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Good Looking

Lucy May Lennox’s Good Looking presents a captivating narrative that blends the elements of a coming-of-age romance with a unique twist. Set against the backdrop of a Midwestern university in the 1990s, the story follows identical twins, Nick and Nate, along with Nick’s love interest Abby, as they navigate the complexities of youth and relationships. What sets this tale apart is the compelling dynamic between the characters, particularly as the twins, both blind, navigate their lives alongside Abby, who is a devotee—a person sexually attracted to disability.

From the intimate confines of late-night study sessions to the adventurous chaos of road trips, Lennox paints a vivid picture of their world, filled with quirky living arrangements and tangled love affairs. Through her skillful prose, Lennox creates a narrative that resonates with readers, rich in relatable experiences while maintaining a perfect balance between emotional depth and suspenseful twists.

One of the novel’s strengths lies in its diverse cast of characters and engaging subplots, allowing Lennox to explore themes of identity and belonging with nuance and depth. Each character’s journey towards self-discovery and acceptance is intricately woven, leaving a lasting impression on the reader. While the romantic tension between Nick and Abby propels much of the story forward, it is the nuanced relationship between the twin brothers that truly shines. Lennox delicately navigates their evolving dynamic, marked by unspoken conversations and profound connections, celebrating their individual journeys towards embracing their identities and redefining their relationship with each other and those around them.

Good Looking offers a refreshing and nuanced portrayal of disability, challenging stereotypes and offering a heartfelt exploration of personal growth and resilience. Lennox’s masterful storytelling leaves a lasting impact, inviting readers to ponder the intricacies of the human experience long after the final page is turned.

Pages: 321 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C99PRDBF

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Magical Atmosphere

Maggie Bain Author Interview

Whispers in the Breeze follows the mystery of the missing kings of the Wangoorie tribe and their fight to keep evil from taking over the tribe. What was the initial idea behind this story, and how did that transform as you were writing the novel?

The idea that I had to write Whispers in the Breeze was one of many reasons. It was always going to be a narrative with a lot of twists and turns and the unexpected with a splash of mystery. I wanted to express my ideas on how to be resilient and have the faith and strength to overcome any obstacles that life has thrown at you. Another is to educate in a positive way on how society is judgemental with the slightest imperfection in people who have a disability. Acceptance of yourself and a strong will to thrive and be successful in all that you do was a key message. Also having faith and love from your family is the most powerful weapon one has, and with that support, you can conquer the world.

Whispers started out with a boy with a disability in mind. Then I thought about what lessons he could learn and what troubles he could find himself in. The story was built around his character. While I worked in the primary school, I used my knowledge from one of our school’s teaching tools that helped build up students’ confidence. So I wanted to share that with others. The thoughts of good versus evil added to the storyline as well as a love story between the parents and the bond they shared as a family. Justice also played a huge part in the outcome for the family and their tribe. I first wanted to write 3 books. The first was all about Zengie and his mother Mallee. The second one was about his Father Wango and the third was about the three of them together. In the end, I changed it to three parts.

What was the inspiration for the culture of your characters? Is it modeled after any particular society?

The inspiration for the culture of the characters was formed in my mind by the beauty of the jungles and rainforests. The magical atmosphere of mists and the aromas of moist foliage reminded me of my childhood growing up near the mountains and the time we played as children hiding in the giant trees and vines of the rainforest. The cold trickling streams and waterfalls with the crisp breezes also became part of the story. I remember my imagination used to run wild with fairies and magical beings while in the mountains, also the eeriness of silence when you wandered away from the others and how scary thoughts would take over reality. This also formed part of the emotions in the characters. I modelled my tribes on a mixture of African tribes and their spiritual and religious beliefs as well as my own.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The important themes in the book were. Love, honour, loyalty, compassion, respect, resilience, and empathy. A think ‘outside the box’ and follow your heart and dreams. Life is full of highs and lows and how you deal with these become the person you are.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

Currently, I am working on the next book called Shifting Sands. It is a continuing story of the Wangoorie people. This time the story is about Zengie’s sister Veelah and her struggles with depression and anxiety as she struggles with the loss of her mother Mallee and her inner self doubts as her psychic abilities grow stronger and more erratic.  I don’t know how long it will take to write, but it is a work in progress.

Author Links: Goodreads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

When ancient traditions are broken, spirits are called upon. The ancestors are furious as their deep slumber is disturbed. To their despair, chaos, mayhem, and unjust, greet them on their resurrection. When the two rightful heirs mysteriously disappear, the scales of justice and order are off balance and unpredictable.

Wango and his son Zengie are of royal blood, destined to join the line of successors as their forefathers before them.

Wango and his wife Mallee were the protectors of Zengie and the Wangoorie tribe. Now, Mallee is alone, vulnerable, and in danger. Will she find strength and gain her freedom from the manipulative clutches of the evil Zulu?

Follow this intriguing mystery as trust is shattered and lives are ruined. Survival is the key to unlocking the past and building a future, where the foundations of the Wangoorie tribe depend on the survival of humanity.

Will balance and stability return to reclaim the peace and harmony of the Wangoorie people? Read on, and solve the mystery of the missing kings.

I Keep Fighting

Doug Osborne Author Interview

Doug Osborne Does Not Quit tells of your experiences refusing to live behind the label of disabled and your journey to finding a work-from-job and buying your first home. Why was it important to share your story?

There were two related stories I wanted to share, captured by my book’s title and subtitle.

The title is named after the words on my banner, which reminds me to keep fighting no matter how many times I get knocked down and feel like quitting. The title story is about my banner and my ongoing mission of getting a job and going off disability.

I share my banner story to inspire others to keep fighting until they achieve their goals, and to inspire myself to stay true to my banner. Prior to publishing it in a book, I shared it in various forms with everyone I know and thousands of people I don’t know. The most widespread edition is a one-minute video with the caption: “Hi, my name is on my banner, and I want the world to hear me yell NOT TODAY!”  “Not today” is what I say to my banner twice a day: quietly as my morning prayer, and at the end of the day, with authority, because I did not quit today!  

My book begins and ends with my banner. It is the most powerful version of this story yet, accentuated by what goes on in between.

The middle and bulk of my book follow the subtitle plot, The House Behind My Banner, which begins shortly after the start of my mission. This is the first time I’ve publicly shared my account of the battle to buy my first house so I could continue my mission. More importantly, this story is about the fight to overcome my disability, getting past those who blocked my path, and in the process learning that I am actually far from disabled. The House Behind My Banner teaches valuable lessons, and I particularly enjoyed recalling the seminal moments of my life described in “Revenge of the Nerd,” “Redemption,” and “Home.”

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

Disability should not be confused with inability. For some people like me, to be or not to be disabled is a choice and not a diagnosis. For others with autism or related cognitive disorders, being “neurodivergent” instead of “neurotypical” is not a bad thing. For everyone, people should treat other people with respect, regardless of their current occupation or disability status.

What is a common misconception you feel people have about living with a disability?

I honestly don’t know which misconceptions are common, so I’ll just state my opinion that any conception about living with a disability is a misconception. One of the main points of my book is that people should not judge or underestimate anyone because of that d-word.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your story?

Philip Van Heusen for Readers’ Favorite summed it up as well as I could: “stop saying you can’t and believe that you can.” If you simply believe that you can, you might be surprised at what you can do.

This is the theme of a short chapter of my book, “Can I Walk Through Walls?” While I didn’t really suspect that I could walk through walls, the point is you should not assume you can’t do something until you have tried to do it. So, why not give it a shot?  The worst that can happen is you fail, but even that should not discourage you.

Doug Osborne Does Not Quit is about believing in yourself, while the sequel, Not Today!, will be about trying and failing over and over and over again until you finally succeed.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website

To Be or Not to Be Disabled?
In 2021, I made my choice and discovered that I am actually far from disabled. In 2023, I wrote a book about my journey.

Hi, my name is on my banner. I’m a software engineer on disability, diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and at times anxiety and depression. At the start of 2021, I stopped using these as an excuse and began my mission of getting a work-from-home-job and going off disability. Unfortunately, my mission was delayed because my landlord, Bob, wanted to sell the house I was renting.

After getting pre-approved for a mortgage, I found a great place for me to continue my mission: a four-season vacation home in Summit, NY. While I was trying to buy my dream house, Bob, two attorneys, and a loan officer tried to bully me and jeopardized my home purchase, but they all underestimated me. Buying my first house was far from easy, but I did not quit and the day I closed on this house was the best of my life so far.

As of May 2023, I’ve still yet to complete my mission, even though I’ve interviewed with some 30 companies since I hung my banner. But like I had to in order to buy my first house, I am not about to quit fighting until I finally succeed.

Doug Osborne DOES NOT QUIT

In Doug Osborne’s candid autobiographical memoir, readers are drawn into the throes of an unexpected conflict borne out of an abrupt ultimatum issued by his landlord: purchase your current dwelling or relinquish it. This unforeseen predicament throws a wrench into Osborne’s aspirations: landing his dream job and transitioning away from disability benefits. Nevertheless, the landlord’s antagonistic role underscores an encouraging saga of tenacity and resilience.

Osborne, wrestling with anxiety, depression, and the challenges associated with autism and ADHD, confronts life’s adversities without a hint of reluctance. Why? The answer is in the title itself: Doug Osborne Does Not Quit. While teeming with humor and an uplifting spirit, this memoir had me shedding tears throughout my reading journey. As a reader with a disability, I found Osborne’s frank portrayal of his continual tribulations with his landlord a reflective mirror of my own experiences.

It was a breath of fresh air to encounter a narrative that presents neurodivergent individuals actively engaging in life instead of being sequestered within their communities, a common theme in many YA novels. Osborne’s recounting of his vexing ordeal stirred deep empathy within me, knowing all too well the emotional toll such a situation can have. Yet, despite its emotional intensity, the memoir’s melancholy is beautifully counterbalanced by the fervor with which Osborne relates his story.

Osborne’s straightforward narrative style imbues the memoir with a sense of intimacy and conversational ease. Rather than courting his readers’ admiration with excessive witticisms or theatricality, Osborne recounts his experiences with an honest, unadorned approach. Despite its brevity, the memoir is brimming with poignant content and profound insights.

Doug Osborne Does Not Quit will retain a permanent spot on my bookshelf, a testament to the adversities we can triumph over. This memoir is a remarkable and multifaceted work from a fellow neurodivergent individual, resonating deeply as a sincere and heartfelt narrative.

Pages: 73 | ASIN : B0BZN3X3ZC

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A Sibling’s Guide To Autism

A Sibling’s Guide To Autism is an educational children’s book written in the form of an essay, or journal entry of sorts, where the author is explaining to her younger sibling what it is like to have an older sibling with autism. I don’t live with anyone that has autism so I, like her younger sibling, am learning about these things for the first time through this wonderfully illustrated book. This picture book is informative as well as enlightening and serves as a wonderful educational resource on the subject.

Author Irene Kim shares her experiences living with a sibling with autism. It sounds tough, but she also makes a point to say that it is rewarding in the end. The book uses a beautiful modern expressionist art style throughout the book to support the ideas presented on each page. Each piece of art and page is focused on an idea that takes on a different and more powerful meaning when you are living with someone with autism, like: pace, volume, people, and attachment. The section about ‘Attachment’ was the most impactful to me. I come to realize that living with someone with autism makes you mature and grow in ways that takes other people decades.

A Sibling’s Guide To Autism is a poignant children’s book that illuminates the up and downs that come with raising a child with autism. This is a fantastic picture book for teachers, parents, and children that are about to have someone with autism in their lives. This will be helpful in understanding that, while it will be difficult, it will also be rewarding, and author Irene Kim captures that in a brilliant way.

Pages: 17 | ASIN: B094HB7338

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To Paddle My Feet

To Paddle My Feet by [Rita Sandford]

To Paddle My Feet by Rita Sandford is a heartfelt autobiography, portraying the author’s emotional yet highly inspiring journey towards achieving her dreams. The attack of Poliovirus snatched away Rita’s normal life– she lost her mother, became disabled, and was sent to the hospital to recover. Life in the hospital was harder than one could imagine– the harsh treatments meted out to the patients had a deep impact on the life of young Rita. Even though her feet barely had any power to move, she was expected to walk with the help of some assistance, which became all the more painful for her. 

At home, her life underwent a major change, as her father had remarried. She struggled to fit in with a family that was emotionally unavailable for her. When she lost her brother, she had none to console her tender heart. After her boarding school ended, her new-found zeal led her to find an independent life. She began living alone and went on to travel the world in her wheelchair– Australia, Africa, South America, and many other places. 

Author Rita Sandford’s story is a powerful commentary on how people with physical disabilities were treated in the 1950s. They were ousted out of society, with little compassion shown towards them. 

This autobiographical account can be read as a coming-of-age story, of a girl who learns to cope with her impairment, and how she goes on to live the life she had dreamt of, despite all odds. The linear plotline is simple to follow. The author uses simple and lucid language that kept me interested, if not hooked.

Besides her battle with the world, the book also depicts her struggle to overcome the inner demons. Her indomitable spirit allowed her to break away from the memories of a disturbed childhood, accept herself as she truly is, and pushed her to not lose sight of her dreams and aspirations. 

The author has a powerful voice all throughout the story that vividly illustrates her life before the reader’s eyes, but I think that more gripping storytelling would have allowed the plot to achieve greater heights, as it deserves. 

To Paddle My Feet is a heartfelt memoir that is ultimately uplifting and encouraging. This is a fantastic book to read in these especially difficult times as it will provide some comfort and with  a profound journey that delivers a sincere message. 

Pages: 309 | ASIN: B085TLFL4B

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Life Interrupted: It’s Not All About Me

Dealing with a disability or other debilitating disease is hard to begin with. When you don’t get the help that you need to deal with the changes your life is taking, it can cause irreversible harm to your relationships. Self-care is important; and is a burden that should not be placed on the people you love. It is alright to ask for help, but ultimately you are responsible for your own actions, how you deal with your situation, and making sure the people you love know you care about them. Chris Tatevosian gives readers an honest look into his life with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and how he let his attitude destroy his marriage. He shares his insights into what went wrong with his “it’s all about me” mentality; and how he learned to overcome that and build healthy relationships in life.

Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me by Chris M. Tatevosian is a short read of less than 150 pages. It is however, filled with deep topics covering depression, anxiety, abuse and recovery. That is a lot of emotional energy packed into a few pages. Chris Tatevosian’s purpose in writing this book is to help others avoid the mistakes he made. He is very honest about the mistakes he made and offers the reader ideas on how to avoid making the same mistakes. There is a good mix of positive and humorous stories mixed in with the challenges, so it is not an all-out depressing book. He talks about the good times and bad with his ex-wife. Hearing about the struggles to get disability and social security is relatable to many with disabilities of all kinds and he explains how the stress impacts both the people in the relationship, not just the one with the disability.

At times the book feels like it is a personal journal where Chris is just writing out bits and pieces of his memories. I feel this is important though to the reader because you see him before MS took away his independence. You see him as he was, and it helps to understand why he became so bitter and fell into the “poor me” attitude that eventually ruined his marriage. Letting others see this makes it more real and relatable. In the end this book is not just about him complaining about all he lost due to MS, it is about how he learned to adapt and how he learned from his mistakes. This is a good book for people that are struggling and feel alone and feel that they can’t ever change the situation they are in. You may not be able to change your disability or disease, but you can change your attitude and how you relate to the people in your life to make your situation a little better.

Pages: 148 | ISBN: 1606045636

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