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Believable but Unpredictable

Marc Rosenberg Author Interview

KYD’S GAME follows a former CIA operative who is accused of assassinating a Russian presidential candidate and is being hunted by Russian Special Forces. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I had seen a news video of the chemical attack in Syria (2017). A man and his young son were hopelessly struggling to outrun the effects. It had a strong emotional impact on me. Evidence that the Russians were complicit is documented. I later read Bill Browder’s book Red Notice, which clearly illustrates the corruption and cruelty of Putin’s regime. Putting these influences together with my love of le Carre’s books pushed me forward.

​A lot of time was spent crafting the character traits in this novel. What was the most important factor for you to get right in your characters?

Authenticity. No character sees themselves as a villain, they all have a rationale for their actions. I try to see the world from each of their perspectives no matter how others might judge them.

I felt that there were a lot of great twists and turns throughout the novel. Did you plan this before writing the novel, or did the twists develop organically writing?

I come from a screenwriting background, so structure is very important for my confidence. I plan meticulously to keep the story moving in a believable but unpredictable way. Having said that, I’m always open to better ideas and sometimes that means re-structuring. I don’t have the confidence to ‘pants’ it.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I have a creative non-fiction/fictional autobiography that needs more work, and I’ve been writing another novel, The Home Run, set mostly in Venezuela. It involves an older man who finds out he has a terminal disease and is asked by the U.S. government to be a suicide bomber. I edit as I go, so my process is slow.

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Neil Kyd, accused of assassinating a Russian presidential candidate, hunted by Russian Special Forces, has only one thing on his mind, saving his daughter’s life.

Kyd has done everything possible to help his terminally ill daughter. He’s out of options when he’s recalled by the Agency and offered a special job, a quick ‘in and out’ assignment to retrieve a memory card from an ex-girlfriend in Moscow. If he accepts, the Agency will place his daughter into a cutting-edge medical program that will give her a chance. He agrees.

 A cross between John le Carre’s “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” and Patricia Highsmith’s “The Talented Mr. Ripley”. “Kyd’s Game” will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Murder at Amapas Beach

Murder at Amapas Beach by James Gilbert follows American consul Amanda Pennyworth as she finds herself once again in the middle of a murder investigation. During what was supposed to be a romantic excursion to Amapas Beach with her not-quite boyfriend, Romero, Amanda stumbles upon the bludgeoned body of a woman. Amanda finds herself inexplicably drawn to the case and finds herself questioning the shady group of tourists who are somehow able to cast the blame on everyone but themselves. No one is as they seem, and Amanda is unsure who is telling the truth and who knows more than they are letting on. She must uncover the truth behind this murder before it becomes completely unsolvable.

In Murder at Amapas Beach by James Gilbert, Amanda, an American consul living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, finds herself as a primary witness and translator in a murder investigation after stumbling upon a woman’s body. Unfortunately, the possible suspects are a group of tourists the woman was traveling with. Still, after the Puerto Vallarta Police allow the American suspects to return home to Racine, Wisconsin, Amanda finds herself still closely involved in the case.

At the heart of this book is the theme of keeping up appearances. The police departments Amanda works alongside try to maintain their reputation while the American tourists maintain their innocence despite misleading statements. Yet, even Amanda struggles with self-doubt as she questions her career and romantic life.

Murder at Amapas Beach features engaging, dynamic characters, both likable and unlikable, and a relatable and sympathetic protagonist, Amanda. The police procedure flows well throughout the book; however, some descriptions of the setting or actions of a character feel heavy-handed and even mundane at times. As a result, the reader may find themselves asking questions that remain unanswered other than vague remarks that seem half-baked, like who was the murder victim really? The characters seem to know, but the readers never get the full glimpse.

Murder at Amapas Beach is an enjoyable murder mystery and crime novel that is a quick read. Readers will be drawn into the scenery and the mystery of the crime, allowing them to feel like they are right there with Amanda, trying to figure out what really happened.

Pages: 288 | ISBN : 1639886494

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Ghost Mark

Jane Walker is a tough yet gentle woman trying to live an everyday life despite her paranormal ability. Ethan Bryce is a bartender with a chip on his shoulder that loves his girlfriend, Jane Walker, and is coming to terms with Jane’s ability. Sadie Prescott is Jane Walker’s best friend and might or might not be missing her former hooker life. Jane runs into an old friend, Dylan O’Brien, but he claims to not know her. Jane is surprised by the brush-off but lets it go. However, it’s not long before Dylan becomes an integral part of Riptide, a club Ethan works at, but Dylan is not the sweet and bright friend Jane remembers.

Ghost Mark by JP McLean is a gripping story many urban fantasy lovers will enjoy. The lead character Jane is tenacious and kind, and her dilemma is fascinating and never boring. Ethan, Jane’s boyfriend, is tough, too, but his kindness and compassion are apparent throughout the story. Sadie, Jane’s friend, has a narrative that is interesting and compelling to read about. The character’s development throughout the story is beautifully crafted and well thought out. The way the characters interact with one another is realistic, allowing readers to be drawn into the world created by JP McLean. This makes for excellent reading.

Ghost Mark by JP McLean is a thrilling occult horror story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The crime constructed throughout the novel is fundamental to the plot and is setup in such a manner that you feel compelled to see where things end up. The action is set at a pace that never lets up. The world-building is expertly done and is commendable. Many moments in the story have you wondering what could possibly happen next, and it delivers at a satisfying pace. The author has provided an intense, riveting, and fast-paced novel.


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You Have The Right to Remain Silent

Mark Bello’s You Have The Right To Remain Silent follows the grisly case of a man who is murdered in a particularly brutal fashion. Bradley Crawford, a two-term congressman, bleeds to death after being castrated by an unknown woman. Renowned ‘King of Justice’ Zachary Blake is brought into this case as a favor, and his role is to defend Mia Folger, the victim’s wife.

The evidence against Mia appears damning, and soon the entire public seems convinced of her guilt. However, as more revelations about Mia and Bradley’s turbulent relationship are revealed, it becomes clear that Zack has an almost impossible mission on his hands, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

This police procedural is not for the faint-hearted with explicit gore and graphic images. The plot is fast-paced and gripping, with sharp dialogue and interesting character dynamics. The most well-developed characters are Zack Blake, the charismatic hero, and his ally on the case, Dr. Rothenberg, who showcases a quieter yet equally compelling brand of masculinity.

Shari Belitz, the team’s jury consultant, has personality and fire, and she is the feisty counterpart to Blake. Mia Folger, arguably the most psychologically complex female member of the cast, is rendered catatonic and unable to speak for much of the story. The murderer, whose feelings about killing are ‘borderline orgasmic,’ is a complex, scary, and unpredictable character. The killer represents pure evil and has excellent emotional depth especially considering the manner in which they dispatched their victim. 

You Have The Right To Remain Silent has a cast of characters that are well developed, the story’s pace is just right, and the story is well written. I highly recommend this novel to fans of a good thriller and detective novel. It makes the legal processes involved in a murder case digestible, with a sense that action is never far away.

Pages: 396 | ASIN : B09W39LZLX

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Lure of The Praying Mantis

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Lure Of The Praying Mantis by David Gaston is a crime novel that pits devious minds against the police of one small town. One such mind is Anne-Marie De Wynter, who uses her wiles to get men to do what she wants, even if it involves murder.

It’s a murder done by one of Mynter’s enamored men that puts Detective Inspector James Buchan and Detective Sergeant Daye Durham on the trail. Also on their understaffed police force’s plate is a four-year-old cold case that has been reopened when it appears the perpetrator is back in business. So can our detectives handle these cunning criminals before more people fall victim to them?

We have some excellent villains to give our heroes a run for their money. Anne-Marie is a woman you can’t help but hate but want to know more about her. We also have a mystery culprit whose heinous acts have you loathing but curious about them. Both these people really have you rooting for the detectives. The detectives are a true tag team. Despite one being the superior officer, they are both equals. They use their logic to develop theories and solutions in these cases. They equally contribute to this partnership.

There’s even a little hint of romance, not a significant element, but enough that you hope it blooms into something, maybe in another book. I enjoyed the author’s descriptions in the story as you really feel the monotony of the detective’s lives. I feel that there was an overusing of full names at the beginning when you could just use a first or last name after their initial introduction. This was also the case with titles. It felt like they were used too much early in the book when just the name could do. There are some parts where the scenes switch, and there is no indication that it will happen; some readers may find this momentarily confusing. However, the plotline is strong, and the author’s writing style is engaging.

Lure of the Praying Mantis is an exhilarating mystery novel. Readers who love crime-solving thrillers will not be disappointed. The suspense and action keep the story moving, and the strong character personalities keep readers entertained.

Pages: 205

Dry Heat

Things are not going so well for Joey Blade. On the night of his birthday, the girl he lost his virginity to, Mallory, tells him she’s pregnant. While at the high school bonfire, there is an explosion. Joey flees with his current girlfriend Wendy and her drug-dealing friend TJ. In their race to escape the explosion, they wind up in a police chase where TJ shoots at the police cars. The ensuing crash leads to Joey being arrested while Wendy goes free and TJ has disappeared. Once getting out of jail, Joey enlists the help of notorious gang leader Chico Torres to find TJ and – ultimately – redemption. 

Len Joy’s chaotic novel Dry Heat doesn’t hold back when it comes to colorful terms and edgy commentary. Joy accurately portrays the stereotypical teenager from the late nineties that you find in cult classic films of that period. There is a feeling of nostalgia that readers in their late 30’s and early 40’s will identify with. The early scenes of this action-packed novel offer a foreshadowing of the rest of the book. Excitement and drama fill the pages to come, and readers will have to hold on because it will be a wild ride.

This enthralling novel feels like a cautionary tale for teenagers. A story where every wrong decision imaginable is made. Readers may find it is all too real and relatable, encountering a situation that is too big for their age. At one point, author Len Joy describes Joey’s day as a disastrously mishandled situation, which is the perfect way to describe it. Reading this shocking at times novel will give readers the feeling of watching a car wreck in slow-motion. You are hooked; you know it will happen; you just have to read and see how it all plays out.

Joy took time and care to flesh out the characters and make readers develop an emotional attachment to them. They all have a bit of the classic high school stereotypes in them, something many readers will identify with. There’s Darville, the rich kid; Mallory, the tragically promiscuous girl; Wendy, the snotty prom queen; and of course, the hero Joey, the jock. Yet, throughout the story, they grow, change, and transcend what we have come to expect from their assigned stereotypes. We learn that they’re human, which every good novel should achieve.  

Dry Heat is a coming-of-age novel that will attract readers interested in crime thrillers and suspenseful action drama. With edgy dialogue and action, readers will be turning the page of this riveting novel to see if Joey can get himself out of the mess he is in.

Pages: 313 | ASIN : B097TT97SQ

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The Other Side of Good

The Other Side of Good by E.A. Coe raises a profound and existential question we’ve all pondered at some point: is it possible to be both ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ or is it one or the other? This captivating police thriller explores the idea that the kind of person one is may not be so black and white and takes readers on an exciting and thought-provoking journey of the gray area in between right and wrong.

Author Coe introduces an exciting combination of characters based in Cincinnati intertwined in each other’s lives with intriguing complexity. First, we meet police Commander Denton Jones, who reconnected with childhood friend turned high-powered drug cartel leader, Theo Jackson.

Both men experienced childhood trauma together, leading them to turn to different sides of the law. However, they now find themselves fighting for the same cause-to take down an alarmingly powerful human trafficking ring. We follow the men through a fast-paced mission, full of unexpected twists and turns and unusual alliances. Add in police and government corruption, shocking acts from a Pastor, and international gang activity, and Coe gives us a page-turning tale we find ourselves entranced in.

This riveting crime novel gives readers a look into the horrible realities of human trafficking. It plays with the notion of a gray area between good and evil. Coe encourages readers to open their minds and explore if our intrinsic beliefs about those we see as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are really as cut and dry as we have thought. This suspenseful novel has a large cast of characters that the reader will need to pay attention to learn who is part of what faction. Once readers understand who the key players are, readers won’t be able to help but root for the ‘bad guys’ and the ‘good.’

The Other Side of Good is a gripping and intensive police crime mystery novel. The action and suspense will keep readers on edge till the last page.

Pages: 356 | ASIN : B09M96X57D

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Blaze In, Blaze Out

Blaze in, Blaze out by Joseph Lewis is an action-filled mystery crime novel. Two members of a law enforcement task force are the lynchpins to putting away the crime boss Dmitry Andruko. In retaliation Dmitry puts out a hit out on the two officers with the instructions, kill anyone that gets in the way. Following the trial, Eiselmann spends the weekend with his family, and O’Connor heads out on a fishing trip with a friend and his four adopted teenage sons. What should have been a relaxing weekend for both men, turns into a nightmare and a fight for their lives and those they love. Detective O’Connor’s story and attempted murder interlaces itself with Brian and Bobby’s troubled relationship in a world filled with crimes, betrayal and homophobia.

Lewis’s comprehensive writing style makes sure the reader never gets lost in this complex and fast-moving plot. The point of view alternates with the chapters so readers can experience the story through the eyes of all the characters providing them with the full picture of what is occurring and sharing the characters insights and emotions. Care is taken by the author to provide descriptions of every place visited and every clothing item worn by the characters. Readers will become fully immersed into the world created by Lewis.

Besides being a crime thriller, this novel tackles the challenging subject of coming out. Brian struggles with his identity and his relationship with his adopted father due to his sexual orientation. The perspective of a teenage boy coming out to family adds a level of drama to this thriller novel.

Blaze in, Blaze out with its engaging plot and deep themes is a riveting novel and fast read that will keep readers in suspense and hooked till the last page. I recommend this action packed book to any teenager going through a difficult time with their parents and to any reader who loves suspenseful thrillers, and crime novel.

Pages: 321 | ASIN : B09B576BPJ

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