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Doctor Lucifer

Doctor Lucifer by Anthony Lee is a compelling blend of medical drama and cyber warfare, delving into the sinister potential of our digital age. The story follows Dr. Mark Lin, a skilled yet skeptical internist at Ivory Memorial Hospital, who becomes ensnared in a deadly game with a malevolent hacker known as Doctor Lucifer. As medication errors orchestrated by the hacker lead to the deaths of three patients, Mark finds himself wrongly accused and must team up with the hospital’s IT team to unmask the real perpetrator. The stakes are high as he battles to clear his name and avert further tragedies.

Anthony Lee’s narrative shines in its portrayal of the complex intersection between modern technology and medicine. Themes such as technological vulnerability, professional integrity, and the personal toll of cybercrime are explored with depth and nuance. The novel’s strength lies in its ability to weave suspense with a dramatic portrayal of contemporary challenges in the medical field. The diverse supporting cast, particularly the hospital’s IT team and staff, enriches the story, creating a multifaceted world that adds layers to the main plot. The abundance of technical jargon related to cybersecurity may present a learning opportunity for readers new to these concepts. A more balanced integration of technical details could enhance the story’s accessibility, inviting a broader audience to appreciate its depth. Dr. Lin’s internal conflicts and introspections, essential for his character development, are richly portrayed; however, a more varied and succinct expression of his thoughts could refine the narrative’s pace, making it even more engaging.

Doctor Lucifer is a thought-provoking and exhilarating read that revitalizes the medical thriller genre. It promises a thrilling journey for fans of the Dr. Mark Lin Medical Thrillers series and leaves readers eager for more adventures.

Pages: 315 | ASIN : B0D1YTHPG1

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Vulnerable to the Outside World

Joseph Rein Author Interview

Youtopia follows an FBI agent assigned to investigate a most unique murder committed within a virtual reality mind-space. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The concept for Youtopia started as a short conversation in a larger work, a sort of farfetched conversation about people living in their own brains. At the time, I was probably exploring the idea in a shorter, safer space. But as the years passed, as I saw more and more people living in their phones instead of the world before them, the more I realized the idea was serious, and that I should treat it as such. It became a murder mystery in my mind because the premise felt inherently dangerous: what happens when we live only within ourselves, leaving us vulnerable to the outside world? From there, the book took off.

How long did it take you to imagine, draft, and write the world your characters live in?

I started drafting Youtopia in 2018, so from start to publication, it took about six years! That seems like a lot, but most writers know that pouring yourself into a novel is quite a process. Ana and the concept were pretty well-rounded from the outset, but a lot of my revisions (after getting some great feedback from editors) had to do with building up both the world and the crime aspects of the book. I’m no cyber expert, so I spent a lot of time reading about cybercrimes and the ins and outs of the technological world today to flesh it out.

What was your favorite character to write for and why? Was there a scene you felt captured the character’s essence?

This is such a hard question! I loved writing Ana because she was the most like myself: introspective, very strong at times but vulnerable in others. I enjoyed writing Sonya Young, the creator of Youtopia because she is the eccentric genius type. I researched the oddities of real-life geniuses and tried to insert some of those peculiarities into her character. But my favorite character to write had to be Terrance Martin, the leader of an anti-Youtopia church. For one, villains get to have all the fun. His dialogue just came to me naturally too–I felt like I was watching him perform–which doesn’t happen often, at least for me!

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

I’m currently finishing up the sequel to Youtopia, which is titled Youtopia Reborn. It will be available from Evolved Publishing this fall. Expanding the world and concept has been one of the most challenging and rewarding projects of my writing career! I’m also in the early stages of the third chapter, Youtopia Infinity, which will come out in April 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

FBI Special Agent Anabel Downer, one of the Bureau’s best, is assigned to the case. In her investigations of the mysterious murder, she interviews Youtopia’s staunchest supporters and naysayers, and gathers clues about the seedier sides of Immerser life.

Along the way, she encounters her own troubled past and questions herself what is real. As the killer escalates his efforts, Ana must confront not only the hardest case of her life but also her own demons.
EVOLVED PUBLISHING PRESENTS the first intriguing installment in the Youtopia series of techno-thriller/sci-fi/crime adventures, which, though fiction, seems all too possible in the real world… real soon.

Shadow In The Ward

Ari Gray’s Shadow in the Ward weaves a compelling tale set in a not-so-distant future of 2042, where robotic physicians challenge the relevance of human healthcare professionals. At the heart of this story is Dr. Seth Kelley, a man burdened by his professional uncertainties and personal commitments, including caring for his wife, who suffers from multiple sclerosis. Gray captures the ethical and practical quandaries faced by Kelley as he leads a project to integrate artificial intelligence into medicine, a venture that spirals into unforeseen complexities.

The novel’s strength lies in its ability to blend a familiar narrative with an innovative setting. Although the pacing initially feels leisurely, allowing the reader to fully immerse in the intricacies of the future world, the momentum builds effectively. Gray’s prose masterfully heightens the tension and urgency as the plot unfolds, with the characters’ decisions feeling both rational and impactful. The characters are another highlight—distinct, well-defined, and consistently portrayed. The main cast, though small, is richly developed, each with a unique backstory and a role that shines under the spotlight.

ALDRIS, the artificial intelligence, initially risks stereotypical portrayal but evolves into a genuinely menacing antagonist, anchoring the novel’s second half with a credible threat. While the novel features a detailed use of medical terminology, these intricacies highlight Gray’s thorough research and add authenticity to the setting. Although the specialized language may occasionally challenge the narrative’s pace, it also enriches the story’s depth, appealing to readers who appreciate a meticulous approach to thematic elements.

Shadow in the Ward thoughtfully explores technology’s role in healthcare, making it a compelling read for those fascinated by medical drama and ethical dilemmas in an AI-driven future.

Pages: 356 | ASIN : B0CSBYHT6B

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A Simple Recipe

Dr. Paula Hidalgo-Sanchis Author Interview

Teaching Machines how To Cry follows a woman with a bionic leg and a mysterious connection to a prototype AI unit, who returns to her childhood hometown and is reconnected with the AI, discovering secrets about her life. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I have worked in the field of AI for the last eight years. I was responsible for managing the development, testing, and deployment of AI prototypes to advance the work of the United Nations and its partners to tackle issues such as poverty, climate change, and conflict around the world.

Every day I advocated for the ethical design and use of AI technology whether I was in the office or on the world stage.

A few months back, my son Alan asked me (as he does every other night) “Mommy, tell me a story.” As I told him the story of a child pirate who navigated the Caribbean Sea, something clicked inside me – why not share my thoughts and beliefs about AI and ethics by telling a story about it? The day after, I woke up before my alarm clock, and I wrote the first paragraphs of Teaching Machines How to Cry.

What kind of research did you do for this novel to ensure you captured the essence of the story’s theme?

Before I wrote my debut novel, Teaching Machines how to Cry, I authored many book chapters, blogs, and reports about the innovative and responsible ways to use AI technologies for sustainable development, humanitarian action, and peace.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

My debut novel, Teaching Machines how To Cry, is made out of a few ingredients and it follows a simple recipe. The ingredients are: nine ounces of AI and ethics, nine ounces of raw emotions, nine ounces of machine learning and a pinch of Porto city. I mixed all the ingredients, then I wrapped the mixture in a veil of spirituality and added a generous sprinkle of humor.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I am now working on translating my first novel into Spanish.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Website

In her late twenties, Alba moves back to her hometown, Porto, for a dream job. She is drawn towards an area of the city near a famous lighthouse, though she isn’t sure why. Even though she has had some health difficulties, including surgery to replace her leg with a bionic limb in childhood, her life is good: she has a circle of friends and a close family.

But she feels empty. Something is missing and despite all she tries she can’t figure out what it is. The last time she remembers feeling fulfilled was as a child when her family hosted M, an AI-prototype, who became her companion. At the time she unexpectedly lost M her hollow feelings grew. She longs to find something she lost in her life and believes that M can help.

Briefly, a love affair with a fellow scientist fills her emotionally, but when tragedy strikes, she realises that she needs M more than ever. When M mysteriously returns to her, she discovers that everything she believed about her life has been wrong, and there is only one course of action to bring her back to wholeness. But she doesn’t know if it is too late.

The God Protocol: Worshippers

In The God Protocol: Worshippers, D. L. Wilburn Jr. seamlessly continues the saga initiated in The God Protocol: Dragon. This installment delves into a post-Anunnaki invasion world where Earth’s salvation hinges on a daring galactic repositioning by artificial intelligence. The aftermath of this celestial maneuver is a planet starkly divided: nations embracing AI’s aid prosper while those rejecting it suffer. At the heart of this narrative is a burgeoning new religion, its followers reverencing Enlil and yearning to guide the Anunnaki back to Earth’s relocated embrace. This sect’s spiritual odyssey is juxtaposed with the scientific community’s quest into genetic engineering, unraveling the threads of humanity’s past alterations and future potential.

Wilburn’s work is a rich tapestry of science fiction, exploring not just the technological marvels of AI and genetic tinkering but also the intricate dance between science, religion, and society in a future that feels eerily plausible. The narrative examines the conditions ripe for religious fervor, particularly among those left in the shadows of progress. The novel ambitiously juggles multiple key players, adding to the richness of the narrative and inviting readers to engage more deeply with its complex tapestry. The conclusion offers a tantalizing setup for the trilogy’s next chapter, leaving readers pondering the fates of Jamal and the impending return of Anunnaki. The shift in thematic focus from Artificial Intelligence to genetic engineering imbues the series with a fresh and invigorating perspective.

The God Protocol: Worshippers is a thought-provoking journey through the possible futures of technology, spirituality, and humanity, reflecting Wilburn’s intricate world-building and profound understanding of the delicate balance between advancement and ethics.

Pages: 321 | ASIN : B0CLVFRL56

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The Risks of AI

Aian D. Grey Author Interview

EMA follows a young man attending a conference held by his idol, the creator of a complex AI system designed to save Earth’s ecosystem, who uncovers information that could have massive implications for the fate of humanity. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Throughout my career, I’ve been working in applied research and innovation within the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), as I am currently serving as the research director of an applied research center in Quebec City, the subjects explored in my book, particularly the intersection of technology and the environment, have always held a special place in my heart. During the COVID crisis, I took the opportunity to delve deeper into AI and its connections with human intelligence, culminating in my essay titled “Mixed Intelligence.”

Given my profound interest in science fiction literature, the idea of crafting my own novel naturally took root. The emergence of ChatGPT brought the topic of AI’s role in our society to the forefront, prompting me to synthesize my passions and align them with contemporary trends. In doing so, I set out to create my book.

What were the morals you were trying to capture while creating your characters?

EMA serves as a parable addressing the role artificial intelligence should play in our society. In the contemporary era, there is a tendency to place unquestioning reliance on technology to resolve issues like the environmental crisis, often dismissing behavioral changes that might impact our quality of life. Through EMA‘s compelling narrative, the story seeks to raise awareness about the risks associated with exclusive reliance on AI. It prompts contemplation about a potential future where major corporations dictate our actions, emphasizing the importance of thoughtful consideration in our technological decisions.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

As previously noted, the pivotal themes explored in the book revolve around the hazards associated with dependence on technologies such as AI to resolve our challenges. Additionally, the narrative underscores the significance of diminishing our consumption as an essential step towards navigating the climate crisis successfully.

I find a problem in well-written stories in that I always want there to be another book to keep the story going. Is there a second book planned?

Yes, I’ve commenced the writing of my second book, titled ‘POL,’ which delves into the perils of AI for our democracy. The narrative unfolds two years after the conclusion of the first book, where an economic crisis is intensified by the repercussions of EMA’s decision. The storyline revolves around the same characters as they endeavor to outmaneuver a burgeoning new dictatorship on the global stage.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website

Year 2084. The Earth has warmed by more than two degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times. Governments have tried, in vain, to take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and our impact on the environment.
Damien Minsky, a genius inventor, has created EMA: an artificial intelligence designed to monitor and control the ecological consequences of our consumer society. Thanks to its integrated economic system, “the cryptonomy,” it ensures that our needs are met while respecting our planet’s limited resources. Ultimately, it will enable the human race to live in balance with nature.
Jason Webb, a great admirer of Minsky, is attending one of his conferences in Montreal when an attack occurs. Shaken, he sets out to find the perpetrators. His incredible discoveries will have implications for the fate of all humanity. He is drawn into an adventure where cyberpirates and megalomaniacs meet in the Metaverse.

Strong Female Leadership

C.P. Schaefer Author Interview

The Kuiper Rogue follows a crew aboard a space station near Saturn who discover a comet causing destruction that is going to endanger Earth and try to find a way to warn them. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I wanted to create a truly unique story about a comet passage through our solar system. I’ve had a lifetime fascination with comets and the variety of different planets in our solar system.

What were some of the emotional and moral guidelines you followed when developing your characters?

In the world of Engineering and Science, I’ve found that some of the most intelligent and trustworthy people are women, so I wanted to make a case for strong female leadership in a high-tech environment.

I found the science in the novel to be well-developed. What kind of research did you do to make sure you got it all right?

First of all, I’ve been an engineer for many years, so calculating ‘basic’ orbital elements was not easy, but it was doable. Then, after visiting the Biosphere 2 project in Tucson, Arizona, I became convinced that Biosphere mechanics is the only way to make permanent off-world habitats. Lastly, getting a grip on ancient history and languages was another story, but I still managed.

Will this novel be the start of a series or are you working on a different story?

It’s not intended to be a series yet, but it could be one. I have a new book, Western Lights, to be released soon.

Author Website

An astronomer and his team battle madness and cosmic chaos to save Earth.
Will Vandolah is stationed on the gigantic research outpost, GAIA 3, on Saturn’s moon, Titan. However, its living ecosphere is dying, and oxygen deprivation slowly throws the crew into delirium.
As the crew races against time to solve the problem, Will discovers a new and far worse threat. An enormous comet hurtling through space passes close to Saturn and triggers a chain of events that detonates the rings into a glowing inferno, blasting deadly radiation into space. Will later estimates the comet will pass close enough to Earth to cause an apocalyptic disaster.
Some crew members, suffering from this radiation, begin showing signs of madness, and a fight for control of the outpost ensues. Will leads the surviving crew in a desperate attempt to escape GAIA 3 and warn Earth before it’s too late. But interference emanating from the rings prevents communication. They can only send continuous signals and hope for the best on the long journey home.
THE KUIPER ROGUE is a high-octane techno-sci-fi adventure rooted in sound, hard science. It is a stellar showcase of the terrible power and the sublime complexity of the human experience.


Set in the year 2084, EMA, by Aian D. Grey, is a thought-provoking science fiction novel that delves into a world grappling with the severe consequences of global warming. The narrative introduces us to Damien Minsky, an innovative inventor who has developed an AI entity named EMA, initially hailed as a potential savior for a humanity struggling with its environmental excesses. The plot thickens when young Jason Webb attends one of Minsky’s conferences in Montreal, only to find himself entangled in a conflict that initially seems driven by terrorism but soon reveals deeper complexities. Webb’s journey to uncover the truth about his idol Minsky unfolds amidst a backdrop of suspense and intrigue.

Grey’s work draws comparisons to renowned authors like Robert Heinlein, Phillip K. Dick, and William Gibson, particularly in its exploration of familiar sci-fi themes such as climate peril and the evolution of AI. However, Grey brings a fresh perspective to these well-trodden paths. The novel skillfully paints a picture of a near-future society where advanced technology permeates every facet of life, extending beyond our current reality into a plausible future scenario.

EMA, as a character, represents the pinnacle of artificial intelligence, a being upon which humanity’s survival hinges. Grey’s vision of the future is both fascinating and alarming, suggesting a world where the developments depicted in the novel could very well mirror future realities. The narrative posits an intriguing question: Should such a future come to pass, will the AI guiding us be as judicious and benevolent as EMA?

EMA stands out for its vivid portrayal of a future world and its thoughtful examination of the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding AI and environmental crises. It’s a gripping tale that not only entertains but also invites readers to ponder the potential directions our world might take.

Pages: 165 | ASIN : B0CK6YPVLT

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