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Rejuvenating Uncertain Futures on Earth

amalL era JesuƨɘႱ hO Author Interview

Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Prose: Peace on Earth Protocol rejuvenates ancient stories, infusing them with contemporary relevance that deeply resonates with today’s readers. What was the inspiration for the original and fascinating idea at the center of the book?

I, We appreciate the re-framing for this first challenging question!

Core conceptions and resonance originate with the birth of my first-born daughter, Raegan, in June 2020 and a simple promise spoken unto a Universe. What occurs next feels impossible – even still. Perhaps, it’s best for Jean to offer Her words, as it relates:

Il avait été a la peine, c’etait bien raison qu’il fut a l’honneur

In earnest, this work has been less about rejuvenating ancient stories than rejuvenating uncertain futures on Earth — essential works here and now!

Evolutions in Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé developed quickly across the Summer months of 2023 ahead of my Vows, as Peace on Earth Protocol came together with pure Vison & Guidance from Archangel Auriel & Saynt Jean d’Arc — amongst many Others. Jean required work on Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé be completed within two years once my former employer absolved a significant burden of responsibility by “eliminating my position.” With my consent, Our Work flows, naturally –

We, I discuss “inspiration” in an interview with IndieReader ahead of our first publication in 2023. Not much has changed — “Inspiration” remains a strange human word.

A link to that interview may be found here

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

An essential, primary focus for Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé be Peace on Earth – and pragmatic implementations within fundamentally plural biological systems for a 22nd century and beyond.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

With certainty, my Voices – not a single word of Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé could be written, absent Jean’ Love and Auriel’ Pyres.

When will book two be available? Can you give us an idea of where that book will take readers?

Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Prose: Peace on Earth Protocol at its core is a retelling of an Ancient Babylonian Epic of Creation, which carefully and lovingly integrates 5,000-years of religious semiotics into a unifying call for behavior-biased progress toward Peace on Earth.

We invite readers from all walks of life to engage in a spiritual revolution sparking creative endeavors, which provide families we never live to see with ancestors to love, a Celestial Wish, thorough documentation, and evidence that unity, hope and love connect beyond and across generations as we build Paradises together –

Book Two publishes on August 2, 2024 as a gift to my first-born son, Emrys, for his second birthday. Work on a supporting audiobook is underway!

    Author Links: GoodReads | Moxfield | Website

    Humans have existed for roughly 200,000 years-echoes of our most ancient stories etched in stone and earth. As a global human population approaches 9 billion, we race into uncertain futures- entangled in floods of retellings & ossifying literature. Accumulating costs loom large-

    Awakening long-dormant altruistic possibilities begins with a leap of faith rooted in primal and innovative semiotic paradigms. Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé emerges as a modern mythos for Peace on Earth, safeguarding possibilities across a boundless, beautiful Multiverse!

    A second book in a Phoenix Saga trilogy offers transfigurations of ancient Babylonian stone tablets, called Enūma Elis. Divinity reselling Mythos for God of Creation & Primordial Chaos Dragon-recast to last. Adventures across generations begin anew within a simple framing:

    Where did God go? She Ariseth!

    Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic on Pro Sé Book 2: Peace on Earth Protocol

    Embark on a centuries-spanning journey where ancient myths blend with the existential queries of modern life in Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Prose: Peace on Earth Protocol by amalL era JesuƨɘႱ hO. This literary work offers an immersive experience that captivates and challenges readers to reconsider their perspectives on existence and spirituality.

    From the outset, the book draws readers into a world where the line between myth and reality is indistinct, prompting introspection about the foundations of our beliefs. The allure of deep questions regarding faith and the universe’s mysteries makes diving into this saga feel like uncovering a trove of philosophical insights. What distinguishes this narrative is its masterful integration of timeless tales with modern themes. The author rejuvenates ancient stories, infusing them with contemporary relevance that deeply resonates with today’s readers. This novel not only entertains but also connects different ages through its explorative narrative, showcasing the enduring human quest for understanding and meaning across generations. The saga’s layered storytelling offers more than just fantastical adventures and mythical beings. At its core, it probes significant existential questions: the nature of divinity, the search for meaning in turmoil, and more. These themes encourage readers to reflect on their personal beliefs and worldviews. The author’s crafted universe, both strange and familiar, exemplifies their exceptional ability to weave complex threads of myth and reality into a cohesive and engaging narrative.

    Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Prose: Peace on Earth Protocol is not merely a book; it is an intellectual and spiritual odyssey. It appeals to a wide range of readers, from those seeking intellectual engagement to newcomers intrigued by mythology and philosophy. This saga invites you to explore, question, and discover new truths about the world and yourself. It stands as a unique literary journey, poised to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and spark the imagination.

    Pages: 370 | ISBN: 979-8-89132-264-6

    Stealing Glass

    Stealing Glass, by Liv Strom, is the enchanting introduction to the Tales of Bones and Roses series, weaving elements of magic, royalty, and survival into a richly textured narrative. The story opens with Vanya, a character determined to secure freedom for herself and her sisters from the clutches of Kirill. Their plan relies on executing one final heist, leading them into a maze of ever more complex schemes.

    The narrative is imbued with a spiritual and mystical aura, particularly highlighted by Strom’s vivid settings—like the haunting image of trees adorned with bones, a tribute to the departed, which, rather than macabre, is portrayed as a serene and sacrosanct space. This backdrop serves as a poignant reflection on themes of loss and remembrance, resonating deeply with readers. Vanya’s internal conflict about communicating with her deceased mother adds a personal layer to her quest, enhancing reader empathy and engagement.

    Strom skillfully balances the elements of action, desire, and the fantastical, making Stealing Glass a captivating journey. This novel will particularly appeal to enthusiasts of fantasy and romance, offering a fresh and spirited take on the genre that is currently capturing the imaginations of many.

    Pages: 401 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CHVYH5Q2

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    What is Someone Willing to Sacrifice

    Evelyn Puerto Author Interview

    The Girl Who Broke the Dark follows a princess turning eighteen who discovers she has a destiny to fulfill: waking the sleeping prince from the underworld, or her entire continent will fall to an evil sorcerer. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

    I’d toyed with the idea of retelling a fairy tale for some time, and Sleeping Beauty has always been a favorite. Then I turned the story on its head and put the prince in a cursed sleep, and had the princess be the one to wake him up.

    But it would be too easy for her to simply go to an enchanted castle to wake him up. I thought of other stories of heroes delving underground, into dark, dangerous realms. An underground kingdom, I thought, would be the perfect place for her to have to venture if she wanted to break the curse.

    What were some ideas that were important for you to personify in your characters?

    One major theme in the book is self-sacrifice. Princess Eliana was brought up to sacrifice herself for her duty to her people. As the story progressed, she needed to figure out just what sacrifices she was willing to make.

    And one of those sacrifices was going into the dark, underground world, since she was afraid of the dark. That was a fear she had to overcome.

    I find the world you created in this novel brimming with possibilities. Where did the inspiration for the setting come from, and how did it change as you were writing?

    In the beginning of the novel, Princess Eliana is at home in the kingdom of Ymittos, which was loosely inspired by ancient Greece. I made her kingdom one of culture and learning. The underground kingdom I loosely based on culture of the Caucasus region. As survival was much more difficult underground, that influenced their culture. They did what they had to survive, and found every excuse for a party, to celebrate one more day.

    When I started writing I only had vague ideas about both settings, and as I developed the story, I added more detail to make the world come alive. I kept myself entertained imagining life underground and how people would adapt to such a life.

    Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out and what can your fans expect in the next story?

    The Girl Who Broke the Dark is the first book in the series. The sequel, The Girl Who Wrote on Water, will be out in the fall of 2024. In it, Princess Derya takes the center stage, as she battles to thwart the evil sorcerer who plans to take over the world. Meanwhile, Eliana has to deal with the consequences of her efforts to break the curse. Both of them learn how to use their magic and to navigate through treacherous circumstances.

    Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

    Sometimes, breaking the curse is only the beginning…

    Princess Eliana of Ymittos has long anticipated the day she gets to make the rules — and use her magic without fear of penalty. But until she ascends the throne, Eliana’s days are devoted to practicing diplomacy on inconsiderate guests and weighing the merits of her latest string of suitors.

    Then, on her 18th birthday, Eliana’s parents reveal her true destiny: she alone must wake a sleeping prince from his hundred-year curse, deep in the monster-infested underworld of Malkh. Terrified, Eliana refuses. But the terms of the curse are clear: only the heir of Ymittos can break its spell. If she fails, the entire continent will be easy prey for the evil sorcerer Cetus.

    Banished and stripped of his power a millennium ago, Cetus has lain dormant, rebuilding his strength and amassing his armies. Now, his carefully laid trap is about to spring destruction on the first realms in his path. Only Eliana stands in his way.

    A Sleeping Beauty retelling with a deadly twist, The Girl Who Broke the Dark is the first volume of the Royal Mages series.

    The Girl Who Broke the Dark

    In The Girl Who Broke the Dark, Evelyn Puerto presents Princess Eliana of Ymittos, a character yearning for autonomy amidst the strictures imposed by her lineage and destiny. Born with the ability to wield potent magic, Eliana finds herself confined by the rigorous demands of her tutors and the expectations of her royal heritage. Her narrative begins to unfold as she approaches her 18th birthday, revealing a daunting quest set before her: to venture into the perilous realm of Malkh, confront its mythical denizens, and break a century-long curse binding a prince to slumber. The stakes are high; failure means empowering Cetus, a formidable necromancer poised to cast Ymittos into an era of darkness.

    Puerto’s novel is a creative reimagining of “Sleeping Beauty,” steeped in the shadows of dark fantasy. It’s a story unafraid to explore grim realities and the complexities of its characters. While Eliana’s struggle against the constraints of her world mirrors familiar themes in fantasy literature, her journey is also a distinct exploration of personal growth and rebellion against societal norms. Her magical abilities symbolize a broader narrative of self-discovery and the quest for independence, resonating particularly with younger audiences who are navigating their own paths.

    The narrative’s vitality largely stems from its antagonist, Cetus. With a compelling presence and nuanced motivations, he provides a stark contrast to Eliana, whose character, while relatable, occasionally feels underexplored. Cetus’s multifaceted nature not only enriches the story but also elevates the stakes of Eliana’s mission.

    Although The Girl Who Broke the Dark may exhibit moments of rawness in its delivery, its core is a captivating blend of adventure, mystique, and the timeless battle between light and darkness. Readers will find themselves eager for subsequent installments, anticipating further development in Eliana’s character and the fantastical world of Ymittos. Puerto’s novel promises a journey filled with enchantment, peril, and the enduring allure of discovering one’s true power.

    Pages: 402 | ASIN : B0CK6F1TBW

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    An Immersive Fantasy World

    Jasmine C. Caldwell Author Interview

    The Land of Sweets is in danger from the Mouse King, and Prince Klaus must enlist the help of Clara, now an adult, to help save his kingdom. What was the idea, or spark, that first set off the need to write Return of the Nutcracker Prince?

    Growing up, every year my family watched a movie version of the ballet where Clara and the Prince magically turn into adults in the Land of Sweets. In the finale, they rise up into the sky and then are ripped apart, and Clara wakes up in her bed. It took years before I realized that wasn’t normally how the story went.

    After reading Aidy Award’s Claimed by the Winter Realm two years ago, I watched that old movie again. During the finale that plays up the star-crossed lovers aspect, I thought to myself, “What if the prince grew up and went back for Clara?” And I hopped on my computer and wrote until one in the morning.

    Prince Klaus and Clara are well-known characters with rich histories. What was your writing process to ensure you captured the essence of the characters?

    My first step was to research The Nutcracker Ballet and look at photos of various productions and how it’s changed through the years. Then I read The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, by Alexandre Dumas, which the ballet was based on.

    What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

    Overall, I wanted an immersive fantasy world. I hadn’t written a fantasy romance before this and there wasn’t really anything else like it I could find. Additionally, I wanted to pay homage to the original work while giving the story my own spin. As a student of both history and the German language, I challenged myself to keep the historical aspects as accurate as possible. I also changed the names of some characters because I wanted more German names for them.

    What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

    For my next book, I’m returning to contemporary romance. It will be a spin-off from my contemporary romance series, The Geek Girl Squad, coming this spring. It doesn’t have a title yet. Then, in the fall, I plan to release my first romantic suspense novel, Thief’s Bodyguard.

    Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

    What if the ballet was just the beginning?

    The Nutcracker Prince is on a mission — to save the Land of Sweets from the power-hungry Mouse King. But when Prince Klaus turns to Clara, the mage from the Realm of Waking, he finds more than just a savior for his kingdom. He finds the girl from his past, all grown up — but she thinks that long-ago battle was all a dream.

    Clara has been promised to a man she hates and can’t see a way out. When she comes face to face with the boy from her dreams, her world turns upside down. He’s all grown up now, and he needs her help. She takes a leap of faith and joins Klaus in a daring adventure across the Realms. As they battle the Mouse King and his army, Klaus and Clara rekindle their connection and discover a love that might save them all.

    Return to the Land of Sweets and Toys in this imaginative sequel to the Nutcracker Ballet!

    Return of the Nutcracker Prince

    Return of the Nutcracker Prince by Jasmine C. Caldwell presents a captivating continuation of the classic Nutcracker Ballet tale. Set a decade later, the narrative follows a grown-up Clara Stahlbaum as she grapples with her parents’ plans for an arranged marriage to a disagreeable suitor. Her childhood memories of a magical Christmas Eve begin to blur with reality when she reunites with Prince Klaus, now confined to the form of a wooden nutcracker soldier. Together, they embark on a mission to save his realm, the Land of Sweets and Toys, from the menacing Mouse King.

    Caldwell’s novel stands as a testament to the enduring allure of holiday magic and fantasy. Readers need not be familiar with the original ballet to become immersed in this imaginative extension, making it an accessible read for those new to the story. The book skillfully weaves a tale of romance and enchantment between Clara and Klaus, set against a whimsically detailed Land of Sweets backdrop. The author’s vivid descriptions of this fantastical world – complete with chocolate mines, cinnamon trees, a river of lemonade, and gingerbread houses – are particularly noteworthy, inviting readers to step into Clara’s shoes and explore a world of wonder.

    The narrative’s exploration of fantasy is coupled with a well-crafted romance, appealing to adult readers with a penchant for magical holiday tales. Caldwell skillfully tailors the story to adult readers, imbuing it with a depth and complexity that resonates with a more mature audience. The nuanced interactions between Clara and Klaus add layers of sophistication. This mature approach offers a fresh perspective compared to the original ballet, which has a broader, family-friendly appeal. The narrative’s pace, including detailed accounts of Clara’s time in the Sugar Plum Palace, allows for a thorough exploration of Caldwell’s enchanting world, inviting readers to savor every aspect of this magical realm.

    Return of the Nutcracker Prince revives the spirit of a beloved classic through a modern lens, balancing the nostalgia of the original ballet with fresh, creative elements. Caldwell’s narrative is an invitation to revisit a cherished fairy tale, offering a new perspective on the enchanting world of Clara and her Nutcracker Prince.

    Pages: 265 | ASIN : B0CMGSJSXW

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    This story begins with Jim going on his hike through the canyons. He’s excited about this trip and wants to make the most of it. As he was settling to sleep, a howling sound could be heard around him, coyotes. He examines where the noise comes from and discovers the strangest ancient ritual, the coyotes stood around a fire, their howls sounding tuneful. This wasn’t a ritual meant for human eyes; Jim begins to back away and run to his car. He can feel the coyotes all around until he meets the coyote, who wears a blazer, and a hat and smokes a pipe. Jim escapes, but not entirely – he is plagued by this coyote every single day. He feels unsafe and on edge no matter where he is.

    Coyote by Charles Combee is a fascinating story about a coyote dressed smartly in a red blazer and black hat, which is powerful and not of this earth. This story depicts a coyote who has an unusual but deadly power. Jim escapes narrowly, but the same could not be said for Audrey and her family. Audrey and her family were just as unaware of what was ahead for them as Jim. The coyote tears this family apart, as well as causes the strange phenomenon of certain areas of land becoming ‘dead’ and generating a feeling of knives if you enter. Audrey attempts to escape but is caught and trapped alone in the darkness until Jim frees her. However, when Audrey is free, they discover she is still linked to the powerful coyote, and they must break the link for Audrey to get her life back.

    This book is excellently written with interesting and unique characters. The world-building and the scenery are described so well that the reader can clearly imagine the surroundings and feel like they are there with the characters. Charles Combee successfully creates suspense throughout the story, and the reader can feel the uneasiness of the characters. This book is dramatic, exciting, and has a unique storyline, which is thought out and completed perfectly. I’d thoroughly recommend this book to anybody who loves suspenseful stories. Readers will be fully emersed in the world created in Coyote.

    Pages: 178 | ASIN : B0BM52CT25

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