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Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift

Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift is the delightful fourth installment in the Hunnie Bunny series, a charming tale that captures the warmth of friendship and the spirit of giving. In this book, we join Hunnie Bunny, Mr. Squirrel, and Mr. Frog as they prepare for the approaching winter season.

The story is set in a beautifully depicted woodland, where the three friends ready themselves for the cold months ahead. The narrative is engaging, drawing readers into the heartwarming activities and the camaraderie shared among the characters. Central to the plot is the mystery of Hunnie Bunny’s special gift. The story gently unfolds, revealing how each friend contributes to the preparations and the significance of Hunnie Bunny’s unique present. The anticipation builds as readers are invited to discover not only what the gift is but also who receives it and why it holds such special meaning. The book excels in conveying themes of cooperation, kindness, and the joy of giving. Young readers will find themselves enchanted by the colorful illustrations and the relatable characters, while also learning valuable lessons about the importance of community and generosity.

Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift is a heartwarming addition to the series, perfect for children and parents to read together. It’s a story that celebrates the simple yet profound pleasures of friendship and the thoughtful acts that make the winter season special.

Page: 32 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D3B6D5TR

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The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Mac

Living with grandparents can profoundly impact children, fostering empathy, gratitude, and stronger family bonds while offering rich learning experiences. Vickilynn O’Donnell’s charming book, The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Mac, encapsulates these values through a delightful narrative centered around two loving grandparents and their serene farm life. Mr. Mac resides in a picturesque, bright yellow farmhouse surrounded by lush green grass, perfect for playing and exploring. The farm is home to a variety of endearing animals, including cows, pigs, and Mr. Mac’s faithful dog, Digs. While Mr. Mac enjoys the tranquility of farm life, it is Granny Jay Kay who diligently manages the daily chores. Together, they tend to the animals and meticulously maintain their tools, emphasizing the importance of care and organization.

O’Donnell’s storytelling is a celebration of simplicity and the joys of rural life. Her writing, characterized by melodious and succinct sentences, is ideal for young readers just beginning to read independently. The vocabulary is accessible, making the narrative both engaging and easy to follow.

The illustrations are vibrant and joyful, with characters constantly smiling and the animals depicted adorably. A notable feature is the inclusion of real photographs of the characters and animals at the end of the book, enhancing the connection between the reader and the story. Despite the book’s serene atmosphere and lack of conflict, it brilliantly underscores the value of hard work and the deep satisfaction that comes from completing tasks.

The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Mac is an excellent read for fostering a love of nature and a deep appreciation for the elderly. Vickilynn O’Donnell presents a heartwarming tale that highlights the rewards of a simple, well-organized life, making it a perfect tool for teaching children the significance of daily responsibilities and the pleasures of rest and accomplishment.

Pages: 24 | ISBN : 978-1960810632

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There Is a Place for Everyone

LoLisa Marie Monroe Author Interview

The Kitten That Could Not Meow follows five kittens who are looking for their forever home, including one that could not meow. What was the inspiration for your story?

Last year, one of my daughters adopted a homeless cat, rescued in the streets of Tennessee after a terrible storm months before. He was frightened of everything, and he could not meow. No one wanted to take him home except my daughter. Showing us there is a place for everyone! Months later, I got a phone call, and what did I hear? “Meow!”

​What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

I have always loved orange cats. My favorite orange cat, I named Bob, after Bill Murray in What About Bob? My friends at Draw and Care in Ukraine illustrated Maria and Clara from images of my daughters. I wanted to share their love for kittens and mine. Bob, of course, is the orange kitten. I believe one of the most precious sounds in the world is purring…it does not matter how we ‘hear’ it.

I felt this children’s story was well-written and intensely meaningful for today’s children. What experience as a writer helped you create this heartwarming story?

I just could not get the idea of my daughter’s cat, Simon, who could not meow out of my head. How many children would never hear a meow? How sad. I woke up in the middle of the night and envisioned how my little tale could end. It still makes me cry when I read the last page. When, as a writer, I can feel emotionally engaged every time, perhaps I have penned a meaningful story.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

Penelope’s Peace Place, is another precious and timeless ‘tale with tails,’ illustrated by my friends in Ukraine. It is a journey showing children the importance of family and sharing. Look for it in July.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Instagram | Amazon

This sweet story shows children that their disability does not define them but instead empowers them to connect in different ways. Each of the kittens in this special litter of five, find the perfect loving child to go home with. Momma Kitty, like all mothers, worries about her kittens finding their way in life. With a little Grace and Hope, they all find their way.

A Dog for the Red Gods

A Dog for the Red Gods, by Shawn Bennett, is a heartfelt memoir chronicling the author’s touching connection with his retriever, Breaker. From the outset, the narrative highlights Breaker’s impressive pedigree and the immediate bond between man and dog. Readers are taken on a vivid journey through various hunting trips and training sessions in eastern North Carolina, a region renowned for its hunting traditions. Bennett skillfully captures the intricacies of the hunting world and the expertise required to train a top-notch retriever through detailed anecdotes. The narrative underscores the mutual trust and companionship between man and dog, portraying Breaker as more than a pet—a loyal partner.

As Breaker matures, Bennett reflects on the inevitable passage of time and the theme of loss. The latter part of the book delves into the profound impact of Breaker’s presence and explores the theme of grief. Bennett’s reflections offer a moving conclusion, celebrating Breaker’s life and the deep bond they shared. In just 200 words, this memoir serves as a beautiful tribute to Breaker’s life, exemplifying the deep and meaningful connection between a hunter and his dog. It resonates with anyone who treasures the special bond with their canine companions.

I found the book both lovely and informative, with touches of humor. Bennett’s simple yet eloquent writing style immerses you in the story, evoking the sensations, smells, and beauty of the settings. He shares his early love for the outdoors, nurtured by experiences with his father, and describes the process of selecting and training a hunting dog. It’s a tale of true loyalty and companionship between man and dog.

A Dog for the Red Gods, by Shawn Bennett, is a well-written story that made me fall in love with the author and his dog. The last two chapters particularly moved me, leaving a sense of sadness and nostalgia. Rarely do I feel so transported into the places and moments with the author, but this book accomplished that beautifully. The writing, surpassing all boundaries of love, was the best part of this book, followed closely by the extraordinary bond between Bennett and Breaker. This memoir, packed with beautiful moments and evocative words, will make you nostalgic for your own past and fleeting encounters.

Pages: 144 | ASIN : B0CQKJ39RB

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The Adventures of Dori – A Rescue Pup

In The Adventures of Dori: A Rescue Pup, authored by Kathleen Conway and Juanita Ellis, readers are introduced to Dori, a charming Maltese who resides in a quaint seaside cottage. Dori revels in her days along the coast, and it’s during one such day that an exciting adventure unfolds with her close friends, Jillian and Benito, by her side. As the trio plays by the ocean, they encounter a situation that tests their camaraderie and problem-solving skills.

What stands out in this narrative is the depiction of the deep bond shared among the three dogs. The authors effectively capture the essence of friendship, portraying a heartfelt connection that resonates with children, teaching them the significance of close relationships. The story also emphasizes teamwork, as Dori, Jillian, and Benito collaborate to navigate their seaside challenge, illustrating that collective efforts can lead to great achievements.

The book is beautifully illustrated by Tullip Studios, whose artwork enriches every page. These illustrations not only complement the story but also enhance the reader’s engagement, making the seaside adventures of Dori and her friends vivid and delightful for both children and adults. This book carries important messages about environmental stewardship and the virtues of helping others. It’s a narrative that encourages young readers to value and nurture their friendships while being mindful of the world around them. Adding an enriching layer to the story is its basis in reality—Dori is inspired by a real-life Maltese who found a loving home through the efforts of the Southern Comfort Maltese Rescue. Acknowledging this connection, the authors have committed to donating a portion of the book’s profits to assist in the rescue and rehoming of other animals. This philanthropic gesture adds a real-world impact to the book’s message, extending its influence beyond the pages.

The Adventures of Dori: A Rescue Pup marks an impressive debut for Conway and Ellis in children’s literature, offering a story that is as educational as it is enjoyable. Readers of all ages will cherish this tale and may find themselves returning to its pages to relive the joy and lessons nestled within.

Pages: 34 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CPTNQMQF

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Sophie Sparrow Wants to Be a Flamingo

Sophie Sparrow Wants to Be a Flamingo, authored by Andrea Hyatt, explores the whimsical tale of two avian friends, Sophie and Sullivan. The narrative unfolds as these two birds engage in a delightful conversation about their dream identities, with Sophie aspiring to emulate the elegance of a flamingo and Sullivan wishing to embody the strength of an American Bald Eagle. Their story takes a turn when Sophie learns about Miss Sapphire, a new neighbor rumored to possess magical abilities. This element introduces a sense of wonder and anticipation as Sophie contemplates the possibility of her wish being granted.

Hyatt’s storytelling is notably effective in illustrating a common childhood phase—envisioning oneself in different roles or identities. The character of Sophie, in her yearning to transform into another bird, mirrors the imaginative minds of children who often dream of being someone or something else. This narrative subtly conveys the message that while aspirations and dreams are important, embracing one’s true self is equally, if not more, valuable.

The illustrations by Nicholas Child are a standout feature, adding a vibrant and engaging dimension to the book. Every page is adorned with colorful and imaginative artwork, some intricately detailed, which significantly enhances the storytelling experience. These illustrations not only complement Hyatt’s narrative but also serve as an engaging visual treat for young readers.

This book, with its strong theme of self-acceptance and identity, resonates well with its intended audience of 6 to 8-year-olds, effectively imparting an important life lesson. Hyatt has done a commendable job in crafting a narrative that is both enjoyable and educational. Sophie Sparrow Wants to Be a Flamingo is indeed a delightful read that is likely to captivate its young audience and leave a lasting impression on them.

Pages: 44 | ISBN: 978-1035825813

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Social Anxieties and Insecurities

 Rob Sudano Author Interview

In Owl B. Blue on Valentine’s Day, an owl learns to overcome his own fears and insecurities as he sets out to find the one thing he has always wanted but has never been able to find–a best friend. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

My own life experiences and inexperiences reflect on a lot of the situations in which OBB finds himself. I grew up in a single-parent home, as an only child, and because of that, I am inherently an introvert. Shocker, right?! So, it was difficult for me to navigate social situations as a youngster. Unfortunately, it is still a struggle for me as I avoid crowds and have a fear of public speaking. Hopefully, numerous crowded book signings and school visits will cure me! My inspiration is to help kids learn coping skills early on to deal with their own social anxieties and insecurities. I want to show kids that they don’t have to be afraid in uncomfortable situations and, with the help of loved ones and friends, that they can become strong enough to overcome those obstacles!

This story seems like so much fun to create. What was your favorite scene in this story?

My favorite scene is when Blue finally lands on the branch next to Pink when everything becomes quiet and still. He is a hot mess and so nervous my heart just goes out to him. He is so out of his element and you want to cheer him on! I love the anticipation in that moment and having the reader wonder just what will happen next and what will Blue do?!

What is one thing you hope young readers can take away from Owl B. Blue’s experience?

I want them to see that being brave can lead to marvelous outcomes and WHOOO knows…you may just make a forever friend in the process!

Can we expect to see more adventures from Owl B. Blue? What are you currently working on?

YES!!! I have over 15 stories already written that I still need to illustrate. Blue’s next adventure will be at the beach! Do you think he might be a bit crabby?? Later this year, I will be putting out Halloween and Thanksgiving stories as well! And, of course, Blue needs to tell his birthday story which will be a perfect read for young ones on their birthdays!

Author Links: GoodReads | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Website | Amazon

On a snowy day in February, lonely Owl B. Blue is trying to summon up the courage to find that rare and elusive thing in all the world… A BEST FRIEND! And WHOOO knows what else that could lead to?!!

OBB lives up to his name once again in this Valentine’s Day love story! Read along as Blue searches to find a friend, and possibly more than that. Hopefully, Blue will find someone to warm his heart and melt away the chill of loneliness on this cold winter day!

Blue is a sometimes sad, always lovable, little owl that works hard to overcome his insecurities and fears. He faces many challenges on his path to find true happiness.

Join little Owl B. Blue on his many adventures and learn how he copes with, and eventually conquers, his fears. He learns that he can do anything with the help of family, friends and his own inner strength!
This is the second book in the Owl B. Blue Adventure series with much more rhyming fun to come!

Learn to Consider Others

Joan Enockson Author Interview

In Candace’s Big Audition, a young cow seeks the advice of her barnyard friends when she decides to audition for a singing competition that pits her against her best friend. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The inspiration for this story was based on a personal experience I had in 8th grade. Five of us girls wanted to participate in the 4 x 4 relay at an upcoming track meet. One of our group was my best friend. Our coach didn’t know what to do, so he told us to walk to the railroad tracks, which were about a mile down the road, and run back to school. The first four to get back to school would run the relay.

As we were running back, I started to think. You see, I was the top shot put thrower in our area and won first place every meet we participated in. I realized that I had an area of excellence in track, but my best friend did not. As I ran, I decided that I wanted my friend to have this honor, especially since I already had an event that I excelled in. I never told anyone because we were raised to be humble, selfless, and giving. This was an opportunity to put those values into practice, so I did. It was not without consequences, though. I chose to live with the stigma of being the slowest so that my friend could be a part of a winning team.

Halfway through the track meet, one of the other girls sprained her ankle in another event. The result was that I was able to run the 4 x 4 relay anyway. My best friend was runner # 1, and I was runner # 2. After I received the baton, I passed a runner, which put our team in first place. We stayed there for the rest of the race. Not only did I get to run the race, but I was able to participate with my best friend.

I combined my experience with the fact that I grew up on a dairy farm, and studied vocal music in college.

Do you have a favorite character in this second book in the Adventures on Apple Orchard Farm series?

It should be obvious now that the character of Candace is me. Even though I identify mostly with her, I really appreciate the character of Professor Owl. I love how he supports Candace without telling her what to do. He allows her to struggle but gives insight to her character and the decision-making process. It’s because of this that Candace not only makes her decision on her own, but she also 100% accepts the consequences of her decision.

What is one thing you hope young readers take away from Candace’s experience?

I hope young readers learn to consider others before making a decision. I’m not saying the decision Candace made was the only one she could have made, but it was the right one for her at that time. It’s human nature to be selfish and to act before thinking. My hope is that readers will take a moment to ‘read the room’ and consider the feelings of others and how their decisions will affect others.

What does the next book in this series have in store for readers?

The next book in this series is called Pretty Penelope. Penelope is a porcupine who looks at her reflection in the pond water and doesn’t like what she sees. She wishes she had fur or feathers like all of the other animals on Apple Orchard Farm instead of sharp quills sticking out of her face.

After making new friends and aiding in saving one of the chickens from a coyote attack, Penelope learns the value of her assets and that she is not only valued for what she looks like but for who she is.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

When Candace’s love of singing and her desire for a healthy friendship collide, she is faced with an impossible decision. Set in the dairy barn of Apple Orchard Farm, Candace must decide between doing her best and potentially beating out her best friend, Marny, or throwing the audition so her friend can be selected.

Candace is a brave main character who struggles with this difficult decision, pushing her to her limits. With the help of Professor Owl, the farm’s Great Horned owl teacher, Candace discovers the resilience within her to make the right decision for her. But will she choose to do her best, or throw the audition so her friend can be chosen? Read Candace’s Big Audition to find out!

If you enjoyed book one, Finding George, of the Adventures on Apple Orchard Farm series, you will love this new adventure in book two. With its themes of friendship and resilience, readers of all ages will be delighted as the story unfolds. Buy your copy before the price changes!