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The KEAK Anthology

A Tapestry of Words and Worlds

Dive into the vibrant tapestry of the KEAK Anthology, where author Katherine Korkidis collaborates with her father, Artemios Korkidis, to weave a collection that spans genres and generations.

1. Short Stories: A Kaleidoscope of Genres
Explore sixteen captivating short stories, ranging from literary fiction to mystery, thriller, historical nonfiction and fiction, romance, science fiction, and realist literature. In “Patient Zero,” witness the delicate balance between utopia and dystopia, while “Times Past” entangles you in a web of sudden deaths and hidden intentions. “We The People of Earth” transcends our known space, and “The Battle of Crete” recounts the gripping memoir of witness Artemios Korkidis during the 1941 invasion.

2. Flash Fiction: A Symphony of Brief Narratives
Under the pseudonym Katherine Elizabeth Ann Bell, the author delves into the realm of flash fiction. These succinct narratives, averaging 360 words, peel back layers and progress stories with precision. From the dysfunction of “The Blind Man, the Blind Woman” to the power of closeness in “The Hug” and the importance of self-confidence in “The Performance,” each piece is a snapshot of emotion and movement.

3. Excerpts from Published Works: Glimpses into Worlds
Journey through excerpts from five novels, including “Josette,” “Daniel,” and “Josette and Daniel” from “The Story of Josette and Daniel” Trilogy. Carefully selected chapters invite readers into the minds and experiences of the protagonists, Josette and Daniel, offering a taste of the rich narratives that unfold across these published works.

The Keak Anthology

Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis’ anthology, The KEAK Anthology, presents an intriguing collection that showcases her narrative versatility alongside select works co-authored with Artemios Korkidis. The anthology is organized into three distinct sections, beginning with a compilation of sixteen short stories spanning a diverse range of genres. These narratives explore various themes, from the thrill and peril of space exploration to political intrigue, technological advancements, dystopian visions, reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic, and historical vignettes.

The second part of the collection delves into the world of flash fiction, offering succinct yet impactful stories. These brief narratives navigate the complexities of human relationships and emotions, touching on topics such as strained love, musical passion, and the nuances of parenthood. The final segment of the anthology provides readers with excerpts from five of Korkidis’ previously published novels. These selections delve into various human experiences, including overcoming challenges, rekindling romance, and the consequences of infidelity, engaging readers with their rich characters and compelling plots.

Korkidis’ short stories are notable for their creativity and genre diversity, encompassing mystery, thriller, romance, and dystopian themes. One particularly memorable tale, “Patient Zero,” addresses the unintended consequences of technological advancements, resonating with contemporary concerns about environmental issues and social isolation. In contrast, the flash fiction section stands out for its brevity and clarity, demonstrating Korkidis’ ability to convey profound ideas and emotions in a condensed format. For instance, “The Hug,” a story of just 360 words, encapsulates the complexities and possibilities of human attraction in a single, meaningful gesture. The anthology’s final excerpts leave readers yearning for more, skillfully blending sophisticated character development with absorbing storylines. The character of Daniel, for example, is a compelling figure who, despite battling alcohol addiction, strives to assist others in need. This narrative personally resonated with me due to my own experiences with a family member’s struggles with substance abuse.

The KEAK Anthology is a captivating and diverse collection that appeals to a broad spectrum of readers, particularly those who appreciate anthologies and short fiction. Each story, rich in depth and intrigue, seamlessly leads into the next, affirming Korkidis’ prowess in crafting engaging and thought-provoking narratives.

Pages: 630 | ASIN : B0CHGVWFFJ

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This Crazy Thing Called Life

Brian Keith Higgins Author Interview

In Trials and Tribulations: A Collection of Flash Fiction Stories from Volumes I and II readers explore the full range of human emotions within stories that range from folklore to action and adventure tales. What was the inspiration behind this collection?

Being in my middle fifties and having traveled worldwide, I pull from some of my experiences or know how a story could be emotional and exciting for the reader. Some of the stories may have started from some nightmares I had. I hope the reader can feel the emotions in the story.

Do you have a favorite among these tales? One that resonates with you?

All the stories are meaningful to me, but picking one would be “The Girl of Stone River.” This was the first story I wrote, letting me feel like I had something I could share with others—reaching people’s emotions in just a short amount of time and giving hope in the end.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore within your stories?

We all go through hard times through this crazy thing called life. We talk about the people who made the trek West and, in doing so, being so vulnerable. We can all relate to some loss and how that changes us. Writing about what life was like in the 1800s and how some of their fears are still our fears today, like losing a child. I try to end my stories with something positive so we are not left with the loss.

Can fans of your work look forward to a third volume of flash fiction stories? What are you currently working on?

I’m working on my next book, but I’m unsure when it will be published. I thought about doing a few volumes as dark thrillers like Hitchhiker, but I think I’ll stick with what I have been writing.

One of the stories I’m working on is “Don’t Cross the Road.” A young lady in her early twenties escaping her abusive parents finds freedom living on a houseboat in the channels of England, constantly on the move, but a creepy old house across the road from her is too inviting to pass up.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Amazon

A collection of stories of people confronted with life’s misfortunes and how the events change them. From the folklore of the East Coast to the early West adventures and some lasting wartime effects. Brian also explores the dark side of people in our society. Each story is an emotional ride as you get to know the people in the stories.

Trials and Tribulations: A Collection of Flash Fiction Stories from Volumes I. and II.

Trials and Tribulations: Volumes I. and II., by Brian Keith Higgins, is a riveting collection of flash fiction and a roller coaster ride of emotions set against the gritty backdrop of historical and rural life. Readers peer through a kaleidoscope of human experiences, each story offering a unique glimpse into the trials and tribulations of different characters. From wolf attacks to overcoming a disability and even a dash of supernatural suspense, Higgins has cooked up a truly diverse narrative.

Higgins’ writing style is clear, direct, and immersive, making each story feel intimate and real. The vivid descriptions transport readers into the middle of the action – you can almost hear the howl of the wolf in “Attacks on Livestock” or feel the heat of the fire in “Second Chances.” Higgins also weaves deep emotional threads through his stories, exploring themes of resilience, loss, and the human spirit. The narrative in “Swimming in the Channel” is particularly moving, with its portrayal of a shark attack survivor turning his trauma into a life of service.

I really enjoyed the variety of scenarios and characters in this collection. Higgins doesn’t shy away from darker themes, like in “The Path Taken,” where grief morphs into a chilling tale of a serial killer. Yet, there’s a balance, with stories like “Lost in the Darkness” offering a more hopeful perspective on overcoming adversity. I feel the contrast between stories can be jarring at times, but it certainly keeps the pages turning. I believe it is worth noting that some stories like “Hitchhiker” tiptoe into the territory of being somewhat grim, which might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

Trials and Tribulations: A Collection of Flash Fiction Stories from Volumes I. and II. is a compelling anthology that showcases the breadth of Higgins’ storytelling prowess. I highly recommend Higgins’ work to those in the mood for a literary mosaic that paints a vivid picture of struggle and survival.

Pages: 79 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CWS2BGSQ

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Trials and Tribulations: A Collection of Flash Fiction Stories from Volumes I. and II.

A collection of stories of people confronted with life’s misfortunes and how the events change them. From the folklore of the East Coast to the early West adventures and some lasting wartime effects. Brian also explores the dark side of people in our society. Each story is an emotional ride as you get to know the people in the stories.

We All Feel Emotion

Brian Keith Higgins Author Interview

Trials and Tribulations Volume 1 offers a rich tapestry of flash fiction stories, each set against a backdrop of varied historical periods. What was the inspiration for this collection of stories?

Writing about what our ancestors could have gone through moving West is fascinating, as well as what they endured or sometimes didn’t make it. Living in New England, we often hear about hauntings and ghosts. Some being helpful, some not so much. Some stories are from nightmares, while others develop while I write them. I started writing a few stories, and with the support of friends and family, I kept writing.

What were the morals you were trying to capture while creating your characters?

Whether we believe in God or something else, we all face life’s trials and tribulations. Hopefully, we all have a love of family helping our neighbors in a time of need. We should remember what our military is going through on deployments and what our Veterans are still going through. With the loss of my father, I shared a little bit of our bond in chapter 1. We also looked at how someone’s action can impact others around them.

What are some things that you find interesting about the human condition that you think make for great fiction?

We all feel emotion, so by looking at fiction, we can create an emotional ride for our readers. I research my stories to sound realistic, but part way through, I may want to go another direction. Writing fiction gives us the option to do that. Not knowing the end of the story is inviting to readers, so I use a turn of events to keep the reader guessing what’s going to happen next, and it helps with emotional surprises.

When will book 2 be available? Can you give us an idea of where that book will take readers?

Trials and Tribulations: A Collection of Flash Fiction Stories Volume II should be ready by the end of February. Volume II will continue what I started in Volume I. We will return to the West’s prairies and explore New England. I went through different historical periods and felt the ups and downs of the characters. There will be more unexpected turns as you follow the characters.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook

A collection of Stories of people confronted with life’s misfortunes and how the events change them. From the folklore of the East Coast to the early West adventures and some lasting wartime effects. Each story is an emotional ride as you get to know the people in the stories.

Trials and Tribulations

Trials and Tribulations Volume 1 by Brian Keith Higgins offers a rich tapestry of flash fiction stories, each set against a backdrop of varied historical periods. This collection elegantly weaves together themes of love, family, loss, and the complexities of life. Higgins masterfully blends these themes with elements of the supernatural, creating a series of narratives that are as thought-provoking as they are heartfelt. The book stands out for its spiritual undercurrent, making it a particularly resonant read for those interested in exploring spiritual themes through the lens of different eras.

The narrative style is both straightforward and engaging, facilitating an enjoyable reading experience. Higgins’ skillful portrayal of characters navigating life’s challenges is notable, evoking a sense of relatability and empathy. Particularly striking is the opening story, which deals with parental loss. It serves as a powerful introduction to the collection, showcasing Higgins’ ability to convey deep emotions effectively. The varied historical settings add an additional layer of interest, imbuing the stories with a sense of timelessness and universality. The succinct nature of these tales is one of their charms, as they frequently surprise the reader with their unexpected turns, creating a memorable experience. A touch of expanded description might add further richness to the stories’ quick pace, offering a more immersive experience without detracting from their brisk, engaging rhythm.

Trials and Tribulations Volume 1 is a commendable work, especially appealing to those who appreciate short, straightforward stories that encapsulate life’s myriad challenges and joys. It is a collection that invites reflection, offering insights into the human experience across various historical contexts.

Pages: 39 | ASIN : B0CQH98VZX

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Short Stories & Flash Fiction

Short Stories and Flash Fiction *** Top 10 Book ***: An assortment of stories that will seduce and possess your imagination by [Molly Clifford-Nixon]

Short Stories & Flash Fiction, by Molly Clifford-Nixon, is comprised of twenty unique stories that vary in length, from super short (flash fiction) to longer stories. Each story brings about new characters that take the reader on an interesting journey.

The book begins with a fantasy story called “Infinity” that transports the reader to the world of Infinian. Timomathon, the main character in this short story, grapples between saving his realm or being with his humanland love. The next short is “Dear Diary” which humors the reader with a mother’s account of her day. “Valentine’s Day” is a sad short story about a man visiting his wife’s grave. This short story was one that stood out to me because in only two pages the main character has so much depth. He spent every penny on treatment for his wife, and even after her passing, he still spends what little he has on a red rose for her on Valentine’s Day. “Snow White- An Alternative Ending” was another humorous read that involved deceiving the Prince into marrying Snow White. In this short, the dwarfs know of Snow White’s true nature and the Prince believes her to be the woman he is to spend his life with. After the wedding ceremony, Snow White reveals her true colors and the dwarves live happily ever after, even though the Prince may not.

Author Molly Clifford-Nixon has a very fluid writing style. The author has a fantastic ability to create compelling characters and intriguing plots that differ from story to story, but in any length the characters have surprising depth. The book is an interesting blend of humor, fiction, grief, and surprise all wrapped up in one.

Short Stories & Flash Fiction is a fantastic book to keep on hand for those short bus stops or waiting in line. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for an imaginative collection of short stories with varied storylines and interesting premises.

Pages: 126 | ASIN: B076VMNR6W

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