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Characters that are Deep, Flawed, and Motivated

Ana Manwaring Author Interview

Backlash Venom and Vendetta from ‘Nam follows a man getting his life back together after the Vietnam war who becomes the target of his former CO, who is trying to destroy his life and all that he loves. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The Vietnam War was hugely important in my life. We watched it in color on TV during dinner. I protested it in college. My brother missed the lottery call-up by days. I had a boyfriend in the 80s who had spent time in Saigon right at the end of the Vietnam War with Army Intelligence. He had dealings with NSA there and told me many stories about the people he met and things they did. I always had the desire to write something about Vietnam, but having no direct experience of it, I had to find a character who could narrate his experience. Quint was out of school and the right age to be enlisted. He needed a reason for abandoning his daughter. Hence, his service in Vietnam, activities with NSA, and subsequent prison term, the experiences he carried forward into 2007, the time of Backlash. 

A lot of time was spent crafting the character traits in this novel. What was the most important factor for you to get right in your characters?

Easy! Their emotions. How would people feel in these kinds of situations? I played around with possibilities, continually deepening character’s, especially Quint’s, feelings until I was satisfied the characters rang true. I wasn’t interested in a superhero. I wanted  Quint to be deeply flawed and the other important characters, including Nader, the antagonist, to be believably motivated and complex.

Who are some of your favorite authors that you feel were influential in your work?  What impact have they had on your writing? 

I always start with Lisa Towles, thriller writer, whose latest is Terror Bay. Her books are intricate puzzles to be pieced together. His characters are deep, flawed and motivated. I try to emulate her depth. I’m a superfan of Cara Black’s Aimee Leduc Paris mysteries. I stole the idea of crimes happening in different districts of Paris for my Mexico books where crimes happen in various “colonias and delegaciónes”. And two literary writers, Geraldine Brooks and Barbara Kingsolver whose books are amazing, beautifully written and always take me on a trip to somewhere I haven’t been, or even thought of. Try Horse (Brooks) and The Poisonwood Bible (Kingsolver). Reading high literature is a great way to steer your own writing. 

Can you tell us where the book goes and where we’ll see the characters in the next book?

In book six, JadeAnne, Dylan, and Pepper will have arrived back from California and Quint will be settling down into his investigations with the existing team. I don’t have the specific crime yet, but I know we’ll have some fun. Maybe a wedding or two? That said, I’m writing #1 of the Dafne Olabarrieta Mexico Mysteries, Kickback. It’s a spin-off of the JadeAnne Stone books taking place in Mexico in 2019. Kidnapping, murder, and a political conspiracy. The conspiracy is from the news. The rest, from my imagination and my “Deep Throat” Mexican consultant.   Look for Kickback this summer.

Author Links: Website | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | GoodReads | YouTube

Jackman Quint’s former CO, Chuck Nader, has a vendetta to settle. For Quint, the Vietnam war ended thirty-two years ago with a dishonorable discharge, a prison term, and his daughter JadeAnne, lost to him. Shouldn’t Quint be the one with the grudge? He’s made a new life for himself, reunited with his daughter, expanded his investigations, and dipped his toe into the dating pool. Finally, life is going his way when Nader shows up in Mexico City on a top secret mission through the U.S. Embassy. Coincidence? But it’s soon clear, Nader is out for blood. And he won’t settle for killing Quint—he’s after everyone Quint loves. He’s already killed one of the team. If Quint can’t unravel why Nader is bent on his destruction, he’ll never be able to protect the team, his woman, or most importantly, JadeAnne. She flies home in less than a week. The days are counting down.

Backlash Venom and Vendetta from ‘Nam (A JadeAnne Stone Mexico Adventure #5)

In the gripping novel Backlash Venom and Vendetta from ‘Nam by Ana Manwaring, readers are plunged into the turbulent life of Jackman Quint, a man embroiled in a relentless quest for redemption and protection. Having been estranged from his daughter JadeAnne since her birth, Quint’s reunion with her ignites a fierce determination to safeguard her at any cost. His past, however, casts a long shadow. Quint’s former colleague, Nader, becomes a formidable adversary, intent on bringing him down.

Quint’s backstory is a tale of hope and despair. A once hopeful young man, his life took a tumultuous turn following his service in Vietnam. Trapped in a cycle of hardship, he found himself entangled in a drug ring, leading to imprisonment and a haunted past. Despite the weight of his former life, Quint’s primary concern now lies in the safety of his loved ones: his love interest Rosi, his daughter JadeAnne, and her boyfriend Dylan. The narrative escalates into a high-stakes chase, with Quint striving to dismantle the trafficking ring Nader operates, even as Nader seeks to eliminate Quint permanently. A pivotal moment arises when Quint encounters Leo, a fourteen-year-old street urchin entwined with Nader’s operations. This meeting could either be a crucial breakthrough or a dangerous gamble in Quint’s quest for justice. The question of trust in such a precarious situation becomes central to the unfolding drama.

Manwaring delves deep into the sinister realms of drug and sex trafficking, exposing a world where exploitation and despair reign. Quint is a complex protagonist, a protector who conceals his emotions yet strives to rectify his past mistakes and dismantle the criminal empire controlled by Nader. His journey is not just a physical battle but a moral one, seeking to disrupt the cycle of corruption and abuse perpetuated by human greed and the pursuit of power. Set against the backdrop of the Mexico-U.S. border, the story is rich with cultural nuances, including the use of Spanish phrases that add authenticity to the setting.

While Backlash Venom and Vendetta from ‘Nam is brimming with suspense and intricately woven plotlines, its thorough exploration occasionally extends certain sections, adding depth to its narrative. This novel remains a compelling journey through redemption, the complexities of human nature, and the relentless fight against systemic corruption, capturing the reader’s imagination throughout.

Pages: 341 | ASIN : B0CKZF9C3R

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The Magic of Mexico

Ana Manwaring Author Interview

“Saints and Skeletons” is an emotionally evocative memoir that dives into your journey of triumphs, struggles, and self-discovery while living in Mexico. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Writing Saints and Skeletons was an opportunity for me to really look at, and live in, my own feelings about a range of things, among them my choices, my family and, yes, Fernando. What I realized I’d done in the writing of my book was forgive. It’s like a heavy weight has been lifted from me. The lagniappe is I’ve deepened the characterization in my novels through this process of introspection and self-examination.

I appreciated the candid nature with which you told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

In writing Saints and Skeletons, I was forced to accept my culpability in what happened. I was no victim. It’s easy to say “Oh, poor me!” but the truth was, in Mexico with Fernando, every less than stellar personality trait I possess reared up. To write the book, I was forced to recognize my weaknesses and forgive myself. It was easy to tell about the wonderful places we visited!

What is a common misconception you feel people have about Mexico?

For us, Mexico has long been a place where anything goes. North Americans go to “let loose” because (we think) Mexico or Mexicans don’t hold the moral values or have the same expectations of behavior we do. This is pure bunk. The Mexican people I know are disgusted with entitled tourists disrespecting them and their country. Think conspicuous consumption and spring break behavior. Of course, Mexico isn’t an example of harmony and good behavior these days!

What do you hope is one thing readers take away from your story?

The magic of Mexico. The country is beautiful, the people are generous and the spirits of the ancient imbue everything! Don’t brush off Mexico for what you hear on the news. If you go, be mindful of your surroundings and don’t act like an easy target.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Website

This action-packed memoir/travelogue formed the real-life backdrop to what later became the successful JadeAnne Stone thriller series. Starting in the summer of 1991, Saints and Skeletons takes you through the back roads of Mexico, Belize, and the Peten region of northern Guatemala, where author, teacher and former journalist Manwaring camped out in ruins, sampled exotic foods, smoked loco weed atop pyramids, drank mescal out of the still, skinny dipped in Zipolite, found lost cities, and learned to make a killer margarita. In the process, she also experienced love, betrayal and loneliness. As doors opened and walls crumbled in her heart, skeletons tumbled out and, occasionally, saints appeared just when Manwaring needed them most.

Saints and Skeletons: A Memoir of Living in Mexico

Saints and Skeletons by Ann Manwaring offers a poignant and introspective narrative that delves into a life shaped by personal triumphs, struggles, and the unwavering quest for self-discovery. With eloquent prose and candid storytelling, Manwaring invites readers to immerse themselves in the depths of her experiences, bearing witness to the transformative power of vulnerability and resilience.

The memoir takes readers on a non-linear journey through various stages of Manwaring’s life. Each chapter serves as an intimate exploration of her emotions, relationships, and internal conflicts that have shaped her identity. Manwaring’s writing is characterized by its honesty, rawness, and introspection, displaying her commendable ability to reflect on her experiences with clarity and emotional depth. Whether recounting moments of joy, heartache, or personal growth, her words evoke profound empathy and establish a strong connection with readers. It is this vulnerability that enables readers to forge a deep bond with the author, as they relate to the universal themes of love, loss, and self-acceptance.

Throughout the memoir, Manwaring skillfully showcases her talent as a storyteller, seamlessly weaving together the threads of her life. Her vivid descriptions of people and places paint a captivating picture, drawing readers into the very moments she describes. The memoir benefits greatly from Manwaring’s astute observational skills, as she effortlessly captures the essence of even the simplest encounters. The strength of Saints and Skeletons lies in its courage to tackle challenging topics such as faith, approached with sensitivity and authenticity. Manwaring fearlessly addresses themes including family dynamics and the pursuit of personal passion, inviting readers to reflect on their own experiences.

Saints and Skeletons is a captivating and introspective work that encourages readers to embrace life’s complexities. Ana Manwaring’s unflinching honesty and willingness to bare her soul are both brave and inspiring. This memoir stands as a testament to the transformative power of storytelling and the remarkable human capacity for growth and resilience.

Pages: 298 | ASIN: B0C4QLYLC8

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Rooted In Reported Facts

Ana Manwaring Author Interview

Coyote: Pursuit and Terror Across the Border follows a brave and ambitious woman trying to save a kidnapped teenager and get her to safety. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Because this is a serial, one book leads into the next. Book 1 Set Up tells us why JadeAnne is in Mexico. Book 2, The Hydra Effect introduces the trafficking, Book 3 Nothing Comes After Z explores the problem of human trafficking and in Coyote, the immediate problem of getting the victim of trafficking to safety is solved. Living in Mexico inspired me to set the books in Mexico, human trafficking, sex slavery and forced labor outrage and sicken me. I wanted to add to the growing awareness of these problems.

Some events in the book were chillingly similar to real-life events. Did you take any inspiration from real life when developing this book?

Yes! The opening of Set Up is a try story of what happened to me, although I was not kidnapped. From there I began to read everything I could on the burgeoning problem of organized crime in Mexico. I even went back to my local community college and studied Spanish to read Spanish-language news and commentary. The story is fiction, but rooted in reported facts.

Is there anything about JadeAnne that came from yourself or your life experiences? 

JadeAnne’s strengths and insecurities have a tendency to mimic mine, but I’m not adept at shooting a Glock, and I would so love to look as good in a bikini as JadeAnne!

Of course, Jade and I love the same Mexican food, music and leisure activities: cooking, reading and yoga. The dog, VW bus, and houseboat she copied from me! 

Can you tell us where the book goes and where we’ll see the characters in the next book?

In Backlash, due out  November 2023, JadeAnne and new love interest, Dylan are in Sausalito. Quint, Jade’s dad, is left in Mexico to unravel why his old superior officer from his Vietnam tour, is in Mexico. And why Nader is trying to kill him. As the attacks escalate, new allies show up to help. When the attacks suddenly stop, Quint realizes Nader is on his way to California. The question is, can he get there before he loses his daughter?

Author Links: Website | GoodReads | Facebook | Twitter

Senator Aguirre is dead. Nemesis Anibal wants to get even. The U.S. ambassador won’t help. How will JadeAnne get trafficked teen, Lily, across the border? Anibal ambushes them in an attempt to complete their sale to Los Zetas. JadeAnne learns who’s behind the trafficking scheme, and they are getting closer with every attack. In a reckless move, JadeAnne puts her friends in danger, and gains new allies. She vows to see Lily home even if she has to walk her across the border. JadeAnne turns to human rights activist Rosi and new friend Dafne, for help and come up with Plan B— border jumping—led by a coyote in Rosi’s trafficking rescue network. It’s all top secret, until Quint insists on bringing in his old military comrade Nader. Why has he turned up now? At the mouth of an El Paso storm drain, JadeAnne learns the truth, but not before one is dead, two injured and her nemesis is on her tail. Can they out-run or out-gun him in time?

Coyote: Pursuit and Terror Across the Border 

Coyote: Pursuit and Terror Across the Border is the fourth book in Ana Manwaring’s thrilling crime series. It follows the events in book three, where JadeAnne is attempting to bring Lily, a young, trafficked girl to safety. Senator Aguirre is dead and her nemesis, Anabel, is trying to re-kidnap her and Lily to complete the sale to Los Zetas, forcing JadeAnne and Lily to flee to the U.S. border. When they find no help from the U.S. government, JadeAnne calls on the help of her new friends Rosi and Dafne along with her boyfriend, Dylan and her father, Quint. But every move they make puts her and those around her in danger.

The author has sent her characters on a heart-pounding mission in the fourth installment in her series. The ensemble cast and suspenseful story remind me of the consistently entertaining Fast and Furious series. Because this story picks up right where book three ended it was not hard to follow along, so longtime fans will enjoy the blazing speed of this story. For newcomers to the series, I would recommend reading the series in order since the author drops us into the fray without a preamble.

JadeAnne felt very fleshed out as everything is coming from her perspective. While I enjoyed the deep dive into her character I didn’t get to know the other characters as well. Ana Manwaring has a strong narrative voice in her novel which helps guide the reader through some high-octane scenes. I always enjoy Manwaring’s novels because of the detailed scenes. I could clearly imagine it all and there were some fantastically cinematic scenes to read through. There is palpable tension throughout the story which always had me wondering what was going to happen next. Manwaring does an excellent job of keeping the reader on their toes as action strikes at any moment in the story.

The author successfully brings together action and adventure in this explosive thriller set against the unique backdrop of Mexico in Coyote: Pursuit and Terror Across the Border.

Pages: 368 | ASIN: B0BJGZRTGP

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Threatened By Narco Thugs

Ana Manwaring Author Interview

Nothing Comes After Z follows an investigator who rescues a trafficked girl only to realize that the cartel that paid for her wants her back at all costs. What was the inspiration for the setup to your story?

I drove to Mexico in July of 1991 in my /v/w bus with my German Shepherd mix. At dusk on a lonely stretch of the PanAmerican Highway, I was threatened by narco thugs brandishing weapons (pointed at me) as the cabin of the bus filled with the odor of ripening marijuana. During my stay in Mexico, I read Desperados and learned about the cartels and their many activities.

JadeAnne Stone is a strong and intriguing character. What were some driving ideals behind her character’s development?

JadeAnne, a rescued orphan brought to the US during the Vietnam Babylift, was adopted into a white, upper-middle class family and raised in a wealthy suburb of San Francisco. She didn’t fit in to her society and needed to get away to look at her life. When she arrives in Mexico she’s pretty ignorant and has to toughen up fast. As she learns how things work in Mexico, she finds her true values and her place in the world.It isn’t unusual for adopted kids to feel out of step with their families and environments. I wanted to explore that.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

First, I was interested in the process of self-actualization—how people (outside of therapy) come to know themselves and change. Second, in my opinion, slavery of all kinds are the greatest and most insidious evil in our world. I wanted to develop a story that exposes this evil in a way that took trafficking out of news articles and commentary and put it into an emotional context, which might grab readers in the gut and make them think.

Will there be another book in the JadeAnne Stone Mexico Adventure series?

Absolutely yes. Book 4, Coyote, Pursuit and Terror Across the Border publishes on November 16th. This book completes the story of the trafficked teen, but doesn’t end the cartel threat to JadeAnne. That’s all I’m going to say!

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Author | Website

On the mend from a gunshot wound in Mexico City, investigator JadeAnne Stone needs to get Lily, the trafficked fifteen-year-old she rescued, back to her family in the U.S. But within hours of her release from the hospital she recognizes her nemesis Anibal Aguirre, trolling her neighborhood in a black SUV. Is he looking for her? He’s the one who sold her to the traffickers. Her U.S. operative father puts together a team for round-the-clock security, and Anibal is arrested during an attack on the house, but at the airport the U.S. Marshal transporting him is killed and he disappears. Who knew Anibal was being extradited at 12:30? And why does it appear the Aguirre clan is right in the middle of a deadly human trafficking network? JadeAnne realizes that between the cartel traffickers, the government officials in their pockets, and possibly the handsome doctor she danced with in the park, nowhere and no one is safe, not even her dog Pepper. Whichever cartel paid for JadeAnne and Lily wants them back, and time is running out.

Nothing Comes After Z

JadeAnne’s visit to Mexico was supposed to be a brief and snappy one; investigate the disappearance of her client’s wife, find her, and spend a month of summer in the city right after. But fate had different plans in store for her. Not only is her client’s wife dead, she’s now caught up in a tussle between the Mexican government and two notorious organized crime rings. Now her summer is taking a massive turn and in the weeks that follow, she’ll experience love, fear, discovery, hatred, anxiety and betrayal.

Nothing Comes After Z is a riveting crime thriller with a strong female protagonist that is fun to follow. JadeAnne is an investigator from California, and even though this is the third book in a series I feel that her personality is well established in this novel so that readers will still feel a connection to her. She was hired to uncover the case of a missing person in Mexico. On her mission, her path crossed with an organized gang and a trafficking ring. I appreciated the grounded nature of the crime and how it relates to some headlines we see in the news today. After being betrayed by her partner on the case, she will go through a torrent of events. Before she can safely leave Mexico and return to her life, she has to uncover some hard truths and catch the perpetrators. Author Ana Manwaring knows how to create a storyline that easily sets up the hard-hitting action.

The author gives readers a vivid explanations of all the action taking place in this book. Scenes were described so well that readers will not be lost when the fighting and action begins. While I appreciated the plethora of detail I sometimes felt that it slowed the book down in certain moments as I felt some scenes were overly detailed. But readers who enjoy a well constructed world that is fully realized will certainly appreciate the picturesque scenes that are created in this book.

Even though this is a thrilling action adventure novel readers can still feel every emotion JadeAnne goes through. Her pain, disgust, horror, anger, love, hopelessness as well as fear. I enjoyed how well the emotion is weaved into this action novel because it ensure we’re invested in the protagonist and we’re biting our nails when the action intensifies.

Nothing Comes After Z pits its compelling female protagonist against some seriously dangerous people in the midst of an exotic location where action seems to be around every corner. Suspense and crime fiction lovers will find this book a must read.

Pages: 358 | ASIN: B09L6R9WLS

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