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Scholar of the Arts and Inhumanities

Rebecca Dietrich’s Scholar of the Arts and Inhumanities is a riveting debut collection that dives deep into the human condition through the lens of personal trauma and resilience. With an unflinching gaze, Dietrich explores themes of love, loss, and reclamation of self, delivering each poem with a potent blend of vulnerability and defiance. This collection is not merely a series of poetic reflections but a call to action, urging readers to confront their sorrows and emerge stronger.

Dietrich’s writing is visceral and raw, often unearthing the darkest corners of human experience. Poems like “Trauma Bond” and “Chokehold” reflect a harrowing struggle with toxic relationships and personal demons. Her use of stark, evocative imagery captures the complex reality of trauma, compelling readers to empathize deeply with her plight. This stark honesty permeates the collection, making it a cathartic read for anyone who has grappled with similar issues. One of the most striking aspects of Dietrich’s work is her ability to transform pain into a powerful narrative of survival and empowerment.

Dietrich’s poems serve as a testament to the strength and resilience required to confront and transcend adversity. Her words are not just poetic but are imbued with a sense of urgency that resonates on a deeply personal level. Dietrich also excels in blending the personal with the political. These poems critique societal norms and injustices, from the desensitization to school shootings to the ongoing struggle for gender equality.

Scholar of the Arts and Inhumanities is a compelling read that I would highly recommend to anyone interested in contemporary poetry that does not shy away from the harsh realities of life. Dietrich’s work is particularly resonant for readers who appreciate poetry that confronts personal and societal traumas with unyielding honesty. Her poetic voice is both haunting and hopeful, making this collection a poignant addition to the world of modern poetry.

Pages: 32 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CP2VNVHX

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An Element of Tragedy

Ian Waldraff Author Interview

Birth Management Water follows a couple as they navigate the denial of their right to parenthood in an oppressive regime, embarking on a quest for autonomy amidst a society that tightly regulates birth. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

With the whole debacle of abortion rights in the US in recent times, I thought to myself, “What might the opposite of banning abortion or the right to choose abortion look like?” I came up with “banning birth or the right to choose to give birth,” which is what we find is the situation in BMW. I also feel very strongly about the squeeze put on the middle class in recent years (in the US but also elsewhere in the West), and I found that these issues fit together well, so we have leading characters who are educated and articulate but who are middling earners saddled with debt for something that’s not really paying off the way it should.

Jane and Jacob are intriguing and well-developed characters. What were some driving ideals behind your character’s development?

Jane and Jacob have different economic origins, and they meet in the middle. They meet in school, which is a great equalizer – an intended provider of opportunity – and their relationship grows from there, but they are never able to reconcile their foundational differences but not because it is inherently impossible. Rather, it is because society makes it impossible for them. Opportunity isn’t enough. Their economic and family situation is made untenable by political policy. Further, Jane’s father, Huy, who largely guides Jane’s mother’s views as well, never accepts Jacob although no one in the text can understand poverty and the struggle for social mobility quite like Huy. Instead, in Huy’s eyes, Jacob thumbs his nose at what he should do to provide for Jane – seek money first and everything else second. Huy sees Jacob as irresponsible. Jacob’s and Huy’s contrasting ideals – despite them being of similarly humble origins – drive an immovable wedge between these two men who would otherwise likely have the strongest shared understanding of struggle of any two characters in the novel. They are also the two people who care about Jane the most, so she has to manage both sides of their conflict, which becomes a burden she is, perhaps, justified to shed. To his last breath, Jacob never stops fighting for Jane even though by the end it becomes clear that it is probably no longer the right thing to do. They share ideals, but Jane and Jacob never quite share circumstances except for the denial of their right to have children.

Jane was brought up to do the “right thing,” but what is right is too individual to determine for another – this also speaks to the law that denies Jane and Jacob the right to have a child. Huy is never able to accept that the “right thing” might not be exactly what he thinks it is, and so he is never able to support Jane, so I would say there is an element of tragedy in that the disintegration of Jane and Jacob’s relationship is foretold by Huy’s rigid concept of the pursuit of success, which he only even begins to realize at the very end of the last chapter. Moreover, it happens that Huy’s views are largely supported by the legislation that blocks unsanctioned births. Although we don’t directly see that this is the case, he probably loves that Jane and Jacob can’t have a baby. Ultimately, “good girl” Jane can only find relief in a relationship entirely separate from anything in her past life – one that must help her forget her disappointment and also satisfy her physical needs because physicality with Jacob becomes analogous to pointlessness, to absurdity. Therefore, the only way for her to find relief for herself is to betray pretty much everything to which she had ever devoted herself, and she almost has no choice.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Early on, I realized I was speaking to the question “what is right?” or “what is the right thing to do?” in this novel. The answer, I think, is that there is often not a clear right path. That isn’t to say there is never a clear path – I think there sometimes is. However, when too many people are too rigid concerning too many things, especially enormously important things such as child-bearing, things are unlikely to go well.

Obviously, in conjunction with the childbirth motif, I wanted to explore choice. Who gets to choose? Why? Why can’t everyone have the same power of choice? Choice becomes a class conflict in BMW, which, as I mentioned earlier, squeezes the middle class, which, in my opinion, is the wrong direction for any country, fictional or real. I mean – what do we really think is going to happen if people such as teachers and social workers are made to inhabit a de facto economic underclass?

When and where will Birth Management Water be available?

I wish I had a good answer for this one. I am a new author – this is my first extended piece of fiction. BMW is not yet published (although it is copyrighted), but I hope that won’t be the case a year from now. If I’m not swept off my feet by an eager publisher or agent (ha!) at some point in 2024 while I’m entering every contest I can that accepts unpublished manuscripts, I suppose I might self-publish – perhaps using Amazon – but I really don’t know right now. As soon as I do, I’ll let the world know!

Author Links: Website | Facebook

Aural Gynecology For The Layman

Aural Gynecology by [RickthePoetWarrior RickthePoetWarrior]

Aural Gynecology for the Layman is a uniquely formatted series of poems and short commentaries that offers a new look into simple egalitarianism.

The author cleverly pokes fun at the way both men and women deal with and understand sexism and discrimination. The collection follows the general themes of sex and the interactions between men and women in daily life. The poems use plays on words and brilliant allusions to express that at times, it seems far too easy for women to be objectified and lose autonomy, particularly as they are portrayed as sexual objects.

The book is humorous and cheeky but tasteful in its wit as opposed to being vulgar. Although the anthology can be quite silly sounding at times, the author does an excellent job of capturing some of the modern-day issues facing society at large and how men tend to think about them. All of these issues are equivocated with much laughter and amusement on the part of the reader. I highly recommend this collection of poems for those looking for a laugh about contemporary problems that can seem difficult to solve, it is a refreshing break from seriousness and complete cohesiveness.

Pages: 77 | ASIN: B08WPX58YZ

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Spirituality in the 21St Century

Spirituality in the 21St Century by [Frank P. Daversa]

Spirituality in the 21st Century by Frank P. Daversa offers readers Frank’s personal take on spirituality while reflecting on his own beliefs. I knew this book was going to resonate with my own personal experience, at least to some degree, because Daversa describes himself as spiritual but not religious, which is how I would describe myself as well.

Daversa’s take on spirituality is exactly as he explains it, a “primer” towards one’s own spiritual self-discovery. Daversa’s provides a space for conversation about spirituality and one’s own faith. He states that there are three spiritual lessons that as humans we should concern ourselves with and those are global warming, overpopulation and environmental degradation. He states that he considers them as “spiritual” because we have to reach deep into our souls to work towards fixing these issues. His take on spirituality in the 21st century also deals with consumerism and how we should focus on what we need rather than what we want. I was surprised to see this as a part of spirituality but he argues that we should be more conscious of this. He ties this point later to the way in which we tend to attach ourselves. He clarifies that he doesn’t find anything wrong with material possessions but basing our worth on those possessions isn’t beneficial to anyone. I found this to be enlightening especially as there has been more discussion around consumerism, specifically sustainable consumerism.

This is by far one of the most open to discussion books I’ve read about spirituality this year. As it is centered around the 21st century I’m glad that the author Frank P. Daversa included the Black and LGBTQ+ community in his discourse. I definitely recommend Spirituality in the 21st Century to anyone who considers themselves spiritual, whether you’re just beginning the journey or are familiar with it. Spirituality in the 21st Century is thought-provoking and intellectually invigorating.

Pages: 108 | ASIN: B079J5VL55

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Profiles of KAD Relations with the Black Community: ’92 to ’20

Profiles of KAD Relations with the Black Community by Yi Woo Ae, is a study and exploration of the ways in which the lives of minorities, especially the Asian and Black communities, in the United States are intertwined. The book is divided into three complimentary and enlightening parts: a short history, profiles, a quick-start guide, and an explanation of traumas that result from adoption.

The author, who is a Korean adoptee, offers a unique and varied perspective on these issues. She makes a case for the Korean Adoptees acting as a crucial link in the Black Lives Matter movement. She advocates for the strength of the Black-Korean relations and also states the need for including adoption-based and race-based trauma in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The writing is engaging and clear– giving a background history and showing the intersection of different lives in a well-researched and factual manner. It is very interesting to see how she overlaps her personal experiences with the underlying narrative.

Watching the Black Lives Matter movement unfold, while I felt moved and enraged, I was unable to comprehend the nature of the movement in its entirety. This book went a long way in helping me understand the way Asian communities perceive and interact with African American communities. While I am not a part of either community, it helped me to identify the key variables of these issues and I found myself pondering the ways in which my own community interacts with others. I was especially drawn to the profiles- the anecdotes and confessions of KADs growing up in an environment that is simultaneously their own and foreign. They are insightful because they talk about the grounded reality of racism and show the ways in which their lives and thought processes are impacted by it. Even though this is targeted towards Koream adoptees– as a guide for them on how to have difficult conversations, I felt like I came away more confident in both my knowledge and curiosity.

Profiles of KAD Relations with the Black Community is a profound book of depth and intelligence that shines a light on a little understood, and acknowledged, problem in society. This is a thought-provoking book that is well researched and provides wise and rational insight on a topic that is vitally important.

Pages: 272 | ASIN: B08NLLMB9W

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Just Shut Up and Drive

Just Shut Up and Drive

It’s an important time in every young adult’s life: the final summer before post-secondary school and after high school. It’s a transitional period where one goes from being a teenager towards becoming an adult. For a young man who lost his parents before he could tie his own shoes, this final summer holds more than just pre-school anxieties. Wil Carter is preparing to head off to school in Just Shut Up and Drive by Chynna Laird but his grandfather, Gramps, has other ideas in mind. While Wil just wants to work and hang out with his friends, Gramps prefers to toss his charge into a classic truck and head on a road trip. This is a coming of age story where the bond between a young man and the only father he has ever known is tested, strengthened and celebrated. This is a journey across the prairies of Canada that will touch your heart and possibly make you cry.

Our tale starts with Wil and Gramps arguing about a road trip that the senior has pushed on his grandson. The dynamic relationship between Wil and Gramps is funny, heart-breaking and above all else: realistic. This is a delicate and interesting relationship that is being described. We have an eighteen-year-old boy and a ninety-five-year-old man with more than a ‘generation gap’ between. Gramps is the one who raised Wil after the untimely death of his parents in an automotive accident. While each gives as good as he gets there is a nostalgic respect that Wil holds for his grandfather. You can hear the irritation in his voice as he deals with the elder man’s stubborn personality but you can also hear the respect he has for him as well. Wil was not a golden child while growing up and as he is aging and moving forward with his life he is beginning to understand everything his grandfather has done for him. The description of the relationship between the two and the dynamic in action seems like something out of a movie.

Laird knows what Manitoba, Canada looks like and appears to have at least visited the cities, villages and towns described in the book. For readers who live near or in a location used in any story faithfulness to the recreation is paramount. Laird uses local vernacular when referring to some of the locations and even though the story takes place in modern times, Gramps’ relaxed and sentimental accent rubs off on Wil. While it could be said that Laird sometimes tries a bit too hard to make Gramps really sound like a stereotypical old man, it doesn’t detract from the story.

While a road trip before heading off to university or college is an idea that has been done before, Just Shut Up and Drive by Chynna Laird brings more than just self-discovery to the tale. Wil not only learns about himself on his journey with his grandfather. He also learns about the parents he can barely remember. He learns about what he is capable of when a small child stows away in his truck, begging for help. He learns what it takes to be a man to the standards of what his grandfather has wanted for him. This book is a delightful short read that will tug at your heart strings while making you laugh at the same time.

Pages: 166 | ASIN: B00DGJK3B8

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Ghetto4 StarsSunny Beaumont is the protected, pampered teenaged daughter of President Peter Beaumont. It might seem like a charmed life, but Sunny is trapped in a class-based society where her only friends are her stylist and her robot. She’s a budding computer genius and tinkerer, keeping herself busy with low-level hacking and rebuilding obsolete equipment for fun.

When Sunny needs a part for her project, she discovers it inside the Ghetto—the compound where criminals are confined for the good of society. When she ventures in to retrieve it, she’s kidnapped by the resistance. Her experience helps her discover that the rigid class system is hurting innocent people. Can she use her position to change society? Or will she accept the status quo?

If you’re a fan of the film District 9, you’ll enjoy Ghetto by M.L. Sparrow. The book examines similar social issues including segregation, guilt by association, and injustice. Though it was a little slow to start, the author uses the first few chapters to provide a lot of detail about the world Sunny lives in. Every member of society carries a brand that’s impossible to remove and mandatory for living in the city. The brand is so important that it’s a capital offense no not have a brand. It’s definitely written for a younger audience, but the fast-paced plot and rich descriptions make it a good read for any age. Told in the first person, Sunny shows us her world in her words and helps readers understand her actions and her motivations behind them.

When Sunny is kidnapped, she’s initially terrified, but the longer she stays as a “guest” of the resistance, the more she realizes that things aren’t right. She questions herself, even wondering if she’s experiencing Stockholm Syndrome until it’s clear to her that the system that was supposed to provide safety and security has gone terribly wrong.

She starts to make friends with other group members like Maya and Kit and develops a crush—and a tentative truce—with Sin, the leader. Of course, a romance slowly develops between Sin and Sunny. I really enjoyed that it wasn’t sudden, or forced, and they butted heads and fought until they were friends, and the romance came naturally. She also makes real friends for the first time in her life, people who like her for who she is, not her social position.

One thing I really liked about the book is the action. The author is very good at pacing and tension and setting a mood so realistic that at times, I felt like I was part of the story. There are only a few instances of actual violence, and those are handled in a realistic manner. It was also refreshing when Sunny realized that violence wasn’t the solution; the real fight was in the arena of public opinion.

The biggest problem with Ghetto wasn’t the story, or characters, or plot. There are too many errors in the text. No book is perfect; I see typos in nearly every book I read. But there were enough punctuation problems and homonym errors that I got distracted and couldn’t overlook them. A good proofreading pass would catch these, and would make this gem of a novel shine brighter. That said, it doesn’t diminish my enjoyment of the story.

Overall, I recommend Ghetto for the great characters and the rich world that M.L. Sparrow builds. If you’re a fan of dystopian fiction, science fiction, or you’re just looking for a good romance, you won’t be disappointed!

Pages: 382 | ISBN: 1516913744

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