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Understanding Extraterrestrials 

Dr. Scott Flagg Author Interview

Xenopsychology: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos blends speculative and theoretical concepts to look into the possible psychology of extraterrestrial beings. What was the idea, or spark, that first set off the need to write this book?

I have had numerous direct experiences seeing UFO’s. As a clinical and counseling psychologist the consideration of alien thought and behavior seemed like a natural consideration, and possible avenue to better understand life broadly but also our place in the cosmos.

What was your research process like for this book, and how long did it take to put it all together?

I wrote and published Xenopsychology and REAL Psychology within a span of six months. There was no research process during the writing. I have spent my adult life seeking direct experience of exceptional phenomena and both of these books are the result of challenging myself to think about the hard questions and answering those questions from internally validated processes. 

Did you find anything in your research of this story that surprised you?

What is surprising to me is the lack of public curiosity about life both on this planet and in a speculative fashion on others. We exist in a universe teeming with life of varied types. The time has come to mature in our approach and learn the skills of coexistence with beings both less and more capable than ourselves.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from Xenopsychology?

Deeply question the nature of the human experience and consider that our goal as living beings is to understand the expression and manifestation of existence. 

Author Links: GoodReads | Website

Xenopsychology, a speculative and theoretical field, delves into the possible psychologies of extraterrestrial beings, contemplating the myriad ways alien minds might perceive, think, feel and behave. Central to xenopsychology is the acknowledgment of the potential diversity in alien cognitive structures and processes, which could be profoundly different from human cognition due to distinct evolutionary pressures, environmental conditions and biological foundations.

Concepts such as alien intelligence and consciousness are explored with an openness to non-anthropocentric perspectives, considering beings that may not possess centralized brains, might inhabit vastly different sensory worlds, or could have fundamentally different forms of awareness and sentience. The field also probes the potential emotional landscapes of extraterrestrials, exploring hypothetical emotional experiences, expressions and their underlying biological and neurological bases, if such bases even exist.

Communication is another pivotal concept, with xenopsychology speculating on the myriad modes and mediums through which aliens might convey information, including possibilities beyond human comprehension, such as multidimensional or quantum communication. Furthermore, the exploration of alien social and cultural structures provides insights into how extraterrestrial civilizations might organize themselves, create meaning and develop moral and ethical frameworks.

Finally, the field grapples with the profound ethical and methodological challenges inherent in studying and interacting with potentially sentient beings whose minds, values and existences could be fundamentally incomprehensible to us, necessitating a paradigm of respect, humility and continual learning in our quest to understand the diverse intelligences of the cosmos.

XENOPSYCHOLOGY: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos

In Xenopsychology: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos, Dr. Scott Flagg takes readers on a groundbreaking journey into the psychologies of extraterrestrial beings. The book explores the vast possibilities of alien minds, delving into how these entities might perceive, think, feel, and interact in ways that are fundamentally different from humans. Utilizing a blend of astrophysics, biology, and psychology, the author pushes the boundaries of conventional thought to explore non-anthropocentric forms of intelligence and consciousness. His exploration is not only about understanding alien life but also a reflective examination of human cognition and the broader existential inquiries it incites.

Dr. Flagg’s writing style is both engaging and accessible, making complex scientific concepts understandable for readers without a background in the hard sciences. His speculative approach enriches the inherently theoretical nature of xenopsychology, making it an exciting read for those who appreciate expansive thinking beyond the confines of concrete data and empirical studies. The vivid descriptions of potential alien senses, emotions, and societal structures are intellectually provocative and creatively rich, inviting readers to expand their understanding of what life can entail across the cosmos.

The book’s real strength lies in its ability to merge scientific rigor with philosophical inquiry. Dr. Flagg challenges readers to consider not only the possible but also the ethical implications of encountering and interacting with alien life. His discussion on the potential emotional and psychological landscapes of extraterrestrials is particularly fascinating, raising questions about universality versus diversity in emotional expression and experience across different life forms.

Xenopsychology: Deciphering the Minds of the Cosmos is a must-read for those fascinated by the potential of life beyond Earth and the vast complexities of the universe. I highly recommend it to students of astrophysics, psychology, and philosophy, as well as anyone interested in the future of space exploration and the possible encounters with other sentient beings. Dr. Flagg provides a compelling blueprint for a new field of scientific inquiry.

Pages: 290 | ASIN : B0CW1BLTNT

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Trust and Friendship

M. Thomas Apple Author Interview

Bringer of Light follows the crew of a spaceship on a mission to find new substances who accidentally come in contact with alien genetic materials leading to unexpected results. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

As I wrote some months ago on my author website (see below), this novel was originally a joint project with an old college friend of mine. We have both been avid science fiction fans since our teenage years, but he studied science while I went on to study literature and language. At one point in late 2014 or early 2015, he wrote to me about an idea he had based on asteroid mining. The concept of mining asteroids for rare minerals had always been only in the realm of fantasy, but at the time (and indeed, now the pace and planning have picked up) companies around the world actually thought they had developed the technology to do so. Other writers (e.g., the “James S.A. Corey” duo) had just published about it, but we thought it would be more interesting to keep it both much closer to the present day and also add a metaphysical element. I.e., what would happen not just physically but emotionally and even philosophically to people who encountered the unknown in space? how would they view life, and their part to play in their society? how would others who didn’t have that experience react to this change in people they thought they knew?

The world you created in this novel is brimming with possibilities. Where did the inspiration for the setting come from, and how did it change as you wrote?

As a long-time fan of the Dune series (well, the original four books, anyways), I had always thought to set the main thread of the narrative on Mars. This is because Frank Herbert had originally planned to set Dune on Mars, then changed his mind to avoid all the political complications. I wanted to tackle those complications head on, and in the process, make them even more complicated (lol). So when my friend dropped out of the project for personal reasons and handed the entire story over to me, I quickly replotted the narrative, changed our original outline, and added several more characters in vying factions. By the time I got to a workable first draft, however, NASA (among others) had announced more discoveries about the presence of water on Mars. So I had to go back and rewrite several spots to make sure the science (and the fiction) were more plausible. Up to a point! (It is science fiction and not science, after all).

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Some of the more important themes are power and acceptance, control and chaos, forgiveness and revenge, and above all else trust and friendship, neither of which can be demanded or bought but only given or earned. There may be other themes not evident to me that readers find on their own.

Where does the story go in the next book, and where do you see it going in the future?

This is the first book of a trilogy entitled Children of Pella. The second book, Defenders of Aeropagus, will skip ahead to see the burgeoning new cities of Mars, which has undergone partial terraforming but now faces two new threats. In recent years, a band of former asteroid hunters has turned to raiding the Mars cities for captives, believing that by ingesting Martian flesh they can gain the same telekinetic abilities. A Martian girl kidnapped as a child returns to reclaim her heritage, triggering plans for an all-out assault on the dying cities of Earth in a desperate attempt to retake what they believe ought to be theirs, while unknown to all a secret weapon is under construction by a hidden separatist group determined to take it all. The story concludes in book three, Return to Omphales, currently outlined but not yet written, as the Martian hierarchy begins to fracture and the separatists’ weapon increasingly puts them all in peril.

Author Links: GoodReads | Instagram | Facebook | Website | Amazon

In the near future, multinat conglomerates plunder the solar system for raw materials to sell to increasingly hostile governments. The intense competition for resources further out into the solar system results in the establishment of an asteroid-ore processing plant on the dwarf planet of Ceres, run by robots and clones, controlled by humans. Most asteroids are mined from inside the solar system, but any asteroids tracked from outside the solar system are very desirable due to the possibility of new substances being discovered. One such asteroid is discovered by the spaceship Artemis and Captain Clarissa “Riss” Kragen.

To the disappointment of the Artemis crew, the rock is ultimately judged as comprising mostly ice and inert materials, with only some trace substances and no valuable minerals. They turn a chunk of it into drinking water for their own use and send the rest to the burgeoning Mars colony for further processing. Unknown to the crewmembers, the ice contains undetectable alien genetic material from outside the solar system. Before long, the crewmembers begin to hear voices, to experience other dimensionalities, and to learn more about the nature of the universe than they were prepared to. Their internal conflicts and new understanding of reality lead them to establish a new community on Mars, where the conflict sunders the Awakened from the Terrans who refuse to participate. Mars is reborn, and humanity will never be the same…

Unintended Consequences

James Flanagan Author Interview

GENEFIRE follows a PhD student studying the DNA of a young girl who discovers a warning from the future about Earth’s destruction. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Having been through a PhD myself, I know how hard it can be. It really can feel like the world will end if you don’t finish your PhD. As an academic over the last 15 years, I have also supervised many successful PhD students, and have also seen the whole range of experiences. Many of my former students were the inspiration for Milton, trying to capture that PhD experience in fiction. The journey that Milton goes through is a bit of a metaphor for that experience when you feel like nothing is going right in your PhD, then suddenly you find something amazing, but then your supervisor pours cold water on the idea. You try like crazy to replicate the results (“it’s not a real result unless you validate it”) and end up heading to your PhD viva filled with imposter syndrome and feeling as though you’re on trial.

The other inspiration for this story is the idea of writing in DNA. I have always been fascinated by the idea that we could write messages in DNA, and I wondered how far could we take it?

The science inserted in the fiction was well-balanced. How did you manage to keep it grounded while still providing the fantastic edge science fiction stories usually provide?

As a scientist, it was important to me that the science presented in GENEFIRE was either possible with today’s technology, or easily plausible and likely to come true. Genetic engineering in humans is on the cusp at the moment. Only a few days ago, there was an announcement of regulatory approval in the UK for curing sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia with CRISPR gene editing technologies. It starts with noble disease-curing goals, but where does it end? That is what this novel sets out to explore. We are already far behind the technology in our understanding of the ethics and potential consequences of editing genes. The main theme of the novel is the idea of unintended consequences and the ethics of tinkering with the human genome. There are some harder sci-fi elements but balanced out with fast-paced action and suspense as the characters make their choices and follow their destinies. I hope that most readers will be willing to come along for the ride.

What was one scene in the novel that you felt captured the morals and message you were trying to deliver to readers?

There is a scene on the international space station where all hell breaks loose. The dangerous chemical that Gessica discovered has arrived with the refugees from Earth and has contaminated the ISS. Everyone is in danger, except Tammy, who is immune to the danger due to his genetic makeup. He has to watch all of his friends die a horrible death. That is the culmination of everything going wrong from one terrible mistake.

“Sweet mercy! What a mistake.” – Gessica Kelly.

Will this novel be the start of a series, or are you working on a different story?

Yes, I am hoping this is part one of a trilogy. Being the serious “planner” that I am, I have the next two books plotted out (no spoilers), ready to be written, if only I could find… Now where did I put that time? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

GENEFIRE: near-future SciFi novel crossing space and time. In a future where genetic engineering is becoming the norm, even the simplest mistakes could be devastating.

Sometimes it feels as though the world will end if you don’t finish your PhD. For Larry Milton, it’s true.

Larry has discovered a dire warning from the future about Earth’s destruction — written in the DNA of a young girl.

With the destruction of the planet at stake, and no one believing him, he goes to extraordinary lengths to help the messenger from the future save the world… and try to finish his PhD at the same time.

T-Rex and Tuck Explore Outer Space

Join T-Rex and Tuck on a journey through the cosmos. While Tuck’s heart is captivated by the twinkling stars, T-Rex’s curiosity propels them toward a thrilling voyage into the great expanse of outer space. In the delightful tale of T-Rex and Tuck Explore Outer Space, our dynamic duo embarks on an extraordinary adventure, venturing to Mars, the moon, and the wondrous planets of our solar system, all before drifting off into a dreamy slumber.

Author Katie Marie has crafted a truly enchanting and enlightening children’s picture book destined to capture the hearts and minds of young readers. This literary gem serves as the perfect tool to introduce budding astronomers to the marvels of our solar system. Its vibrant illustrations transport readers into the amazing world of T-Rex and Tuck, igniting their imaginations for a mesmerizing expedition through the cosmos.

T-Rex, with his endearing charm, inspires Tuck to embark on a quest for knowledge about our celestial neighbors. Remarkably, within the pages of this short yet compelling read, Katie Marie weaves a tapestry of fascinating facts about outer space, making learning an exhilarating adventure. This adorable children’s story is destined to set young readers’ imaginations soaring into uncharted realms, leaving them with a lasting sense of wonder and awe.

I highly recommend T-Rex and Tuck Explore Outer Space, by Katie Marie, as it contains a delightful blend of entertainment and education, featuring charming characters and stunning visuals. This is the perfect children’s story for parents and educators who wish to instill a passion for learning about space and inspire young minds to reach for the stars.

Pages: 36 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C5GLZ2GX

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A Collection of Unidentified Flying Object Phenomena

Clinton Laird’s fascination with Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) will intrigue you from the start of the book. The author enthusiastically writes about UFOs, how his interest started, his childhood memories, and why it is crucial to have a little knowledge of them. Clinton Laird is knowledgeable in this area and shares this information in a conversational style. After reading this novel, I was set on doing my own research. A Collection of Unidentified Flying Object Phenomena is a fountain of knowledge regarding UFOs.

I like that Clinton Laird started the book by introducing the reader to the early history of UFOs and early Egyptian and African myths. It was clever of him to take the reader back in time, as not many people are aware of the history despite having a general understanding of what UFOs are. In the first chapter, Clinton Laird ensures that the reader entirely comprehends the text, as he uses simple verbiage and is amusing throughout. It is fascinating how much history can be learned in a few chapters. In addition, the author’s writing will entice the reader to want to know more about outer space and beyond. I commend Clinton Laird for his modesty when writing, good diction, and ability to explain even the most minute elements related to UFOs.

The author provides articles about UFOs from other authors, which I thought interesting. In these articles, we get an inside look at UFO sightings, conspiracy theories, nuclear power plants and UFOs, the military’s response to UFOs, and so much more. There is an abundance of documentation available to UFO enthusiasts. The author has done his research, and it shows in his novel. The author’s opinion is compelling, but he does not force it upon you. Instead, the author lets you, as the reader, decide what you decide to be as the truth from the book. He informs you but does not coerce you to believe in what you don’t believe in.

Pages: 408 | ASIN : B09FYLR2T2

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The Revenge of Hatathor

The Revenge of Hatathor is the third and final book of the Sphere trilogy by Nassim Odin. In this third exciting book in the series, we once again follow Al-Khidr as he returns to Lyra with what he needs to finally bring an end to the terrible Mutmut plague. Unfortunately for him, Hatathor is once again right on his tail, and his jump-sphere dumps him in a part of Lyra he has never seen before. As Al-Khidr acclimatizes himself once again to this alien world, he soon realizes things are not how they should be. Years have passed, and everything has gone downhill. An evil King has taken the throne, an insidious cult has emerged, and the Kingdom is at war. Al-Khidr really has his hands full in book 3. First, he must reunite with his love interest Nefertiti and help her take down the King while finishing his Mutmut cure. If this wasn’t enough, he still has Hatathor gunning for him.

The Revenge of Hatathor is filled with more action and suspense than the prior novels. Odin has gained confidence as a writer, and this shows. The book is split into different narratives, and we spend a lot of time following the story’s villains. Hatathor has always been a great villain, and he is fleshed out more than ever here. This impressive space opera gives Hatathor a chance to shine and have his story told in a way that, until now, has been overshadowed by Al-Khidr. He becomes the more compelling character of the two as this story progresses. Much of the excitement in this book comes from following the disputes between the different villains as their schemes clash, and they all try to get the upper hand and claim glory.

The Revenge of Hatathor is a fast-paced science fiction novel full of plot twists, double-crosses, and political drama. With dramatic action scenes, blood, and gore, this riveting trilogy will have readers on edge to see what the conclusion brings.

Pages: 323 | ASIN : B09BD8XSMR

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Elysium Protocol 

Elysium Protocol by C.A. MacLean is the third book in the Architects of the Illusion science fiction series. Following a species-diverse team known as the “Fireseeds,” Elysium Protocol picks up the shattered pieces left over from the devastating war in book two, The Great Scourge. In a time of interstellar conflict, multiple factions, some seen, some working from the shadows, are vying for power, control, and sometimes, just plain survival. Set in a distant future, the last remnants of humanity are part of an intergalactic organization known as “The Convergence,” an alliance consisting of “quintillions” of citizens.

The Fireseeds are pitted against a vast alien force known as the “hiven,” an insect-like species bent on zealous destruction and domination. Several science fiction tropes appear here, but they are executed skillfully; which ensures longtime fans of science fiction will find something familiar yet still intriguing. There are multiple alien races present: humanoid bird-persons (Arkerians), crystal people (Altaran), bug people (hiven), and more. The story is rife with many planet names and systems, such as Everan, Serrona, Vraunlith-3, etc. I feel this might make it difficult to follow at times but adds to the depth of a world that seems full of possbilites and begs to be explored further. I would have loved to have seen a map of systems in the book to look back on because this story reaches epic fantasy levels where readers will be completely immersed in a large world.

This is a robust novel, almost as long as the two previous entries combined. There is a lot of action going on with all of the characters and races. Readers have to be fully engaged in this story to keep up with who is who and what species is what; reminding me of the breadth of George R.R. Martin novels. However, the author effectively handles the task of keeping things straight, with the central characters being well developed with strong individual personalities. The Arkerian Engami sisters, Eva and Ashy, the tragic Altaran, Caleb Braze, the modest human, Daniel Byre, and many more fill this impressive work with relatable characters and a compelling story. Despite some massive decisions, the memorable characters and gripping action bring a universe of primordial planets, advanced spacecraft, and futuristic cities to life.

Architects Of The Illusion, Part III: Elysium Protocol is an action-filled science fiction space opera with memorable characters and planets. Readers will be able to escape into the world that has been created and feel like they are in the action.

Pages: 777 | ASIN : B09NPPJL1Q

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