hardships and seeks to soothe you. Her candid sharing of her own life and struggles fosters a sense of camaraderie and connection, making readers feel they are not alone.

The author carefully and tactfully explores perceptions and challenges across different spheres of life, emphasizing that no experience is less valuable than another. She validates and hears the reader without them needing to unburden themselves. The rapport and sense of community she creates through her relatable narrations and occasional light humor prevent the book from becoming too heavy or overwhelming. One significant takeaway from this book, in addition to practicing gratitude, is the power of patience. Clifford assures readers that everything passes eventually, and all you need to do is get through today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Her honesty makes the book highly relatable, providing solace to readers who feel they are not alone in their struggles. The Bible verses are relevant and subtly integrated within the narrative.

See the Good/God in Everything is heartfelt and encouraging, offering honest and valuable hope and support. It serves as a much-needed reminder of God’s presence and the silver linings in life. Regina Clifford’s work will resonate with anyone who reads it, making it a universally relatable and uplifting read.

Pages: 304 | ISBN : 978-0975663639

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Honest Reflections – For Everyday Life

Honest Reflections, by Traei Tsai, is a captivating collection of over 80 musings that blend the ordinary with the extraordinary. Through a series of concise reflections paired with evocative photographs, Tsai explores the nuances of everyday life and larger socio-political and cultural themes. This compact volume reads like an art-and-reflections journal, combining the introspective quality of a personal diary with the visual allure of a photo essay. Each piece invites readers to engage in a dance of text and image, with some entries juxtaposing the two elements provocatively, while others seamlessly integrate them.

Tsai’s writing, which sometimes adopts a poetry-like form, presents a complexity that often enriches the reading experience, offering depth and provoking thoughtful interpretation. The interplay between words and visuals is particularly striking in entries such as “Fear of Colors,” “Dandelion,” and “Rose Quartz,” where text and images not only flow together but also stand distinct, creating a multi-layered reading experience. Photographs like “Blow This” and “Everything is for Sale” powerfully enhance the accompanying reflections on themes like loss of agency and racism. These visual elements often communicate profound meanings, sometimes more effectively than the text itself. A notable highlight is the verse “What the Dog Saw Everyday,” a charming and natural piece that also serves as the cover’s artwork. Its sequel, “What the Real Dog Saw Everyday,” continues the exploration of themes like motherhood and reflection, creating a cohesive link between the two pieces through both photography and prose.

Honest Reflections – For Everyday Life stands out as a testament to the power of personal observation and artistic expression, offering a fresh lens through which to view the ordinary and the extraordinary. Its ability to provoke thought and inspire reflection makes Honest Reflections a compelling read for anyone interested in exploring the intersections of life, art, and social commentary. Through this intimate and visually engaging work, Tsai provides a meaningful journey into the everyday moments that shape our understanding of the world around us.

Pages: 198 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CPL1HYXB

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Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness

Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness, by Jane Kim Yu, is a compelling self-help book that delves into personal development with a focus on spiritual enlightenment. Using anecdotes from her own path to spiritual awareness, Kim Yu bridges the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of spirituality and meditation. This dual approach helps demystify the intellectual and experiential aspects of achieving higher consciousness.

Kim Yu advocates for spirituality as an integral part of one’s essence, a view that permeates the text and enriches the reader’s understanding of their own spiritual journey. Her assertion, “Being spiritual is not a label or an idea, phrase or phase, philosophy, ideology…It is who you are,” encapsulates the core philosophy presented in her book.

The narrative style in this spiritual self-help book is reminiscent of a personal journal, which makes the content relatable and straightforward. The book is well-organized, with clear chapters and headings that facilitate easy navigation for readers looking to revisit specific concepts. A distinctive feature of Kim Yu’s approach is her acknowledgment of different personality types and how they intersect with spiritual practices. This consideration adds a layer of inclusivity which allows for a diverse readership to connect with the material and apply it in their own lives.

Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness offers insightful perspectives and practical advice for anyone interested in exploring deeper spiritual awareness and self-discovery. It serves as a thoughtful resource for readers seeking to enhance their understanding of spirituality as an innate component of their identity.

Pages: 235 | ISBN :  978-1649539113

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Count Your Blessings: A Gratitude Guide To A Happier Life

In Count Your Blessings, Philip Renzi presents a compelling exploration of the often-overlooked power of gratitude. Renzi argues that while many people are quick to recall their failures, they frequently struggle to acknowledge their small victories. Through his eloquent writing, Renzi invites readers to consider how gratitude positively impacts health, wealth, happiness, and even personal resilience.

Renzi thoughtfully connects gratitude to a sense of purpose and joy, offering insight into how acknowledging even the smallest things can lead to profound emotional benefits. His systematic approach effectively demonstrates the interconnectivity of gratitude with personal growth, resilience, and improved relationships with oneself and others. This perspective is particularly relevant in a fast-paced world where technology can sometimes create a sense of disconnection. Drawing from his own experiences and those of others, Renzi establishes his credibility on the subject. His narratives not only showcase his understanding but also make the concept of transformative gratitude accessible and relatable. His reflections are engaging and prompt readers to introspect, emphasizing self-awareness as a crucial step in personal development. Renzi’s writing style is clear and direct, avoiding unnecessary embellishments to focus on the essence of his message. He emphasizes the importance of not taking life for granted and reinforces his points through repetition, ensuring that the significance of his message resonates with the reader. His ability to balance sternness with gentleness enhances the reader’s engagement, creating an instructive and encouraging reading experience.

The book’s structure and length make it a manageable read without compromising its comprehensive coverage of the topic. Renzi’s persuasive tone and kind delivery of insightful advice make Count Your Blessings more than just a book; it’s a gentle yet firm reminder to pause and appreciate life’s journey. This work is a timely addition to contemporary literature, offering readers a chance to reflect on their lives and embrace gratitude in a world often dominated by hustle and bustle.

Pages: 224 | ASIN : B0CW29BQ5B

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Journey of a Radiant Heart

In Journey of a Radiant Heart, author Niomi Nicci offers an introspective account of her spiritual journey, marked by both trials and transformations. The book is neatly divided into two parts, featuring concise chapters that skillfully build tension and suspense, culminating in insightful resolutions in the later sections.

Nicci’s narrative is deeply personal and candid, especially when discussing her foray into the Santeria religion. She openly shares her experiences of abuse within this community and her eventual, decisive departure from organized religion. Her story is one of resilience and healing, acknowledging the lingering presence of her Santerian guardian angels even after leaving the fold. Throughout her journey, Nicci confronts the challenges of healing and the difficulty of forgiving past wrongs. She attributes her progress to the guidance of spirit guides and life coach mentors, who assisted her in transitioning from a victim mindset to one of stability and creative empowerment. Her advice is grounded in both practical wisdom and spiritual insight, offering a blueprint for a more resilient and powerful mental state.

Nicci also introduces various spiritual practices, such as heart lockers, meditation techniques, and grounding and protection methods. These are presented as accessible entry points for those new to spiritual exploration, coupled with the reassurance that it is acceptable to abandon practices that do not resonate personally.

The book resonates with a sense of transformation yet feels intimately relatable. Nicci deftly weaves in elements from diverse cultural practices, such as the Santeria religion, yoga, and other spiritual traditions, which have gained prominence in today’s digital and socially interconnected world. Through her personal evolution as a spiritual medical professional offers readers a compelling example of how to integrate spirituality and mindfulness into daily life while navigating the pitfalls of cultural appropriation and misunderstanding.

Journey of a Radiant Heart is more than just a memoir; it’s a guide that encourages readers to find their own path to spiritual understanding and personal growth. I highly recommend Niomi Nicci’s book to anyone searching for a moving story focused on personal transformation and steeped in hope.

Pages: 146 | ASIN : B0B1XG55GM

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A Masterpiece Life

Curt Martin Author Interview

Whose Life Are You Living?: Finding and Living Your Unique Purpose offers a compelling exploration of personal identity and truth through the lens of Christianity. Why was this an important book for you to write?

God loves each of us so personally that He created us with unique and incredible kingdom identities and missions. His passion is for us to experience every aspect of this life. He has transferred this passion into the very depth of my being and, through decades, has made it my life’s primary mission. Many Christians have been distracted into living an average Christian life. This results in one of life’s greatest tragedies as these individuals leave earth with much of God’s unique and incredible life left caged within. They have experienced but a shadow of all He design. God’s heart (and mine) is broken by this loss. Through Whose Life Are You Living? God offers a personalized, ever-deepening biblical journey for finding and fully experiencing His irreplaceable life of walking in His Spirit. Being obedient, permitting Him to write this book through me, and supporting others in finding His transformations through it is “life” for me.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

  • God loves you more that you could ask or think. He loves you right where we are with no conditions.
  • God designed a unique and incredible, masterpiece life for you. It is embraced only by walking in His Spirit.
  • Biblical salvation is found only through Christ. Religion and traditions have deceived many wonderful individuals.
  • The importance of learning to surrender all control of our lives to God’s Spirit is second, only to salvation. This is “Walking in the Spirit.”
  • “Walking in the Spirit” is Christian life as God designed it. Without this we are living powerless imitations.
  • Mankind can only understand God and His Bible through the “Revelation” of His Spirit. Learn the difference between Revelation Knowledge and Head Knowledge
  • God created mankind as three-part beings: spirit, soul (mind, will, emotions), and body. We are to live under the loving control of God’s Spirit, who communicates through our spirit.
  • Our journeys with God are not about perfection, but about our love for Him and the purity of our heart’s intent.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

The greatest impact on my writing resulted from learning to permit God’s Spirit to be fully in charge of every aspect of developing this book. He had been teaching me this through daily living, but now I knew I was incapable of glorifying Him through my own writing efforts. From the moment I said, “Yes,” until the final revision of the manuscript, His Spirit lovingly and creatively revealed when I was taking control. At first I felt defeated by how frequently this happened. He has taught me to be thrilled because the closer I walk with Him, the more clearly I hear Him ask me to return control to Him and walk this life (permit Him to write this book) as He designed. I have learned to deeply enjoy the many ways that He lovingly and laughingly asks, “Who is in charge now?” The title, Whose Life Are You Living?, was birthed through these uplifting encounters. It is a constant and loving dynamic in my daily walk with God. Most readers find it becomes the same refreshingly personal dynamic in their lives. I believe this book was written by His Spirit, though it is not inerrant. He will continue to impact the way I write.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from Whose Life Are You Living?

God has unique and incredible masterpiece lives for each of us, and these are experienced only by those who learn to walk in God’s Spirit, instead of their flesh. There are many biblical steps in our journeys of maturing in this life. God is using this book as one means of bring His revelation of these steps and His Spirit’s related transformations into the lives of each reader.

Author Links: Facebook | Website

What does it really mean to live the unique and incredible life that Christ designed?
How might that life be different than the average Christian’s life?
Jesus invites you to walk with Him through this biblical adventure of awakening to life as the unique masterpiece He designed. Regardless of your situation, He is calling you to “Come and See” who He truly is, who you truly are in His eyes, and how He always has more of Himself to live in and through you. Living Christ’s life raises you to the heights to know the love of Christ that you may be filled with all the fullness of God (Eph 3:19). You no longer attempt to act like Christ. He transforms you and works in and through you by His Spirit to accomplish His will through His authority and power.
God’s life and missions become your primary focus, and your actions, faith, and prayers align with His. You are no longer torn by conflicting expectations of surrounding crowds. You live the empowered reality of Ephesians 2:20 – I have been crucified with Christ: it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, and will transition from this life into heaven with none of His masterpiece life left caged within.
Whose Life Are You Living? does not present formulas, rules, or religious behaviors to copy. It offers a personal journey with the Holy Spirit. Together you consider His revelations of biblical truths and determine whose life you will live.

You Are 100% Unique

Sarah Ritchie Author Interview

Purpose Made: 12 Steps to Discovering Your God-given Purpose and Living an Abundant Life is a thought-provoking book that takes readers on a journey of introspection and self-discovery. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I think most people would agree that we are living in a broken and hurting world. We are constantly bombarded with negativity – through the news, devastating weather events, personal challenges and tragedies. It’s easy to get disillusioned with life and wonder what’s it all for? There has never been a more important time to talk about, and live out, our ‘purpose’. Once you can discover the purpose that is already inside of you, your life will begin to make sense amid the chaos in the world around you. You will become outward-focused and have direction. ‘Purpose Made’ has been written for right now, at at time when people need it the most.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

That you are 100% unique. There is no-one else on this planet with your set of talents, gifts, passions, loves, fire and assignments. You have been created by a loving God for a reason – a one-of-a-kind purpose that no-one else can contribute to the world. That this purpose was predestined before you were born and is waiting for you to discover what it is, and then move forward with a renewed confidence in yourself, in life, and in God. Working through ‘Purpose Made’ will bring you a sense of hope and excitement, and an understanding of why you are incredibly special.

What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

When I write a book I keep writing until I feel the book is complete. There are no timelines or deadlines, but I know when it’s done. May aim, with ‘Purpose Made’ was to bring both a holistic and Biblical view to the topic of ‘purpose’. We often read books about gifts, or goals or self-discovery, which are great but are only components of the whole picture. ‘Purpose Made’ takes all of the many facets of purpose and weaves them together in one place, and looks at purpose through God’s eyes, using Biblical scripture as anchor points.

What is one thing that you hope the readers take away from Purpose Made?

A sense of relief. I wrote, in ‘Purpose Made’, about a study that was done to determine the best emotion, which was voted to be ‘relief’. Relief could be what it feels like when you finally get clarity on God’s purpose for your life. Or, when you start to strip away limiting mindsets and begin to move in new-found freedom. Relief could also be when you finally see yourself as God sees you – strong, amazing, loved and created for a reason.

Author Links: Website | YouTube | Instagram

See your life through God’s eyes.

Did you know that you are special? You are unique.

There is no one on this great, big, beautiful planet like you. In all eternity, there has never been another person with your unique DNA; your set of experiences; and your combination of gifts, talents and passions.

Did you also know that God knew exactly the circumstances you would be born into, the people you would grow up with, go to school with, socialise and work with? Your place in time is no accident.

You have been created to make a never-seen-before (and never-to-be-seen-again) contribution to this world – your world. But what if you don’t know your gifts or purpose? This book will give you a 12-step guide to help you sort through your unknowns, doubts and past and help you see yourself as God sees you – an incredible person He created on purpose and for a purpose.

That’s you, purpose made.

Whose Life Are You Living?

Curt P. Martin’s Whose Life Are You Living?: Finding and Living Your Unique Purpose offers a compelling exploration of personal identity and truth through the lens of Christianity. This thoughtfully structured book is divided into five parts, each guiding the reader through a journey of faith and self-discovery. Martin challenges the reader to move beyond passive observance to actively living a life dedicated to God, emphasizing the distinction between nominal Christianity and a life deeply rooted in Christ’s teachings.

While the book’s focus on faith precludes a traditional analysis of its structure, its clear and purposeful chapter organization effectively reinforces its central message. My personal encounter with the book, coinciding with the holiday season, provided a fresh perspective on my Orthodox Christian upbringing. It prompted a deeper reflection on holiday traditions, religion, and the sacredness of community gatherings in church. Martin’s work invites diverse interpretations, recognizing that faith is a deeply personal subject. The book resonated with me, enhancing my appreciation for my family and the life I’ve built. It acknowledges the myriad choices and questions young people face in the modern world, highlighting the role of faith in shaping character and guiding decisions.

Although primarily aimed at Christians, Whose Life Are You Living? has something to offer to a broader audience, including those with an open mind towards faith. The book might not alter deeply held beliefs, but it certainly offers a fresh perspective, enriching one’s understanding of faith in the context of contemporary life.

Pages: 400 | ASIN : B0CJTWDNF4

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