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Meaningful Family Time

Dr. Shon Shree Lewis Author Interview

Coco’s Fourth of July at the Zoo follows a curious little girl whose questions about animals lead her family to enjoy a holiday visit to the zoo. Where did the idea for this story come from?

This book is from my Coco’s Life Adventure Series. The first title, Coco’s Courage Meeting the Dentist. Coco’s Fourth of July at the Zoo is a continuation of my Coco book series.

Is there anything from your own life in the characters and events in Coco’s tale?

I enjoyed family time at the zoo in my childhood and adult years. So, I shared some of my memories as a child at the zoo, through my lovable character, Coco.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

For children’s enjoyment and learning. Also, for parents spending meaningful family time with their children while teaching them about different animals, appreciating them, and to appreciate the celebration of Independence Day for America’s freedom for humanity to pursue life, happiness, and liberty respecting all of humanity.

What is next for Coco and her family? Can readers look forward to a new installment in your series soon?

Coco has more than 5 books as a series:
(Coco’s Life Adventures), available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble stores and where books are sold. Some of her popular titles are Coco’s Courage Meeting the Dentist, Coco Braves the Dark, and Coco Finds Her Pup Chico.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

Coco is excited to go to the zoo for the first
time with her parents and her
dad’s mom, Grandma Sarah. Coco
will see many animals she has never
seen before on this fun holiday.

Heal Holistically

Dr. Shon Shree Lewis Author Interview

UnTraumatized shares mental health techniques, spiritual principles, and your personal stories of God’s healing & recovery. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Sharing my experiences as a memoir helped me to process it and recover from the devastations of my past traumas. I also wanted to empower others as a Mental Health Counselor, how to heal holistically from crisis and trauma with hope and resilience.

Trauma can take various forms and impact each person differently. What ideas were important for you to share in this book so that it would be relatable to a wide audience?

Acknowledging a person’s pain and suffering to safe people and counselors and providing spiritual, professional, and personal knowledge for every reader to feel hope to heal.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your book?

God is the ultimate healer of all pain, grief, and loss. He redeems us through His unconditional love, forgiveness, prayer, healing, and the support of family, friends, and counselors.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be published?

My next book focus is likely going to be about living a resilient life through the wisdom of God.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

Do you need healing from Crisis & Trauma dealing with Depression, Covid19, Grief & Loss, Sexual Abuse, & other Traumas? This powerful book shares mental health techniques, spiritual principles, and my personal stories of God’s healing & recovery that will empower each reader to overcome any crisis and trauma with resilience.

Coco’s Fourth of July at the Zoo

Family moments have the power to create enduring memories for children, a theme beautifully explored in Dr. Shon Shree Lewis’s delightful book, Coco’s Fourth of July at the Zoo. The story begins with Coco, an inquisitive young girl, watching TV with her faithful dog, Chico. Captivated by a cartoon featuring tigers, Coco’s curiosity is piqued, prompting her to ask her mother about these magnificent creatures. Her mother explains that tigers live in various places, including the zoo, which sparks the idea for a family outing. With a visit to Grandma Sarah already in the plans, Coco’s dad agrees to a family trip to the zoo on the Fourth of July, setting the stage for a day filled with fun, learning, and celebration.

Dr. Shon Shree Lewis’s narrative shines through her use of concise sentences and clear concepts, making her storytelling accessible and engaging for young readers. She effectively weaves in themes of courtesy, good manners, and proper behavior, presenting her characters as excellent role models. The story depicts a family working together harmoniously to create a memorable day, a portrayal that reinforces positive family dynamics. The adventure at the zoo is both educational and enjoyable, as Coco learns fascinating facts about animals such as tigers, lions, and giraffes. The vibrant illustrations complement the narrative, capturing the joy and wonder of the zoo visit. The family’s Fourth of July celebration culminates in a splendid display of fireworks, adding a festive touch to their special day.

Coco’s Fourth of July at the Zoo is a charming read that fosters a love for learning and family bonds. Dr. Shon Shree Lewis crafts an engaging tale that celebrates children’s curiosity and the joy of discovering new things. This book is a delightful way to spend time with children, inspiring them to ask questions and embrace the excitement of new adventures.

Pages: 39 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C4T66BVD

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Dr. Shon Shree Lewis’s book, UnTraumatized, delves into the multifaceted nature of crises and trauma, providing a comprehensive guide for understanding, coping, and healing. From personal anecdotes to professional insights, the author offers a detailed exploration of various crises, including personal, social, and natural disasters. The book’s structure, which spans from defining what constitutes a crisis to detailed recovery strategies, makes it an essential read for anyone looking to navigate the tumultuous waters of traumatic experiences.

Dr. Lewis’s writing is engaging, particularly because she intersperses professional advice with her personal stories. This combination adds a layer of authenticity and relatability that many purely academic texts lack. For instance, her candid recounting of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and the emotional turmoil of her divorce brings a human touch to the book, making the theoretical concepts more tangible.

One of the sections I found most impactful was Chapter 8, “Coping with Trauma after Crisis,” where Dr. Lewis provides practical steps for managing trauma. Her advice is grounded in both psychological theory and spiritual wisdom, offering a holistic approach to healing. This chapter stands out because of its actionable advice, such as specific coping mechanisms and the importance of community support. The inclusion of biblical references might not resonate with all readers, but it undeniably enriches the content for those who appreciate spiritual guidance.

Another section I appreciated is Chapter 11, “Movie Reflections Dealing with Trauma,” which analyzes popular films through the lens of trauma and recovery. This unique approach not only makes the content more accessible but also demonstrates how pervasive and culturally significant trauma is. Dr. Lewis’s reflections provide a refreshing perspective on how media can influence our understanding of trauma and resilience.

UnTraumatized is an insightful resource for anyone dealing with trauma, whether directly or indirectly. Dr. Lewis’s blend of personal experience and professional knowledge offers a unique guide to understanding and overcoming trauma.

Pages: 166 | ASIN : B09MSCCZF1

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Unique and Special

Author Interview
Dr. Shon Shree Lewis Author Interview

Jewel’s Curls: Being Me follows a four-year-old girl who notices the differences in appearance between herself and her parents. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

My inspiration was my childhood friendships of different races helped me to value others, and the importance of children of mixed race to value their inner beauty as much and accept their natural self-image to be unique and special.

The art in this book is fantastic, bringing Jewel’s emotions and struggles to life. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator K. Stone?

Each illustration I described to the illustratrator to bring to life relatable characters’ style, emotions, environment, and multicultural connection within families and societies in a fun social environment.

What educational aspects were important for you to include in this children’s book?

For parents to help their children to value themselves and self-image and to be okay with being different from other children.

Can you tell us more about what’s in store for Jewel and the direction of the second book?

My Jewel books are an emerging series of fun heartfelt relatable stories that will help children see themselves in the world as unique worthy and of great value and to show other children and people the same respect, as they continue to grow in their adventures in life to be their best selves in their own skin.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

Jewel is a inquisitive little girl who is of mixed race.
She has a pure heart and one day, she became curious about her curly hair. Later, she learns to value herself.

Jewel’s Curls: Being Me

In Jewel’s Curls: Being Me by Dr. Shon Shree Lewis, we meet Jewel, a four-year-old girl navigating the complexities of racial identity with innocence and curiosity. The story opens with Jewel grappling with the differences in appearance between herself and her parents. Her mother is White, her father is Black, and Jewel is a blend of both. Her distinct curly hair and unique skin tone raise questions about identity and beauty, questions that many children might ponder.

The narrative is tenderly crafted to address these inquiries through the family’s interactions. Jewel’s mother plays a pivotal role in teaching her daughter about the beauty of diversity and self-acceptance. She explains that Jewel’s unique appearance is a beautiful combination of her parents. To celebrate this, they go on a shopping trip for hair accessories that complement Jewel’s vibrant curls, reinforcing the message of self-love and pride in one’s appearance. Dr. Lewis excels in creating a narrative that is both educational and endearing, perfectly suited for young children aged 2-6. This age range is critical for introducing concepts of diversity and self-acceptance, and Lewis handles this with a gentle yet affirmative touch. The character of Jewel is particularly relatable; she is portrayed as smart and engaging, qualities that will endear her to young readers. The illustrations by K. Stone add a dynamic layer to the tale. Bright and engaging, each illustration not only captures the essence of the moments but also enhances the storytelling, making the book a visual delight that complements the text wonderfully.

Jewel’s Curls: Being Me serves as an excellent resource for children, especially those of mixed heritage, to see themselves represented in children’s literature. It is also the promising start to the “Jewel’s Values” series, offering young readers further adventures with Jewel that promise to be as enriching as they are enjoyable. This book is not only a delightful read but also an important educational tool that comes highly recommended.

Pages: 30 | ASIN : B0CYW7GJYZ

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My Own Unique Image

Dr. Shon Shree Lewis Author Interview

The Wonder Wig follows a young girl struggling with her self-esteem due to being uncomfortable with her short hair who discovers wigs and starts to build her confidence. Are there any emotions or memories from your own life that you put into your character’s life?

Yes. There was a time in teen life I felt insecure about my hair being shorter than others. I felt wigs would make me look more beautiful. As I became an adult, I learned to accept my own unique image and to value my self-image with my natural hair and length.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Women and young girls’ mental health. Self-esteem. Family relationships, and alopecia awareness and support of those with this medical condition. I want women to feel self-worth and have resources to help them value themselves.

Will this novel be the start of a series, or are you working on a different story?

Yes, it is. Likely I will.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

A lady named Brooke Bell, insecure about her short hair and appearance, journeys from teen to adulthood and suddenly finds identity and refuge in a special wavy blond-brown wig from her aunt’s hair salon. She later begins to discover a new identity that changes her entire life.

The Wonder Wig

In The Wonder Wig, Dr. Shon Shree Lewis weaves a narrative around Brooke, a young girl grappling with self-esteem issues rooted primarily in her discomfort with her short hair. The story is set against a backdrop of familial warmth, with Brooke’s father, Craig, working as a construction worker and her mother, Barb, owning a hair salon, along with the supportive presence of her grandparents.

The plot thickens when Brooke, in an attempt to impress a boy at school, dons one of her mother’s wigs without permission. This impulsive decision, leading to an embarrassing incident at school, marks the beginning of a rift between Brooke and her mother. Barb’s reluctance to let Brooke experiment with her hair only exacerbates the situation, fueling a growing resentment in Brooke. Brooke’s journey turns interesting when she discovers a passion for wigs at her aunt Pam’s salon. This newfound interest culminates in a heartwarming gesture – gifting a wig to a patient suffering from alopecia. This act is pivotal in Brooke’s life, setting the stage for further developments that the reader is invited to discover.

The book delves into the often-underappreciated aspect of being comfortable with one’s hair. In a world where the haircare industry thrives, propelled mainly by the desire of many to alter their appearance, the story highlights the pressure to conform to specific beauty standards. The narrative explores the reasons behind such desires, be it for self-confidence, to impress others, or to emulate public figures. The flexibility and transformational ability of wigs are showcased, paralleled with the message that each individual’s natural hair is a unique aspect of their identity. The author gently encourages acceptance and appreciation of one’s natural beauty, challenging societal beauty norms. Brooke’s story mirrors the emotional landscape of many teenagers, encapsulating their desire to impress and the associated emotional turmoil. Her eventual embrace of wigs as a tool for confidence is a crucial theme of the book.

The Wonder Wig is a call to women of all races to recognize and celebrate their inherent beauty, challenging the societal norms dictating it. Lewis’s novel is both inspiring and thought-provoking, making it a recommended read for women seeking a fresh perspective on beauty and self-confidence. The story will resonate beyond its pages, leaving the reader reflecting on personal identity and societal standards.

Pages: 118 | ASIN : B08TH6VRMT

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